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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Surby

  1. Surby

    Upper GI

    I had an EGD with small biopsy, and I swear the gas pains were worse for that than they were for the surgery!!!!
  2. Surby

    Eating too much?

    My surgery was Aug. 24, and I will start all foods tomorrow. However, without restriction yet, I know I could eat the same amount as before; but, I have trained myself to eat like I have restriction. I was at this huge mall in Nashville tonight, and I passed right by all my old favorite junk stuff......pretzels, Dippin' Dots, Smokey Mt. Chocolate Factory gourmet caramel apples........and I honestly wasn't even that tempted. I am SOOOOOOO happy that those cravings are going away. I think it's because I've been having NO SUGAR! Woo hoo!!!!
  3. After my gall bladder surgery, I went back to work in about 4 days, but I only worked half days. I was teaching at the time, but I only did pull-outs. If I had still been in the classroom, there's NO WAY I could've gone back that soon. I don't think some people realize how physically demanding teaching is!
  4. Surby

    Where'd my port go?

    My PA said that when you lose that fat layer behind your port, that it can move a little and becomes less of an "outie"!
  5. Surby


    Mine is right in the center of my bottom bra line, and boy does it stick out!!!!
  6. I think there's a facet of this that has been overlooked! I don't think the guys are all shallow and just attracted because of size; I think that as we lose weight we become so much more confident.......we carry ourselves differently and tend to make eye contact and maybe even smile more!! Perhaps THIS is what attracts the attention from some guys!! Thank goodness I don't have to worry about.....I'm lucky to have a hubby who loves me no matter what (I think!)!! Hang in there!!
  7. Surby

    Meds that we can take

    Walgreens has a good liquid multivitamin. Goes down easily!
  8. Surby

    Day 2 of the liquid phase

    Hey Larry, I'm your neighbor in Cleveland!! Good luck with your surgery! I had a difficult time post-op, but I survived it, and now I'm doing great! I'm losing pretty quickly, but I am on soft solids now, and I'm eating more. I'm sure the weight loss will slow down until I get a fill. Is Dr. Rose in practice with Dr. Paynter? I know I've heard his name. Where is your surgery? I paid out of pocket for my surgery, so I went to Dalton because it's cheaper!! My total was $13,900, and that includes all first year post-op visits and fills. It was well worth it!
  9. I've been a little disappointed because I haven't seen my surgeon since my surgery on 8/24. I've only seen his PA and nurse.
  10. In all honesty, I had a horrible post-op experience, and I'm only telling you that so that you can expect the worse!! I survived it though!! I was banded on Aug. 24, and I really didn't have much pain from the incisions, and the gas was moderate. Walking and the heating pad really helps. I was just SO SO very hungry. Frozen Slim-Fast eaten slowly with a spoon really helps with the hunger. But I went back to work way too early (4 days after surgery), and I would get terribly nauseated and dry heave like nobody's business. I was so weak and felt horrible. I really regretted having the surgery. BUT now I'm doing GREAT! If you have a hard time, just keep in mind that you will get through it. Those first 2 weeks went by soooo slowly for me. The only issue I have now is my protruding port. The nurse said that the more fat I lose behind the port, the less it'll show. Now I'm looking forward to my first fill in a couple weeks. I hope you do GREAT. Most people do. I just wish I had expected the WORSE!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  11. Surby


    Happy Weekend! I would like to hear from anyone who has experienced slippage. I'm only 2 weeks post-op, but I have heard of 2 people recently whose bands have slipped (both have had bands for several months). Has anyone here had slippage? Do the docs know why you had it?? What's your theory?? Thanks! You guys are da bomb!
  12. Surby


    I'm not really having problems, but as you may remember, I was very nauseated and vomited some after surgery. I'm SO afraid that I'll have a slip (I'm self-pay). I just want to make sure I do NOTHING to jeopardize my band!! Thanks!!!
  13. Surby

    I'm Starving-Help

    I really like the Atkins Advantage chocolate shakes. It's a lot like Slim Fast but with more protein. They really hold me over for awhile.
  14. OK, so some of you have probably read about my dilemmas.......the throwing up, etc. I was told Thursday that just by looking at how my port is "protruding" that it could be a problem there. The PA told me that some people's ports always protrude, SO.......I'd love to hear how many of you have the PP (protruding port). Mine is right at my bra line in the center, and it feels like there's an egg under there. Anyone else????
  15. Surby

    Ater surgery question

    I had outpatient surgery, and I was home by 2:30 that afternoon. They gave me ice chips, water, ice tea, and a popsicle! One tip....make sure to take a pillow with you for the ride home. It kept the seatbelt off my incisions! And 2 weeks off should be perfect! I went back in 4 days and it was wayyyyy too soon! GOOD LUCK!
  16. Surby

