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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday


    Wow Tracy what a wonderful website. . . i love it! Thanks for sharing it. . .
  2. Children are so sensative aren't they? Bless her heart. . at 9 i can understand her concern, its that death thing they get. . but reassure her that you will be ok, it's for your own health so that you can be healthy for when she gets married. . . so you can see her walk the stage at her graduation from high school and college. . . so you can hold and play with the grandchildren you will one day have. . . so that you can grow to be an old lady and not have to worry about your children as they grow into healthy successful adults themselves. . . if you tell her that, she may understand how much you care about her to take care of yourself. . . good luck, hope that this helps. . .
  3. Sarah, this is your San Antonio Friend here! You are going to be just fine, breathing is good. . . I had my surgery on Dec 29th and girl it's great. . . mind you the first few days are going to be weird because you will have weird sensations in your tummy when you eat or drink, but you'll soon learn what to do with them . . in the beginning it was major weird, but now i don't regret it at all. . . you can do this, you will be a stronger, healthier, and happier person in the end. . . the journey is interesting but we are all here for you. . . let us know how things go and enjoy your trip. . it's going to be fine. . . PM me if you need to. . .I'm here for you :laugh0:
  4. Yes DeeDee I am experiencing the exact same thing . . . low bp and low heart rate and lightheadedness. . last night it was 42 bpm . . . wild, i know as a youngster i had a very low heart rate, but then it steadied out to 70 to 80 . . . after surgery it went low again. . . i'll ask doctor tomorrow and maybe have a answer for us. . . the only explaination medically i have is because we have lost weight, our hearts don't have to work as hard to get oxygen though the entire body, causing it to beat slower. . . who knows, i'll ask. . .
  5. thinoneday

    Started my journey( a little long)

    Welcome, and congratulations on taking your first step. . . in no time you'll be here with the rest of us . . . Good luck and all the best in your journey! I had mine done on Dec 29th and haven't regretted it at all. . . in the beginning it's weird, but that soon goes away as soon as you learn whats what. . . .
  6. thinoneday

    Calcium Citrate

    I get them from my doctor, but you can order them from Bariatric Advantage website. .
  7. thinoneday


    DeeDee, I amaze myself too some days!
  8. thinoneday

    Nexium, Hunger and my 2 cents

    Since i'm going to the doctor tomorrow, i'm going to bring this up. . . im always having this starving thing going on, i'll ask for nexium or it's generic. . . thanks guys
  9. thinoneday

    Me and water. Why?

    Hi Tennessee, it is not taboo if you don't drink all that Water. . .personally i think it's stupid, I get down about 40 oz of water, but then i have coffee and tea along the day too. . . do the best you can. The only problem is constipation, I don't have a problem with constipation and go regularly every other day. . today was a diarrhea day, don't know why, oh well at least i'm pooping right . . It's important not to eat and drink because (as explained by my doctor) after you eat your Protein, you want it to stay in your stomach for a while so you don't get hungry, if you drink along with eating, it washes it down and out of your tummy and your be hungry shortly thereafter. . . it's true, i've tried it and it's not funny. . . i was starving about 1 hour later. . . had to go and have some more protein and then didn't drink and it was alot better. . . .
  10. thinoneday


    You can find it at GNC (but they are very expensive) or at costco, or at Sam's Club, also at Walmart. . . much more reasonable priced. . . .be warned though, what you may like now, you may not like after your surgery. . I would wait til you have your surgery, you can't really have the Protein shakes right off anyhow so just hold off for now. . . just a suggestion
  11. I feel for both of you, Coopersmamma and YaYaWhat. . . I'm so sorry this is happening to you. . . hopefully it will soon all change. . . Good luck and godspeed to both of you. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Sugar free ice cream

    excited2lose, i just told my hubbie how sweet your hubbie was by running out there and getting sugar free ice cream so that you can celebrate your childs birthday. . . he said that your hubbie makes the other hubbies look bad. . . i laughed so hard at that comment and so did he. . . GOOD FOR YOU!
  13. Wow, medicine is so amazing isn't it? I have always been totally fasinated with it. . .guess that is why i'm in medicine right? hahaha
  14. thinoneday


