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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    VSG Dietary Guidelines

    ewwwwww, Tiffy, i am sitting here imagining that corn shell and pickle skin come crawling up your throat. . . how gross is that. . . i had that happen with green peas, suddenly i got this sliming episode and what was in there ? Pea skins, really gross. . . like you, i'll never do peas again . . ever. . . .
  2. thinoneday

    Pork rinds?

    Ahhhh yes the Pork Rind. . . I totally absolutely incredibly love the pork rind with extra meat and spices. . . . I know, I know NOT THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!! OK, the little bag at walmart that are so dry and the pieces fly down your throat and make you choke. . . i like those too. . . But i really like the fried ones you get at the mexican mercado with lots of meat and grizzle. . . . ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  3. thinoneday


    Girl you are a pure genius! I love it . . . bossy nosey lady won't even know what hit her. . . I love the idea you'll have food to take home and enjoy it over a few days. . . that is fantastic! I'll have to try that one day. . . wow, your amazing!
  4. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Hi Gloria honey, no tomorrow the speaker is Claudia Ramirez the lady from the Gym who is really dry and really boring to listen too. . I'll probably go to the March one. . . would really love to meet you there in March. . . 11 lbs is good Gloria! I had ALOT of weight to lose, that is why it goes fast, probably will slow down now though. . . I wish you all the luck and again, hope to meet you at the support groups starting in March. . . :svengo: and you'll always know who i am, i'm always the tallest woman in a group with really long hair in a braid. . .
  5. thinoneday

    not losing anymore!

    It's a tragedy that this happened to you. . . but you know like they say 'things happen for a reason' . . you will get your surgery soon enough, this is just a drawback right now. . .you'll be ok. . i'll keep you in my thoughts and you take your pills and sleep right now. . .sleeping is a very very good healing thing in itself. . . night, night my friend. . . .
  6. thinoneday

    Aetna Schmetna

    Is there any way you can self pay? I mean it's so much better that way. . I went for my seminar in October, visited with my doctor in November and had surgery in December. . it was so easy. . . i got a really good loan through my credit union at 3.7% and was financed for the whole amount. . . you may want to look at this route, at least you don't have to jump hoops for ever. . .
  7. thinoneday

    Do you stay full after eating?

    For me i've been having "hunger pangs" but they are different. . . i'll get them right around each meal time. . . new tummy knows breakfast, lunch, and supper. . . i don't snack, so i'm ok between meals. . . i drink a bunch too, so that helps curb that feeling . . . but the hunger pangs aren't like the ones i used to get, these are way different, more like pressure or something. . . can't explain it. . . most times, if you get them and stop and really listen to your tummy, you'll find that it's head hunger and not really hunger, just drink water during those times. . . good luck with your journey and know that we are here for you.
  8. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Well here is a NSV for me. . . I'm out of 4X uniforms and 2X fit loosely, what do you think of that. . after my weigh in yesterday, I thought i'd fit the 3X's (i'd been wearing the 4X's cause they were really, really comfy) well the 3X's as the 4X's were too big, so lets try the 2X's they are comfy and just a wee bit big, but i'm not trying the 1X's just yet, I'll wait. . . I love this shrinking thing!
  9. Alright Pennie! You go girl! I'm glad your feeling so well. . . yeah, isn't the sleeve interesting? I mean you literally can't binge or gulp or overstuff or over eat or anything anymore. . . so you might as well just go with the flow, enjoy your new diet and do as your told. . . you'll be amazed how neat this thing is . . . in just 7 short weeks i lost 53 lbs! I nearly fell off the scale when i saw that . . . here is just a tidbit of advice, DONT WEIGH YOURSELF! Really don't do it, i threw my scale out the minute i came home from the hospital. . so without a scale in the house, I can't get depressed because i hit a stall or the weight is going up instead of down. . i just weigh at the doctors office and don't have anything to stress about. . . it's great!
  10. thinoneday

    Status on my whereabouts!

    We all understand and once your up and running, we'll still be here . . . take care and keep warm and bundle up when your going out. . . last thing you need is pneumonia!
  11. Aura, what wonderful questions those were and very valid ones too. . . but you know we were all born with the gallbladder and appendix, those are yanked out and we carry on living. . some people donate their kidney to a loved one, they keep living a full life. . some people are recepients of new hearts, hearts that belonged to another, and they can live a long life. . . we don't know what use the gallbladder or appendix is or if it has any meaning either. . .I understand your concern, but obesity causes alot more problems, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, etc. . .you have to weigh the pros and cons regarding the surgery and once you have your pros and cons then you should decide. . it took me 1 1/2 years to research this procedure and then i had it done. . .why would a physician in his/her right mind remove something that would cause problems in the future? Yes, VSG has only been out a short time, but actually has it? Back in the days they used to perform gastrectomies for stomach ulcers, cancer of the stomach and so on. . . this surgery has been around a long time, only now it's been label WLS. . . interesting huh??????? good luck with your decision and godspeed. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Trying to decide

