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LAP-BAND Patients
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Puja in Head Hunger Vs. Me   
    How I empathize with you all. . . I am the exact same way. There was a question earlier somewhere on this forum, in which the person asked for questions to ask at her informational seminar. . . I guess one of those should be how to deal with the horrible head hunger. I too suffer from this monster, but I guess the best thing we can do is just fight it. . . it's so hard, when i give into it, however, I make sure that it's only a little of whatever I'm craving. . . most times my cravings are meat, so it's Protein with no carbs (thank goodness). . . but i so understand head hunger, I too would love to lose about 30 more lbs, but don't see that anytime soon either. . . ugh. . good luck ladies! Together we will overcome (one day )
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    thinoneday got a reaction from atkinsoncl in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    Are we being played into yet another stupid game? It's the "lets get the forum riled up so my topic can become hot game". All of us who have success with this surgery know the real truth behind the surgery, we don't need to fall into this game to try to convince anyone. . . good luck to you so called "medical student". . . eat and drink all the sh. . . t you want !
  3. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from atkinsoncl in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    Are we being played into yet another stupid game? It's the "lets get the forum riled up so my topic can become hot game". All of us who have success with this surgery know the real truth behind the surgery, we don't need to fall into this game to try to convince anyone. . . good luck to you so called "medical student". . . eat and drink all the sh. . . t you want !
  4. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from atkinsoncl in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    Are we being played into yet another stupid game? It's the "lets get the forum riled up so my topic can become hot game". All of us who have success with this surgery know the real truth behind the surgery, we don't need to fall into this game to try to convince anyone. . . good luck to you so called "medical student". . . eat and drink all the sh. . . t you want !
  5. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from atkinsoncl in I Find The Operation Stupid   
    Are we being played into yet another stupid game? It's the "lets get the forum riled up so my topic can become hot game". All of us who have success with this surgery know the real truth behind the surgery, we don't need to fall into this game to try to convince anyone. . . good luck to you so called "medical student". . . eat and drink all the sh. . . t you want !
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Jesusislove in So Tell The Truth . . .   
    No, not so much really. I really haven't changed much from 350lbs with the vanity thing. I haven't changed my hair, nor do i wear makeup, don't shop for new clothes (use my daughters clothes that don't fit her anymore) haven't changed really. . . I am very grateful for the surgery and the incredible results (150 lbs gone) and i'm REALLY happy with all the things I can do which I couldn't do before, ie: ride horses, sit comfortably in a plane seat, cross my legs, bound up a flight of stairs without thinking I need an oxygen tank! etc. . . .I still hate picture taking though, don't do that much. One day. . .
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Kim David in Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.   
    I could have eaten a frozen dog. lol
    LMAO!!!!! This is so funny! I can just see this frozen dog and someone gnawing on it's leg! You just made my day! :lol: At least its carb free!!!! Excellent choice!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Mr_Worm in Do I Have To?   
    No, you can do what you want. . .I sure as heck did. . .stopped taking those damn Vitamins for the past year. . . but guess what? Went to my annual check up and have malabsorption out of the a$$$. . . ferratin gone, Vit D gone, B12 gone, start of ulcers, potassium, Calcium, and sodium very low. . doctor was amazed i was still able to stand. . . I had to start taking not only RX vitamins now, but nexium as well. . . so if you want to stop the vitamins go ahead, but be prepared to suffer the consequences. . . just a thought. . .
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Kim David in Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.   
    Kim, I can totally relate with you and how some of the folks on here go totally beserk with anything that they don't understand or scares them. I've been the victim of "lets pick on her" many times because I say what I mean. I tell the truth and so many don't like it and so they start to pick. . . called bullying I think. . .I was told by someone on this forum to totally ignore people like that because they are miserable and just want to project that misery unto others. . .so with that, i wish you all the best and hope you get well soon. there really isn't an easy answer to what happened to you, i believe it did however. . . again good luck. . .