    Just banded 8/30 and Nauseous

    The Zofran is good, BUT have your wallet ready!! My prescription was $714.99 for 30 pills!!!!!!! Thank goodness I have insurance, so it only cost $158!! I still vomited a little after taking Zofran, which REALLY made me sick! Very expensive throw up! My nausea lasted for a week, and I've talked to several others who had the same problem. It does get better!!!!
  17. Surby

    Starving on post -op liquids

    I was starving also, and my nut told me to MAKE SURE that I was having some liquids with calories. She said to drink a very very small glass of sweetened ice tea or Kool-Aid several times a day. It really helped! I think our bodies beg us for calories! She also said to add a little water to SlimFast and freeze it, and then eat it like ice cream. They wouldn't allow me to have plain SlimFast on the clear liquid phase, but I could do the frozen version. That really packed a punch for me! I guess because it has so much nutritional value!
  18. Surby

    Newly Banded 28 Aug 06

    I was banded on 8/24, and I had vomiting too; however, I threw up absolutely NOTHING......just a lot of air with the dry heaves. It was AWFUL. I bet you have a lot of restriction because of swelling. My doc told me that if I was throwing up fluids it was because they were "stuck" in my pouch b/c of swelling. The nurse at my doc's office said she threw up a lot after being banded, and she has had no problems with slippage. That gave me a little comfort! Good luck! The first week was hell for me, BUT there is light at the end of the tunnel. I feel better every single day!
  19. Surby

    HELP again!

    Hi Everyone! I was banded last Thursday (Aug. 24), and I was doing well until Monday. Around 1:00 PM, I began to feel really sick, but I managed to not throw up. Tuesday and today, I have vomited several times. My surgeon called in a medication that should perform miracles because it would've cost $714.99 if I didn't have insurance.....I only had to pay the small price of $158! However, after 2 doses, I STILL threw up. I'm throwing up absolutely NOTHING, but I produce about 2 gallons of saliva pre-puke. I am still on clear liquids ONLY. Has anyone out there experienced this? I've lost 15 lbs since Thursday, but I'm MISERABLE!! :cry
  20. Surby

    HELP again!

    Thanks for the concern everyone! There might possibly be a problem with my port OR I could've just gone back to work too early and overdid/done (?) it. My port is really protruding........I think I'll post a new thread to see how many have protruding ports!! I do feel some better, but still not right. I haven't thrown up in 2 days! Woo hoo!!!! I'll be checked again next week!
  21. Surby

    SODA - The forbidden fruit

    The Diet Coke issue has been hardest for me by far. I even keep one in my little fridge in my office just so I can prove to myself that I can be strong! My doc says carbonation can cause erosion and/or slippage. NOT WORTH IT! However, my nut said that a lot of gas stations sell the frozen diet cokes.......kinda like a slushie and that they are not nearly as carbonated. I plan to try to find one in a few weeks!
  22. Surby

    Shingles 2 weeks after surgery

    You poor thing!! Aveeno baths help some, but it's almost just a waiting game!! Wonder if your surgeon needs to give you antibiotics so you won't get a secondary infection?? I don't think they'll give you antibiotics for shingles since it's basically a virus. GOOD LUCK!
  23. Surby

    HELP again!

    Thanks so very much for all your encouraging words!! I would never have had this done if I'd had any idea how terrible I would feel!! Hopefully I won't be singing that same tune in a month! I'm anxious to hear what the doctor has to say tomorrow. I just pray that my band hasn't slipped with all this "bringing up my toenails" throwing up!! The surgery part was fine........I haven't even had to take a single dose of pain meds. Grrrrrr!
  24. Surby

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hi! I was banded August 24, and I am MISERABLE!! Please let me know if any of you have experienced any of this!!! My surgery was last Thursday, and I did pretty well until Monday. I got really nauseated around 1 in the afternoon, but I didn't vomit. Yesterday and today I wasn't so lucky. It's this horrible "throwing up your toenails" vomiting, but NOTHING comes out. The doc called in a prescription for anti-nausea meds (at a cost of $714.99.........I had to pay only $158), but I still threw up. Has ANYONE out there had this?? I've lost 15 lbs since Thursday, but I feel horrible!
  25. Surby

    Up All Night???

    Hi Friends! I'm being banded at 6:30 AM tomorrow (Thursday), and I'm so nervous I know I won't sleep tonight!! I didn't have to start the liquid diet until today, and I have a horrible headache and I'm STARVED! Will I feel like this for the next 3 weeks?? How do you handle it???

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