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    thinoneday got a reaction from Flagstaffian in Psych Evaluation...a Little Help Please!   
    my psych eval was over 4 hours long. A million repetitive questions and then after all that, a hour "chat" with the psychologist. Mine went great, are you trying to get your surgery through insurance or are you self pay? I was self pay so I guess they just past me anyhow regardless. I had the psychologist answering a lot of my questions as well.
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    thinoneday got a reaction from kgb in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    yup sure did for over 3 mos after surgery. . there are days when i really hate this sleeve even now (18 months out) but now it's only a temporary thought, i have really gotten used to the sleeve and how much i'm allowed to eat. . .i no longer miss pigging out and going wild at the buffet. . . actually i stay away from buffets cause it's a waste of money for me to eat there unless it's take out and then it lasts for days on end. . . lol. . . but yes I had really bad hatred for this thing but that was mostly because i was forced to change bad habits and i couldn't "enjoy" massive eating habits. . . people don't like change, but would i do it again? YOU BETCHA! I'm even trying to get my daughter to think about it. . . good luck!
  3. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from circa in Fried Foods And Hot Wings Forbidden Forever?   
    I'll probably get slammed for this but whatever, no food is forbidden ever. . . it's how you use that food to your advantage. If you over indulge, well you'll gain weight of course. . . moderation is the key and as someone who is out going into my 3rd year, I have hit my doctors goal, surpassed it, and am maintaining beautifully. I eat my 3 meals a day with healthy Snacks and yes on the occasion i do indulge in yummies. I'm livin my life now and totally lovin it! Good luck !
  4. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from circa in Fried Foods And Hot Wings Forbidden Forever?   
    I'll probably get slammed for this but whatever, no food is forbidden ever. . . it's how you use that food to your advantage. If you over indulge, well you'll gain weight of course. . . moderation is the key and as someone who is out going into my 3rd year, I have hit my doctors goal, surpassed it, and am maintaining beautifully. I eat my 3 meals a day with healthy Snacks and yes on the occasion i do indulge in yummies. I'm livin my life now and totally lovin it! Good luck !
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    thinoneday got a reaction from sabrina4you in Alcohol After The Sleeve   
    Let me tell you! I had my first drink 3 mos after surgery. . .it was so yum and I'm not a wine person, I'm a good old rum and coke girl. . . and i don't mean a small 1 oz shot either. . . i'm out now going into my 3rd year and have my drinks every Friday and Saturday. Hasn't hurt me a bit. . . good luck!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from longer-life in 6+ Months Out And Stalled For Last 2... Fail?   
    hi, well you sure do know what is going on and what you need to do, but i'll answer the other question, yes it had happened to me. First off, I got rid of that scale as soon as i came home from surgery and only weighed myself at the doctors office on appt days. This helped me a lot and i didn't notice stalls or any negative things. After my first year, i had lost 150 lbs. Now i brought the scale back in because the doctor appts would only be yearly. Well for the next year I didn't lose anything. Nothing, Nada, Net, Nix,
    So I left the scale alone and just carried on being me, weighing in every week with no losses. Good for me cause i did reach the doctors goal after all but really wanted to get to my own personal goal. So during the 2nd year, I lost nothing, actually gaining 2-3 lbs here and there but losing them right away as well, not going below 200 however. Ok, that is fine with me. I looked at it this way, at least i didn't weigh 350 lbs anymore, and could do so much more and "felt" healthier. So why kill myself now to get to 170? Now I've started year 3 and am just living my life. I weigh myself every now and then, just to make sure I don't creep up. Other then that, I'm happy where I've been plopped at, and if i'm to loose more, good for me, if not, well good for me. It's tough, even with this great tool we have been given, unfortunately however, if we didn't train ourselves to eat and live more healthier during our first year, it's going to be tough to reteach ourselves that. So you have 6 months left before your one year anniversary, I would highly suggest you get into a healthier routine of 3 meals a day, no Snacks, drink lots of Water, and some form of exercise. Get rid of that scale for now and try really hard. The high sugary things are just in your head. When this happens, take a moment to reflect, go somewhere quiet, like the bathroom and listen to your stomach. Is it truly growling? Are you hungry from you stomach? If not, that is head hunger and that is the toughest to compete with. . . if that should happen, chew gum, or drink more fluids, you may be thirsty and not really hungry. . . good luck and don't worry we are all in this together, its tough and not easy, but remember too, only you can change what is not good. . . hope this helps a bit.