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Pookeyism in My "support" Is Gone...   
    awww I'm so sorry all that is coming down on you right now. . . but your strong, we are never given more then we can burden. Don't let the head hunger win out on you. . . get yourself really busy. . . not only will you feel better for getting stuff done, but your going to be proud of yourself for beating out the hunger monster. . . you can do it honey, and know that we are here as well to help you along the way. . .
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    thinoneday got a reaction from longer-life in Anyone Disappointed In The Amount Of Weight Lost? Wish It Was More?   
    I totally agree with Iwishfit, slower is better. I'm going into my 3rd year and for the past year have maintained my weight. I've lost all of my weight that the doctor wanted me to loose, but sure I wish i could lose 30 lbs more. . .will I? probably not, cause of my frame and structure of my body. . .am I happy, YOU BETCHA! At least I don't weigh what I did before and can do so many more things that I could not do before. . . but of course, I'll keep working at it to see what can be done to lose that extra few pounds, but i'm def not going to kill myself doing it. . . if i loose, i loose, if not then not. . . good luck!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Liliana Arleen in Just Stop It Already   
    Nope, everyone of y'all are sweet and wonderful! The people who are the "problems" won't dare put their comments cause everyone will know who they are! You guys are and have been the most wonderful bunch! Love you all! Happy Valentines to everyone! May blessings come your way!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Flagstaffian in "you're Fat (And That's The Cause Of All Your Problems)"   
    Yes, a heating pad and a lidocaine patch could help (if you can get those) Vitamin D may help, may not. I get those "knots" on my shoulder blade alot . . . and I've lost 150 lbs! Go figure, bet you anything it's caused primarily from stress. . .especially if you spend your day working on a computer or sitting doing something that keeps you in a certain position. . . ibuprophen 800 mg helps me with that pain especially at night, massage has not. . . lidocaine Patches help too. . . you may try those pain patches from the pharmacy that you can just put on the area. Good luck, hopefully something will help!
  14. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Flagstaffian in "you're Fat (And That's The Cause Of All Your Problems)"   
    Yes, a heating pad and a lidocaine patch could help (if you can get those) Vitamin D may help, may not. I get those "knots" on my shoulder blade alot . . . and I've lost 150 lbs! Go figure, bet you anything it's caused primarily from stress. . .especially if you spend your day working on a computer or sitting doing something that keeps you in a certain position. . . ibuprophen 800 mg helps me with that pain especially at night, massage has not. . . lidocaine Patches help too. . . you may try those pain patches from the pharmacy that you can just put on the area. Good luck, hopefully something will help!
  15. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Replying To Posts   
    Looked like it didn't work for Rodney King either
  16. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from ATeam in Alcohol!?   
    yup, I had my first drink after my 3rd month of surgery and it's been every friday and saturday evening thereafter, I'm going into my 3rd year and am lovin my life!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from longer-life in Ask The Person Below A Question, Answer The One Above.   
    my life for sure is 100% better. had i remained at home after 16, i would have turned out to be just a factory worker with no education, probably married to a deadbeat man (I had dropped out of school already with parental ok) my family life was a disaster (violence) but thank god i met the love of my life during this time who totally INSISTED i return to school. he paid for it and with his help, i put myself through GED and past, then through a clerk typist course (remember those jobs?) worked at that for a while (17 years) then became a CNA (4 years), during that time started taking pre-req's at the university (on probabation of course until I pasted with a C+) for nursing, then nursing school, then MSN, and here i am, married to the same wonderful man for the past 34 years, wouldn't change anything with him. . have 2 kids born on the same day 10 years apart! Try that! am a 1st time granny, and am living a good life right now!
    Question to the next poster: Tell us about yourself?
