First let me say in advance CONGRATULATIONS!! I have been banded for two and a half years and never regretted a day! RELAX AND NO WORRIES! now about the reunion... you should be feeling good by the time you go a little sore still but overall very good. I went back to a very physical job( on my feet for 12 hr shifts) at two weeks without any problems. I am not sure how far you are traveling or by what means but if you are traveling by car just take stops to get out and walk, move so you don't get sore.
if you have problems right after surgery with lots of air, bloating, burping etc... walk ,walk, walk... it really does help move the air through and you will bounce back quicker. I have 3 children so I had no choice but to get moving!
you should not be puking at all... none! just really plan your meals while you are there. you will be on full liquids and your nutrionist at your bariatric center will give you a whole list of choices. Explain to them about your trip and I'm sure they will help you work out the best things to pack. lots of soup and Protein, protein, protein!
I predict you will have a great time just be cautious!