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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Surgery Tomorrow Feb 22nd

    Some nurses are so stupid. . (i'm definately NOT one of those, I was trained differently), but a trained nurse, even if they are a student, to panic at the sight of blood?? They should not do that and upset the patient. . .I'm so sorry that happened to you! But am really glad they fixed it. .
  2. thinoneday


    Yahoo! Anna is going to be a sleeve sister with us y'all!!!!!! Yippee for Anna! Doing the happy dance!!!!
  3. It's depressing isn't it? That was my exact question when I was 4 weeks out like you. . Tiffy encouraged me telling me it was only temporary and after a while it does get better. . . I'm 8 weeks out today and still experience that problem. . .i can only take 4 swallows of water before i get that knot feeling and i can only eat 2-3 oz of food and if i push 1 more piece in, I get that sliming thing. . . but i look at it this way, it's better then obesity any day. . . we wanted to be thin, did the drastic thing and now we need to accept what we've done cause there ain't any turning back. . . hang in there, hopefully soon things will get better. . . once your cleared for foods hopefully you'll do better.
  4. thinoneday

    Is chewing gum a problem after sleeve?

    I chew gum always. . . no problems here other then the occasional bite on the cheek. . .
  5. As a fat girl, I own all the sizes in the world. . .from 4XL to Medium. . . I never give clothes away especially if they are nice clothes. . . so for me, my motivation is getting down to the medium whatevers. . .I tried on my daughters skort last night and it fit snuggly:rolleyes:. . . looked major cute! Even hubbie gave me the dead dear eyes! it was hilarous! I major hate shopping for clothes, so having all of these is great, I have literally 4 closets full of clothes.:ohmy:
  6. thinoneday

    Am I the only one that...

    That is not being horrible at all. . .actually i think that would be fun! Put on a silly smirk while your at it!:sneaky2:
  7. thinoneday

    not losing anymore!

    Actually, my overall intake is more like 480-500 a day, i really try for 600 but rarely get there. . noooooooo there is totally no starvation on my part. . .i am like always sooooo overstuffed that i call it a "pigout". . . my hubbie looks at me funny all the time. . . last night i had made 4 brusselsprouts and a chicken leg (boiled of course) and ate 2 of the sprouts and 1/2 or so of the leg, the rest is my lunch for today. . .for the morning i have a flaxseed Peanut Butter Protein shake (yuuummmm). for a midmorning snack i had 1 cheese stick and for an evening snack i had fat free chicken slices. the calorie count for yesterday was about 584. So no, it's not starvation at all. . . my hubbie doesn't think i eat enough either, but for me it is physically impossible to add more food if i feel so stuffed like i ate a whole extra large pizza with a 2 liter coke!
  8. thinoneday

    Weary from Dieting

    Sparkle, remember stress can help the hair to fall out more, so don't stress it so much, just go with the flow and like whatever. . . it'll all fall into place (no pun intended) eventually. . . it's only temporary, I'm just accepting whatever with "whats to be is whats to be" . . . only a suggestion.
  9. thinoneday

    Out of the twos!

    yippee for sury! Can't wait to be out of the two's myself! it's so cool. .
  10. thinoneday

    Bad experience with Cod

    I get that if i don't wait at least 2 minutes between bites. . . it happened last night with me and my chicken slices, i was eating too fast and not waiting between bites. . . sliming big time! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:tongue2:
  11. thinoneday

    Bikini waxing

    I got my eyebrows waxed once, my god I ended up with bruises all around the eyes, looked like i got into a real bad cat fight. . . never again. . . I've used the Nair, it works really well. . . and best of all, no razor bumps. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Trying to decide

    I'm really proud of you BigKahuna! You are going to love seeing how quickly you lose weight. . I do! I think it's so cool. . . 53 lbs are gone from me already within 7 weeks, that used to take almost 6 - 7 months the old traditional way. . .i go back for a doctors appt on March 16 and am hoping for at least a 10 lb loss. . . we'll see . . anyhow best of luck on your journey!
  13. thinoneday

    Life Changes...here I come!

    Cricket you are going to do wonderful. . . of course you are, your having your surgery on my birthday! And March 24th is a glorious day for all! :thumbup1: Have you done your research on the sleeve? Have you gone to your seminar? Just to let you know, this is permanent, you'll have this forever, in the beginning it is the weirdest feeling you'll ever experience, you may even hate it (I did, for about 1 week), but hang in there, it does get better. . . after you start seeing those pounds fall off (literally) your only regret will be that you didn't do this sooner (I lost 53lbs in 7 weeks). . . there will be days,(minor pity party days) but they are not bad. . . I'm proud of you and soon you will be here with the rest of us, giving advice to the newbies and helping them through their fears just like we are doing with you. . . good luck soon to be sleeve sister, you are strong and you will conquer the big bad fat demon, like so many of us have! :biggrin2:
  14. thinoneday

    not losing anymore!

