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Posts posted by thinoneday

  1. I'm time crazy, so for me there has to be a clock, watch, sundial anything around. . what i do is sit down, take a spoonful (forkful) and time myself. . .I chew, swallow, and time myself for 1 full minute, then repeat, until 20 minutes are over. . .if i'm not done eating, the rest on the plate goes to the dog or into the trash. . . using a small spoon and pie fork work the best. . . don't drink with your meal either. . do that about 15 minutes AFTER you eat. . . good luck

  2. I'm 3 years out and let me tell you that the mental aspect of all of this is the hardest thing you'll ever know. . . sometimes I think "was it really my stomach that needed the adjustment, or was/is it my brain?" I still suffer from head hunger alot and it really takes alot of self talk and fighting on my part. . . this is really where the "will power" plays a big part. . . you have to be really really ready for this mentally and it's really hard. . .but it's doable and you can do it. . .you have to really busy yourself, get so busy that you forget the thoughts about food and meals and Snacks and such. . . when you are watching TV at night and the munchies crawl in, you have to get up go shower, do laundry, vacuum, wash the floor, whatever to fight that monster, drink tons of Water. . . you have to be stronger that it is. . . and for me it's been a constent battle, its always there but I say I am stronger that it is and i will win! I didn't spend $15,500.00 on surgery to lose this battle. . . good luck!

  3. I was fortunate not only to be able to afford US care, but had a very skilled surgeon as well. . . I had no real complications like what I've read about only some minor problems with malabsorption. . . that is easy to live with. . .otherwise I live "normally" as to my standard.

    The topic had been brought up when I was anticipating getting surgery, but my hubbie and I both decided that I'd stay in the US just because of the aftercare. . .but from what I've heard and read, the Mexico doctors aren't that bad at all. . .

  4. Don't know if I replied or not, but i have elsewhere. . . 2 months of stalling is frustrating, but try 7 MONTHS of nothing, then finally it budges for another 10 and then that's it. . I have surpassed my goal by 12 lbs and my body said no more. . . i'm out now 3 years and maintaining wonderfully. . . I'm happy as a clam and just as healthy. . . finally after all these years, I actually like myself! Stalls happen, but they move too. . . just be patient and it'll happen for you too. . . don't weigh yourself so often, once every 2 weeks is enough, don't become a slave to the scale. . . that will kill you for sure!

  5. Wouldn't you want something permanent? I mean I sure do. . .I don't want to know that they stick something into me (I'll use the band for example) then suddenly need to have it out and poof I regain my weight and then some. . . oh no, not me. . . yes, it's a pain sometimes, but it does keep you from overeating (which you'll never do again) and it'll keep you from being the unhappy person you were. Permanent? I'll take that anytime over obesity. . . just my view on stuff. . .

  6. This might sound dumb, but my only "can't live without" thing is my incredibly small bowls. I found these little bowls (by ziplock) at HEB/grocery store when i first had surgery. They hold bearly 1 cup of food (7oz at the most) and also 4 oz ones (3oz at the most) I have used these bowls religiously for my lunches and breakfasts my entire 3 years and still use them. . . they make you eye ball conscience on how much food you can really eat. . . when i go out to eat, i order a regular serving of whatever, but along with the order i also request a togo box, then when the food comes, I immediately put the food, minus my eyeballed 1 cup of food into the togo box and enjoy my meal with my family Friends who don't know I have the surgery just think I weird, but thats ok, cause everyone needs a weird friend, makes them look more normal right? hahaha. . . . good luck

  7. type into your search engine 5 day pouch test It will bring it up for you. Let me just warn you though, it's really tough! for a couple of days you do nothing but Protein Shakes, and then you progress to soft to firm foods. It's hard cause it chases out the carb addiction, but it really works. Good luck on that one. I'm so sorry to hear about your mishap Steve, hopefully you'll get back on track. . .remember why you did this surgery in the first place, surely it wasn't to get back to "old ways" I'm out 3 years now as well and even though it's tough, I still maintain my weight, get on the every now and then diet to loose a bit more. Why, because i was self pay and $15,500.00 is not easy to just throw away. . .i worked incredibly hard for that money and i want this surgery to last me for my lifetime. . . that is only me though, good luck to you and again, i hope you get back on the wagon with us. . . keep us posted

