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    thinoneday got a reaction from Livinglifeout in Irritating Comment From Family Member   
    I would have probably shot back and said "Oh is that what happened to you?" She would say "NO". . . then I would say "oh it's just that you knew that a donut goes down easy so I thought you had tried it" . . . .
  2. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Livinglifeout in Irritating Comment From Family Member   
    I would have probably shot back and said "Oh is that what happened to you?" She would say "NO". . . then I would say "oh it's just that you knew that a donut goes down easy so I thought you had tried it" . . . .
  3. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Livinglifeout in Irritating Comment From Family Member   
    I would have probably shot back and said "Oh is that what happened to you?" She would say "NO". . . then I would say "oh it's just that you knew that a donut goes down easy so I thought you had tried it" . . . .
  4. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Livinglifeout in Irritating Comment From Family Member   
    I would have probably shot back and said "Oh is that what happened to you?" She would say "NO". . . then I would say "oh it's just that you knew that a donut goes down easy so I thought you had tried it" . . . .
  5. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from angelakay2 in Thanks... I Think? Nsv.... Maybe? Lol.   
    Well I'm originally from Canada and let me tell you something, the people there are pretty stocky themselves. I came to the US at 360 lbs. . . I got the help here in the US and not in Canada. I've seen lots of folks from Canada on this forum as well who had the sleeve. . . .soooooooo what does that tell ya????? He was just being one of those "look at me, I'm a tourist"
  6. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from fesenjoon in Can You Ever Lose Too Much Weight?   
    I totally agree with loveisbeauty2, the body reaches a "I'm perfect now stage", I'm out 3 years now and have been maintaining between 200-215 lbs for the past 2 years. . . i zoomed down 150 lbs in 1 year and loved it. . . though I surpassed my doctors goal for me at 212 lbs, I really really wanted to get to my own personal goal of 170 lbs. . . well it never happened no matter how hard i tried. . . so i stopped trying and as i said, am maintaining beautifully. . . i'm at the point of "if i loose more, great, but if not, then oh well" as long as I never again see 350+lbs ever again! good luck!
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    thinoneday got a reaction from lisalalani in "so How Much Weight Have You Lost?" Rant   
    I understand what your talking about. . when i first had my surgery and returned to work after 2 weeks, one of my co-workers peeked into my office and stated "hey I thought you had surgery!" I told her yes I did, she said "so how come you haven't lost all your weight yet?" what a dumbass I thought. . . but ignorance is abundant everywhere and I just considered the source and flicked if off like bird poop. . . .
  8. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from shemom83 in Where are the 50s ???   
    Dont ya worry none, were right here with ya. . . . I'm 50 and I don't own a wrinkle and I've lost 150 lbs! I guess I'm either damn lucky or my native american indian heritage is playing it's part. . .all i have is a little loose skin where my apron used to be. . . my daughter who is 21 was asked if I'm her sister???? go figure. . . but as long as it continues I'm as happy as a clam!
  9. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from allmyjoy in Really Need Advice :(   
    The surgery works wonders and will work for you. . . but you are very right, it's your thought process that needs alot of adjustments! I posted on another thread that it makes me wonder if it really was our tummies that needed surgery or our heads. Our self talk is amazing and it's amazing how badly we can punish ourselves by just "thinking" stuff. . . we "think" we are hungry, but are we really? You'll have to be really ready mentally for this surgery, it's hard but the tool we are given is really a god sent and will work with you if you work with it. . . i don't know if this helps any, but good luck! You'll make the right decision for yourself!
  10. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from mrsjones075 in Well Good For Me!   
    I stood there at the mall (which I rarely grace) and was looking at this very very cute miniskirt. . but hell it was only in a 16 R. . . errrr why don't they make these for us fatties! I, of course, wear a 18W. . . errrr!!!! so i walked away thinking whatever. . . something kept nittering in my brain though, "go try it on, what will it hurt, it will either fit or it won't" Good Lord OK brain shut up! So i went back, took the little cute skirt and went to the fitting room! WELL SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! The dang thing fit! And with some room to boot! I was so in shock! I looked at myself in that 20" skirt and said out loud "Well good for me!" I'm 3 years out and thought for sure size 18 was going to the size for me and had excepted that concept already, afterall I came from a size 32W all the way down to a 18W! hell why not, 18W is good!. . .well I guess not huh?
