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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Second Thoughts. Did anyone else feel this?

    Hi! I woke up thinking what the hell have i done. . and that feeling went on for about 2 weeks. . .i really didn't like it at all. . . sorta wished that there would have been a trial thing or something. . . but there wasn't. . . my problem was that restriction feeling. . .couldn't get used to it. . .actually hated it. . . but after my first weigh in and saw that in 1 1/2 weeks i lost 32 lbs, i was happy for the loss, still had a dislike for the sleeve, but hated my obesity more. . . 7 weeks later i weighed in again and had lost 53 lbs. . . pretty darn good. . .slowly learning how to manage that restriction. . . then at 11 weeks, lost 63 lbs. . . that was on March 16. . . i now am getting to learn how to eyeball my portions. . . i can eat whatever, however, i listen to my "feelings" about things, i know not to eat bread, spaghetti, rice, potatoes, or cake. . . i have eaten a piece of chocolate, tummy doesn't like it, so i know not to eat anymore, i've had a glass of sherry, went well, am afraid to try rum and coke, so we'll stay away from that. . .i listen to my head alot about feelings about certain foods and drinks. . . won't drink cokes, something tells me not too. . . the sleeve is very different, a very powerful tool, it works very well, would i do it over?????? probably cause i really hate my obesity. . . i reallly hate it. . . i love the idea i've lost 63 lbs so far, have gone from 4XL to XL and dont need my nitroglycerin anymore, nor do i snore (sleep apnea) anymore, my tumor in my breast has shrunk because of the weight loss and I don't need bilateral knee replacements anymore. . . soooooooo this is really really working but in the beginning it's a real pain in the A$$ to get used to. . . good luck in your decision . .
  2. Yuppers! I'm 3 months out now and if i eat just 1 bite too much, it feels like it is crawling back up my throat . . .a bad feeling. . most days i get in 550 - 700 calories a day. . . somedays it's alot more but only sometimes. . like today for example i had about 900 calories, but it was mostly junk like melba toast and a piece of dark belgium chocolate, had a funky day and along with funky days comes snacky days. . . oh well, otherwise i ate ok. . I haven't gained at all (knock on wood) but then i only weigh once a month at the doctor appts. . . so i don't know if i gain or stall at all. . .
  3. Hi sweetie! Well i'm glad the exlax got you going, Miralax is good too, you can mix it with anything and can't taste it at all. i really like it. those irratating foamie/slimes are because you ate too fast and didn't chew good enough. i get that a lot. but 48 years of bad habits are hard to die. I have to literally time myself at each meal. chew well, swallow, then wait 2 minutes, another bite, and so on for about 30 minutes, stop eating, put away the left overs for the next meal. we'll get it. i had some chocolate today, tummy didn't like it much. amazing how this surgery has altered some things i used to love. can't eat beef or tougher meats either. no pancakes, bread, spaghetti, rice, noodles, etc. only fish, soft chicken, eggs, melba toast (go figure) jellos, popsicles, etc. love grape flavored (sugarfree) water! just like a kid! tummy doesn't like veggies, slimes it up nasty! hehehe. i'm glad we're friends and can relate to things! chat soon again! take care!

  4. thinoneday

    panties in the OR.

    No the reason they don't want you to wear panties is in case something happens that they can put a foley catheter in place. also if they can't find a suitable iv site, they can go for the femoral site. . . it's just in case of emergency. . . ask away, we are here for you!
  5. thinoneday

    Worried stomach is to BIG

    Wow, I can't even eat 1/4 of a sandwich. . I am 3 months out and can barely fit in 4 oz of food per meal. . .last nights meal was 4 bits of salmon and thats it. . . i don't know what happened in your surgery but that doesn't sound right at all. . .
  6. thinoneday

    Eight Weeks since surgery

    All right Gary!!!! (doing the happy dance for Gary :thumbup:) Congratulations to you!!! Keep up the excellent work:thumbup:
  7. thinoneday

    CA Sleevesters

    Hi MacMadame! I'm glad to see you here ! How are you? I've missed you! Where do you hang out now?
  8. thinoneday

    March 25th?

