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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Length Of Hospital Stay???

    My package included a 3 day stay in the hospital. . I'm glad I did . . . felt more comfortable knowing that there was IV pain meds if i needed them. ..
  2. OK GUYS CHECK OUT THE TICKER!!!! 53 pounds gone in 7 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo for me!!!!!:blushing:
  3. thinoneday

    Check it out!!!!

    Thank you EVERYONE! It's alot of work, but with this little (literally) thingy, together we can reach our goals. . .I go to the doctor again March 16th, will hopefully have another great weight loss to post at that time! Keep up all the great work you all are doing as well! Congratulations to you all as well!!!!
  4. thinoneday

    Leak still NOT healed

    Thats ok stacie, we understand, i wouldn't want to talk either if i was in your postion. . .i'm so sorry this is happening to you . . . hopefully they will be able to resolve this problem soon. . . i'm just amazed that they haven't fixed it yet. . . that blows my mind. . . have you had this leak since day 1 or did it just happen after? Again, i'm sorry this is happening and hopefully it'll soon be ok and you can have your life back. . . hang in there. . .
  5. thinoneday

    Scrambled eggs were not what I expected

    my surgeon used 32/34 bougie on me,(I'm out 8 weeks now) but i was eating mushies on week 2 already and by week 4 more solids, tuna, salmon, fish, etc. . now at my week 7 appointment i was cleared for all food but to keep it at non fat or low fat and no sugar. . different doctors, different diets huh? I make darn sure i don't eat more then 550 calories and never more then 1/2 c of any food at a time. . meats, like extra lean ground hamburger or extra lean ground turkey i only have 2 oz, fish like tuna or salmon or boiled talipia, only 2 oz, still no snacking though, and i refuse to eat white starches, i mostly have fish, goes down really good. . I added in vegatables but the only one that agrees with me is brussel sprouts, everything else comes up. . . but i guess we learn as we go. . i am a really far way to eating "normal" but maybe one day . . I really afraid to gain weight though so i'm staying FAR away from forbidden foods. . i hope you'll be ok, I had to go back several times and then try again the next day. . . it gets better and you learn as you go. . . keep us in the know ok?
  6. thinoneday

    Trying to decide

    pumpkin, don't you wish there would have been a "trial sleeve" ? Try it on, before you buy it type of thing? That is exactly what i wished the first week out of my surgery. . even though i researched this thing and joined this forum, it's a weird feeling and i really didn't like it the first week out. . . now being about 8 weeks out, i have become really used to it and really scared to eat out of my scope incase i gain weight! I've lost 53 lbs in 7 weeks and that makes me really really really happy. . . if i have to do it this way all my life so be it. . . i'll never be able to pig out again (not that i'd want too) but i guess like all other things we do in life, we knew (or should have known) what we were getting into when we had this surgery. . . all we can do now is deal with it and love ourselves and not have pity parties with ourselves. . .
  7. thinoneday

    Scrambled eggs were not what I expected

    Bet good ole Otis loved that egg! My dog loved anything we gave him, even carrots! I love dogs, they are such great companions and love you unconditionally. . . loser, it's the egg and sleeve battle. . . for some odd reason, eggs and sleeves don't do well at all. . why i don't know. . . maybe hold off the eggs for a bit, someone told me once that when that happens to go back to more mushie and stop the eggs to give your tummy a chance to heal and rest again. . . .then try again. . . is this happening with only eggs or all foods?
  8. well i guess i was in that percentage who was lucky enough not to have any problems. if i did have anything going on it was short lived and not enough to talk about. . . in the hospital i had a small bout of nausea, but nothing big, they just gave me some phenergen once and i was fine. . . after i came home i have never had any nausea at all. . . i'm sorry this is happening to you, nausea is definately not a good thing to have. . .
  9. thinoneday

    Out of the twos!

    Alright ML!!!!! You are doing great. . . isn't the sleeve great?
  10. thinoneday

    Scrambled eggs were not what I expected

    Welcome to wonderful world of egg and the sleeve, they are constantly battling. . . i am 7 or 8 weeks out now and am only now getting used to the wonderful egg. . how i cook them is an omelet . . . i scramble the egg put it into a pam sprayed pan, add 1 slice of no fat chedder cheese slice put the heat on medium let it almost cook completely fold it over, wait for about 30 seconds and have it. . . the inside is still really wet but the cheese is melted. . eat it with a baby fork, chew one piece wait 2 minutes, eat another, do this for the whole egg and you won't have problems. . . BUT make sure you chew the little pieces very very well. . . i do this and have no more problems with eggs. . .
  11. thinoneday

    has this ever happend to u be 4 surgrey

    This is exactly WHY i have been preaching all over this forum not to weigh yourself all the time. . . only at the doctor. . . I threw out my scale the day i came home from surgery . . . and now only weigh at my doctor appts. . . do you know how shocked i was when at my first week and half out of surgery the doctor scale showed i lost 32lbs? Then at my 7 week out i had lost 53lbs? it is so great not being a slave of the scale . . . these home scales are such a farce . . . i only believe in the doctor scale. . . good luck to you. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Pork rinds?

