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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    I now have NSV's

    yippee for Immore! Isn't this new found life fun? I think it's pretty cool myself. . .good luck and keep up the excellent work!
  2. thinoneday

    Stomache growling

    My gut is always growling, and it's not head hunger either. I've taken nexium and it does help, try that. . otherwise eat Protein. . .protein keeps you fuller longer. . good luck
  3. thinoneday

    Surgery - 1 week away

    A TOTAL must is chap stick! Your lips are so going to dry out. . and bring something to do, books, or puzzle books, definately your laptop so you can tell us all about it, cause inquiring minds want to know! :biggrin0: Another very very important thing is walk, walk, walk. . . always walk it'll help with that gas pain. . i didn't use Gas-X cause i walked A LOT! SIP SIP SIP I didn't use a straw but then wasn't given one, i do now and i like it. . depends on your doctor. . . bring your own shampoo and stuff cause you get feeling pretty yukky after a while and hospital shampoo is nasty. . :lol0: for at home, have a good supply of sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, broth (I used Swanson's chicken broth, very yummy) and later on you can get Protein powders (I used Bariatric Advantage vanilla and chocolate powder.) but don't buy your protein powders now cause your tastes changes for some odd ball reason, so just wait before you spend your money. . . good luck and know that we are here for you!:thumbup1:
  4. thinoneday

    Obesity as Morality

    When I took my Ethics and Morals class this was discussed as well and I totally agree. . just because people are overweight doesn't make them lazy. Its harder for overweight people to do things like their skinny counterparts, but they are not lazy. There is such a stigma on overweight people and even as a kid I was picked on because of my weight. The most horrible thing was when I was about 10 or so, I weighted about 200 lbs and very well endowed on top. I was at the park playing on swings and these grown men drove by, stopped their car, got out and yelled " hey big tits want some of this" grabbing their crotches. It scared me too death, I will never forget that . . I hated being fat and overweight, I especially hated my boobs and did everything to "hide" them I took a lot of poo from people, including being told that I was lazy and just didn't want to do things except eat, took it even from my own stepdad who always stood there watching me eat and stating "My God girl, don't you know that fat makes fat?". It's heartbreaking. I live in a very overweight city (San Antonio) people are very obese here. I agree that obesity is an illness just like diabetes and cardiac problems. I feel very comfortable here because EVERYONE else is just as obese as I am and i don't hear too much negativity anymore. I also agree with you about "its your body and you should do with it what you want" Just like with abortion, it's HER body, she should do what she feels she should do with it (eek, this is going to open a wasps nest, just my own feelings). . if you take the autonomy from a person, what do you have? People should all have the freedom to do what they want to do with their own bodies. . . just my thoughts. . . thanks for listening. . .
  5. thinoneday

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    yippee to laura! I can't wait for that day to come. . I have never been in the 100's (sure when i was born i'm sure! hehehe) but to actually get into the 100's is so going to rock, i don't think i'd know what to do with myself.. . . keep up the fantastic work honey!
  6. thinoneday

    Carbs, carbs, carbs...

    Well in the beginning, my nutritionist wasn't concerned at all about the calories, but she did mention No potatoes, rice, bread, or pasta because these have way too many carbs . . my doctor likes us to follow the Adkins program and after a while we can introduce other things but make sure they are fat free and sugar free. . . basically i follow that, but i will have a treat of popcorn (small bag of 100 calories only) or a dark chocolate piece (never the whole thing) mixed nuts (about 3 TBSPN) or a diet coke/pepsi and once in a while a good drink of rum and coke. . .but these are only on occasion and not always. . . I'm losing pretty well and like to mix up my calorie amount so that i don't get into starvation mode and get a stall. . . for example today i had 1060 calories, yesterday only 500, over the weekend maybe 300 cause I had a hurt tooth and couldn't eat. . .but by mixing up the calories I am not stalling either. . . I am a heavy weight too, and in about 4 months have lost 77 lbs, not too shabby i think, and I have re introduced rice (only 2 TBSPN at a time) and mac and cheese (1/2 cup only). . . good luck!
  7. thinoneday


    I've taken Ibuprofen cause it's the only pain med that helps my pain. . I take 800 mg prn (sorry whenever i need it) . . it hasn't caused me any problems thusfar either. . . I guess taking it daily over a long period of time could cause some problems but it could've done that with our normal tummies as well. . .
  8. thinoneday

    Stuffed Hamburgers

    LMAO!!! Good ole George Foremen grills! Those sound totally delicious! I eat alot of hamburger and turkey burger. . . this is a good receipe, thanks for sharing, I'm definately trying it this weekend!
  9. thinoneday

    nervous & excited

    PMHUNT73, welcome and best of luck for your surgery as well. . .you will be ok and you'll do great! We are here for you as well. . .
  10. LOL. . .honey your sleeve won't burst open. . but i know what your saying. . actually i totally understand, it sure does feel like it'll burst. . . but this is what i do and i get some good calories in. . . breakfast : Protein shake (I love EAS ready to drink) 300 calories, 47 g protein lunch : Dannon Lite N Fit yogurt 4 oz (60 calories) and 1 4oz SF Jello (10 cal) Snack : 2 Sergento Pepper Jack cheese sticks (80 cal each) dinner : 2 oz salmon, or tuna, or whatever kind of meat, 2-4 oz of curried eggplant, or brussel sprouts or whatever veggie, and small amount (2 TBSP) of rice (about 300 - 350 cal) Snack : 3 TBSPN mixed nuts ( 180 cal) Total for the day 1,060 calories of GOOD calories. . . . Just a suggestion. . . good luck honey!
  11. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Congratulations to all of you! You are all doing fabulous! Keep up the great work! I am always blessed to wake up in the morning. . .next is my closet, it's so funny that a few months ago i looked at some of my clothes and said "I have a LONG wait before I can actually fit into these" . . . then one day last week, i said, "I wonder if these fit yet". . well damn if those very tight tight clothes didn't fall right off. . I MISSED THE SIZE!!!! Now if that isn't a NSV, I don't know what is. . .
  12. Bless your heart. . . you sound so frustrated. . but it looks like you sleeve nut advice isn't working too good as you see. . so what is it going to hurt now to try what you diabetes nut says and try the 1200 calories and see what will happen. . .and yes, do the proteins first, veggies next and then the other carbs. . . drink lots of liquids especially water. Know that we are here for you
  13. thinoneday