    And your going to do fantastic! You are going to love the weight loss thing! Its amazing! Best of luck to you and your journey! Just remember to walk lots after surgery ok! Very important. . .
  9. thinoneday

    Post Op Protein Question???

    i couldn't handle protein shakes before surgery, for me they were so nasty. . . after surgery i started with Bariatric Advantage high protein shakes, those were yum for me . . i started out with vanilla, then for a change got chocolate. . . both were great. . .i mix flaxseed peanut butter 1/2 tsp with the shake and it tastes just like a reeses pieces. . . love it. . .
  10. thinoneday

    How much pain?

    I've had the breast reduction too and let me tell its NOTHING like that! This is more of a discomfort then a real pain. . . tylenol did it for me. . .i was up and walking about 6 hours after surgery. . . my back hurt me more from laying down then the actually surgery . . . there is a pulling nagging sensation from the drain, but that was all for me. . . no nausea, sick feelings, nothing. . . just remember to walk alot. . . the gas pain isn't funny, but not as bad as the boob surgery. . . something you can deal with. . . good luck, you're going to do great!
  11. well i just have to share this with y'all. . . you know how we think we don't look any different then when we were hugh? Well at least i don't think i look any different. . . anyhow, out of interest, i wondered if my jeans would fit me yet. . . i guess i must have missed the size cause they are way tooooooo big. . . so i tried on the next size 20/22 too big but comfy with a belt. . . then i went to try on different uniforms in the other closet, guess what? XL fits now. . . they are close to my body but not tight. . . i couldn't believe it. . . i wonder when that happened ! It's funny, so i thought about shorts, sure enough, they fit. . . amazing. . . i now weight 20 lbs less then my 20 year old daughter! Poor daughter. . . but being in college and living in the dorms they eat what they can. . . she's moving into her own apartment in august. . i made darn sure she got the one on the 2nd floor and has to use the stairs (no elavator in this place). . she asked me why the 2nd floor, i told her the less of a chance for bugs to get in!(she is deathly afraid of bugs) So she was ok with that explaination, but it was so that she gets exercise running up and down the stairs. . .
  12. those sound so good! gonna try these. . .
  13. It's really neat to see peoples gazes who knew me as ms fatty. . . i was coming out of the restroom this morning when the janitor said to me "hello skinny" it caused me to grin from ear to ear. . .
  14. What a fantastic feeling that must of been huh? Wow good for you! I love "pants on the ground" :thumbup: keep up the excellent work !!!!:lol0:
  15. Hey Girl, yes, want to know what it was? I was full of poop literally. . i hadn't had a poop for 2 1/2 to 3 weeks (didn't even realize it was that long, no bloating, no pain, nothing) doctor says it was a toxicity build up causing nausea, dizziness, and weakness, so got some Mag Citrate drank 1/2 the bottle, and have been using Miralax every day and have been going every day now. . . i feel great, wanna sing the halleluas every day now!!! How are you doing?????

  16. thinoneday

    Is this really gonna work?

    I'll be really honest with you, for me it's interesting. . . in the beginning i hated this stupid sleeve. . . i really did, then when i went for my 1 1/2 week doctor appt after the surgery and saw i lost 32 lbs i thought "huh, interesting". . . then after 7 weeks i lost 53 lbs all together, now at 11 weeks, i've lost 63 lbs. . .i don't like that when i want to go out to eat i have to request a carry out box right away cause i know i'll only eat about 5 bites of the food. . .i know that i can't go to a buffet anymore, that it would be a major waste of money. . .who after all wants to spend $10 for a buffet and all you can really have is 1/2 piece of meat loaf or a bowl of Soup???? I really hate that i have hunger pangs and eat something too fast and it gets stuck that you have "i need an ambulance" pain for about 20 - 30 minutes and have slimming for that same about of time. . . I don't like that i can't drink alcohol as i used to and that my taste for cokes, and coffee have changed and i really hate those beverages now. . . but all in all, would i do it again? yes i would, my hatred for my obesity is stronger than my dislike for this sleeve. . . the weight loss makes me happy, i feel healthier, i no longer snore, that means my apnea is gone, my heart rate is 45 - 48 bpm that means that my heart doesn't have to work so hard anymore . . cardiologist took away the nitroglycerin pills. . . my knees don't hurt so much anymore, i have more energy and can bend and pick up things . . i'll be able to see my daughter graduate from university, i'll see her get married, and have kids, i'll be able to see those kids grow up and maybe even attend their graduations too. . .so you see that weight loss is so much better. . . no i will never be able to eat normal again. . .so i have to get used to that idea, i have to be careful about what i eat cause i could eat "around" my surgery and gain weight, now that would be humiliating! I would love to eat some chocolate, or some chinese food, or fried chicken, but that would forfeit the purpose right? So i stick with my Protein foods, and the healthier stuff and sugar free stuff. . . god knows maybe i'll eventually get used to all this . . . after all old habits die hard, 48 years of over eating and stuff and being fat, fat, fat, and so sloppy looking, and literally rolling about, not being able to fit into plane seats, asking for extensions for the seatbelt, how sicking. . . so now it's time to change old ways, will take a while, but one day i'll overcome and then I'll be thin one day!!! good luck with your decisions.
  17. thinoneday


