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    thinoneday got a reaction from racheal218 in Non Drinker Craving Alchol?   
    You betcha!!!!! From what I understand, when we had this surgery, not only were our tummies removed but some hormones and other "stuff" we may not know we needed. It makes sense to me, however, when some of these hormones are removed, people do stuff they never used to. . .turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, get more emotional, get angry, etc. . . I did that too. . never was a drinker, but recently I could easily become an alcoholic. . .thank goodness I have control not to do that. . .but it's definately there, that and wanting to go crazy on carbs. . . at 3 years out this is not a good thing (no wonder some people fail with this surgery after a while). . . I had posted a post about my hubbie hurting my feelings by telling me I had gained weight, well after having had a pity party with myself and LOTS of self talk, I told him thank you cause even though I did not gain weight (according to my scale) it made me realize that maybe I'm doing bizzare things which i didn't do before. . . and then I realized that yes I'm snacking like an idiot on carbs and between meals and yes I was drinking alcohol A LOT!!! Sooooo, i stopped that dead in its tracks. . . think head hunger is murder? Try stopping every thing cold turkey! If i wasn't crazy before, I will be now! hahaha. . . but it's only temporary cause once my body gets back on track, I will be ok. . . . PS: For you stats folks, I don't have proof of my findings, only observation. . . .
  2. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Dooter in Vanity, Mental, Health -- Percentages Of Each Regarding My Decision   
    I'm a complete sinner and will probably go to the hot house anyhow, so for me it was 90% vanity (ugh!) and 10% health.
    I was always unhappy with my weight! Always being made fun of, teased, taunted, as a kid, then as an adult, the same thing, teased, taunted, made to feel all jokes had to be fat related and that i should be happy all the time. . . (shoot, I'm not freakin' santa claus) Now I can do so much more, and look so much better. . . it's so nice to actually like myself again! So for me it was vanity mostly. . .
  3. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Dooter in Vanity, Mental, Health -- Percentages Of Each Regarding My Decision   
    I'm a complete sinner and will probably go to the hot house anyhow, so for me it was 90% vanity (ugh!) and 10% health.
    I was always unhappy with my weight! Always being made fun of, teased, taunted, as a kid, then as an adult, the same thing, teased, taunted, made to feel all jokes had to be fat related and that i should be happy all the time. . . (shoot, I'm not freakin' santa claus) Now I can do so much more, and look so much better. . . it's so nice to actually like myself again! So for me it was vanity mostly. . .
  4. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Dooter in Vanity, Mental, Health -- Percentages Of Each Regarding My Decision   
    I'm a complete sinner and will probably go to the hot house anyhow, so for me it was 90% vanity (ugh!) and 10% health.
    I was always unhappy with my weight! Always being made fun of, teased, taunted, as a kid, then as an adult, the same thing, teased, taunted, made to feel all jokes had to be fat related and that i should be happy all the time. . . (shoot, I'm not freakin' santa claus) Now I can do so much more, and look so much better. . . it's so nice to actually like myself again! So for me it was vanity mostly. . .
  5. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Dooter in Vanity, Mental, Health -- Percentages Of Each Regarding My Decision   
    I'm a complete sinner and will probably go to the hot house anyhow, so for me it was 90% vanity (ugh!) and 10% health.
    I was always unhappy with my weight! Always being made fun of, teased, taunted, as a kid, then as an adult, the same thing, teased, taunted, made to feel all jokes had to be fat related and that i should be happy all the time. . . (shoot, I'm not freakin' santa claus) Now I can do so much more, and look so much better. . . it's so nice to actually like myself again! So for me it was vanity mostly. . .
  6. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Cheles in Finaly, Onelander And A Major Nsv This Week   
    How wonderful! And congratulations on passing your test as well! What a fabulous story! Thanks for sharing
  7. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from coops in Crying Inwardly, Can't Believe He Said This!   
    Thank you! Everyone is great ! Pdxman, don't worry, we all love you too! Shadayo, no offense taken, all comments are very welcome. . .it's the support everyone is showing that makes me feel better about myself. . . and yes, $15,500.00 cash (I was self pay) is alot of money and I guess the kook is trying to maintain his investment. . (if only i wasn't an investment LOL) but oh well only 7,900.00 left on that loan! I'm so much better today because of all of you! Everyone here has totally made my day and I appreciate it so much! Thank you!