    Hi there, hope you don't mind a girl jumping in . . . but let me tell you . . I'm a (was) a big gal. . .6' tall, major huge bones, no hips, pretty darn ewww. . . appetite like a man. . . then I had this surgery after about 1 1/2 years of research, thinking, himmmmming and hawwwwinggg. . . the first week or so was really weird. . . I never had ever experienced such a weird feeling. . . i wasn't sure if i liked it or not and had wished that there would have been such a thing as a trial run . . . but nope no such thing. . I just continued to do as my doctor ordered and never once weighed myself, actually threw my scale out when i got home from surgery. . anyhow on my first 1 1/2 week out doctor visit i was surprised to see i had lost 32 lbs. . . my justification was, "well what do you expect on popsicles, broth, and Jello?" . . . then i just continued to do as doctor ordered, not weighing myself or anything for 7 weeks. . . yesterday was my 7 weeks out and my doctors appt. . . guess what 53 lbs lost! I'm eating, not normally, I don't think that will ever happen again, but i'm experimenting with different foods, keeping everything fat free, and sugar free of course. . . i rarely eat more then 550 calories a day mind you, but i'm experimenting, there are days where i forget and put in a heap too much food, but the sleeve lets me know that was a big mistake. . same with gulping Water. . the sleeve doesn't allow you to do that anymore, I'm actually a cultured lady now. I also am off all my meds for cardiac problems, my heart has the odd irregular beat now and only beats at 50 (back to my kid days yahoo) . . other then the first week or so, i have never regretted getting this sleeve and am thankful i did. . . I'm glad i did it at this age (47), don't know if i would have wanted it any earlier though. . .well hope my story helps you and good luck on any decision you make.
  13. thinoneday

    not losing anymore!

    Carol, I just came back from my doctor yesterday and after 7 weeks out have lost 53 lbs! if i had a stall i never knew about it. . . I handle my weight loss a bit differently then most folks here do . . . I DON'T WEIGH MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i only weigh myself at the doctor appts. (threw my scale out the day i came home from surgery) . . because of this method, I don't know what is happening to my weightloss, stalls or not. . . i don't get depressed or upset because i don't know anything. . . i just keep going and do as my doctor has ordered. . . some folks don't have the strenght to keep off the scale, but like any habit, once you kick it, it's gone. . . good luck and don't worry it's not as scary as it sounds. . . it's what you make of it. . .
  14. thinoneday


    The travel sounds great! Enjoy your time there and the best of luck with your surgery! Hope all goes well. . . keep us updated when you get back, or if you can get access, let us know how it's going! Have a fantastic trip and good luck again!
  15. thinoneday

    Broken rib

    Carol, I am sooo very sorry to hear this happened to you! Nothing is worse then a broken rib. . .let it mend and get better first before getting sleeved. . . this happened for a reason. . . i know you're dissappointed . . it will all work out in the end. . . good luck with a speedy recovery!
  16. thinoneday


    Shyone, I just use a teacup saucer for my plate and even that is too big at times! hehehe. . . as for a food processor, I have no idea, don't own one either. . I just use a blender, which works just as well. . . good luck
  17. thinoneday

    Check it out!!!!

    Thanks everyone! Couldn't have done it without y'alls support and cyber love! I think everyone is doing a great job! Keep up the fantastic work and together we'll get there one pound at a time!!!!!
  18. Sorry to hear about your episode. . but glad you got rid of that monkey and am really glad you are doing well. . . we are here for you whenever you need us. . . good luck with a speedy recovery!
  19. thinoneday

    Favorite protein?

    Hi Kelsie, I love my Protein Powder from Bariatric Advantage. . to me they taste really good. . . you can find them on the Bariatric Advantage website and they sell sample packs so that you don't buy a bunch of tubs of stuff you don't like. . . good luck. . .
  20. thinoneday

    Introducing myself formally

    Hi! And Welcome! You'll like it here, we are totally friendly and a great support group. . You will love VSG. . in the beginning it's a bit weird, but after you get used to it, you'll love it. . . have you ever looked at San Antonio? I had my surgery done for $15,500. That includes the surgeon, anesthesia, hospital stay for 3 days, monthly checkup for 1 year, any problems that occur you can call 24/7. . . i think it was a good price, and it was nice to stay at home and not travel to Mx or somewhere. . . good luck with your decisions.
  21. thinoneday

    Advice for Road Trip

    awwwww, a bunch of mini coopers traveling down the road sounds so cute! Take pictures and post them. . . apple sauce, crackers, tuna snacks, salmon snacks, sugar free fruit cups, oxo chicken broth, string cheese, yogurts, sugar free puddings, fuze slenderize drinks (counts as 1 water), lifewater 0 calories (counts as 1 water) crystal lights, water. . as for fast food, well can't help you there, Tiff had a great idea about taco bell. . . i'm not at go out yet. . . good luck and bet y'all will be so cute!
  22. thinoneday

    Very Scared Something is Wrong

    my doctor makes me come to the office for everything. . . it's the HIPPAA policy according to him. . . doesn't want to say anything on an answering machine . . . i wouldn't worry so much, it'll give you anxiety. . . just wait til you go over there and get the results. . .
  23. Hi Kim, welcome! glad to hear you found us. . .if you go the VSG route, and I speak for all of us, you'll love it. . . abit weird in the beginning, but if you follow doctors orders and do what your supposed to you will absolutely succeed. . . take me for example (I'm bragging today) in 7 short weeks, I lost a total of 53 pounds! . . . i'm so happy you have no idea. . . makes me just want to keep on a goin'! And the guys and girls on this forum are such a great support. . . i love them more then my support group at the hospital! Good luck on your journey and hope to see more of you here!
  24. thinoneday

    Check it out!!!!

    Thanks ladies, when i stepped onto the scale and it beeped i nearly fell over. . . i had to take a double look. . i couldn't believe it. . . my labs came back perfect except for Vitamin D is way too low, so now i got a RX for Vitamin D. . . also liver enzymes a bit elevated, but after checking out the preop liver enzymes come to see that its going down. . doctor says that it was probably due to a fatty liver. . . but he's going to keep an eye on the enzymes and that Vitamin D. . . i go again next month, on March 16th, we'll see again how much i will have lost, it won't be as much, but some is way better then none at all. . . well, i'm going to say it . . I LOVE MY SLEEVE
  25. thinoneday


    Me too, I just burp like a real lady now, petit little burps not huge man burps like i used too. . .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