    Thanks Tiff, its really tough to do it without the scale. . .even at work, I walk past the scales sometimes i am so tempted, but i just keep going. . . I can understand your postion. . . having someone you love be gone so long is really, really tough. . .your a tough cookie though and have overcome alot of hurdles in life. . . your going to be rewarded in the end! Keep up the excellent work!
  15. Tiff, pizza isn't my favorite food either, spaghetti and meat sauce is, but now i've found a new favorite, extra lean ground beef made into tiny tiny meatballs and brusselsprouts . . i love that now. . . I can have about 6 of those tiny meatballs = 4oz and 4 1/2 brusselsprouts. . . can't even finish that though. . . the sleeve is something else. . .
  16. yuuuummmmm, i love crunchy pepperoni . . .
  17. thinoneday

    Calcium Citrate

    I love those lemony bites, they tasted so good in my sample pack, but they have alot of calories . . . that is why i won't get them, i do the disolvables . . . just as good without the calories. . .
  18. thinoneday


    Tomorrow is my weigh in at the doctor, I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time. . excited cause i am anxious to see my new weight, and nervous cause what if it's a disappointment. . . well tomorrow evening i'll post my 7 week out weight for all to see (last time i weighed was at 1 1/2 weeks out). . wish me luck!
  19. thinoneday

    Sugar free ice cream

    How sweet is that! What a nice gesture on your hubbies part! It's not like your going to be eating it all the time, this is a celebration, go for it! Take a bite or two for me! Plus it's sugar free, whats the difference between the ice cream or sugar free popsicles! Enjoy!
  20. No i don't think anyone should feel guilty. . I sure as heck don't. . . if i want that chicken slice dang it i'll eat it! . . . as far as pizza goes, i used to be able to eat 2/3 of a extra large meatlovers papa johns. . we had to order 3 pizzas just to be satisfied . . . at the buffet i'd eat 2 plates and desserts. . . at ihops i'd order the extra large chicken fried steak, potatoes, corn, and garlic bread. . . Now i can't even imagine doing any of those things. . . but if i have a craving for something, i'm going to satisfy that craving and carry on without guilt. . . good luck all. . . .
  21. Well don't feel guilty, I stepped out myself this weekend, not that i cheated really, but i ate like a wild woman. . of course it's a lot less then when i was not sleeved but here is what i had this weekend. . . Saturday: No Breakfast . . (no time) lunch : 1/2 c cream of celery Soup with about 4 slices of fat free chicken slices and 1 string cheese Dinner: 1/2 c cream of celery soup with 1/2 cup extra lean ground turkey meat. . Snack : 4 - 5 slices of fat free chicken slices (6 slices are 50 calories), dannon fit N light frozen yogurt. . . and 2 dark chocolate (35 calories for both) I was like so craving chocolate. that i just said have it and get it out of your system . . . it was good and i didn't feel guilty at all. . . Sunday: 2 egg omelet with 2 slices of fat free ham, and fat free cheese, (ate only 1/2) Lunch: finished the other 1/2 of the omelet and some decaf coffee. . . Dinner: 4 brussel sprouts (cooked very well) 5 tiny little meatballs made from extra lean ground turkey, cooked in 1/4 c rague sauce mixed with Water. . . Snack: 4 oz Dannon light N Fit frozen yogurt Todays calories equaled 575 - 600 . . . I felt like i was cheating cause it was sooooo good, it was sinful. . . i figure as long as the calories stay low, this will work. . . soooo if your pizza was yum and less then you've eatten in the past, then don't worry about it, it's not like you do it all the time right????
  22. thinoneday

    SF Pudding and Ricotta

    Ohhhh that sounds really good. . . going to try it out!
  23. thinoneday


    You put baby bel cheese into the shake?
  24. thinoneday

    Day 6 of Oxycodone 3x a day

    Wow Tenn. . . I have pseudo tumor cerebri myself, I don't ever recall that much pain, just constant nagging headaches 24/7. But fortunately tylenol was enough to cure my pains . . did you not have a shunt placement done already? With all that pain they should have done it. . . I had my shunt done and like a miracle the pain was gone. . . maybe you check into getting that fixed huh? Good luck
  25. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    Your not a horrible person Tiff! Your a normal, wonderful person who is a good friend and a great inspiration to all of us. . . if your ex didn't see that and had to go and cheat on you with herpes woman, then God knew you and he weren't meant to be and that John and you were meant to be. . . he needed to be with herpes woman! Good, I'm glad he's aging the wrong way and has gained weight. . . he should see you now huh????

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