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Paola in I Have A Date, I Have A Date! Thank You Jesus =)   
    Yahoo!!!! Doing the happy dance for Paola!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from coops in I Need To Get Back On Track   
    Don't feel too badly about this, I really think the majority of us need to get back into it!
    We'll be here all together supporting each other and kicking butt if need be (some people don't like that but oh well, better honest then not) I've put on quite a bit of weight over the holidays and hey I'm human, life happens, but now i'm going to get back into it (I hope ) My only real plan is to stop with the snacking and get into that gym. . .I think that is going to be harder then dieting, I have to completely turn around with how I feel about the gym. . . but I will give it a good attempt. . my goal is to go every Tues, Thurs, and Friday for 30 - 45 minutes. . . good luck to all of you!
  9. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from coops in I Need To Get Back On Track   
    Don't feel too badly about this, I really think the majority of us need to get back into it!
    We'll be here all together supporting each other and kicking butt if need be (some people don't like that but oh well, better honest then not) I've put on quite a bit of weight over the holidays and hey I'm human, life happens, but now i'm going to get back into it (I hope ) My only real plan is to stop with the snacking and get into that gym. . .I think that is going to be harder then dieting, I have to completely turn around with how I feel about the gym. . . but I will give it a good attempt. . my goal is to go every Tues, Thurs, and Friday for 30 - 45 minutes. . . good luck to all of you!
  10. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Low Calorie Frozen Meals   
    These did nothing for me. . . the only thing they did was put on additional fluids into my body from the sodium, but you know that already. . . even Jenny Craig meals are not good. . . good old fashion, cook it yourself, and store it in small containers to heat up for later are your best choices. . . good luck!
  11. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Merry Christmas Vertical Sleeve Talk!   
    You too LiLDiva! Your a darlin', you've helped me in more ways then you know! Blessings your way in the coming New Year!
  12. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in One Year Later: From A "slow Loser"   
    Well hello there! I'm on the same boat as you are. . . do I love myself at 200 - 210 lbs or do I fight to get to 170lb? Well I love myself at 200-210lbs. . I mean, I've reached my doctors goal of 212lbs. . . so that in itself is a success. . . I can do everything i've always wanted to do ESPECIALLY ride horses and fit into the airplane seats. . . (those 2 things were the most important to me) I'm 6 feet tall and wear 16/18 now versus 28/32. . . i'm not much into clothing so i really don't care about that. . . but i feel and look good now and as my hubbie says, I look healthy. . . my only thing is i don't exercise, sure i walk about 1/2 mile every day and putter around the house etc., but really gut busting exercise? nope. . . so for my new years resolution, I'm going to get back into the gym and do it. . . i'm not going to change my eating habits at all, just exercise and see what happens after 1 month. I'll not weigh myself for that one month and just see if it matters any. . . if i loose, good for me, if not, well good for me too!
    You have done excellent thusfar! Good luck and no matter what you decide, you'll do well. . .
  13. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Shoppingbeemom in Well...i Guess I've Messed Up....   
    You can also go and try the 5 day pouch test. . . it's tough but works very well. . . go to your search engine and just type in 5 day pouch test. . . i'm out now 2 years and at 1 year I stopped losing weight, not because i was eating all the evil foods, no, it was more that my body had had enough and possibly reached where it is supposed to be. . so now for this past year, i've been up and down about 10 lbs too. this year coming is a new year for me and this year (i'm determined this time) I will get to the gym 3 x per week and work out this fat booty and loose the extra 30 lbs i have left to get to my own personal goal. . . you know what you have to do, you know the evil foods, but unfortunately if you haven't used that 1 critical year to relearn your eating habits, we tend to go back to the old ways and we can trick our sleeves into virtually anything. . . including gaining weight back. . . so drop those sodas and high starchy Snacks and replace them with crystal lite Water and veggies and the gym. . . good luck and hopefully I didn't say anything to make anyone feel like i wasn't giving support. . . .
  14. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Jewel-in-the-rough in Ashamed of WLS?   
