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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. i am suffering with all sorts of eating, not just the emotional eating, so today i started the 5 day pouch test as per Tiffykins suggestion and let me tell you its one tough test! you go through carb withdrawl big time. . .all i wanted to eat today was white rice! terrible but the lentil and barley soup and the different protein smoothies kept me sane as well as the popsicles and crystal lite. . . ugh , the things we do for ourselves . . . .
  2. I would only weigh at my doctor appts and then when the doctor appt stopped down to every 3 months, i got a scale and only weigh once a week. . . you'll go absolutely nuts if you weigh every day. . . i have been at a stand still for over 1 month, so now i started the 5 day pouch test diet (google it) and hopefully this will give me the little push i need to move the weight. . . i can relate to the loose skin, my stomach is so floppy, it's actually funny to be able to lift it up and see how skinny i would look if it wasn't there, then let it flop down and there i am! hehehe. . . doesn't take much to entertain me huh???? hehehehe. . . . good luck to all of you!
  3. thinoneday

    When did u start mushies?

    I started mushies on week # 2 or something like that. . . i was on liquids for 1 1/2 weeks and then went to my 1st doctor visit and they put us to a nutritionist who started us on mushies that day. . .it was scary for us cause we didn't want to do anything wrong. . they gave us a binder full of instructions and receipes and told us what to do and off we went. . i did great, no problems at all! just make sure you follow your doc's instructions and your going to do great!
  4. thinoneday

    jagged little pill...

    When i had my surgery, my doctor didn't stop me from taking my pills whole. . he told me that it wouldn't hurt to take them like that and didn't need to be crushed. . .i've been taking my pills whole ever since without a problem . . good luck!
  5. thinoneday

    Dieting - its my battle!

    I know huh? my coworkers all know that i've had the surgery and still keep telling me that at my heaviest i didn't "look" like i needed to loose weight. . . now that i've lost about 110 lbs and have about 40 or so pounds left, they are still telling me that i don't need to loose weight. . . people are so funny. . . i know that i still need to loose much more, i started that 5 day pouch test diet today, not easy at all. . . thank god for that lentil and barley soup. . .that saved my life today. . . i am going through some major carb withdrawl. . .want to eat white rice sooooooooo badly. . . but the lentil and barley soup did the job. . .so did the popsicles, and protein shakes . . . tomorrow i'll do only liquids, like the first week after our surgeries. . . should be interesting. . . wish me luck!
  6. thinoneday

    A Funny Silver Lining

    NOPE no dorkiness here! you are totally correct! that sprig of bush on a piece of whatever IS enough for us now. . .talk about "chick food" gosh, now we can literally eat how the rich eat! nothing cause they are in too much debt! hehehe. . .
  7. thinoneday

    Weight regain with VSG?

    interesting concept there motherof4. . never thought about doing that. . maybe i'll try it next time a craving hits and i'm not really hungry. . .retraining really sucks. . . i struggle with it every day. . before surgery i thought it wouldn't be all that hard, damn it's hard! tomorrow i start my 5 day pouch test to get back on track. . .no weight gain yet, but it could happen any time soon huh?????? that would be a tragedy!
  8. I had a small 100 calorie redenbucker bag of popcorn at 4 months out and have never had another bag since. not that i had a problem with it, but it just wasn't as good tasting anymore. . .but if i get that nutty craving for popcorn again, i'll have another bag. . . maybe . . .
  9. thinoneday


    diddo on both Chancie and Tiffy. . i find that i can eat sweets so much better then meat! Meat is uncomfortable, cheesecake isn't! salads hurt, rolos don't! but then of course, i have been really fortunate that i've not gained 200 lbs already, but i've been stuck on my weight now for 1 month. . . ugh. . .so tomorrow i start the 5 day pouch thingy and then hopefully i'll be back on track with life and get a moving once again!
  10. thinoneday

