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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    10 month post-op update

    Absolutely adorable Tiffy! Absolutely adorable!:thumbup1:
  2. thinoneday

    Sad story :(((((

    :bored:Just Freedom of Speech my dear, freedom of speech! Can't help it if i hate the AHole as much as you hated the other . . . good day :thumbup1:
  3. thinoneday

    Aetna just approved me for VSG

    Yup I must totally agree with you there ouroborous, health is so much more worth it then money. . . plus i think having paid for the surgery myself, has made me more aware of what i'm doing before i stick that piece of chocolate or something into my mouth. . .i paid $15,500 for this surgery, be damned if i mess up and gain even a single pound!
  4. thinoneday

    Sad story :(((((

    Fab, so very sorry to hear about your job. . . it's so hard cause you've put in so many years. . . Chancie, i'm sorry to hear about your job as well. . . how terrible, (now this is just my vent ok, no harm meant to anyone) but i thought when this "wart on society's A$$" president got in things were going to turn around and people would have jobs and not lose their jobs, all lies . . . oh well hopefully he won't destroy the USA before it has a chance to get better. . . .
  5. thinoneday

    Gaining weight after surgery

    I absolutely love seafood! I eat fish most of my meals. . . today i had salmon for lunch and catfish for dinner . . tomorrow will be catfish for lunch and crawfish for dinner . . i eat seafood at least 5-6 times a week . . . love it, love it. . . i don't get fast food seafood though, sounds too scarey:scared0: hehehe . . . by the way, your new profile picture looks really nice! I go to the doctor again on the 21st . . will be able to post another weight on the ticker!
  6. thinoneday

    Hello my fitness friends

    Well first off, welcome to the forum! We are a great support group . . Girl if this surgery works for me, it will work for anyone. . . i didn't think it would work either, but apparently it is . . . I only weigh in at my doctor appts so i don't see the stalls or stand stills at all. . . i go again on the 21st, then the ticker will change. . .i still am weary at times about my weight loss. . . you see i have dieted myself to 250 lbs about 6 years ago and as soon as i hit 249, the weight crept back on and kept going up til i was 350 again . . after that it was VERY hard to come off. . . had the surgery on Dec. 29th, 2009 and have lost quite a bit to date, but i still have to pass 240 lbs and not see a gain in order to realize this is REALLY working for me. . . so I totally understand what you are going through, also in the beginning this sleeve really didn't agree with me . . i didn't like it much, but now am really glad i had it and would do it again if i had too. . . it really does control your portions. . . but like the others have said, you HAVE to work with it in order for it to really work. . . yes that means real dieting and lifestyle changes. . if your willing to do that, this will work for you just like it has for most of us. . . good luck and keep us updated on your journey!
  7. thinoneday

    Gaining weight after surgery

    Good ole Texas! Gotta love this state!
  8. I am so very proud of you Nikki! I knew you could do it. . . all those tears and frustrations during your 7 months was well worth it. . .you've come a far way sweetie and again I'm so proud of you!
  9. thinoneday

    saw my psychriatrist (lol)

    Welcome! And yes that psych test is hilarious in places! Very boring though. . . good luck on your journey
  10. thinoneday


    Good! Never TMI! Do you feel any better? Now keep on drinking your fluids and eat (if you can) metamucil wafers one package once a day, they come in apple cinnamon and cinnamon . . I love them, just like eating Cookies. . . they will help keep you regular. . .
  11. thinoneday

    What do you miss?

    yup, rum and coke! I have been cleared to do whatever and eat/drink whatever, so on my birthday i really wanted a good old rum and coke, got the bottle out, opened it up and the whiff alone made me scared of it. . . i haven't had a coke or soda since last November 20th so that made me scared. . . so i closed up the bottle of rum, and had a glass of sherry instead. . . yuummmmmm was that good. . . hit the spot right on! Food wise, i've never had a favorite food so really i don't miss anything there. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Straws? Can anyone shed some light for me?

    I love straws and use them. . . don't gulp either way though. . . but that is me. . . some people say that you'll get too much air into your tummy, but i don't . . . don't take my advice, but i have used them and have had no problems. . .
  13. thinoneday


    Ok here comes your nurse, have you had a BM? I was really feeling dizzy and fainted at one time, feeling bad, nausea etc. . .went to the doctor and after talking for a bit, found out i hadn't had a poop in about 3 weeks. . . yup you heard right. . . but my normal routine is 1 - 2 x per week if that, so missing here and there didn't dawn on me, i was started on Miralax and metamucil wafers everyday, let me tell you! No more dizziness. . . this could be the problem. . .
  14. thinoneday

    No longer obese

    Me too, I'm like Pumpkin not longer considered morbidly obese, just obese. . . (gosh aren't those just the most nastiest words?)
  15. thinoneday

    Broccoli not friendly!

    Every body is different, yours might not reject broccoli, but you'll find out what you like and don't like. . . broccoli for me is "if it's there good, if not then good too" couldn't care less about broccoli. . . now my gross vegatable is hominy! That is just not normal!:lol0:
  16. thinoneday

    Broccoli not friendly!

    :lol0:had this exact same thing happen to me with green peas and carrots! Tummy was reacting like a kid who hates vegatables. . .came up in a slime ball. . . broccoli doesn't sit well with me either, brussel sprouts are great, so is eggplant and peeled tomatoes, pickles are good too. . . :crying:
  17. thinoneday

    Beginning to eat solids (suggestions?)