    it might continue for about another 2 weeks after surgery and then you'll battle with constipation. . .make sure you walk, drink your fluids and if needed use miralax and a stool softener. . . I had the same problems. . .it's an adjustment phase and does go away. . . good luck'
  18. thinoneday

    Should I cancel my surgery? Help!

    Families are weird, especially if they are obese themselves. . .the main thing here is that your husband supports you. . .you live with your husband, he is the one who will have to bury you if you die from your obesity and the complications it gives. . .your family are just comfortable with you especially if they are overweight and your the biggest, makes them feel better about themselves. . . girl you have your surgery, it's going to make you feel so much better. . . i'm 11 weeks out now and have lost 63 lbs, i no longer snore at night so that means no apnea, i no longer have to take nitroglycerine for chest pain, my heart rate is down to 45 so it's not working as hard anymore. . . my knees don't hurt and neither does my back. . . i have a lot of energy and guess what! I'll see my daughter graduate college, get married, and have kids. . . i'll see those kids grow up and go to be an old lady. . . it's your choice, but if you already have the date, don't stop cause someone wants you too. . . you have to be the one to live your life. . . .good luck with your decisions. . . .
  19. thinoneday

    am I too old?

    Good Lord, your never too old to want to help yourself and your health! I was 47 when i did my sleeve. . .I could have been 80 and probably gone for it, doctor might not have done but i would have tried! Good for you! You go girl!!!!!
  20. thinoneday

    Bye Lucy.

    Poor Lucy, I understand your pain as well. . . i've lost pets whom I felt were like my own kids. . .very painful. . .my last loss was my dog too he was like my child, i could never replace my child, i can never replace my dog. . .i'll never have a pet again much too painful when they die. . . now i own fish, when they die you either let the others eat them, or just flip them into the plants for fertilizer! :thumbup:
  21. thinoneday

    Motivation... I need it! Any ideas...

    UGH, I HATE THE GYM, but you know, for me it's all about the weight loss. . . I really like making my ticker move. . . so in order to have that bunny move, i have to move. . .good luck ladies!
  22. thinoneday

    Can't makeup my mind

    Sorry sweetie, can't help you there, i stayed in San Antonio, TX and had mine done here. . . felt safer. . . more expensive of course (I was self pay) but a bit safer. . . .
  23. I went to the doctor yesterday and told them about this exact problem I am having. . i have had pass out episodes as well. . .well come to find out because i haven't had a poop for 2 1/2 weeks (didn't even realize that) it was causing a toxicity build up in my system causing me to be dizzy, nauseated, and exhausted feeling. . . took some mag citrate 1/2 bottle, fixed that problem! Got onto some Miralax and colace as well. . . man does that make a difference. . . have you pooped? try some mag citrate and see how you feel???? Good luck. . . .
  24. thinoneday

    Today is the day!

    good luck, your going to do great! Just remember to walk alot after surgery. . . keep us up dated!
  25. thinoneday

    Weight lost? - Formula

    I would love to but can't at this time. . . but thanks anyhow, sounds like fun! maybe one day ok!

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