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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Melinco

  • Rank
    Too big for my britches!
  • Birthday 05/17/1971

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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Melinco!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday Melinco!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary Melinco!

  4. Melinco

    December Delights 2009

    Hi all, It's been a while since I've been to lapbandtalk. The layout has changed. I'm holding at a plateau since about July, right about 221 pounds. I just got an adjustment today so I'm hoping that will help things along. Friday is my 1st bandiversary. Hope everyone is well.
  5. Have you tried calling your insurance company and asking for their help with this? Ask for a case manager and let him/her know what is going on and what it is that you are running up against. They should be able to help you locate a doctor who can help you. Good luck!
  6. Whether you sell your old clothes or give them away, be sure to keep at least one pair of pants and a shirt or dress so you can use it as a "before" reminder. I kept one of my size 26W jeans, and held it up yesterday, and oh, what a difference! I'm now into a 14W slacks and while I have been stuck at the same weight for two months now, this is a great reminder of how well I've done so far. In fact, even though my weight has not changed, I've lost another size, going from 16W to 14W! I've tried to buy new clothes every other size, but since by 16W were so baggy in the butt and thighs, I went ahead and got the 14Ws. Even I can really see the difference now when I'm dressed. Naked? Not so much. Still same shape so it is harder to visualize without any clothing.
  7. Jen, have they tested your tubes to make sure they are truly clear? Have they done the HSG? Also, what about the health of your eggs? I too am 39 and unfortunately, getting pregnant with my own eggs is not going to happen. We will have to pursue donor eggs or embryos in order to get pregnant. Good luck with your journey!
  8. Melinco


    According to Midol - for Relief of your Menstrual Symptoms, Midol has ibuprofen in it, which my surgeon and other surgeons have said is a no no post band.
  9. Melinco

    Astrasmom passed away

    How terribly sad. My thoughts and prayers are with her husband and family.
  10. I got the lapband in order to become pregnant, but using donor eggs/embryos, not my own, as I have diminished ovarian reserve. In order to minimize complications during pregnancy caused by being morbidly obese, both my RE and OB suggested lapband. So far, I've lost 75 pounds. The thing is, I'm still 39 years old. I still have DOR. The chances of me becoming pregnant, accidentally, are slim to none. Buy my not becoming pregnant has nothing to do with my weight. And, BTW, my periods have been regular, like clockwork, even at my highest weight. My REs (I've had two) were in shock that my periods were regular, but alas, they are. As far as not feeling a pregnancy, if your placenta is attached to the front of the uterus, it is quite possible you would never feel a kick. And if you have always had a big belly, depending on how much weight you need to lose, that belly may take a while to shrink, and if you got pregnant and had the forward facing placenta, you may not know, especially if you never got a period (because the first time you finally ovulated you had perfectly timed sex and voila! your egg fertilized and implanted). While I didn't watch the particular episode the original poster is referring to, it is quite possible the surgeon did mention the use of birth control but his patient either didn't hear him (how many of us have so many questions running through our heads that we sometimes miss what the surgeon is saying) or she refuses to acknowledge that he did tell her, thus not taking responsibility for her situation. Regardless, I really don't see how a female patient in her child bearing years, who has done any amount of research into WLS, cannot NOT know that her fertility may increase as she loses weight.
  11. Melinco


    That's great! Whatever we must do to get in our exercise, we have to do it. I'm hoping this does it for you! Let us know how you like it.
  12. Melinco

    Tampons or Pads.

    Also, there were a couple of you who mentioned you don't like to wear tampons because you pee a lot. What does that have to do with the tampons? If inserted properly, there is no reason you should have to remove them when either urinating or having a bowel movement. I'll admit that there have been times when pushing to have a BM that my tampon has slipped a bit, but I just push it right back up in there with my finger. I don't take it out and reinsert a new one, unless of course it's time to.
  13. Melinco

    Tampons or Pads.

    Okay, so for those re-usable cup users, how do you clean them when you are in a public bathroom (i.e. stalls)? Do you wipe them out with TP? Do you rush to the sink and rinse them out? I'm assuming you wouldn't dunk them in the toilet bowl. I'm in the US and have heard before about the Insteads, but need more details on how exactly you use them and maintain them during your period. Also, did you ever have issues with putting them in or taking them out at your higher weights? I'm hoping this won't be an issue since I've lost 75 pounds, but need to be realistic about them. Thanks for your help. BTW, I'm a tampon user with panty liners. No thick pads for me!
  14. Melinco

    Unintended Shrinking

    One thing to consider is have your feet shrunk? A person could have a very thick fat pad at the bottom of their feet, and as they lose weight, that fat pad shrinks as well as the rest of the body. I'm not sure if this would account for a loss of 1.5 inches, but it's possible. Have you noticed your shoes getting looser or going down a shoe size?
  15. So far, for me, no. However, I have old eggs (officially called diminished ovarian reserve). Unless a miracle happens, I won't get pregnant on my own, even after I lose all my weight, unless I use donor eggs or donor embryos. Some women will get KU'd, if their only issue was their excess weight was keeping them from having regular cycles. Once their cycles start back up, they become fertile again. Others who have PCOS will still need some help with getting KU'd. One gal from Australia who got banded a couple years ago just delivered her baby that she conceived using donor eggs from Thailand. If you PM me, I can give you her blog address. But yes, it can happen, but it all depends on what is the cause of your infertility in the first place.

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