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LAP-BAND Patients
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About evatatiana

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  • Birthday 01/23/1951

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  1. Happy 62nd Birthday evatatiana!

  2. Happy 61st Birthday evatatiana!

  3. evatatiana

    Ack! Help! Pre-fill hunger...

    By the way, pre-op I lost 12 lbs. on the full liquid diet and then since Jan. 19 when I had my lapband surgery, I have lost an additional 11 lbs..total 23 lbs. in a month. How many pounds did you lose since your banding and are you finding that the weight loss is now about 2 or 3 pounds per week...when before it was a lot faster???
  4. evatatiana

    Ack! Help! Pre-fill hunger...

    Hi, I was banded January 19 and my problem is similar to yours...I still eat fast and am eating my creamy soups/puree in 6oz. I believe the best thing to do is to prepare soups, tuna salad with fat free mayo and eggsalad with fat free mayo to feel fuller. The more protein the better in our meals and definitely eating every 3 hours is a must to stop the hunger. I am going to see my surgeon on Feb. 19 and hopefully will get my first fill so I can start feeling more satisfied with less food. Hope this helps! Evatatiana

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