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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Starving for Food

    Oh my gosh Chancie, I did that the day before yesterday, I was eating some sausage (less then 4 oz) and i felt just fine, BUT i had to have just one more piece of it. . . well. . . slime city. . . you'd think i'd learned by then right but OH NO, yesterday I did the same damn thing, only this time I was eating WAY to fast and the stupid thing was I KNEW i was eating too fast. . . big time pain (I need an ambulance pain) sliming the whole thing. . . so i just pulled up my big girl panties went outside and fertilized my lawn. . . i think i "watered" it more with sliming then with the hose though! Maybe ONE day I'll get it huh???? :001_smile:
  2. thinoneday

    post-op day #8

    Congratulations Faithful. . .the sleeve is definately the way to go, weird but definately the way to go. . I'm out 13 weeks (3 months) and still go back to soft stuff every now and then, especially the soups, yogurts, jello, popsicles, and protein shakes. . . not cause i have to, but cause i like them . . . you'll learn what your tummy likes and doesn't like as you progress. . . it's funny, but my tummy is like a kid. . doesn't like peas, carrots, or onions, (I slime those up) . . . loves popsicles, grape crystal lite???? go figure???? . . . jello, yogurts. . . tolerates turkey jerky, chicken (cooked very soft) hamburger meat, loves refried beans and cheese. . . weird huh? good luck you'll soon get the hang of it, i'm still learning too. . .
  3. I still find Bariatric Advantage the best of any of the protein powders. . . but that is only my personal taste. . .
  4. Hi Michelle, I did that dreaming thing. . for me it was i beat a man with a steel pipe cause he was coming after my curried food. . so i beat him, picked up my plate and escaped through a tube. . . stupid dreams. . i was about 1 week out too. . . don't worry sweetie, that will eventually go away, the head cravings and hunger is what i battle with, sometimes i succumb to it and eat what is giving me grief and sometimes i don't, i just combat it with Water or SF crystal lite. . . good luck on your journey, it definately is different. . . i'm 13 weeks out and tummy still feels weirdo to me. . . hehehe:lol0: but the obesity was much much more weird:scared0:. . . glad to be getting rid of that!
  5. thinoneday

    What a big step taken!

    Good for you Viola! Keep up the excellent work!
  6. thinoneday


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. . . some fellas REALLY need that! That is too funny . . . hahahahahahaha . . . :lol0::lol0::lol0:
  7. thinoneday

    My stall has broken!

    :party4:happy dance!!!!!!!
  8. thinoneday

    Starving for Food

    Cajun is right, eat protein. . . there is <1 - 2 grams of carbs in most proteins. . eat as much as you want, just watch the protein. . .and drink water . . . not with your meals of course, that just washes the food away and your starving again within a few hours. . . eat lots of proteins. . .tuna, salmon, turkey jerky, eggs, cheese, etc. . good luck and don't give up. . .this wasn't a easy fix for us, you still have to work at it and work hard at it. . we still have to do the work. . .good luck again. . and keep up the great work! 42 lbs is fanastic!
  9. thinoneday

    Need some support ...

    You are doing fabulous Mini! Like Determined said, whats lost is lost. . .it won't be coming back. . .i still see the big fat girl in the mirror every day. . . my highest weight was 350 lbs. . then on surgery day i weighed 332 lbs. . . i still see 350 lbs. . . my clothes, family, and co-workers tell me the truth about my weight loss, but until i see 230 or less. . . i don't think i'll ever accept that i'm losing fast enough either. . . aren't we weird. . .it took us most of our lives to gain the weight and get obese, now we want it gone within a few months just cause our tummies are smaller. . . weird us. Like my daughter said "Mom you'll never be happy with just 1 thing huh?" Bless her heart. . . good luck, keep on going it'll come off. . . your probably in a stupid stall right now. . .
  10. thinoneday

    No longer obese

    Horray for Cajun! (doing the happy dance) how great is that? I'm getting there. . they say slow and steady wins the race. . . well that is good. . .I'm hoping to have the majority of my weight lost by October/Nov. . . my mom is coming to visit me and hasn't seen me since 2008. . then i weighed 350 lbs. . . she knows i had the surgery but i don't think she understands the concept of it. . . to her it's just another attempt in my life to lose weight. . . just wait! Good luck Cajun. . . keep up the excellent work!
  11. thinoneday

    The family

    This is totally adorable!
  12. thinoneday

    Sex drive?

