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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    All of a sudden, I'm a wimp?

    Wow that is interesting. . . for me it's my hubbie wants me to sit down and rest all the time. . .thinks I'm doing too much. . too hyper. . . but the thing is i keep going. . it's a "whatever" situation with me. . .I've always be independent and told him i don't plan on changing that. . .i'm thinking too that with him, when he sees me working and scooting about the place and he's sitting down watching tv, he feels a sense of quilt that he's not doing something too. . . so he wants me to sit down and join him instead of working. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Tomorrow is Sleeve Day!

    Congratulations, you will do wonderful. . . we'll be waiting for you to tell us all about it. . . .Good luck
  3. Every body is different and I can clearly tell you that it is normal to worry. At first I was like "yeah right lose too much weight" but when I went for my 6 or 7 week visit and noticed i had lost 53 lbs, I started to wonder myself. Then the weight just fell off, I went from the highest of 350 to my lowest of 225 within 6 months. . . but. . . then my body stopped dead in its tracks. . . I held a plateau for 3 1/2 months, wouldn't budge at all. . . it's natures way of letting the brain catch up with the body I think. . . I ate everything but in tiny amounts. . .I didn't care anymore thinking that i was meant to stay fat at 230 lbs forever. . . then I took a mini vacation and when i came back well hell, i had lost 5 lbs. . . the darn plateau was over. . . it made me aware that i do have to watch what i shovel into my mouth and i have to exercise. . i was really happy so now i'm back on track again. . . with the sleeve you will eat small amounts (very small amounts) yes, you can definately get out of control by finding slider foods (mostly carbs, they go down really good) I felt like a kid in a candy store, dense protein hurt, toast and chips didn't, veggies killed me, chocolate and ice cream didn't, but you have to really really want this in order not to let it control you. I was lucky I never gained any weight with getting out of control. . . now i'm back in control, the head hunger is horrible, it haunts me all the time, but you must believe in what you want and concentrate on the goal. . . I hope this helps a bit, most times i feel I just ramble. . . good luck, your going to do great, just like the rest of us. . .
  4. thinoneday

    Feeling Guilty

    Why thank you deary for that fulfilment. Since this is a open forum and a freedom of speech world I can speak my mind about whatever i wish. . .thank you i can see from your "anger" your in real control! You go girl !!! Have a blessed day
  5. thinoneday

    OT? Restless Leg Syndrome and Tylenol PM

    Wow can I relate to this. . I occasionally need to take Unisome to sleep a good sleep, but when i get into the bed, here comes that "wish i could tear off the legs and throw them away" feelings. . . man this lasts until i finally fall asleep. . .terrible, but I'd rather have a good sleep. . . cheers to all. . .
  6. thinoneday


    hey Tiffy how are you? You are still looking marvelous! Keep it up! Where in Florida do you live? I was in Orlando by Universal Studios for a conference last week and while sitting in the class realized you lived there somewhere? So even though I didn't physically see you, I just want you to know I sure was thinking about you! Cheers. . .
  7. thinoneday

    Irritated with people

    Don't feel badly, life pisses me off in general now. . .people to me are more then rude, they are down right obnoxious. . I'm starting to really become a B__ch lately to others. . .I've always been one, but not as openly, but that is ok, cause you know what? All the years of verbal abuse, physical abuse, and just down right meanness from people, I'm NOT taking it anymore from NOBODY. . . I'm going to hell anyhow so whatever. . . . most of "friends" will be as well. . . one big party huh??:cursing:
  8. thinoneday

    Feeling Guilty

    No offense here, but what does being a Christian have anything to do with having WLS??????? Sounds dumb to me. . . I'm a Christian but I chose to use the talents given to me to help myself. . . I'm sure as a "christian" you've heard "the Lord helps those, who help themselves????????? Good luck
  9. thinoneday

    Long Vent...- very much needed..

    Bless your heart. . . I can totally relate to you. . .not only are so called friends like that, but family can be just like that too. . .I know first hand. . now may I give you just a bit of advice? You don't have to take it or even listen to it, but at 48 years old, I have learned and taught my kids this as well. . "There is no such thing as a friend". . . they don't exist, it's just a human want, a TV manifest, make believe, a ghost if you wish. . .I myself don't trust anyone especially those who try to show a nice face or preach God or how religious they are. . those are the worst ones. . . be careful out there. . that is just my thoughts. . . thanks for listening.
  10. thinoneday

    Surgery Secrecy

    What i tell those who don't know about the surgery is that I'm eating less and exercising, which really isn't a lie because that is what your doing. . . those who know well they have just accepted the fact
  11. thinoneday


