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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Why do we do that to ourselves? It's amazing. . . girl that was alot of food! With the sleeve that will be totally physically impossible. . . I wish you all the best with your journey and in no time flat you'll be here on this forum giving advise to the newbies and helping out as well. . . you'll look back to this post one day and this will be your reaction !!! Keep in touch will us and see you on the sleeved side soon!
  2. thinoneday

    One week out

    Congratulations on your decision to have this surgery. . .i for one can tell you that i hated my sleeve in the beginning. . .it was a REAL bother, you can't eat how you want, you can't drink how you want, it's a pain! But when I was 1 1/2 weeks out and went for a weigh in and saw i had lost 32LBS, well that feeling of hatred went out the door. . . then when I was 7 weeks out and went for a weigh in and saw i lost 53 LBS well then for sure i didn't hate the sleeve anymore. . . i know for a fact i will be wasting money if i go to a buffet, so i don't do that. . . but you will have your cravings, you will want to eat this and that . . . but it will be physically impossible to eat AS much as you used to. . . i went out to eat for the first time yesterday to IHOP. . . i ordered a spinach and mushroom omelet. . i had about 5 bites of it, and was stuffed . . . so guess what i'm having for lunch today and supper???? You guessed it OMELET! So its' not all that bad really, i'm up to drinking my Water again, takes time of course, cause you can physically only drink about 3-4 sips at a time. . . it's a great tool and it does work, but you must get used to it and you must work with it. . . you can't go eating ice cream, milkshakes, chocolate, etc . . you have to diet and exercise. . . if you commit to that you will win the battle. . . good luck and keep us posted!
  3. thinoneday

    Treadmill victory

    Good for you! That must of felt great! I got plantar fisicititis when i got on the treadmill and am out of commission for a bit now. . . but dang it I'll get back on that thing if it kills me sooner or later!
  4. thinoneday

    If he likes then he better put a ring on it...

    Can't help you out with this one, other then don't rush it. . . my hubbie and i have been together now 32 years. . .in the beginning we "lived in sin" for 10 years and as you can see it has worked very well. . . I didn't see the point of rushing a marriage, gotta make sure the shoe fit before i wore it for the rest of my life:biggrin0:. . . good luck. . .
  5. thinoneday

    Bikini waxing

    No problems with hair here! I'm part native american and we really have hardly any hair ANYWHERE!!!!! So lucky
  6. thinoneday


    And what have i been saying all this time about the scales?????????
  7. Welcome Tracy and most of all Congratulations for your choice!!! You won't be disappointed. . . I'm 9 weeks out now and when i was 7 weeks out i weighed in at the doctor and had lost 53 lbs. . . do you know how exciting that is??? . . . i go back March 16th to weigh in and a appt. . . i won't have lost that much but anything will be better then gaining. . . in the beginning for about 1 week i really hated this sleeve . . . but after you 'learn' what to do and go according to doctor orders you will be really happy with it, there are bad days and good, but there is nothing as great as the feeling when you get on that scale and see your loss and put on clothes that haven't fit in a long time! Good luck with your journey and may all the blessings be with you!
  8. Sleeve, I take a whole mess of vitamins. . . 2 calcium, 2 vitabands, 1 iron, 1 biotin, 2 B12, and once a week a RX vitamin D. . . ugh. . .
  9. You go girl! You are not a quitter! You are a strong woman! You can overcome this obsticle. . .
  10. thinoneday

    Coffee... How Naughty, Really?

    I used to love coffee, but now after the surgery I can't stomach coffee at all, not even decaf. . . tea works better for me. . .
  11. thinoneday

    Onderland at last

    yippee!!!!!!!!!!! Doing the happy dance like Midwest's banana!
  12. Pennie, I am out now going on 9 weeks, I still only manage about 500-600 calories a day. . . I like it, I am not suffering, all my labs have been normal, and I just don't worry about it at all. . . apparently your tummy is still swollen and just can't take in alot of calories for now. . . just go with the flow and it'll get better . . . good luck!
  13. Sorry this is happening to you nikki
  14. thinoneday

    Simple Full Liquid Soup

    Isn't that a bit too much carbs? I'm major afraid of carbs at this point. . .
  15. I started off with a bmi of 44 or so, i'm down to 38 now within 7 weeks with a total lose of 53 lbs in 7 weeks. . not too shabby. . . weigh in again on march 16th. . .
  16. thinoneday