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    thinoneday got a reaction from kgb in I Wish Someone Had Told Me....   
    at going on 3 years out, i think back and wish i would have known the following things; the fatigue, the weakness, the severe hairloss, malabsorption, and the occasional swelling where you can't fit anything in all day except liquids. But you know what, I'd much rather have all those complications and be thin and happy, then be fat and unhappy. Now just to come off track a bit, i heard yesterday on the radio that more and more men are becoming "chubby chasers" That made me even happier because i now know that maybe there won't be the chance of getting "hit on" as much. . . I realllyyyy , realllllyyyyy hate that!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from Iwant2Bthatgirl in Just Got Sleeved.... And The Scale Is Not Moving Yet?   
    Well I'm a hater of the scale and when i got home from the hospital from surgery, i threw it out. . . I only weighed at the doctors appts and this is how that went, first 2 weeks 25lbs gone, 7th week 53lbs gone, 1 year out 150 lbs gone. . .I never had to witness a stall in the first year and was very very happy with my fabulous results. . I refused to be a slave to the scale. . . now I'm 3 years out now and lovin it. . . good luck!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from AliveAgain in Confused And Depressed -- I Don't Want To Regret This!   
    let me inlighten you with some interesting news. . .it's only temporary. . it doesn't last forever honey! go with the flow and do what your doctor says, you'll be happier in the end. . . but of course the choice is yours. . .
    as far as the depression, maybe seek out the help of a doctor. . . if you suffered from this before and you are noticing it coming back, this is not the time to play the "lets see what happens" game. . . if it's only from the "help I can't handle the shakes" then that will pass.
    good for you walking, at least your helping with the Constipation. . .
    I'm out 3 years and still have those alien grumbles in my non existing tummy. . .
    good luck!
  21. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from MrsSweny in Second Thoughts   
    I'm so sorry your having such conflicts with yourself. . but you know what you have to be completely prepared for this surgery. . not just the physical aspect but more so the mental aspect and unless you don't have the preparedness, then maybe your not ready at this point. Let me tell you though, at 3 years out I am very happy i had this surgery done. . . in the beginning i really hated it, i resented the surgery so much, why? cause I was a food addict and the surgery didn't allow me to indulge in my addiction anymore. . . i had to relearn how to eat, when to eat, when to drink liquids etc. . . it's tough, really tough, but soon i overcame my addiction. . . there are days even now i wish i hadn't done it, but those are just fleeting seconds, i have shed 150 lbs and will never look back. . .i think i may have put on several more years onto my existing life by losing weight. . . i'm proud of myself. . . you must be ready though, if your not ready now, you will be eventually. . . good luck to you!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from MrsSweny in Second Thoughts   
    I'm so sorry your having such conflicts with yourself. . but you know what you have to be completely prepared for this surgery. . not just the physical aspect but more so the mental aspect and unless you don't have the preparedness, then maybe your not ready at this point. Let me tell you though, at 3 years out I am very happy i had this surgery done. . . in the beginning i really hated it, i resented the surgery so much, why? cause I was a food addict and the surgery didn't allow me to indulge in my addiction anymore. . . i had to relearn how to eat, when to eat, when to drink liquids etc. . . it's tough, really tough, but soon i overcame my addiction. . . there are days even now i wish i hadn't done it, but those are just fleeting seconds, i have shed 150 lbs and will never look back. . .i think i may have put on several more years onto my existing life by losing weight. . . i'm proud of myself. . . you must be ready though, if your not ready now, you will be eventually. . . good luck to you!
  23. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Shoppingbeemom in Need Some Advice - Don't Know What To Do Or Say..   
