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Everything posted by grni77

  1. grni77


    OUCH !!!! I had and awfull acid reflux attack last night and now this morning It's hard to just get liquid down. I had to much sweet tea yesterday than I ate a taco, so I'm pretty sure thats what did it. Has anyone else had this happen then after the attack have trouble drinking liquids?
  2. OMG I HAVE THE WORSE ACID REFLUX !!! I've never had this, this bad before I'm so tired and want to go to bed : (

  3. grni77


    Thanks Starimagine...It's comforting to know I'm not alone. Godd luck on your next fill hope it helps you..fingers crossed...lol! Oh they told me my band is the larger one it hold 14 cc's and they never go to that number. So I have 9 now I'm getting close to 14 .
  4. grni77


    feeling a little defeated lately. I thought it would come off a little faster but I seem to be at a stand still. I have 9cc's but still seem to be able to eat about 10oz . I even take 20 minutes to eat and Im still hungry. I haven't had any carbonated drinks since pre-op and Im not over eating so I dont think I've stretched my stomach. I go July 3 rd for another fill so I hope this next one does the trick. Just having a poopy day hoping tomorrow is better. Congrats to everyone on their weight loss and hard work !
  5. So movie didn't work out with mason..him annd I arein the mall kids play place while ash and brandon finish the movie. Oh did I mention mason lost a shoe to!

  6. Today seemed to never end. So happy to curl up on my big comfy tempurpedic : )

  7. So I guess Mason thinks that because he's 2 he doesnt have to take naps anymore....Waaaaaaa : (

  8. Feeling a little better today. So I scrubed the kitchen ,dusted ,vaccumed and took out the dirty air filters. For some reason when Im done being sick I feel like my house is covered in germs. So I go on a cleaning frenzy .

  9. Today Mason turns 2...Happy Birthday Baby boy !!!! Can't believe how fast time goes by.

  10. went to the Dr. this morning I have strep throat and it hurts!!!!!!

  11. WTF ? Sick again !!! I have a fever of 101 someone just shoot me. And to top it off Jim left yesterday and It's Ashleys's B-Day. Glad we celebrated when I wasn't sick.

  12. When do people start taking responsibilitys for them selves? I understand helping out once in a while but when you start taking it ALL THE TIME enough is enough. Don't you start to feel bad ? My grandfather wanted to help me out to go t a wedding this summer but was going to cost 3,000 dollars ! I told him no that was way to much money. But others thought it was a great idea...really?

  13. grni77


    Way to go Timothy !!!! I agree best thing I could have ever done for myself !!!
  14. grni77


    Had my 4th fill , this time I saw an experienced Dr. He had me sit up and drink as he filled me . Now I'm up to 9cc's band holds 14. I do notice I get full faster but Im still able to eat atleast 10 oz. I dont go back for another month. But Im down 32 lbs woo-hoo!!!!!!!! I have a few pieces of clothing I can wear.... just dont want to go out and buy new clothes when Im still losing weight : )
  15. grni77


    Had my 4th fill , this time I saw an experienced Dr. He had me sit up and drink as he filled me . Now I'm up to 9cc's band holds 14. I do notice I get full faster but Im still able to eat atleast 10 oz. I dont go back for another month. But Im down 32 lbs woo-hoo!!!!!!!! I have a few pieces of clothing I can wear.... just dont want to go out and buy new clothes when Im still losing weight : )
  16. can't unblock my Farmville !

  17. should have known today was going to be crazy. Mason has already shoved something down in the dishwasher, spit his hot pink medecine( nice color choice Triaminic) all over the floor. And it's only 9:45 a.m. and Im working on about 5 hrs of sleep ! Calgon TAKE ME AWAY !!!!!!

  18. AGHHHH !!!! Mason did not go to bed till mid night and I got up at 5:20 to get Ashley ready for school. What is going on with him? .....So tired : (

  19. poor Mason is soo crabby,won't eat, threw up milk and snot....eeeewww!

  20. So 1I1've been letting Mason watch Diego while he sleeps...Well this morning he was watching it and brfore Diego could say it he says QUATRO !!! I can barely get this kid to say simple words like cup....lol!

  21. Day is done...Gone the sunFrom the lake...From the hills...From the sky.All is well...Safely restGod is nigh.Fading light....Dims the sightAnd a star....Gems the sky....Gleaming brightFrom afar....Drawing nighFalls the night.- Major General Daniel Butterfield

  22. grni77


    Hi Y&B, I was also banded March 25th but I've already had 3 fills. So far I've lost 25 lbs. My first 2 fills didnt do anything and my last helped just a little but I can still eat 10-12oz . I was told this is normal and I wouldnt notice anything till about the 3rd or 4th fill. I go June 4th for another fill so hopefully this one will work. It's not a dream in it's in there...lol !
  23. omg when I start forgetting where my kids are ...and I show up to your door looking for them.... lock me up !

  24. Mason has been up since 2 a.m. .....just shoot me. I think his cousin Jackson is rubbing off on him....lol!

  25. Can't wait for lazy days of summer. Had to make chili last night for Ashleys class, spring carnival tonight, then Brandons play. So tired of getting up at 5:30 every morning.

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