    I would rather spend time at the beach, go travelling, and just snuggle up with my beloved and watch tv. . .sex to me is neither here nor there. . .couldn't care less. . . always have been like that even as a teen. . . no frustrations here though, happy as a clam! (are clams happy?) hehehehe. . .
  13. Health care reform hasn't quite kicked in yet! Free isn't available yet . . .hehehehehe. . . good luck
  14. Just a thought here, remember we have been on auto pilot for most of our lives, it's a new experience when you have the sleeve, you have to retrain yourself . . . for me it's been 47 years of FAST eating (military didn't help that either) so now to learn to eat slow is a killer. . . i have been conditioned that when you eat around a table you eat fast and get in as much as possible. . . now i can't even eat around the table. . .i have to take my 4 - 6 oz of food and sit on the couch in the living room, and with the VCR time my eat. . . chew, swallow, time 2 minutes, another bite, and so on. . . i'm out 3 months and can basically eyeball my portions, but to slow down and chew really well, well that's another circus trick I'm still learning. . . . good luck to everyone. . .
  15. thinoneday

    Anyone else work out A LOT?

    Good for you on your exercise! I'm like LanK, hate exercise just because. . I work around the yard alot, walk in the neighborhood, etc. . .but those are things i want to do, but go to the gym NO THANK YOU! :001_smile: i look pretty amazing though. . . anyhow i degress, are you taking your Vitamins? Especially the B12? I take the following vitamins everyday (now I'm NOT telling you that you should do this, this is only advise from my doctor) I take 2 B12 sublingual, 2 Multivitamins, 2 Calcium, 1 Iron, and 1 Vitamin D weekly. I feel pretty darn good and not weak. . good luck
  16. "yawn" it was only my doctors opinion. . . . . :laugh0:
  17. And then there is me, who started off with a BMI of 44 or 45, and in 11 weeks lost 63 lbs. . .
  18. thinoneday

    Surgeons goal!

    hahahaha, don't feel bad, i have lost about 70 or so lbs (don't know yet, don't weigh unless i go to doctor appt) in about 13 weeks and i still feel major obese! Some days more than others. . . i think it's normal, cause we've seen ourselves that way for a very very long time. . . my clothes are way to big and the smaller ones fit just right, but still i justify it to the smaller clothes have stretched out . . . silly huh????? but like you, I just keep on going. . .
  19. Morning Steve, I didn't even have to go on a pre op diet, doctor took me just how i am. . .but then again, that was my doctor. . . he said 2 weeks was not enough to shrink the liver so he didn't see the point of that. . it just makes me wonder about the competancy of the physicians who want to shrink the liver??????? good luck and see you on the loser side soon!
  20. what a neat thingy! I like it! thanks for sharing that!
  21. good for you Niki. . . seeee i had faith in you and the sleeve. . .see, see, see. . . you did it girl! and you will continue to do it . . . i was 350 at my heaviest, and before surgery 332lbs. . . now (at the last weigh in) i was 269. . .i still see the fat 350 lbs me. . but my clothes tell me different! Actually had a pair of short fall right off me this morning. . . ha that was so funny! showed hubbie and we both had a good laugh. . . you'll make that last 47 lbs and YOU know you will too! Keep up the great work!:thumbup:
  22. Tiff, where do you go first? Is it on our forum or somewhere else?
  23. thinoneday

    soft mushy food stage

    I blended my food, so i had minced hamburger and turkey meat (fat free of course) , refried Beans, eggs very soft cooked, cheeses, apple sauces, anything but blended with broth, Soups, lentils, beans, etc. . . sometimes i still do it that way cause my tummy liked it and it goes down really well. . .
  24. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. . . I put on a pair of shorts this morning thinking they wouldn't fit yet, they fell right off. . . literally! It was so funny and made me sing "Pants on the Ground"!!!! so found a smaller size and they fit fine. . . what a great morning
  25. thinoneday


    I guess i've been pretty darn lucky, since my surgery i've been a happy camper, full of energy, happy to do anything, no nausea, pain or anything. . . but BEFORE my surgery, i was one irratable B>>>ch . . even my hubbie has noticed the different. . . good, maybe the surgeon took away my B..chness. . . . heheeheh

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