    Yup, controversy here. . . it depends really on how you feel about WLS overall. . .but let me tell you one thing. . once you've had your surgery and are about 3 - 4 months out you are going to see something very very surprising. . . not only will you have lost a bunch of weight and feel good, but suddenly there come the stalls and the slight gains. . . you actually have to work at it. . .this isn't a magic cure for obesity, just a tool, like a hammer lets say. . . in order to get the nail into the wall, YOU have to do the work right? Just like that hammer, this sleeve won't work unless YOU make it work, you still have to watch, very carefully, what you put into your mouth and so on. . . it won't just jump up and do it for you, so it's definately NOT the easy way out. . . the lazy way out is stupid, whoever thought of that saying must be really ignorant. . . anyhow what to tell people is definately up to you and how you feel about the surgery. . . I tell people but then I don't care about their reactions either. . .i did this for me and not for them. . . .good luck!
  15. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from peacequeen in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    Well if you weigh your pros and cons, your pros are definately overpowering your cons. . . you know you have a problem that needs to be fixed. . . i'd worry more if i didn't do the surgery. . . your only 24! you need to help yourself now and not when it's too late. we all worry and freak out before surgery. . . my goodness this was my 18th major surgery and heck I'm still here to talk about it 2 years later! and the good part. . . I'm down 150+ lbs. . . . no one can tell you what to do, that is your decision, but we can certainly tell you it won't be a wrong choice and as you can see, all of us who have had it are happy "little" (literally) campers. . . .good luck, i'm sure you will make the right decision for yourself!
  16. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from vegaslaw in Pizza Got The Better Of Me :(   
    Wow anyone who is still up feeling guilty and typing about it at 2:15 am must be feeling guilty! Girl, it's not like you ate the WHOLE pizza. Just think where you came from. . .from eating the whole pizza to eating a couple of pieces. . . shoot that is really good. . . what do i do when i get the craving? Nothing, i eat my craving. . . my sleeve prevents me from eating the whole thing, but heck, i'll eat my cravings or i'll go crazy and probably hurt myself with overstuffing if i'm not careful. . i went through years of secret eating and hiding food and bingeing. . . not anymore! those days are over and i'm going to live my life. . good luck and live your live and love yourself!
  17. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from exoticheart in Why The Concern All Of A Sudden?   
    Yup, and I absolutely hate it when i'm eating something and someone says "are you allowed that?" or if someone sees me with my tiny dish of food, "Don't eat too much". . . errrrrrrrr i just want to slap them, but instead, I tell them "Well I've come this far without taking any advise from you" then I just laugh and walk off with my bowl. . . people can be soooooo ignorant. . . the other thing i totally hate is women trying to compete with me for whatever reason. . . get over it b00tch00s I already KNOW i'm better looking! hehehe
  18. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Oopsseedaisy in 94 Lbs In 5 Months=not Good Enough Says Nurse..talk Me Off Ledge!   
    Hi, at first I wasn't going to reply to this thread because the "nurse" really p'oed me more then she did you! It's people like her that make a bad name for nurses like me. . .errrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . anyhow, 94 lbs is excellant in 5 months. This isn't a flippin race to see who gets to where first. . .god I hate that! Now my second po was when I heard that YOU would actually let a stupid bi. . .ch A$$ person like that so called nurse make YOU go back to bingeing! Why would you hurt yourself like that? It's not going to hurt her or anyone else, just you. . . don't do that to yourself. . . yes you have the sleeve to stop all that major hurt, but girl why would you do that? And don't say it's because that is how you cope. . because we all have the same problem. now is the time to stand up, pull up those big girl panties and fight. Fight against that addiction and come out a winner. . . you have done so damn well these past 5 months, and to stop the fight now would be ludicrus. . don't do that to yourself. . . sorry if i sound harsh, that is just how i am with my san antonio, texas self. . . .have you seen the new lighting downtown at the riverwalk? Absolutely beautiful. . instead of eating or thinking of self destruction, go down there and check out the lights. . . good luck!
  19. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Oopsseedaisy in 94 Lbs In 5 Months=not Good Enough Says Nurse..talk Me Off Ledge!   
    Hi, at first I wasn't going to reply to this thread because the "nurse" really p'oed me more then she did you! It's people like her that make a bad name for nurses like me. . .errrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . anyhow, 94 lbs is excellant in 5 months. This isn't a flippin race to see who gets to where first. . .god I hate that! Now my second po was when I heard that YOU would actually let a stupid bi. . .ch A$$ person like that so called nurse make YOU go back to bingeing! Why would you hurt yourself like that? It's not going to hurt her or anyone else, just you. . . don't do that to yourself. . . yes you have the sleeve to stop all that major hurt, but girl why would you do that? And don't say it's because that is how you cope. . because we all have the same problem. now is the time to stand up, pull up those big girl panties and fight. Fight against that addiction and come out a winner. . . you have done so damn well these past 5 months, and to stop the fight now would be ludicrus. . don't do that to yourself. . . sorry if i sound harsh, that is just how i am with my san antonio, texas self. . . .have you seen the new lighting downtown at the riverwalk? Absolutely beautiful. . instead of eating or thinking of self destruction, go down there and check out the lights. . . good luck!