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    thinoneday got a reaction from mrsjones075 in Well Good For Me!   
    I stood there at the mall (which I rarely grace) and was looking at this very very cute miniskirt. . but hell it was only in a 16 R. . . errrr why don't they make these for us fatties! I, of course, wear a 18W. . . errrr!!!! so i walked away thinking whatever. . . something kept nittering in my brain though, "go try it on, what will it hurt, it will either fit or it won't" Good Lord OK brain shut up! So i went back, took the little cute skirt and went to the fitting room! WELL SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! The dang thing fit! And with some room to boot! I was so in shock! I looked at myself in that 20" skirt and said out loud "Well good for me!" I'm 3 years out and thought for sure size 18 was going to the size for me and had excepted that concept already, afterall I came from a size 32W all the way down to a 18W! hell why not, 18W is good!. . .well I guess not huh?
  12. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from aroundhky in Frustrated! Busting My Hump... No Weight Loss   
    Pagie! You better believe someone else was like this just like you! And that someone was me. . .i hit a stall which lasted 7 MONTHS!!!! Pure bloody hell if you ask me. . but then it moved again slowly. . .that was 3 years ago and I'll never forget that. . now i'm maintaining and love myself again. I will never see 350 lbs ever again! Be patient, it'll move, actually put the scale away and just be you for a while. . . nothing is better then livin life and lovin yourself without having to be a slave to the scale. . . good luck!
  13. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from mrsjones075 in Well Good For Me!   
    I stood there at the mall (which I rarely grace) and was looking at this very very cute miniskirt. . but hell it was only in a 16 R. . . errrr why don't they make these for us fatties! I, of course, wear a 18W. . . errrr!!!! so i walked away thinking whatever. . . something kept nittering in my brain though, "go try it on, what will it hurt, it will either fit or it won't" Good Lord OK brain shut up! So i went back, took the little cute skirt and went to the fitting room! WELL SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! The dang thing fit! And with some room to boot! I was so in shock! I looked at myself in that 20" skirt and said out loud "Well good for me!" I'm 3 years out and thought for sure size 18 was going to the size for me and had excepted that concept already, afterall I came from a size 32W all the way down to a 18W! hell why not, 18W is good!. . .well I guess not huh?
  14. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from mrsjones075 in Well Good For Me!   
    I stood there at the mall (which I rarely grace) and was looking at this very very cute miniskirt. . but hell it was only in a 16 R. . . errrr why don't they make these for us fatties! I, of course, wear a 18W. . . errrr!!!! so i walked away thinking whatever. . . something kept nittering in my brain though, "go try it on, what will it hurt, it will either fit or it won't" Good Lord OK brain shut up! So i went back, took the little cute skirt and went to the fitting room! WELL SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! The dang thing fit! And with some room to boot! I was so in shock! I looked at myself in that 20" skirt and said out loud "Well good for me!" I'm 3 years out and thought for sure size 18 was going to the size for me and had excepted that concept already, afterall I came from a size 32W all the way down to a 18W! hell why not, 18W is good!. . .well I guess not huh?
  15. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from mrsjones075 in Well Good For Me!   
    I stood there at the mall (which I rarely grace) and was looking at this very very cute miniskirt. . but hell it was only in a 16 R. . . errrr why don't they make these for us fatties! I, of course, wear a 18W. . . errrr!!!! so i walked away thinking whatever. . . something kept nittering in my brain though, "go try it on, what will it hurt, it will either fit or it won't" Good Lord OK brain shut up! So i went back, took the little cute skirt and went to the fitting room! WELL SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! The dang thing fit! And with some room to boot! I was so in shock! I looked at myself in that 20" skirt and said out loud "Well good for me!" I'm 3 years out and thought for sure size 18 was going to the size for me and had excepted that concept already, afterall I came from a size 32W all the way down to a 18W! hell why not, 18W is good!. . .well I guess not huh?