  8. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Globetrotter in Crying Inwardly, Can't Believe He Said This!   
    How I love you all! Thank you so much for your support! Well I did tell him yesterday that he really hurt my feelings. . . he got all stupid over that and started with "Well I'm never going to tell you anything ever again. . from now on i'm going to keep quiet and let you do what you want" (he always goes grade 1 on me when i confront him about stuff) . . . i told him point blank, "babe, you dished it out, so now you better be able to take some too" and that was it. . . argue city. . . telling me that i can't take criticism and that he just laughes things off. . (well fool, laugh this off! middle finger flies up) . . .i must be overly sensative when it comes to weight. . . what a jackass. . . oh well, 34 years of arguing has never bothered us before, and it won't now either, plus i'm too lazy and tired to retrain another man. . LOL. . . like alot of you say, he's a guy, no clue. . . lol . . . sorry to Brandon! But it did open my eyes to the fact that maybe I have gained weight, so this morning I weighed myself and nope, lost 3 lbs. . . ahhhhh whatever. . . i think he's basically just upset over something else (usually its work) ,. . . i was thinking this morning, as I was driving to work, i'm a good wife, work every day at my job (no I don't miss unless it's holiday time or I'm 1/2 dead which is never) come home work in the yard, tending to flowers and making sure the yards are watered and weed free, do all the housework, etc. . . don't gamble, don't drink, don't smoke, don't spend money, don't shop, just hausfrau (housewife) me. . . . so whatever, I'll continue on my path and in the end, I'll be the one receiving my blessing and he'll have to answer to the "why did this happen?". . . . .
  9. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from fluffylibra30 in Unhappy With Life   
    This happened to me. . . i too flirted with the idea of cheating, but STD/HIV scared that thought right out of my brain. . . my hubbie is everything to me, so why would I want to hurt him. . . I found out it was just plain boredom and all i really wanted was just someone to "go out" with. . .go places and do stuff not to have sex. . I didn't want a relationship cause I had a fabulous one with DH and couldn't see losing him over that. . .I'm glad i didn't do it. . . replacing it with a kid could cause more problems cause kids are very stressful. . . Just my thoughts. . . maybe you two need a break from lifes stresses. . . take a nice vacation together and/or just reflect on the many reasons why you are together. . . write down the pro's and con's of being together and when you see your pro's outweighing your con's you'll be happy about that. . . sometimes it's just a little change to make it all better. . . vacations are wonderful if you can do that. . . good luck!
  10. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from coops in Crying Inwardly, Can't Believe He Said This!   
    Thank you! Everyone is great ! Pdxman, don't worry, we all love you too! Shadayo, no offense taken, all comments are very welcome. . .it's the support everyone is showing that makes me feel better about myself. . . and yes, $15,500.00 cash (I was self pay) is alot of money and I guess the kook is trying to maintain his investment. . (if only i wasn't an investment LOL) but oh well only 7,900.00 left on that loan! I'm so much better today because of all of you! Everyone here has totally made my day and I appreciate it so much! Thank you!
  11. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Eri in Anger Problems   
    YOU BETCHA! In the very beginning, it's a food funeral. . .you go through the remorse of losing your best friend (food) . . . this is where I think no one is ever ready for this surgery. . . we think we are ready, but mentally we are not (this is one aspect I really wish they would tell you about). . . in the beginning during holidays was the worst for me. . i'd actually have pity parties for myself and feel sorry for me. . . it was a pretty sorry sight, . . but then i did alot of self talk, I had to remind myself why i did the surgery and what my long term goal was. . . i started to watch people and their habits with food and remind myself this is exactly how i was . . . i started getting grossed out with obese people even though i am one, i started watch man vs food and would literally get sick. . . i worked myself into thinking I don't need all that food. . . i'm eating to live, not living to eat. . . you have to work with yourself, if you find it getting worse, remove yourself from the situations or find some help. . . you'll be ok, this too shall pass, I'm out 3 years and mine finally left me at about 1 year post op. . . you can do it. . . don't let the anger eat you up, you'll only hurting yourself . . . good luck
  12. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Itsanewdaycassandra in Anger Problems   
    anytime, that's what we're here for. . . if one of us falter, we all try to come to the rescue to help. . .we'll be there for you!