  20. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Browneyedsouljah in Depression After Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    I want a increased sex drive!!!!
  21. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Oopsseedaisy in 94 Lbs In 5 Months=not Good Enough Says Nurse..talk Me Off Ledge!   
    Hi, at first I wasn't going to reply to this thread because the "nurse" really p'oed me more then she did you! It's people like her that make a bad name for nurses like me. . .errrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . anyhow, 94 lbs is excellant in 5 months. This isn't a flippin race to see who gets to where first. . .god I hate that! Now my second po was when I heard that YOU would actually let a stupid bi. . .ch A$$ person like that so called nurse make YOU go back to bingeing! Why would you hurt yourself like that? It's not going to hurt her or anyone else, just you. . . don't do that to yourself. . . yes you have the sleeve to stop all that major hurt, but girl why would you do that? And don't say it's because that is how you cope. . because we all have the same problem. now is the time to stand up, pull up those big girl panties and fight. Fight against that addiction and come out a winner. . . you have done so damn well these past 5 months, and to stop the fight now would be ludicrus. . don't do that to yourself. . . sorry if i sound harsh, that is just how i am with my san antonio, texas self. . . .have you seen the new lighting downtown at the riverwalk? Absolutely beautiful. . instead of eating or thinking of self destruction, go down there and check out the lights. . . good luck!
  22. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from vegaslaw in Pizza Got The Better Of Me :(   
    Wow anyone who is still up feeling guilty and typing about it at 2:15 am must be feeling guilty! Girl, it's not like you ate the WHOLE pizza. Just think where you came from. . .from eating the whole pizza to eating a couple of pieces. . . shoot that is really good. . . what do i do when i get the craving? Nothing, i eat my craving. . . my sleeve prevents me from eating the whole thing, but heck, i'll eat my cravings or i'll go crazy and probably hurt myself with overstuffing if i'm not careful. . i went through years of secret eating and hiding food and bingeing. . . not anymore! those days are over and i'm going to live my life. . good luck and live your live and love yourself!
  23. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Oopsseedaisy in 94 Lbs In 5 Months=not Good Enough Says Nurse..talk Me Off Ledge!   
    Hi, at first I wasn't going to reply to this thread because the "nurse" really p'oed me more then she did you! It's people like her that make a bad name for nurses like me. . .errrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . anyhow, 94 lbs is excellant in 5 months. This isn't a flippin race to see who gets to where first. . .god I hate that! Now my second po was when I heard that YOU would actually let a stupid bi. . .ch A$$ person like that so called nurse make YOU go back to bingeing! Why would you hurt yourself like that? It's not going to hurt her or anyone else, just you. . . don't do that to yourself. . . yes you have the sleeve to stop all that major hurt, but girl why would you do that? And don't say it's because that is how you cope. . because we all have the same problem. now is the time to stand up, pull up those big girl panties and fight. Fight against that addiction and come out a winner. . . you have done so damn well these past 5 months, and to stop the fight now would be ludicrus. . don't do that to yourself. . . sorry if i sound harsh, that is just how i am with my san antonio, texas self. . . .have you seen the new lighting downtown at the riverwalk? Absolutely beautiful. . instead of eating or thinking of self destruction, go down there and check out the lights. . . good luck!
  24. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Oopsseedaisy in Am I Just Being Greedy?   
    no it's not being greedy. . . but all i want to say is be mentally prepared. . . this isn't easy, seems easy, but you'll see. good luck
  25. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Missnurse in Warning<< Gastric Sleeve Surgery Failure Dr Rod   
    all I can say is that i'm glad i got this done here in the US with a very good doctor who knew what he was doing and has been there if i need him for the past 2 years. after care was great and continues to be great if i need them. they still see me every year for follow up and call every now and then to see if i'm doing well. I'm sorry to hear about those with problems and am very very grateful i didn't have any complications to talk about. Blessings to each and everyone of you.

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