    hi determined1, no i don't think boughie size has anything to do with it, but i do think how much you have to lose has lots to do with it. . .for example, if me and someone else had surgery on the same day but i'm 6'0 tall and weighed 332 lb and the other person was 5'2 and weighed about 220 lbs, i would loose faster because i have more to loose. . . does that make sense? I also think it has alot to do with your metabolism (which makes sense to me) how you handle your diet, for example i will not eat many carbs at all and keep my calorie count under 600 for the day, i have lost 53 lbs in 7 weeks. . . so i think it depends on you really. . .
  15. thinoneday

    That feeling of fullness?

    suryfer, along with all those things, don't forget sugar free jellos, chicken/beef broth, i lived on the sugar free blue bell bullet popsicles, don't eat too much pudding cause of the carb count, but the poweraid zero is good, gatoraid low calorie/carb is good too. Good luck and don't think you have to drink everything at once, one sip here at there til it's gone is good, then start on something else . . . don't stuff yourself, the feeling of fullness is swelling from the surgery. . . it gets better i promise. . . good luck
  16. thinoneday

    ZUMBA- where have you been all my life????

    i'm going to try belly dancing. . .
  17. thinoneday

    Is my bougie size too big?

    Wow Lan, you'll be at goal before you know it. . . only 30 more lbs! I can't wait til day, but i know it's coming! Keep working hard and it'll be here for time can tell you it's time. . . hehehe. . . :thumbup1:
  18. thinoneday

    Weary from Dieting

    Hi sparkle, yeah i agree, and i'm going to be doing that once my tummy gets used to things. . for example last nights dinner was 1/2 a chicken leg, 1/2 a piece of 1/8 slice of avacado, and 2 brussel sprouts, I was so darn full I had to walk around to help the discomfort of gluttony! but i eat whatever, just make really sure it's fat free, low fat, and sugar free. . .otherwise whatever. . . haven't tried too many carbs (I'm afraid of those ) but i will be basically eating whatever. . .
  19. thinoneday

    Pork rinds?

    Hahahaha, loser that was a good one! I'm having a really good stiff drink on my birthday in mid March! will be the first one since end of November! Watch i'll hate it! yummmmmm, pork rinds through the food processor, how lovely! hehehe. . . i'm 9 weeks out now and am leary to try pork rinds, tried melba rounds for the first time and they didn't agree too well with new tummy. . .
  20. the reason for this is because if you drink something with your meals, it tends to wash down the food leaving you starving within 1/2 hour to 1 hour. . . i dont' have a problem with not drinking anything with meals. . i wait for about 45 minutes after eating then drink something, because most times i'm way too full to drink anything earlier than that anyhow. . .
  21. Cajun! You rock girl! You're going to be there in no time, except now your waiting with anticipation too much. . . don't weigh in about 1 week, have your poo, drink your water and viola it'll be here before you know it! Good luck!
  22. Girl! The C/section is not something to compare this surgery to (and I've had 2) it's more like compared to a gallbladder surgery, bit amount of discomfort, but you can handle it without any problems (some of us can i should say) I was up and about the same day of surgery going about my business walking 8 lenghts of the hallway without complications, took pain med at night only, mostly to help me sleep (i'm a bad sleeper) Exercise other then walking was cleared for me after 6 weeks. . .that was ok for me, cause i hate exercise anyhow. . .every place is way different, I'm here in San Antonio Texas and paid $15,500 out of pocket. . . included surgeon, anesthesia, 3 day hospital stay in a prestine private hospital, all after care for 1 year, dietician, psych, so not too bad for stay on US soil with a doctor about 5 miles from my house whenever i need them huh?. . . got a great loan rate of 3.7% . . . so grabbed at that really fast. . . good luck with your journey!:confused1:
  23. thinoneday

    Greetings to All

    Welcome Kim and Kelkie, glad to see you joined us and more glad to hear you have changed your mind from the band to the sleeve. . . you'll really be glad you did, once you get used to it. . . it's a strange little thing, but sure does work well. . . I've lost 53 lbs (more now i'm sure) in 7 weeks, and am going on 9 weeks post op. . .i don't weigh myself at all except for at the doctor appt's. . . the reason is that i hear about all these "stalls" I don't want to get upset, depressed or obssessed with my weight loss, so i just threw away my scale the day i came home from surgery and make due with the doctor visits and the clothes changes. . . i've come from 4X uniforms to 2X uniforms which are now becoming loose as well. . . but good luck to you with your surgery and the best with your journey!:confused1:
  24. thinoneday

    I've blown it this week.

    no, i just do what i always have done, i cook for hubbie, and for me, we have the same thing, for example if i'm cooking chicken for him, i'll boil or broil a piece for me, i make him vegatables just like me, only mine are cooked softer, I'll cook just like before only do it fat free, sugar free for me. . .tuna night, make tuna mix for him, and one can for me, but with fat free mayo instead. .I can only eat up to 4oz and then that is it for me. . . i push away and don't snack. . . my insentive was the cost of this thing and i'm not wasting 15,500. . sorry if i'm not more help.
  25. thinoneday

    I'm losing my hair!!!!!

    this hair loss business, is it like just thinning out your hair, or does it leave Patches of bald places all over the head like you have alopcia or something?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