    I am so totally behind your statements! "NOTHING IS FREE" The white elephant theory is so correct. . . and yes, we will pay out of our A$$ for the health care (should it even happen) . . . and yes the system would think it's cheaper to let us die . . . that is why it's called "government assisted suicide". . . i had 2 aunts in Canada who had cancer, they were put on a waiting list for care. . . guess what? it was cheaper just to let them die. . . and die they did. . . same with my uncle, my cousins, and grandma. . . government assisted suicide. . . can you imagine a government running healthcare? What does a government know??? Your quick thoughts are very welcoming. . . . :thumbup:
  12. I'm so sorry this happened to you! I suffer big time from low potassium too. . my levels have gone to 2.1 and I needed to have potassium given via IV in the ER. . .but this is what I did. . . i am sure your prescription is for potassium supplements. . . I do potassium supplements 25mcg x 6 per day. That is alot but that is what the doc has me on. . .anyhow i would start your supplement today along with eating high potassium foods too, bananas, cantalopes, Protein shakes, gatoraid, etc anything with lots of potassium in it. . . . you CAN get the potassium up within the next two weeks. . . be determined in a big way. . . don't take any diruretics or weight loss supplements. . . you can do this and you will have your surgery in a couple of weeks! Keep your hopes up and work hard at this one girl!!!!!
  13. thinoneday

    Keeping my calories down

    I totally agree with Tiffy, the salad isn't a good idea, i tried that ONCE and the pain was incredible (I'm 7 months out!!) so now i know my 2 DON'T ATTEMPT THIS AT HOME foods, steak and salad are out for me. . . yup even if i chew the heck out of it. . Donna's suggestion of grilled chicken is good, but have it cooked really well and soft then chew like mad too! If I've learned anything at all during this past 7 months is that you really have to chew your food and eat slowly. . .several times bad habits overpower me and the chew once and swallow come into play. . . man do i start to slime and have bloaty feelings very very quickly. . . so good luck and keep up the great work!
  14. thinoneday

    Three months

    Wow, your doing really well! Really shows! Keep up the great work!
  15. lol, i love your rant!! Yes, Jillian is mean! hehehe. . . the reason, I think, why the internet and media go all out to discredit John Goodman is because he is a celebrity. . . ever notice that the media, internet, etc always FIND something to gripe about someone. . . it's sorta like the work place. . . the boss will ALWAYS find something wrong with you and mention it really loudly, but when its good. . . oooppppsss nobody knows. . and if it's a really bad boss, he'll take credit for the good that YOU did. . I think this is the same with the Goodman case. . . my opinion only. . . what do you think?:thumbup1:
  16. thinoneday

    Plantar Fascaitis?

    My foot doc gave me some stretching exercises to do, these helped quite a bit along with flexing and stretching the foot while lying or sitting down. It does feel alot better with shoes on, but in the mornings and barefooted it really hurts. I've noticed that since i've lost the weight, it's not as horrible, still hurts at times, but not as bad. . . good luck!
  17. thinoneday

    Prickly People

    Such fabulous advice Donna!
  18. thinoneday

    Weight regain with VSG?

    Hi Tiffy! I'm so glad we have you on this forum. . . you always have backups to what you say. . I love that . . I don't like it when someone asks where they got their info and they come back with "I don't remember, but if you google it you'll find it" You've got it so together and i love it. . . thank god for you Tiffy. . . the article was very interesting. . . by the way you look fantastic! I'm going to be posting more pictures in about 1 month or so. . . love ya
  19. thinoneday

    Brain Fart!!!

    Hi there! your human, not a dumba**, i have fallen off the wagon 100 times (thank god i've not gained more then 1-2 lbs, comes off really fast) but you know what it's life, we are not perfect, we live by our mistakes, that is what makes us human. . . if we were perfect we wouldn't be here on this earth right? So don't worry it'll happen . . . as for the pain, well honey i'm sure you've learned NOT to do that again, and if not, well you'll experience the pain again. . . ugh it's painful. . . i do that A LOT. . . i like to eat, but with this sleeve i really can't eat much (thank goodness) sometimes my eyes are much bigger then my stomach (literally :lol0:) and i'll start to slime and have pain. . . i have 47 years of bad habits to undo, it'll get there in time. . i'm so much better now at 48 then i was 7 months ago and it's going to get better. . . it's been a learning experience just like it will be for you . . . good luck and don't be so hard on yourself. . . your doing well . . .
  20. thinoneday

    I'm back in the groove!

    good for you. . . in 3 months i only lost 15 lbs and didn't much like that either. . . spoke to my doctor who suggested that maybe mix things up a bit and the weight would come off quicker. . . so i stepped up on the eliptical and treadmill a bit and a bit more Protein shakes and less carbs. . . sure enough, there it went. . . good luck to you!
  21. thinoneday

    We Did It!

    Congrats on getting both of you onto the loser's bench~your going to love your sleeves once you get used to all of this new change. . . but don't worry it will get easier. . good luck and keep smiling and working towards your goals. . .
  22. thinoneday

    Fab 40's shout out

    I'm 48 and am lovin' my life right now. . . no worries at all. . .great hubbie of 33 years, great daughter, good job, bills under control, no major debts. . . good weight loss and feelin great! yahoo. . . life couldn't be better!
  23. thinoneday

    Have 100+ lbs to loose?

    I was one of those folks too. . . and guess what I DID it, took me 7 months. . . I still have about 50 more to go though. . . now it's really slow, doctor told me the best thing to do now is change up my routine. . . do different exercises, eat different foods, etc. . . shake up the body a bit. . . going to start that Monday, lets see what happens!
  24. thinoneday

    Pre-op diet, WHY?

    I was pretty lucky i guess, didn't need the pre op diet . . . doctor didn't find it necessary. but from what the others say here, i guess that is the reason some physicians do it. . . good luck and the best to you!

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