    nervous & excited

    yippee! may 2 is less then a week away! your going to do fantastic! surgery anticipation can be a little nerve wrecking but it's going to be ok. . you'll be ok! and after a while you'll be on here giving the newbies advise and sharing your experiences too!:biggrin0:
  14. YOU are normal like us! You may be eating too little and your body is in starvation mode. . try eating a bit more say to 800 calories a day. . are you exercising? and finally are you weighing too often? Don't stress over this sleeve thing, it's working for you cause your not eating much, your definately not eating as much as you used too. . are you hungry? Your blood sugars are normal, the low ones are probably due to not having eatten much that day. . bet your didn't feel too good either, dizzy, nausea, etc. . . try not stressing over your weight loss, let nature take it's course, enjoy your sleeve, eat a bit more and don't weigh for about 1 week, then see what happens ok? And as most of the forum here mentioned, maybe you need to talk to your doctor and nutritionist to get more advise. . . Your going to be ok. . good luck and keep us posted.:cursing:
  15. thinoneday

    No Rant or Rave

    Yippee the crown is back in my mouth! Had the dentist appt at 3 pm. I'm sitting here now waiting for it to really set in well. . . feels so much better. . . oh and i weighed myself on my new scale and did lose about 5 lbs! how cool! but i'd rather not have the toothache, i really don't like dentists at all. . .
  16. thinoneday

    No Rant or Rave

    Hey all, this is not a rant or rave, just a talk. . today i lost my crown (on the tooth, not on the head! hahahah) and cause it's sunday, talk about not being able to eat. . . i should lose another 5 lbs here. . . Tiffy, I took your advise this morning and took Nexium, killed my hunger completely! Drank protein shakes and such since i couldn't chew. . .kept really busy too. . . mowed the lawn, washed the clothes, cooked hubbie dinner, vacuumed, etc. . . drank alot of water too. . . I've posted an album of myself as well when i was at my heaviest. . I'll get some photos going of myself here soon so we can compare ok? enjoy!:tongue_smilie:
  17. You are doing fantastic. . . it took us all a long time to get to the obese side, and suddenly we have our tummies snatched away and have to make life changing changes. . it doesn't happen overnight! it will take a while to retrain ourselves again. . . eyeballing portions comes with time. . . i'm 4 months out and still have eyes bigger then my tummy (literally! hahahaha). . . keep doing what your doing and keep feeling wonderful! Bless you!
  18. thinoneday

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    hey all, now that i don't go to the doctor for the next 3 months, I bought a scale and will be weighing in on Mondays with y'all. . . I'm going to follow Barbara's pattern. . . HW: 350 Surgery Day Weight: 332 Current Weight: 255 How cool is that!
  19. I think we all "mourn" the loss of our food in the beginning. . it's really hard. I can totally relate with you, I hated my sleeve for about 4 weeks after surgery. . .i hated that i couldn't eat the way i used to, the slimeing that would occur if i ate too fast, the tight, uncomfortable, irratating, rock feeling "pain" that would follow about 4 tbspn of food. . i really hated it that i couldn't gulp anymore! I really hated hated this sleeve. . .but at my 7 week checkup when the doctor put me up on the scale and it read i had lost 53 lbs, well that started to change my outlook on things. . . i really hated my sleeve, but you know what I really hated my Morbid Obesity more. . . now i am out 4 months and have lost a total of 70.5 lbs! This would have been totally impossible without my sleeve surgery. . . now i have accepted the way i can eat and drink, i put humor into it and just tell everyone I have become a lady now (pinky up) hehehe, it's so funny. . . the fun part too is that i'll go into my closet and try on clothes that i thought for sure wouldn't fit yet, and poof they fall off! Talk about "Pants on the ground"! It's not all that bad now, and i'm definately getting used to it. . . it's going to be ok, right now it's an adjustment to your "new" life, you spent how many years with obesity and eating fast and lots, don't expect to totally change your habits overnight, it will take a while. . Rome wasn't built in one day either. . . good luck honey! You'll be ok and you have lots of support here too! keep us posted!
  20. thinoneday

    I would appreciate a mentor....

    HEY! those oxo chicken broth packets are great to transport everywhere, just ask for hot water! Excellent idea! I use those alot too. . . yogurt is good too mixed with protein powder, I love to mix dannon lite and fit strawberry yogurt with vanilla protein powder or vanilla yogurt with chocolate protein powder. . tastes pretty good. . . very filling though. . also cottage cheese in small portions . . .ricotta cheese mixed with a teaspoon of vanilla extract is good. . .string cheese is yummy. . . of course the cream soups are excellent, tuna is good with fat free mayo and very soft chicken. . .
  21. LMAO HAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE THAT ONE!!!!!!:tongue_smilie::biggrin0:
  22. Rude comment: are you supposed to be eating that? Comeback: You know, you weren't there watching my every morsel when i was morbidly obese. Now I've lost ?? lbs by myself and your telling me what to eat? I don't need your bullying please!

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