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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday


    YUP! Everytime i drink milk! I sneeze my face off sometimes up to 20 times!
  2. thinoneday

    now there's a side-effect I didn't expect!!

    Lucky you! Mine died with the hysterectomy and when i had the WLS it died even more. . . thank god my hubbie is diabetic and takes gobs of meds which doesn't make things any better for him either! :drool: Oh well, such is life. . .I'd rather be thin anyday then horney.:lol0:
  3. I really love the baratric advantage shakes, but I don't just drink them like that, i add different things to them daily, like sugar free syrups (carmel is my fav) extracts like, banana and strawberries, cherry, raspberry, lemon, rum, pineapple, orange, lots of crushed ice. . . etc. . . good luck!
  4. 1) How long have you been sleeved? 8 months 2)Who was your surgeon?Dr Sonny Cavazos 3) What were your experiences with your surgeon? Extremely professional and caring. Would recommend him and staff to anyone. 4) Would you recommend your surgeon? In a heartbeat. 5) How much weight have you lost since your sleeve date? 107lbs 6) What type of sleeve do you have? Vertical sleeve 7) Would you recommend the type of sleeve you have? Yes 8) Do you find you still have the necessary level of energy to sustain a good workout? I have to want to workout that takes alot of energy in itself. . but after i get going I feel great! 9) Do you find it difficult to keep the weight off once you have lost it? No 10) Do you have trouble eating, such as getting “stuck”? If I eat too fast or too much. 11) What is the one things about getting the surgery that you regret? There are days i wish i never did it, but mostly i'm glad i did. 12) Would you do this surgery again, or would you have made another Yes I would do it again.
  5. thinoneday

    What the heck is this now?

    I knew you could do it! Good going! Keep up the great work. . . and remember there will be many more days like this one. . keep pickles around! another good one is grape koolaid (sugarfree of course) pour it over crushed ice and eat that! Yummmm, or frozen yogurts. . .popsicles (sugarfree), frozen grapes. . . yummy good!!! Good luck
  6. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you! You will make a beautiful bride. . but honestly (and God knows I'm incredible honest, say it how it is) all I really saw when I saw your hands was how boney they are! hehehehe . . then I saw the ring! Good for you Nikki!! You've done so well with your WLS and now your an engaged woman, next you'll be a mom. . . gooodness, life is just going your way! Congratuations again to the both of you!!!!
  7. thinoneday

    It's been a rough weekend.

    Your not whining, but only you can bring yourself out of whatever you brought yourself into. . . no one else can, bf tried and see it didn't work, can just imagine how badly he feels. . so get up, pull up your big girl panties, and start livin' . . .good luck!
  8. Carrie, yes, you need to stop watching youtube, they always make things sooo dramatic on those videos! Secondly, you had 2 c/sections, this WLS isn't near as bad as that ! Yes, I would know, I had 2 c/sections (old school), hysterectomy (old school), and about 16 other major surgeries. . this wasn't nearly as bad. . .at least i was up and walking around about 6 hours after surgery! Very important, walk, walk, walk, can't stress that enough!!! And finally, No your not doing this for kids, hubbies, forum buddies, church buddies, grandparents, parents, or anyone, you are doing this for yourself. . . YOU not THEM. . . good luck!
  9. wow, sorry you went through this, but post op pain is normal. Not leaks and such, but just generally, yes pain is normal. I couldn't even wipe myself after day 1, needed help in this area. . .(TMI) as far as the weight loss, well you won't see any for about 2 weeks or so, your still swollen from the surgeries and retaining fluids, be patient. . .i think lots of people have buyers remorse after this surgery, i'm 8 months out and still have buyers remorse at times. . .but you know what, we're stuck with it now, there is no turning back. . .good luck! you'll do ok. . .
  10. thinoneday

    Need advice

    wow, how i can relate to all of y'all. . . try a stall for 3 1/2 months! it was horrible! but the best thing you can do about it is ignore it and go on. . . don't stress over it too much. I stopped stressing after a while and after a while of not thinking about it I dropped 5 lbs just like that. . . i think we think about weight loss too much. . we have this mental thing ingrained in us. . . we are obsessed about weight loss and now we have this great tool and think it should magically do all the work for us. . . we need to do alot of work in order for it to work. . . don't fret any it will come off, slowly but it will. . . rome wasn't built in one day either. . . good luck!
  11. thinoneday


