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    thinoneday got a reaction from Finding MeMe in Anybody Else Feel Guilty?   
    Didn't we do this crap enough when we where fatter? Didn't we beat ourselves up enough? Why should we feel so guilty over everything we do? We have this wonderful tool and helps with restriction. We will never again eat like we used too. Never again will we be 100 lbs, 150 lbs, 200lbs, overweight. . . aren't we allowed to live our lives finally? I can tell you something. . I love me, I am a success, and I will never again feel guilty because I ate something I truly enjoyed. . . good luck ! And enjoy YOU!
  2. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Finding MeMe in Anybody Else Feel Guilty?   
    Didn't we do this crap enough when we where fatter? Didn't we beat ourselves up enough? Why should we feel so guilty over everything we do? We have this wonderful tool and helps with restriction. We will never again eat like we used too. Never again will we be 100 lbs, 150 lbs, 200lbs, overweight. . . aren't we allowed to live our lives finally? I can tell you something. . I love me, I am a success, and I will never again feel guilty because I ate something I truly enjoyed. . . good luck ! And enjoy YOU!
  3. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Finding MeMe in Anybody Else Feel Guilty?   
    Didn't we do this crap enough when we where fatter? Didn't we beat ourselves up enough? Why should we feel so guilty over everything we do? We have this wonderful tool and helps with restriction. We will never again eat like we used too. Never again will we be 100 lbs, 150 lbs, 200lbs, overweight. . . aren't we allowed to live our lives finally? I can tell you something. . I love me, I am a success, and I will never again feel guilty because I ate something I truly enjoyed. . . good luck ! And enjoy YOU!
  4. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from luvinitcuzican in Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!   
    I guess because i'm REALLY tall (6') with REALLY large bones, I don't look skinny, but just right at 200 lbs. What I do get however is when we have a luncheon or something at work, the overweight people who have seen me loose this weight ALWAYS say "are you sure you can eat that?" :"Are you ALLOWED to eat that" Get the F>>K off my a$$ because I sure as heck didn't get here with y'all telling ME what or what not to eat! So today is our thanksgiving luncheon, I won't be able to sit with the group without them all staring at what i'm eating or being questioned about it after 2 years! Get over it. . . yes, I'm having a bad day today. . . sorry but had to get that off my back. . . .
  5. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Oopsseedaisy in At Goal...for Now.   
    Wow how incredible! You have done absolutely marvelous! You can get to 192lbs if that is what you want! You must believe in order to achieve, and you have proven that you believe in your ability! Keep up the excellent work, you look fantastic!
  6. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from luvinitcuzican in Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!   
    I guess because i'm REALLY tall (6') with REALLY large bones, I don't look skinny, but just right at 200 lbs. What I do get however is when we have a luncheon or something at work, the overweight people who have seen me loose this weight ALWAYS say "are you sure you can eat that?" :"Are you ALLOWED to eat that" Get the F>>K off my a$$ because I sure as heck didn't get here with y'all telling ME what or what not to eat! So today is our thanksgiving luncheon, I won't be able to sit with the group without them all staring at what i'm eating or being questioned about it after 2 years! Get over it. . . yes, I'm having a bad day today. . . sorry but had to get that off my back. . . .
  7. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from luvinitcuzican in Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!   
    I guess because i'm REALLY tall (6') with REALLY large bones, I don't look skinny, but just right at 200 lbs. What I do get however is when we have a luncheon or something at work, the overweight people who have seen me loose this weight ALWAYS say "are you sure you can eat that?" :"Are you ALLOWED to eat that" Get the F>>K off my a$$ because I sure as heck didn't get here with y'all telling ME what or what not to eat! So today is our thanksgiving luncheon, I won't be able to sit with the group without them all staring at what i'm eating or being questioned about it after 2 years! Get over it. . . yes, I'm having a bad day today. . . sorry but had to get that off my back. . . .