    STACY! THAT SOUNDS SOOOOOOO YUMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY. . . . of course i'd only be able to get down 1 or 2 of those and be overly full. . . but i'm going to try. . . thanks for the great idea!
  13. thinoneday

    Really frustrated with surgeon

    Wow this sounds so socialized medicine! and it's not even here yet. . . cross your fingers it never does. . .been there done that. . . don't want it. . . anyhow bless your heart! I'm so sorry this is happening to you . . . that is sooooo major rude, maybe you need to turn rude yourself. . . next time you call get a bit over bearing, when you get in there and have to wait, demand to know whats going on? When will you see the doctor? Do they realize what time it is? Stomp, huff and puff, do like the ultimate rich do, they rage and scream and carry on til they get their way. . . you go girl, be a demanding . . . . . . for once in your life. . .no more Ms nice lady. . . try it you might like it! it works for me. . . hehehehehe
  14. Mine used 32/34 . . . (no wonder i cant fit anything in there) so far i've lost 53 lbs in 7 weeks
  15. thinoneday

    Should I have high expectations?

    Victor, welcome. . first off let me congratulate you on your decision to have the VSG. . second off i'm glad you found us, we are always here for you if you need us. . . well victor, let me tell you. . in 7 short weeks after my surgery i have lost 53 lbs. . . so you see it is dueable. . however, you get what you put into it. . . as a medical person you understand that. . . the first week or so after surgery it's feels really weird, can't explain it, but it does . . . you will have to relearn to eat, and drink again. . . in the beginning i hated my sleeve but then got used to doing what i was supposed to do. . . the sleeve doesn't allow you to gulp fluids anymore, you will be full (turkey dinner full) after a few mouthfuls . . . for example here is what my day menu for today consists of. . . Breakfast Protein shake and a baby teaspoon of flaxseed sugar free, low fat Peanut Butter. (200 calories) Lunch: 3 slices of 98% fat free ham (60 calories) Dinner: 2 oz extra lean ground hamburger, made into tiny little meatballs soaked with teriyaki sauce 3 small brusselsprouts (165 calories) Evening Snack: 4 oz Dannon Light N Fit yogurt frozen (60 calories) Total calories for the day 485 . . . I drink alot of Water along with decaff coffee. . . I try to keep my calories anywhere from 500 - 600 per day no more. . . You will do great as long as you follow the doctor orders and ignore the head hunger. . . once you get over that you will just fly through the weight loss. . . they say it takes 30 days to change a habit. . . well this overeating thing has been a bad habit of ours for a long time, takes alot of work to change it. . . but it can be done.! Good luck:biggrin0:
  16. thinoneday

    I?m here in Mexicali!!!

    best of luck! you'll do great. . have a drink or two for me as well. . . by tomorrow you will be here on the losers side along with the rest of us. . pretty soon you will be heralding your successes along with all of us. . .sleep well tonight and tomorrow make sure you walk after surgery. . .very important. . . if you do you'll find your recovery very easy. . . my god be with you and good luck.
  17. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    yuuuuuummmmmm booooozzzzzeeeee . . . i miss my rums and coke. . . on my birthday i will take a drink, i'll be out 3 months or something like that. . . but i'm having that drink (watch I'll puke and never want it again!) hahahahaha
  18. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Crazy sleeve thing is right! Congratulations to your success! its such an incredible feeling when these things happen. . .it happened to me too when my "smaller" uniforms fit. . i went from 4X to 2X in 7 short weeks. . . how great this thingy works
  19. thinoneday


    I used to love lemon anything! Especially lemon in water with a splenda. . . after surgery I can't handle lemon, or lemonade . . really weird.
  20. You deserve all the happiness ever! You have worked so hard to get where you are at and the outcome is fantastic! You should be so proud of yourself Tiff! You have struggled with so many bad things from your lapband experience to the gallbladder experience and other personal things you have shared. I am so, so very proud of you. . you can't imagine, I tell people about you at work and share your story and help them make the right decisions when talk about WLS. . . you are an inspiration to many many people and that, my friend, makes you a wonderful loving person. . . keep that trait and in the end everything will be given back to you with rejoicing and salvation. . . thanks for sharing your story. . . hugs
  21. thinoneday

    Chat issues

    Alex never answers anything, i don't know about the susan's but i've noticed the administrators don't answer questions. . . i've tried several times and it's thrown to the way side. . . pretty sad. . .
  22. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Darn it Mini Me that means 6 more weeks of winter!!!!! Only playing, good job! it's really neat when you can tell the differences in shadows huh? I haven't thought of doing that yet, but will next time. . . will let you know if it shrank. . .hehehehe
  23. thinoneday

    Help I'm in pain.

    bless your heart, i can totally relate with you. . .i have really bad back problems too and it was worse when i was heavier. . i found that taking 2 hydrocodone and 2 flexeril together helped alot. . but of course you have to be at home to do that. . .at 332 i could not clean myself properly and each time i would try i'd pull my back. . .i was constantly in pain. . I really sympathize with you, i know that pain. . . now that i have lost 53 lbs i find it so much better, my back still aches every now and then, but nothing compared to before. . . i've got 109 lbs to lose and hopefully that will solve that problem. . . i'm sorry i can't help more. . good luck and hopefully the pain will be under control, when is your surgery?
  24. thinoneday

    Coffee... How Naughty, Really?

    I LOVE MY COFFEE, however, (always a however) doctor told me that the regular caffinated one isn't good for us because it could cause stomach upset and possible ulcers. . .but if i switch to decaf, it's not as harsh on our tender tummies. . . decaf is good enough for me. . . as long as i have something called coffee! I love decaf cause now i can drink it at night before bed and not worry about a sleepless night either . . . :biggrin0:
  25. thinoneday

    not losing anymore!

    you are my friend. . . your a sweet kind person and i like that.:001_smile: . . hope you feel better very soon. . . keep us posted ok cause we are all here for you if you need us. . . :biggrin0:

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