  8. Doctor used a 28/30 F for me. . and at 3 years out I still have tons of restriction and can't eat more then 6oz at a meal. . . I still have to chew, chew, chew and eat slowly, sometimes takes me 45 minutes to finish a meal, depending on what it is. . I still get the slimies, I still have the gurgling tummy, and still have to sip my drinks. . . actually I've become quite the lady! hahaha. . .it's easier for me to "watch" what i'm doing and it's not hard to maintain my weight. . .I've surpassed my doctors goal for me and am livin' life to the fullest now. . .

  9. I didn't tell a soul except my hubbie, daughter, and of course my boss. My mom didn't find out for about 1 year, and that's only because she came to visit. . . .if she hadn't done that, she still wouldn't know! hahahah. . . My mom is the wildest drama queen when it comes to stuff like this. . . so the less she knows, the better it is for me.

  10. Well I'm originally from Canada and let me tell you something, the people there are pretty stocky themselves. I came to the US at 360 lbs. . . I got the help here in the US and not in Canada. I've seen lots of folks from Canada on this forum as well who had the sleeve. . . .soooooooo what does that tell ya????? He was just being one of those "look at me, I'm a tourist"

  11. I totally agree with loveisbeauty2, the body reaches a "I'm perfect now stage", I'm out 3 years now and have been maintaining between 200-215 lbs for the past 2 years. . . i zoomed down 150 lbs in 1 year and loved it. . . though I surpassed my doctors goal for me at 212 lbs, I really really wanted to get to my own personal goal of 170 lbs. . . well it never happened no matter how hard i tried. . . so i stopped trying and as i said, am maintaining beautifully. . . i'm at the point of "if i loose more, great, but if not, then oh well" as long as I never again see 350+lbs ever again! good luck!

  12. I understand what your talking about. . when i first had my surgery and returned to work after 2 weeks, one of my co-workers peeked into my office and stated "hey I thought you had surgery!" I told her yes I did, she said "so how come you haven't lost all your weight yet?" what a dumbass I thought. . . but ignorance is abundant everywhere and I just considered the source and flicked if off like bird poop. . . .

  13. fell4falls, try a 7 MONTH stall. . . talk about frustrating. . .that is what happened to me. Then it broke, and i lost another 10 lbs but that was it. . . now i'm maintaining happily. I had reached my DOCTORS goal for me, but not my own personal one. . . oh well at least i'm 150 lbs lighter and feel great about myself! It'll move when it's ready, good luck!

  14. My highest weight ever was 360 lbs before surgery i weighed 350 lbs, I lost an overall of 150 lbs. Im out now 3 years and weigh anywhere between 200 - 215 lbs. I used to wear 32 Women's and now wear 16 or size L from 4XL. . . . oh and I'm 6'0" tall with the worlds largest bone frame I'm sure! lol

  15. My mom is a bit of a weirdo too. . she just opens her mouth and out spews the weirdest comments. She'll do stuff like this. . . "hows your tube doing?" "aren't you weak?"; "I just know your starving yourself". . ."have you gained?" "aren't you afraid to get big again?". . . errrrrr some days I just want to yell at her to leave me and my "tube" alone! But she is 80 and I'm better than that, so I just leave her be with her comments and just consider the source and flick it off like a piece of bird poo. . . hehehe. . . mothers, gotta love em!

  16. lol, being clever! lmao. . . your right though shoelover, my daughter said the same thing, just a greeting. . . but to rhymn things? Isn't there a illness where people rhymn things out loud in public? lmao! Young people! Who will ever figure them out!

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