    I'm losing my hair!!!!!

    why would you cut your hair? I have really long hair (to my butt and I'm 6 foot tall) there is no way i'm cutting it, what is to be is to be. . .that is how i look at it, plus with more hair, you can do neat things to hide the thinning. . . good luck
  17. thinoneday

    My Pre-Op Day

    Kim, you will be ok, these are all normal feelings. . I had those too, but just remember that you are doing this because you want to feel better about yourself. . .i'm glad you realized that in reality you can't lose weight by yourself, otherwise you wouldn't be here. . .it's a scary thing, surgery is. . . this was my 18th major surgery in my life (I'm 48 years old) in the beginning i really hated the sleeve and wished i'd never done it. . . that lasted for 1 1/2 weeks until i weighed in and saw i lost 32 lbs! I though "huh this is working" then i just clicked along, following doctor orders and doing what i do daily . . . at my 7th week out and doctor visit, i nearly fell off the scale when i saw i had lost 53 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! I was elated. . . I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day. . . now i'm going on week 9, my next weigh in is on March 16th, I have gone from size 4X to 1-2X depending on the maker, you know how exciting that is??? It's more fun then eating! You'll be ok and soon you will be glorifing your results and joys right here along with us. . . soon you will be giving pep talks to others too. . . telling them not too worry and just walk, sip, and do what they should be doing. . . you can do this girl! We have, you can too. . . . best of luck in your journey.
  18. thinoneday

    Reflections from a Skinny Chick

    Thank you for your words of encouragement Rose! This sleeve thing is a wonderful thing if you let it be one. . you are so right about the emotional rollercoaster it puts you on, but like i said to everyone before, we knew what we were getting into so now there is no turning back. . we must accept it, and there is nothing as sweet as the taste of thin. . .
  19. thinoneday

    not losing anymore!

    Let me know how you like it ok?
  20. thinoneday

    Pork rinds?

    Loser, you can get prilosec over the counter. . might want to try it???? Your insurance is being ?????
  21. thinoneday

    Am I the only one that...

    Cajun, I love your philosophy! I so believe in the "what goes around, comes around" theory . . . The majority of the time i treat people how i would like to be treated, especially the elderly, I love elderly folks, even the onery ones. . . one time I came into a elderly patient's room and smiled at him and said "good morning" . . . he looked at me and grumped " Why you so happy, what you smiling at" I just looked at him and said " I smile for those who can not" . . . that poor man, began to cry, I sat with him and held his hand, he told me no one had ever said something so nice to him before . . . you know that patient never gave me a hard time after that, i would catch him walking the halls and he'd wave and wink . . .the other nurses always asked how did you get mr . . . to be so nice? I never shared my story with anyone except y'all. . . thanks for listening. . .
  22. thinoneday

    Bad experience with Cod

    I would like to share a funny story with y'all about "new tummy". . . she is like a onery child. . .you know the type that hates vegatables and spits them out . . . yeah like that. . . day before yesterday i had a small amount of chicken and green peas . . after a bit, up crawled the peas, but not the chicken. . . last night i had talipia with carrots, up crawled the carrots but not the fish. . . go figure! New Tummy hates vegatables EXCEPT for brusselsprouts and asparagus. . . ??????????????????? Silly thing. . . anyone else have a kid for a tummy???? She also LOVES PB just like a kid! hehehe
  23. thinoneday


    Definately chapstick! Your lips will be soooooo dry! loose baggy clothes for comfort and lots of happiness and positivity! Make sure you do alot of walking of the halls, no matter how ouchy you feel, you walk those halls. . . and try to sip the stuff they give you. . . you don't have to finish any of it, but sip abit here and there. . (it's good for you) but walk!!!!!! Can't stress that enough! Oh and did I say WALK! hehehe
  24. thinoneday

    not losing anymore!

    Lan, hi hon, the PB with flaxseed is sold at Walmart. It's called Naturally More and is a bit on the pricey side. $4 - $5 for a small jar. But it's 10grams Protein and low sugar, low fat. . . very good for you. . I LOVE flaxseeds, taste like seseme seeds. . So anyhow I have Bariatric Advantage chocolate Protein Shake , I take 1 scoop of the Protein powder, 1/4 tsp of the flaxseed PB, and 8 oz skim 0% milk, shake it up and yummmm yummm its so good. . .never miss a morning without it! tastes like a reeses pieces . . .total morning calories 200, total protein about 42!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