    Hi, well at 8 months out post surgery, I can say that unless you exercise you'll have hanging skin. . . i'm 48 and have had 2 pregnancies I have that ugly apron which just sorta is there now, i exercise a lot and have noticed that the skin slowly is shrinking back. . . i'll never look WOW, but that is ok cause just like Texanatheart, I'm not the fattest girl in the room anymore and that is what matters to me! Good luck. . .
  12. thinoneday

    How long must I take protein drinks?

    i'm 8 months out and still drink protein shakes most mornings. . . but then i really enjoy them!
  13. i've been pretty lucky, have never needed a acid blocker and am 8 months out. . some say to take it religiously, and some say that the hunger sensation is a sign for an acid blocker. . . i tried that once, but it didn't stop the gurglies. . so i just never bothered with it. . .
  14. thinoneday

    How Long Before You Heard

    I applied, got a call the same day, attended a seminar, and had a date for surgery 2 weeks later. . but then i was self pay
  15. thinoneday

    Just need to vent

    Wow girl! You look fabulous!!!!! Haven't seen you in a bit. . . beautiful!
  16. thinoneday

    Need to be accountable ...

    I still think your doing good. . .at least you get in your protein! I do, but hardly. . .I have my calories anywhere from 850 - 1200 . . . depending on the mood. . . i love my diet sodas! and i love my ice cream fudgicles and the occasional chocolate. . .I am like you, haven't gained but losing slowly!! very slowly!!! . . but better slowly then never right!
  17. Wow i'm so sorry you are having these problems. . glad to hear your heading to the doctor. . i can however, relate with the buyer's remorse, at 8 months out I still have those days. . .but you know what, it's done and there is no turning back. . we have to make due now. . . i just hope you'll be ok and be able to carry on with life as you should. . know that we are here for you and will try to answer any questions you may have. . keep us posted on what's going on, sounds like an abscess to me. . . but that is my opinion only. . . let the experts take over. . . good luck
  18. good morning! no i was lucky i guess, my doctor didn't feel it necessary to do a pre op diet. it's going to be hard, but if you can do the 2 shakes and a regular meal without snacking you should be ok. think about it as just another diet . the over eating thing, i think, is cause we know we're getting this surgery so it's the "last eating thing". i know for myself before the surgery, whenever i'd try yet another diet, i'd eat myself in oblivion the day before why, because it was my last day for "freedom". try not to sabatoge yourself, what if your blood pressure, sugars, or something goes wrong because of the overeating and your surgery is canceled because of it just take it easy, go for a walk or something instead of eating. and really important stop the night eating! That will sabatoge you even with the surgery good luck!

  19. thinoneday

    Nervous about Mexico Surgery!!

    What I would do if i were you, would be to start hunting around your area and see if there are any physicians that are willing to take you as a patient after you have your surgery in mexico. . . make sure they are bariatric certified though . . . not saying that you'll have problems, but you will want a doctor who knows what they are doing in case you do have complications. . . good luck!
  20. Yahoo!!!!!! Finally after a 3 1/2 month stall, I'm losing again!!! What hell that was! But such is life right! Well off we go again. . . cheers!:biggrin0:
  21. thinoneday

    I have a date, again

    Horray for lamsunshine!!!! Hey at least you have your date! Just keep busy and next thing you know it's here! CONGRATULATIONS! :thumbup:
  22. thinoneday

    Hair Loss Poll:)

    Well in the past 5 months i've lost so much hair that i'm sure i could have made about 6 wigs. . . A LOT!!!!!!!! it's slowing down now, but still drops out in gobs. . . nothing really helps, have tried Biotin, different shampoos, increase Proteins, etc. . . so i'll just let it take it's course and hope for the best. . . .
  23. how totally cool is that! Good for you!
  24. how are you? did you have your surgery already? if you need any advice or whatever, know that i'm here for you!

  25. thinoneday

    Feeling Guilty

    I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO agree with Donna! i was just discussing this with DH. . parading righteousness is next to the same as taking the Lords name in vain. . .

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