  8. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Soon2BMiniMommy in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    I'm sorry but i had to laugh at your quote "never again being able to enjoy the buffet at Golden Corral or my favorite Chinese place". . that was really priceless cause that was my exact same thing too. . . but you know what? My hubbie loves Golden Corral and chinese, we still go and yup I spend $11.00 on a piece of chicken leg and a small bowl of clam chowder. . . at the chinese we do take out and it will last me for days on end! By the time i'm done all that chinese food, I don't care to see chinese again for months. . i do lunch with friends and when i order my food, I automatically ask for a take out box and carry it home for another time. . . usually works very well. . . it's amazing how we adjust after a while. . . in the beginning it's pure hell and i totally sympathize with Tamz cause i was like that too at her time out, but it does get better and you feel so light and great when you order/eat such a small amount and everyone else around you is pigging out. . . good luck to all. . . TOGETHER we'll get there
  9. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Fireflyx in Ashamed of WLS?   
    Yup, controversy here. . . it depends really on how you feel about WLS overall. . .but let me tell you one thing. . once you've had your surgery and are about 3 - 4 months out you are going to see something very very surprising. . . not only will you have lost a bunch of weight and feel good, but suddenly there come the stalls and the slight gains. . . you actually have to work at it. . .this isn't a magic cure for obesity, just a tool, like a hammer lets say. . . in order to get the nail into the wall, YOU have to do the work right? Just like that hammer, this sleeve won't work unless YOU make it work, you still have to watch, very carefully, what you put into your mouth and so on. . . it won't just jump up and do it for you, so it's definately NOT the easy way out. . . the lazy way out is stupid, whoever thought of that saying must be really ignorant. . . anyhow what to tell people is definately up to you and how you feel about the surgery. . . I tell people but then I don't care about their reactions either. . .i did this for me and not for them. . . .good luck!
  10. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Need to vent - So frustrated   
    I am so sorry to hear your struggling, but may i offer one small tidbit of advise. Get rid of the scale and don't weigh except at your doctor appts. I did that and never saw that 3 week stall everyone talks about or anything, just consistent losses. I was very happy about that. Now at 2 years out I am maintaining, going up and down between about 10 lbs, but i've reached my doctors goal for me and that is wonderful. Good luck and try that for about your first year.
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Doreykn in Where are the 50s ???   
    Dont ya worry none, were right here with ya. . . . I'm 50 and I don't own a wrinkle and I've lost 150 lbs! I guess I'm either damn lucky or my native american indian heritage is playing it's part. . .all i have is a little loose skin where my apron used to be. . . my daughter who is 21 was asked if I'm her sister???? go figure. . . but as long as it continues I'm as happy as a clam!
  12. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from cindyslosingit in Cant get motivated   
    and thats' ok, cause we all lose at our own pace. . . always remember this isn't a race to see who gets down the first. . .that would drive us all to drink! hehehe. . . slow and steady wins the race. . . always remember that,. . and also, remember you have a great tool working with you. . .all you need to do is help along. . . sorta like a hammer is a great tool to drive a nail, but it can't do it by itself, you have to be the driving force behind it. . . same goes for this sleeve thing. . . you must be the driving force behind it. . . . exercise will come to you and then watch how you'll enjoy it. . . good luck!
  13. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Forensikchic in Anyone live in San Antonio?   
    Hi, I'm in SA as well. . . I had Dr. Cavazos from NE Baptist 2 years ago. . .I think I've done wonderfully . . . i've reached his goal for me and then yet surpassed it by 12 lbs. . not too shabby. . .I don't go out to exercise. . i just exercise naturally. . . at work I walk about 1/4 mile each day and at home i do what comes naturally, dance to a good tune, housework, vacuum, yardwork, etc. . .
    welcome to SA, how long have you lived here? I've been here for the past 6 years.
    Good luck to you.
  14. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from yecats in Head Hunger vs real hunger   
    real hunger is when your tummy is growling and feeling very empty and it's been about 4 - 5 hours since you last ate. . . head hunger is when you know you ate a bit ago but man I could sure eat something. . .i get that ALOT. . . you actually have to stop, listen if your tummy is growling or really hungry, if not then it's head hunger. . drink Water or crystal light. . for example, I just now got done eating a orawheat thin sandwich with a slice of hard salami and a slice of cheese, and a baby orange, , , well, its' been 1/2 hour and i'm saying how i would love some chocolate covered raisins right now. . .but my tummy is still squeezing a bit from the sandwich. . . so it's all in my head. . .and as soon as i can, i'll have some water with crystal light. . . right now i can't or i'll slime cause i'm still full. does that make sense? and of course I definately will not have the chocolate raisins.