    Carb helpers

    Thank you! What a wonderful page! I'll definately try this because starting this weekend im doing my 5 day pouch test, then hopefully i'll be "cured" of the dreaded carb monster and be able to follow some of these receipes! Have a great one!
  11. thinoneday

    Need Ideas

    Hi, well sometimes we have to sacrifice things we don't like. . .so keep on with your mushies as your doing, at least your following the doctors orders and not hurting yourself. . .be happy to know that this is only temporary and doesn't go on for ever. . think of your cruise! Lucky girl. . . Sometimes our bodies need to "catch up" to the weight loss. . .the first 10 days you were on liquids rights? Well that isn't normal for a normal body, then you added mushies. . .now the body thinks this is a bit more normal. Are you eating lots of high carbs that could be possibly hidden in the foods your eating? read the labels your going to be shocked! Drink more water, exercise (i know YUK) but it helps . . and be kind to yourself. . enjoy life, it didn't take 2 days to gain all that weight, it won't take 2 days to remove it all either (wouldn't that be wonderful? ) Put your scale away and only weigh once a week or so . . don't become a slave to the scale. . . good luck and keep us posted!
  12. can't help you there chickie, but you know too that everything isn't roses and warm fuzzies as you say, therefore, this decision is yours. . .my decision came after 2 years of thinking and then after i had it done i was sorry i did it. . .not because i had the surgery but because i lost the ability to 'pig out'. . . yeah can you imagine that. . stupid huh? I no longer was able to gulp drinks or go to a buffet and eat mounds of food, i was no longer able to sit down in front of the tv and eat hords of food while watching my favorite tv show. . . nope, i had to turn into a lady. . . darn it anyhow. . there are days i still regret having had the surgery, but you know what? I'd rather be the way that i am now then the big fat slob i was. . . at 350 i couldn't even wipe my backside never mind bend down to fasten my shoe. . . now at 230 I can do it without a problem, climb up stairs and a few minutes later wonder how i did that without being out of breath. . . i don't snore anymore, the apnea is gone, my cardiologist took me off the nitroglycerine for chest pain, i won't need the bilateral knee replacements either. . . so yeah the decisions on the doctors are something else. . . but the benefits of the surgery are REALLY something else! you need to weigh your pros and cons. . . if the decision is scary for you because of no bad reviews on the doctors, then you must ask yourself "are you really ready for this challenge" . . . good luck in your decision making and may the best come out for you!
  13. You'll do fine! Good luck and the let us know when your ready how you did! Then get ready for the ride of your life. . . more fun then 6 flags!
  14. thinoneday

    Dishes/utensils... recommendations?

    it's funny how small dishes give you a total outlook on stuff. . .i use a teacup saucer as my plate and a normal fork and teaspoon. . .after having done this for the past 6 months, when we go out to eat the plates they bring out look ENORMOUS!!! I always make a funny noise when they bring the plates and straight away ask for a take out box. . .that food i take home usually lasts me 2 days. . . it's really weird how this has changed the way i eat. . . sure i eat slider foods but only a bit, not in hugh gobs like before the surgery. . . i've been blessed with no serious weight gain. . .1 or 2 pounds but that is usually water weight, take some lasix and poof it's gone. . .but those small dishes sure do give you a different sense of life. . . good luck
  15. thinoneday


    for me it was different, never lost that sensation. . always hungry. . i have to use my will power all the time to fight the hunger demon, but oh well. . .it works great for some people, but for me i guess the ghelin was hiding in other places! hehehe. . . thank goodness this surgery has allowed me not to be able to pig out as i used to. . .when i get hungry i usually drink things now instead of eat. . .there are days that many emotions/hunger take over and slider foods get the best of me, but not often. . .thank goodness too, i've not gained weight! good luck
  16. thinoneday

    1 year out today

    Fantastic, fabulous job girl! you definately are an inspiration to all of us. . you always have the right thing to say especially when we're down or sad. . you totally can relate to things I say and I love you for it! I'm not on here much anymore but sure do pop in every now and then to say hi and share a thing or two. . .it's always so nice to "see" you! I'll post more pictures later on in the year as well. . . love ya bunches and keep up the fantastic work, and keep on being there for all of us. . we need your wisdom!
  17. like pnw says, try popsicles and ice chips and always have water near by, sip sip sip. . .it'll eventually stop. . .good luck
  18. thinoneday

    Hair Loss experiences?