  13. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from nowatgoal in 50 Years Old 226Lbs Sleeve Date 22Nd April 2012   
    My only advice to you is this. . . no matter how prepared you are, prepare yourself mentally. . . it's the mental aspect which will set you up. . . be sure you are ready to accept the food funeral and do alot of self talk . . . remind yourself daily why you did the surgery and what the long term goals are . . . when you find yourself getting moody cause you can't eat what everyone else is eating, remember it's not their fault, so don't take it out on them . . . just keep your head on tightly and fight a fair fight! This journey is not easy and the bumps are interesting, if you fall down, get up, brush yourself off and keep going! Good luck!
  14. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from coops in Crying Inwardly, Can't Believe He Said This!   
    Thank you! Everyone is great ! Pdxman, don't worry, we all love you too! Shadayo, no offense taken, all comments are very welcome. . .it's the support everyone is showing that makes me feel better about myself. . . and yes, $15,500.00 cash (I was self pay) is alot of money and I guess the kook is trying to maintain his investment. . (if only i wasn't an investment LOL) but oh well only 7,900.00 left on that loan! I'm so much better today because of all of you! Everyone here has totally made my day and I appreciate it so much! Thank you!
  15. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Eri in Anger Problems   
    YOU BETCHA! In the very beginning, it's a food funeral. . .you go through the remorse of losing your best friend (food) . . . this is where I think no one is ever ready for this surgery. . . we think we are ready, but mentally we are not (this is one aspect I really wish they would tell you about). . . in the beginning during holidays was the worst for me. . i'd actually have pity parties for myself and feel sorry for me. . . it was a pretty sorry sight, . . but then i did alot of self talk, I had to remind myself why i did the surgery and what my long term goal was. . . i started to watch people and their habits with food and remind myself this is exactly how i was . . . i started getting grossed out with obese people even though i am one, i started watch man vs food and would literally get sick. . . i worked myself into thinking I don't need all that food. . . i'm eating to live, not living to eat. . . you have to work with yourself, if you find it getting worse, remove yourself from the situations or find some help. . . you'll be ok, this too shall pass, I'm out 3 years and mine finally left me at about 1 year post op. . . you can do it. . . don't let the anger eat you up, you'll only hurting yourself . . . good luck
  16. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from irishmama2004 in My Journey   
    Welcome! Your going to love us. . . we are a big happy family here and we support each other through thick and thin. . . sometimes we even fight and get krunk with each other. . . that passes like bad gas and then we're all ok again. . . so welcome and keep posting. I'm glad you found us!
  17. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Globetrotter in Crying Inwardly, Can't Believe He Said This!   
    How I love you all! Thank you so much for your support! Well I did tell him yesterday that he really hurt my feelings. . . he got all stupid over that and started with "Well I'm never going to tell you anything ever again. . from now on i'm going to keep quiet and let you do what you want" (he always goes grade 1 on me when i confront him about stuff) . . . i told him point blank, "babe, you dished it out, so now you better be able to take some too" and that was it. . . argue city. . . telling me that i can't take criticism and that he just laughes things off. . (well fool, laugh this off! middle finger flies up) . . .i must be overly sensative when it comes to weight. . . what a jackass. . . oh well, 34 years of arguing has never bothered us before, and it won't now either, plus i'm too lazy and tired to retrain another man. . LOL. . . like alot of you say, he's a guy, no clue. . . lol . . . sorry to Brandon! But it did open my eyes to the fact that maybe I have gained weight, so this morning I weighed myself and nope, lost 3 lbs. . . ahhhhh whatever. . . i think he's basically just upset over something else (usually its work) ,. . . i was thinking this morning, as I was driving to work, i'm a good wife, work every day at my job (no I don't miss unless it's holiday time or I'm 1/2 dead which is never) come home work in the yard, tending to flowers and making sure the yards are watered and weed free, do all the housework, etc. . . don't gamble, don't drink, don't smoke, don't spend money, don't shop, just hausfrau (housewife) me. . . . so whatever, I'll continue on my path and in the end, I'll be the one receiving my blessing and he'll have to answer to the "why did this happen?". . . . .
  18. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Neese in Opinions On The Sleeve Over Time.   
