I was banded on 15 September and posted somewhere on this forum on 16 September to say I felt great. Well...I think when I said that maybe the pain killers might have still been working. The pain soon set in when I stopped taking the pain killers, mostly around the port site, and just a gassy bloated feeling and all the discomfort that brings. But it's okay. I am back to crushing the pain killers and taking them and that's working well.
Other than the discomfort and pain around the port site, I'm on day two now, and am mostly on clear fluids, but am finding that I need more. Really hungry. So I am having cups of Soup, which are thin liquids, just not clear. They are doing the trick. Also had a fresh vegetable juice this morning (carrot, cucumber, beetroot and capsicum) and that went down fine. I feel like everything is going down really well and if I could just get past the discomfort in my stomach region, that would be great.
I know it's early days though, so happy to stick it out. Might try a walk tomorrow as everyone seems to think it helps with the gassy bloatedness.
How's everyone else feeling? Anyone else banded on 15 September? Bestest to all!