  15. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from kksinisi in Not sure that this was the right thing to do?   
    Wow, I sure minded being the fat girl! Especially when it came to seats in the planes or not being able to ride horses. . . yup i sure did mind. . . have you thought about speaking to a councelor about your self esteem issues? I'm glad to see your health issues are clearing up. . . i'm 2 years out and can only eat 1/2 potatoe, and 1 ounce piece of brisket at dinner. . i never go to eat at buffets anymore because that is a waste of money for me since i eat much more normal now. i still go out to eat at restaurants, but always take back home. Those meals will usually last me 2 days or so. . . i still eat junk food, only in smaller amounts. . .i still drink alcohol only 1 glass verus 3-4 . Our grocery bill is basically non existent and that is good for me!!! it does get better, only now i eat like a lady and not like something else . . good luck
  16. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from kksinisi in Not sure that this was the right thing to do?   
    Wow, I sure minded being the fat girl! Especially when it came to seats in the planes or not being able to ride horses. . . yup i sure did mind. . . have you thought about speaking to a councelor about your self esteem issues? I'm glad to see your health issues are clearing up. . . i'm 2 years out and can only eat 1/2 potatoe, and 1 ounce piece of brisket at dinner. . i never go to eat at buffets anymore because that is a waste of money for me since i eat much more normal now. i still go out to eat at restaurants, but always take back home. Those meals will usually last me 2 days or so. . . i still eat junk food, only in smaller amounts. . .i still drink alcohol only 1 glass verus 3-4 . Our grocery bill is basically non existent and that is good for me!!! it does get better, only now i eat like a lady and not like something else . . good luck
  17. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from longer-life in Thanksgiving right around the corner   
    First off you don't want to push the issue of "feasting" . The idea of this surgery is to help him loose weight and not make him eat. After his surgery, it is really important to follow the doctors rules and regulations. I don't think you want to be the reason if he has a leak or other type of problem because you felt he should "enjoy" thanksgiving. It's not about the food, it's about family (new way of thinking now). As long as he is with his family that should be all that matters. If he is just starting on mushies that week, then mushies is what he'll have (the doctor will give him a plan to follow). But follow the doctors advise. . .that is most important for his health. However, again, the choice is yours. . . Good luck
  18. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from longer-life in Need Urgent Advice regarding my Sleeve!   
    Hello, I don't know how much i can help but here is my story and maybe it'll help. i'm 2 years out, i started at 350 lbs, I was very heavy. I rec'd my sleeve on Dec 29th 2009 and at first i thought what have i done. . but i continued just like my doctor told me and at 7 weeks out had lost 53lbs and continued to lose at a good rate (a little too good) well January 2011 came around and boom my weight loss stopped dead. I didn't lose anything anymore for over 7 -8 months (talk about a major stall) and like you i did everything. Well i got upset and frustrated and kept trying different things. . then Little Miss Diva said something to me that hit a thought. . she said that when the body was gaining weight, it hit a weight where you stayed for a long period of time, and now that your losing weight, it got to that weight and it stays there for a long time as well. Well for me i stayed at 215 lbs for years before gaining all my weight. Now my body is stuck between 200 - 210lbs. Maybe my body is finally catching up and healing. I still have a bit to go (like you) but am in stuck world too. I've stopped worrying about it now and just live my life.(wish my loan was in stuck world too! ) I watch what i eat, i eat normally but keep my amounts 6 - 7 oz nothing more.(I still have restriction and slime when i go over 6 oz) I try really hard not to snack at all, drink tons of Water, and stay far away from fast food or restaurants. I do have treats at least once a week so i don't feel deprived. i weigh once a week and either have lost a lb or two or haven't lost anything. it's really slow now but at least i'm not gaining. The honeymoon is definately over so now we must adjust to what we have and love ourselves for who we are. We have come a very far way and we will never go back to how we were. Don't be upset, look where you have come to and be glad in that.
    I hope i've helped a bit. Good luck and hold your head up high.
  19. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from panda in Weight Loss Competition   
    definately dishonest and cheating, and very embarrassing to you when they found out you had surgery. You'd have to give back the money.
  20. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from weho in Can hardly eat a thing   
    Well here comes "pain in the pattooty thinoneday" with her usual advice. . . lol. . .