    Donna, where do you get this Nioxin shampoo from? My hair is dropping at an incredible rate, my hubbie tells me i could have donated all the hair i've lost and had a wig made of it! silly man. . . but i do loose alot, i brush my hair 2 x per day and with each brushing comes a handful of hair, and i mean a wad of hair, not just a few strands here and there, long beautiful hair, wads of it. . . my braid is now the thickness of my thumb. . .:drool: oh well. . .sacrifices. . . I rather be thin anyhow. . . :mad0:
  19. thinoneday

    pros and cons and life changing commitments

    thank you and yes i agree with you a lot on "do your research" . . i know a bunch of people who just "jump" into all these lap band, roux en y surgeries without much knowledge and then are shocked at the work that goes into it, or the after math of depression and other things. . .it's not easy no matter how you cut it (excuse the pun) it still takes a lot of effort and work on your part. . .
  20. I totally understand you! I'm the same way. . yes it was fun in the beginning to hear "wow you look good", now it's sickening and i don't like it. . .i still see the fat girl i was and have actually gone on "dieting" restricting as i used to. . .yesterday i started the gym again cause i have to "loose weight" you know. . .my friends say that my brain hasn't caught up with my body yet and that could be the problem. . my family says "nothing will make you happy". . .I say "leave me be". . . ugh. . . but i totally understand you and can relate in a big way!
  21. thinoneday


    hahaha, you should see my loose skin, i love to lift it up then drop it! Up, makes me look major skinny, drop it, I'm back to me! too bad duck tape isn't the cure all with this, but i'm really afraid to have another surgery. . doctors warned me against it for now. . . so for now i just "tuck" it in and workout! hehehe. . .
  22. thinoneday

    I can't believe this!

    I'm sorry but that is one area i really hate so losing the gals is a BIG plus for me! I went from 58FF to 40D so far. . . lets keep on losing those puppies! I really don't like boobs! Sorry, just venting!
  23. thinoneday

    1 Month & Look What I LOST!!!!!!

    Wow girl that is fabulous! You can sure tell the difference! I'm so proud of you, you look so happy! Keep up the excellent work!:w00t::w00t:
  24. Hi everyone, I'm 7 days out and doing good except for 1 thing, I'm still on clear liquids until Thursday. . . i'm doing really well with this clear liquid thing even though i would LOVE to inhale some REAL FOOD but i always imagine how much pain that would bring on! :scared0: Did anyone else start feeling stupid or dizzy or something after a week of clear liquids? Things are actually starting to move that shouldn't be moving. . . like my grandfather clock, the base looks like it's moving, or my 125 gallon aquarium looks like it's moving. . . call it hallucinations or food deprivation. . . don't know. . . anyone else? I'm not on any meds at all so i know it's not that. . . let me know what y'all did with this problem if anything? Should i increase the liquids more? Everything is sugar free that im taking in like sf popsicles, sf welches crystal to flavor my water, decaf tea, sf jello. . . . they have a little calorie content . . . I think that maybe i'm getting maybe 400 calories in a day. . . . . Thanks
  25. thinoneday

    1 year out today

    Wow, what a fabulous story! and the pictures are amazing. . you have come a far way and had your share of struggles along the way. . but look at the payoff girl! you are beautiful . . you've always been beautiful but now you have the that look of confidence and sureness. . . good luck in the baby making department, you'll make a great mommy! and good luck on the toning and such, you'll do absolutely great!!!!!

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