    Lovinghusband1979 - - my hubbie felt exactly like you do before my WLS. He would tell you too that I never tried, that I was lazy and didn't want to exercise, and that my diets only lasted for maybe a week or so. . . For about 2 1/2 years before surgery we used to haggle the subject til i was green in the face. . .(I initially wanted the lapband) then finally I asked him just to come to the orientation with me. . . he agreed to that. During the orientation he asked TONS of questions (poor other people never got a chance hehehe) but when we left that evening, he told me that he does not support me with the band at all. . . but he does support me with the sleeve because it seems the safest. . . I almost fell over. I couldn't say anything except, "thanks hon" . . . from there, because I was self pay, my surgery was 1 month later. He worried so much about the decision we had made, he saw how fast the weight was coming off and he worried it wouldn't stop and i would die or something. . . well I'm going into my 3rd year post op now and have surpassed my surgeons weight goal for me by 12 lbs. I remain at 200 - 210 lbs and at 6' tall, look and feel awesome. . .I don't have to be embarrassed waddling down the aisle of a plane and asking the stewardess for the extension belt to make the seatbelt fit, I can now feel comfortable and "normal" sitting in that 17" seat. . . I have more energy to do things and don't feel like i need a breathing aparatise just to climb a few steps. . . my sleeve prevents me from overeating! Yes, I do like my alcohol and the occasional treats, but can't do the whole thing only a bit. . . at 3 years out i still can't eat more then my 7oz lean cuisine or 6 oz hormel dinner. . .the sleeve has given me back my life and that is something NO ONE should ever be denied. . . we are all different inside and we all feel, hurt, and cry differently. I made a big difference in myself and once where i was that "lazy can't diet girl" now am a good looking chick! I still don't go to gym and kill myself because why should I? I do natural exercises, I walk 1/4 mile x 2 every day to my car because i park far away from work. . I walk to my mailbox which is down a very steep hill and walk back up EVERYDAY. . .I do yard work, house work, go swimming, horseback riding and hiking when I want to. . not when I'm forced to do it. . . you may be pleasantly surprised at your wife and her success. . . what your doing at this time is assuming she is going to fail because of what you've seen previously, but we don't know the future. . don't deny her life back, she is fat because there may be an underlying problem. . . help her live her life, however, if she is wanting to do this because her sisters have it and that is all, then that is a very poor reason to get this surgery. . . one needs to be mentally prepared for this surgery, I know of several people who have successfully committed suicide because they could not handle the mental part of this surgery. . .it's not easy at all, it's a tough surgery and one needs to switch really fast and be prepared to go with it because once it's there, there is no turning back. . . at 3 years out there are still days i regret this but not as much now as in the beginning. . . good luck and the best of luck to the both of you.
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    thinoneday got a reaction from lamarr80 in Fried Foods And Hot Wings Forbidden Forever?   
    I'll probably get slammed for this but whatever, no food is forbidden ever. . . it's how you use that food to your advantage. If you over indulge, well you'll gain weight of course. . . moderation is the key and as someone who is out going into my 3rd year, I have hit my doctors goal, surpassed it, and am maintaining beautifully. I eat my 3 meals a day with healthy Snacks and yes on the occasion i do indulge in yummies. I'm livin my life now and totally lovin it! Good luck !
  25. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from RawrrAshleex3 in When Did Your Brain Catch Up With Your Body?   
    Im out now going into year 3 and my brain still is deciding things about the body. Of course my clothes fit better and I look not to bad, i fit comfortably into the 17" plane seat, have about 6" of seat belt left over after buckling and can cross my legs while sitting there WITH the tray down. I can ride horses without thinking I'm going to kill them and run up several flights of stairs without needing an oxygen tank. But there are times that I still see that fat girl staring back. It didn't help yesterday when one of my employees said, "Ma'am, all due respect, but my dad has always told me to say whats on my mind and just say it, so ma'am your losing weight and that's great but your really gaining alot on your butt! " And I just looked at her and said Thank you hon. . . but have you noticed your rear end lately?" She told me your like Kim Kardasian with her butt, but you want curves anyhow . . . i went to my office and started to "check out" my back side. . . my pants hung loosely and didn't look any different. . .my 18's are loose but 16s are snug (I don't wear those to work) . . . went home and asked my hubbie if my butt is gaining weight? He laughed and told me I've always had the butt from hell, but it's definately not as big as before. . .ummmm so what are they saying? Well now I'm back to long hide the butt shirts and baggier pants. . . ugh. . . i can't win for losing!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