    3 years out here and still can only eat 1 slice of pizza, no more then 6-7oz of food at a time. . still slime like a maniac if i eat too fast or too much, still can't gulp drinks, always have to ask for a to go box when eating out. . . haven't gained weight, don't exercise or really watch my diet. . .i am maintaining wonderfully between 200-210lbs. . .lost 150lbs, surpassed my doctors goal for me which was 212lbs and finally love myself and am at peace with myself. . . what a wonderful feeling that is ! good luck!
  19. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Neese in Opinions On The Sleeve Over Time.   
    3 years out here and still can only eat 1 slice of pizza, no more then 6-7oz of food at a time. . still slime like a maniac if i eat too fast or too much, still can't gulp drinks, always have to ask for a to go box when eating out. . . haven't gained weight, don't exercise or really watch my diet. . .i am maintaining wonderfully between 200-210lbs. . .lost 150lbs, surpassed my doctors goal for me which was 212lbs and finally love myself and am at peace with myself. . . what a wonderful feeling that is ! good luck!
  20. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Neese in Opinions On The Sleeve Over Time.   
    3 years out here and still can only eat 1 slice of pizza, no more then 6-7oz of food at a time. . still slime like a maniac if i eat too fast or too much, still can't gulp drinks, always have to ask for a to go box when eating out. . . haven't gained weight, don't exercise or really watch my diet. . .i am maintaining wonderfully between 200-210lbs. . .lost 150lbs, surpassed my doctors goal for me which was 212lbs and finally love myself and am at peace with myself. . . what a wonderful feeling that is ! good luck!
  21. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from diochick in Monday Funday Question Of The Day!   
    I had many, but the best one must of been when I "thought" I could fit into this really nice pair of shorts which I had never worn because they were alway so tight, so when i put them on, they fell right off. . . I HAD MISSED THE SIZE! then of course there was the fit into the plane seat with about 7" of seatbelt left over, AND the tray came all the way down with lots of room to spare! That made my day. . . also, I was going over the HR dept one day to deliver some paper work and when I was coming back I was standing outside and realized I had just climbed 4 flights of stairs and wasn't huffing and puffing. . . I was amazed at that. . I mean I didn't even realize i had done the stairs, my mind was elsewhere! That was cool. . . there are many many more, and I'm grateful for each and every one of them!
  22. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from diochick in Monday Funday Question Of The Day!   
    I had many, but the best one must of been when I "thought" I could fit into this really nice pair of shorts which I had never worn because they were alway so tight, so when i put them on, they fell right off. . . I HAD MISSED THE SIZE! then of course there was the fit into the plane seat with about 7" of seatbelt left over, AND the tray came all the way down with lots of room to spare! That made my day. . . also, I was going over the HR dept one day to deliver some paper work and when I was coming back I was standing outside and realized I had just climbed 4 flights of stairs and wasn't huffing and puffing. . . I was amazed at that. . I mean I didn't even realize i had done the stairs, my mind was elsewhere! That was cool. . . there are many many more, and I'm grateful for each and every one of them!
  23. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Doreykn in Hot Vs Cold Drinks   
    yes, cold drinks will cramp your tummy big time. . .every one is different, so your tolerance to cold drinks will depend on you. . . i'm out 3 years, i definately can drink cold drinks, but man if i drink it on an empty tummy, look out, cramps and pain for about 10 - 15 minutes. . just progress slowly, and definately no gulping! sip sip sip your cold drinks and take time between sips. . . Good luck!
  24. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Doreykn in Thank You   
    Your very welcome. . that's what we're here for actually. . . lol. . . this is going to be a big change but just remember, no matter how "ready" you think you are, it's still going to be "different" Each of us is unique and different, so each of us have had different experiences with the surgery. . . your "scared out of your brain" thing is normal, that I believe everyone has experienced. . . but you'll do ok. . . just remember to get up and walk! Very important and also sip, sip, sip, . . you won't feel like it, but if your dehydrated, well then there is another problem. . . .good luck you'll do great and keep us posted!
  25. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Doreykn in Friday The 13Th Weight Loss Challenge!   
    I love Friday the 13th, , , my lucky day and number! Today, Friday 13th, I'm going to start to watch my diet until Friday, July 13. . . it's always brought me luck in the past, lets see if it'll help again! Only "want" to loose about 15 lbs!

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