  16. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from txdee in Food Not Interesting Anymore   
    I must say yes, I used to love food, especially spaghetti and meatballs. . now I could care less. I must honestly say now I don't have a favorite and i don't care if i get something or not. . . guess that is a good thing right. . . but the one thing i have noticed is that i LOVE to drink everything. . . especially crystal light and ice Water with lemons in it. . . i go nuts for liquids. . . that could be bad right? guess i could call myself a "liquidie and not a foodie" ahhhh life is good
  17. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Kiloalphatango in Hmmm, No Pain, No Nothing? Should I Be Happy Or Worried?   
    I wasn't feeling that much pain either when I first had surgery, but my restriction was horrible. Couldn't even get the liquid stuff down to do the leak test. . at 3 years out I still can only eat about 6 oz of food at one time. 2 pieces of dry toast and i start sliming. .at least your not hungry! Keep up the great work and just remember we are all different. But one thing we all have in common is that we have this great tool to help us along the way. . . I'm just really glad I never have to worry about being obese ever again. Good luck!
  18. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from BlaqBeary in Dear Favoredone.. Must Read!   
    awwwww that is so sweet. . . we can all learn from that! :wub:
  19. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from NewRocMyNewBody in How long does weight loss continue?   
    Mine was for 1 year and a couple of months. . . after that it stayed at the same weight, give or take a couple of pounds here and there. . . but now that i'm into year 3, i can honestly say i'm happy where i am. . . i feel and look healthy. . even people who know i've the surgery, tell me how healthy i look, that i don't look anorexic or sickly like some people do. . . this makes me very happy. . . my hubbie even loves how i look now. . . he always says "don't loose anymore" he likes the idea of being able to grab and hold onto stuff hahahaha silly man. . . so i surpassed the 212 lbs the surgeon wanted me to be by 12 pounds and now waver at 200 - 215 lbs . . . love it and for the first time in my life i am at peace with myself and if feels great! good luck!
  20. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Anjelika in 1+ Years Out Excess Weight Loss Percentage Lost   
    I lost all that I was supposed to plus 12 lbs extra. I'm out 3 years now and feel fantastic. Still have tons of restriction but definately can eat more now over a 30 minute sitting. I am up and down between 10 lbs and love it. . . good luck, and like fluffylibra said, don't get discouraged, we all loose at different paces. . . remember slow and steady wins the race!
  21. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from clk in I Don't Want To Eat Normal Ever Again!   
    oh yes, I'm out 3 years now and can eat what I call "normal". . . not like before, with hords of food, just normal. . . for example i can eat a whole egg or two (thats pushing it though) I can eat a whole sandwich, about 1 1/2 slices of pizza, whole piece of cake. But not the whole thing! And that, to me, is the most important. I'm not able to pig out like i used to 3 years ago. . . i'm "normal"
  22. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from Joni in Anyone Know Of At-Home Nursing Jobs?   
    ohhhh Joni, thank you so much! I was just griping about how I made the wrong career choice in my life and how much I really don't like it (after 20+ years of doing it) . . . well now you've made me want to steer into another direction using my RN degree. . . thanks girl! Maybe there is a brighter light at the end of the tunnel
  23. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from shemom83 in Where are the 50s ???   
    Dont ya worry none, were right here with ya. . . . I'm 50 and I don't own a wrinkle and I've lost 150 lbs! I guess I'm either damn lucky or my native american indian heritage is playing it's part. . .all i have is a little loose skin where my apron used to be. . . my daughter who is 21 was asked if I'm her sister???? go figure. . . but as long as it continues I'm as happy as a clam!
  24. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from clk in I Don't Want To Eat Normal Ever Again!   
    oh yes, I'm out 3 years now and can eat what I call "normal". . . not like before, with hords of food, just normal. . . for example i can eat a whole egg or two (thats pushing it though) I can eat a whole sandwich, about 1 1/2 slices of pizza, whole piece of cake. But not the whole thing! And that, to me, is the most important. I'm not able to pig out like i used to 3 years ago. . . i'm "normal"
  25. Like
    thinoneday got a reaction from clk in I Don't Want To Eat Normal Ever Again!   
    oh yes, I'm out 3 years now and can eat what I call "normal". . . not like before, with hords of food, just normal. . . for example i can eat a whole egg or two (thats pushing it though) I can eat a whole sandwich, about 1 1/2 slices of pizza, whole piece of cake. But not the whole thing! And that, to me, is the most important. I'm not able to pig out like i used to 3 years ago. . . i'm "normal"

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