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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    5% of 1%?

    You sure are right there! about being "SPECIAL"
  2. thinoneday

    Evening in the ER

    glad to hear your ok, i have a really low bp myself and low heart rate too. . my bp usually runs 95/55 or so and my heart rate no more then 49 - 50 . . .but that is my body. . . given the doctor a few scares myself. . .but that's me. . . glad to hear your ok and just remember to drink those fluids! sip sip sip. . .
  3. thinoneday

    Texas won't approve these surgeries?

    Yup WingRider is right, I work and live in San Antonio, have United Health Care, and unless your employer has decided to be generous and include ALL bariatric surgeries to be included on the insurance, sure you'll be covered, but the majority don't do this and it's not covered. . .especially the sleeve since it's so new and there are no long term outcomes available yet. . .I was self pay too. . . but you never know. . .keep trying and good luck! keep us posted. . .
  4. thinoneday

    Hi everyone!

    If your credit is pretty decent, you could take out a loan from the bank to help. . that is what i did and i got it at 3% . . . not too bad I think. . . i had my surgery here in San Antonio, it was expensive, but wanted to stay here in the US. . . Just my own personal preference of course. . .
  5. thinoneday

    Beginning to eat solids (suggestions?)

    I'm 3+ months out now and tummy stills gurgles and grunts whenever i introduce new food. . sometimes it really hates the new food and slimming starts. . . i've really never vomited yet, slimed yes, and during that epiosode the new foods come up in it. . (gross i know) . . . in the beginning it would take me 45 minutes just to eat 4oz of yogurt. . but as time went along i can now sit and eat a decent meal in about 20 - 30 minutes (depending of course) . . . for example last night i had 1 jalapeno sausage link and 1 scrambled egg. . . finished most of it except about 3 pieces of sausage. . then for a bedtime snack - metamucil wafers and tea. . . (yeah I know, I know) so it does all get better. . . but make dang sure you chew the ???? out of your food or your regret it . . .
  6. I really don't know about the "pouch" stretching, we sleevers really don't have a "pouch" just one straight thingy. . from what i understand it's really muscular so it doesn't stretch like that. . .correct me if i'm wrong of course. . .my reflux has totally disappeared since the surgery, never have had one episode since. . . really like that! Good luck with your surgery!
  7. thinoneday

    Now three weeks out

    Always! In the beginning I couldn't sleep at all, had major insomnia, took benadryl, tylenol PM, and/or nyquil as needed. . . you need the sleep for healing. . . i'm out now 3 months and sleep like the dead. . .
  8. hahahaha, your hubbie sounds like mine. . . mine was totally against everything. . (power and control you know) It took me 2 years to even convince the dude to come to a seminar with me. . well he finally bit the bullet and come along. . after the seminar i asked him what he thought (I wanted the band at first) and he said "there is NO WAY i am supporting you with the band" I was absolutely furious, BUT I didn't say a thing except "why" . . he then said "I'll support you with the sleeve" . . I almost fell down! My jaw hit the ground and all I said was thanks hon. . . It seemed like he wanted to make the decision and not me. . . so since i wanted the band he said No and let me have this one. . . ok. . . but NOW it's different. . . he see's how bird like I eat and he gets mad, when food gets stuck or I start slimming and having major "call me an ambulance" pain cause I ate too fast or too much, he get so angry and loudly states "they made a mistake! They never told us about this part, all they wanted was the money now they don't care". . . what a goof ball. . . but i reassure him and let him know that there is nothing we can do about it now cause it's irreversible. . . so this goes on for ever. . . your hubbie is playing a reverse psychology game on you. . .he tells you go ahead, but won't really support your effort, show him, don't get mad, just say yes and amen to whatever, have your surgery and then when you start losing weight, you'll see a whole different hubbie. . . as for selling him to pay for your surgery???? It won't even cover the anestheiologist! . .hehehe:lol0: Good luck on your journey and remember don't get so mad at him, your just hurting yourself and not him. . . .
  9. thinoneday

    Diet and exercise success rates?

    Yahoo for Tiffy! Loved your article! Glad you had a blast in Dallas, sounded like fun! Was Easter good for you? Mine was great!
  10. thinoneday


    Oh how I can relate to your vows. . . I 'm 3 months out and can only eat about 4 - 6 oz at a time. . .but what they mean by "eat whatever they want" is like me. . .so can I but this is how it goes. . . breakfast: Protein shake (ugh very filling) about 10 am, cheese (1 oz) and some melba rounds (3 crackers); lunch 6 oz cooked eggplant, no pm snack, dinner, 1 oz fried fish (usually talipia or seafood) and about 2 oz lentils, evening snack, melba rounds again 3 with one triangle of laughing cow cheese. . lots of Water. . . you see ??? Sometimes if i get into the "gosh I'm really hungry" I'll knaw on turkey Jerky til i feel satisfied. . .or i'll eat SF Jello, SF pudding and so on. . . I can eat whatever, but don't eat badly, I don't eat much junk, at Easter I had 2 - 3 mini chocolate eggs, and a piece of Easter bun (couldn't eat the whole thing) so you see, I eat whatever, but it's really small amounts so I don't worry much about it. . . i'm losing and i like it. . . I'm learning what foods don't agree with me and which ones do, the soft ones usually agree, the harder ones don't. . . chew very well and take your time. . .sometimes i have to reheat my food a couple of times, but i get it done. good luck and hope this helps.:biggrin0:
  11. thinoneday

    Help! Running out of will power!!!