    I'm sorry this is happening to ya'll, however, be assured that this too shall pass. . . i'm out 21 months and am so happy i have major restriction still. . . otherwise i'd be as big as a house again. . . 3 tblspns is not too much, I have anywhere from 5 - 6 tbspn of food (which i believe equals almost 1 cup loosely) for each meal depending on what it is. . I can still only eat 1 piece of chicken, but not the breast, thats too big. . . in the beginning i really hated the sleeve, i felt it was cheating me of everything i ever knew (silly huh?) but then after about 6 months i got used to it and had lost a lot of weight and began to "live with it and not fight it" At 1 year out I had lost 150 lbs and hit a major 7 MONTH stall. . . but at least i wasn't gaining and that was the most important. . then i lost about 10 more lbs and now i am maintaining. I don't kill myself with exercise, it comes naturally, and i eat most everything (in tiny amounts of course) i keep a close eye on the scales now and weigh myself at least once every 2 weeks. If i see the scale go up (even 1 lb) I cut back and watch for about 1 week. then go back to normal. . .
    It's tough and this is a battle we are going to have to fight for the rest of our lives. It's an addiction and we need food to live, old habits are so easy to fall back onto. . . but together we can overcome this monster. . . how many times have i said "ah to hell with this all" but then i look back and see what it took to get me here and the drastic measures i took just to lose weight and then i pull up my big girl panties and fight like crazy. . .
    hope this helps some of you, for some/most it's just me ranting and causing a bunch of eye rolls, but if i can help just one realize that it's a constant battle and this wonderful tool we have been blessed with is here to help and it's all normal what we are experiencing and going through,(but please call the doctor if it doesn't feel right to you) then i'm happy. . good luck to all of you and please remember we have this tool and it'll be with us forever to make sure (if we want it to) that we never again are hugh and unhappy as we were . . .
    thanks for listening
  21. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Bryn Dawson in scared to death   
    EWWWWW salty coffee! Not good. . . guess what? all your feelings are NORMAL! Everyone has gone through this and we are still all here talking to you about it. . . if it's any consolation, this was my 18th major surgery, I'm deathly allergic to narcotics so my only pain meds are tylenols and they helped with this surgery really well. . . gassy yes, but walk alot and sip your liquids and you'll be fine. . .do the warm liquids, they seem to help better. . . i'm out now almost 2 years and have done great. . . nothing went wrong and i've am as happy as a clam
  22. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Carla's Life in A little discouraged   
    Hi, I haven't had to loose over 200lbs but have lost 150 lbs with about 20 or so more to go. But let me tell you something, for me it was not the way i looked it was more the way i feel and how people see me. I wanted so badly to be able to actually fit into a plane sit and be able to buckle that seatbelt comfortably without always being embarrassed. Those things that you want are so attainable, but along with this surgery comes some downs too. . . loose skin, more wrinkles etc. . . you have to choose what is important to you at this time. loose the weight or look nice (if you have the money, plastics can help alot too) I have been extremely fortunate and I thank God and my genetics everyday. I did not get too much loose skin, no turkey neck, no wrinkles, no baldness (however I did loose a lot of hair) . the only thing i have really bad is cellulite on my legs, but i don't care, I lost weight and i fit into the plane seat with 8in to spare after i buckle up. . and on June 18th I am taking my daughter horse back riding for her 21st birthday. This is the first time for me in many years! I'll probably cry when i get up there! But nonetheless, I would rather give up on looks then be morbidly obese for the rest of my life.
  23. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from gettingpissed in Are you Sure you don't want??   
    they have to do that. . . some of them work off commission i think. . . silly folks
  24. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???   
    At the rate my "diet" is going I definately be in onderland by labor day!!!!! I will keep everyone posted each week of my success. . .so far i've lost 10 lbs since starting last Monday. . .
  25. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Bryn Dawson in Needing some encouragement   
    yeah and "what if" you don't get the surgery, and "what if" you chicken out, and "what if" you don't . . . . that could go on and on and on. . . bless your heart. . .it's just the jitters, i believe everyone gets those. . . can you imagine if we all listened to our "what ifs" I'd never had lost my weight and feel this good ever. . . now the question really should be "what if" i didn't get this surgery?. . . you'll be fine and you'll do great with the surgery! Just hang in there, you've come this far, just a few more steps and you'll make it! Good luck!

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