    HI!!!!! Well I love (and tummy loves it too) seafood. . lobster is still a bit too tough, but shrimp, crawfish, tuna, scallops, talipia, catfish, maui maui, salmon, anything like that is sooooooooo well excepted by my tummy. . only eat slowly and chew chew chew. . . chicken is good too, just don't eat beef, my doctor told me that it is much too fiberous and could cause pain. . . I haven't strayed far from chicken and fish though. . . I have done turkey and ham as well. . . are eggs agreeing with you yet? I love making a 1 egg omelet with a bit of ham and a cut up jalapeno cheese stick. I make homemade Soups a lot with all types of stuff in it, potatoes, Beans, carrots, onions, celery, ham hock, etc. . . i love it spicy so i do alot of curries, black pepper and habeneros. . . I only have the beans, carrots, celery and the liquid, not the potatoes. . . I also have melba toast (3 - 4 rounds) sometimes with laughing cow cheese spreadable. I still have my Protein shakes for Breakfast. I go out to eat, but always request a carry out box along with my food cause i know i'll never eat all the food. . . then i'll have food for days! I've done chinese carry out and let me tell i ate chinese for 3 days. . . don't think i want that for a while now!:scared0: Good luck and you'll learn as you go what tummy likes and doesn't like. . . it's definately a learning experience! keep us posted
  18. You'll be ok Andrea! I had the same thing and was afraid of eating and drinking, but like most of us here, i sipped on hot liquids like tea or warm milk and it helped alot. . . cold drinks cause cramps though so be careful. . . just sip slowly you'll get used to it soon. .
  19. thinoneday

    Hair Loss experiences?

    Well let me tell you honey, I'm 3+ months out and loose ALOT of hair, I'm talking about handfuls, not just a few strands here and there, I brush my hair in the morning and BIG handfuls come out. . .I'm not trying to scare you but it's lots in my case. . . in the evening I brush my hair and here comes handfuls again. . .in the shower, out comes some, not as much as brushing. But I'm learning to live with it. . . I have very long hair, I'm 6'0' tall and my hair length is to my butt. . . I have one small bald spot but that is from my berette (I hope). . . but i am thankful everyday for having gotten this sleeve and losing weight, so a few little side effects is ok, from what i hear, it does grow back. . . yeah I'll look like a darn chia pet! :crying:
  20. thinoneday


    Now a days i always say "my eyes are bigger then my stomach!" Literally!!!! :lol0: but in time we will learn that we don't want the very uncomfortable feeling, I'm just now getting there and i'm 3+ months out. . . i know when tummy starts to squeeze a bit, its time to stop right then a there . . . not even a morsal more or else! :scared0: my thing is pain and sliming. . . i don't like at all:ohmy: very gross. . . so i'm learning my lessons quickly. . .good luck to you! You'll get it soon!:crying:
  21. Trust me Stacey, once you "feel" your new sleeve, you will NOT want to gulp anything again. . . .right now it's hard to explain, but you'll see. . . i was a major gulper and loved gulping EVERYTHING wet. . . including sodas. . . now i'm such a lady, i sip everything in moderate amounts, i sip tea, don't do sodas anymore, and sip my waters. . . you'll understand about the 2nd day of surgery . . . good luck. . . and all the best on your journey
  22. Well like I said it was my doctors ADVISE because he felt that those 4 things are the worst for carb content (plus unless they are cooked extremely well, they tend to swell and cause alot of pain) along with bananas (41g carbs per banana) But once again it was my doctors words not mine. . but i do follow his words. . .
  23. thinoneday

    Hard Time With Food

    Now I'm going to have a say too and it's not pretty. . .At least you've lost 112 lbs! That is an accomplishment. . .i'm sad for you that you don't have your own control over controlling yourself. . .that will always set us up for failure regardless of what it is. . be it with weightloss or life. . .negativity breeds negativity. . .I or anyone else here on the forum could give you tons of advice, would it help? Probably not because you've posted before with the same problem, we've tried to give advice but here you are again with the same problem, is it attention seeking? maybe. . i'm not trying to be mean or anything. . i realize your looking for some help, maybe you need to try couseling with a professional? There may be underlying problems that are preventing you from getting back onto the course. . . anyhow good luck with you and hope you do something about getting back on track, your only hurting yourself and nobody else. . .
  24. ONLY something my physician said. . . he said that if you haven't experienced a leak after 1 week, your not going to experience one. . . ONLY the words of my physician whom I trust completely. . . I moved ahead to mushies in week 2 as well. . .no leaks here. . .now at 3 months out i can eat whatever except for potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, and beef. . . ground beef is ok. . . but it seems EVERYONES doctor is different, just follow your own doctors advices and you should be fine. . . good luck!
  25. :scared0::scared0:Goodness, we must have had the same home builders! My closet did the EXACT same thing about 1 year ago. . . what a mess that was, couldn't even get into the closet good. . . hubbie fixed it to where it'll NEVER come off again! Then he went all around the entire closet reinforcing every shelf. . . good luck with your surgery, you'll do great, just walk alot and sip your Water or ice or whatever they give you over there. . . chat with you soon and keep us updated on your progress!

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