    Isnt' it nice just to be human? Eat whatever, but now you know there is a limit? Its alot easier to say no to things now too, but whenever you need a little "fix" you can have it. . . I don't like depriving myself if i'm craving or wanting something i'll have it and get it over with then carry on. . .hasn't hurt me so far and i've not failed either. . . i had a really funny thought the other day. . .i was eating a metamucil wafer (which look like cookies) well this co worker of mine states "can you eat that!" I asked why not? She said it's fattening. . .my response to her was "Its amazing when i was fat, no one ever said, "you should be careful what you eat", now that i'm slimming down, everyone has become the damn expert on what i should eat. . I haven't lost 73 lbs in 3 months listening to the lot of you" . . . of course we're not friends anymore, but who cares. . . we are human and we have this surgery that helps us with portion control, that doesn't mean become obsessed totally. . . .good luck all! Enjoy being human!:biggrin0:
  12. Yup, I do that too just gurgle abit and i'll eat a bit of Protein. . i know i can't overeat ever again, so eating here and there doesn't bother me at all. . . i know i'm not eating poorly so that is the main thing. . . and apparently it is working because i'm not gaining or stalling. . .
  13. thinoneday

    Tortillas are No Go!

    I was told (and this was told by my nutritionist) that i would not be able to have any white bread, potatoes, rice, or pasta ever again. . . i tried to see why not, and had a piece of bread. . . WRONG!!!!!!!! Never again. . . I slimed for over 30 minutes and couldn't get rid of the knot. . . quick learning lesson learned! . . . good luck to you but at least you can still eat those beans!!!! Yummmmmmmmmmmy
  14. thinoneday

    Looking for Texas Sleevers???

    Hi I'm from San Antonio, been sleeved now for 3 months. . . good luck on your adventure.
  15. thinoneday

    Help! Running out of will power!!!

    I had a couple of mini chocolate eggs and some Easter bun, and bbq sausages, guess what? I didn't turn into a troll or 3 eyed cyclops! I had my treats and that's that . . . but i'm back on track today. . . I always do excellent during the week and on Saturdays, for some reason, I don't do well Sundays, but 1 out of 6 isn't bad at all. . . still losing and am happy. . . good luck
  16. Well sorry to burst anyone's bubble here, but i'm 3 months out and STILL really hungry. . nope, not head hungry, real gurglly stomach hungry:drool5:. . but i combat that with a little Protein til the next gurgle. . . never did get rid of that hunger. . . it was very dissappointing:drool:. . . oh well, life goes on, i'm still losing weight and like it. . . hunger and all as long as i'm not eating like a barbarian like before, i'm happy. . . good luck.
  17. mine was taken out the morning of my discharge
  18. thinoneday


    Mine was removed the morning of my discharge. . .
  19. thinoneday

    Just one pound...

    This is a great post. . . i love it. . . thank you so much for sharing this, it's actually beautiful and so true. . .
  20. thinoneday

    Any horse lovers here?

    Haven't been on a horse for a long time. . . after i gained so much weight didn't think it would be nice to sit on the poor things. . . we have an equestrian center over here where i live and as soon as i lose the 99 lbs i have left, i may just stop over there and go on a trail ride . . .take daughter along as well. . . she would love it. . .
  21. thinoneday

    Mushies early?

    All I can say ladies, is consider the source where that comment came from and you should all feel 100% better! Good luck girldep and keep up the good work. . . as long as your losing that is all that matters here. . . "whatever" else wants to play Gandhi can go right ahead. . .
  22. thinoneday

    Any horse lovers here?

    I totally LOVE horses. . i was raised on a horse ranch. . my dad had 2 - 3 of nearly every breed. . loved dressing up the clysdales at Christmas time for sleigh rides. . . had my own quarter horse too. . Pal the Palamino! We even had little awnery ponies. . . love em, love em, love em
  23. I am neither a vegatarian or an organic food person. . . but i just wanted to share with you that fish is very very agreeable with VSG! That is my main source of protein as well. . . i eat all types of fish and seafood and none of that has ever upset my stomach at all. . . just a note. . . thanks and good luck!
  24. thinoneday


    Thanks for sharing Wannalise, some of those receipes look REALLY good!
  25. thinoneday

    Wanting to eat more?

    I'm 3 months out now and still keep my calories between 450 - 700 I just find the restriction too much to add anything more. . .i still do soft stuff and occasionally "sneak" in a melba toast or 3. . . love that stuff. . . i have "tried" stuff in the past, like cake, puked that bugger up never again. . .chocolate, hurt my tummy like H. . . never again. . .I do go out to eat, but always get a to go box. . .order protein stuff so i'd eat 1 small bowl of refried beans at the restaruant and take the chicken home which would last me about 2 - 3 days. . . I have ALOT of restriction, makes me wonder about the boughie size. . . had the OR report read to me and didn't really say anything about the size except one clause "28 F endoscope inserted" ????? ummmmm isn't that the boughie?????

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