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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Should Worker's Comp Pay

    Good luck, keep us updated on your progress!
  2. thinoneday

    Introducing myself... :)

    Welcome, and next thing you know you'll be here giving advice to the newbies! Good luck!
  3. thinoneday

    "Suprise" VSG!

    Good luck! your going to well just like the rest of us. . of course, your will and determination will have to go into play with the sleeve as well. . it's a fabulous tool, but you have to help it. . . your doing good on the liquids, keep it up. . .next thing you know you'll be giving advice to the newbies!
  4. thinoneday

    You're dream outfit

    call me boring or whatever, but i don't have kind of dream outfits. . . i hate shopping and basically make due with whatever. . . i've gone from 4XL to L -XL depending on cut. . so for me that is good. . . i still see that big fat girl and won't see anything different until i weigh about 190 or so. . . i've never weighed that in my adult life so it'll be interesting . . i still look away when i pass a mirror or window. . . i can't look at myself in that way yet. . .weird huh? it's going to take a long time but i feel good physically and that is what's important to me right now. . . i have more energy now then ever before and can do things i wasn't able to do, like handwash 2 vehicles on the same day, climb 24 stairs without effort, and walk pretty fast without breaking a sweat. . . good luck to y'all . . .together we'll make it through. . .
  5. thinoneday

    San Antonio Sleevers????

    hi there, i had my sleeve done on Dec 29th, 2009. Dr. Sonny Cavazos with NE Baptist did mine. . whose doing yours? Let's talk. . . I work out at Golds Gym on FM78 M-F 6-7pm
  6. thinoneday

    Sleeve is tomorrow!!!!

    your going to do fantastic Shana! just be positive and make darn sure you walk. . and walk a lot. . sip your fluids but walk walk walk. . .best of luck to you! In no time you'll be here giving all sorts of advice to newbies and such! Walk girl, walk
  7. hi, i'm 8 months out and am enjoying life. . . here is what i eat breakfast: Protein shake or 1/2 taco (yum) or 1 egg and 1 toast or 3 pieces bacon, 1 slice of cheese, and toast. . Lunch: 1/4 cup velvetta shells and cheese or 4 oz of whatever, or 1 cup a Soup, or 1 serving of raman noodles Dinner: 1 lean cusinine (very filling) Snacks: and this is only sometimes very rarely do i have Snacks, but when i do i'll enjoy some potatoe chips, a couple pieces of chocolate, cheese sticks, Jerky, nuts, seeds, a piece of cake, a couple spoons of ice cream, etc. . . not much though, only a bit and occasionally a rum and coke or wine cooler. . . Alot of Water, crystal light, sugar free koolaid, Now i have drank fluids with my meals, but let me tell you something interesting. . if you drink with your meals, you won't get your meal down at all. . .i have found that if i drink something i won't eat properly. . .for example today I went out to eat with my daughter, i had ordered sweet tea, well here comes the tea, i drank some, here came the chips and queso, i had some, and more tea, well here comes the main course and like a kid, i didn't want it, I was full, I took it home . . . you have to be careful when you eat out. . .
  8. thinoneday

    Friends on diets

    Totally agree with you MlkPas! before my WLS i was on diets all the time. . at one time i took phentermine and lost 90 lbs! Yup worked great until i had to stop because it messed up my cardiac rythmn. . . (inverted the T wave, now every EKG shows ischemia) . . well it didn't take long thereafter to regain the 90 lbs plus more. . . it was horrible. . . i tried so hard not to gain the weight, but without the emphedimine effect, it was next to impossible. . . I was so happy to get this surgery, it's been a blessing in every way!
  9. Sorry to hear about your co worker. . . yes it's crazy when they are so young and just die . . . but you know i know very fit atheletes who were working out and just died from massive heart attacks. . . so it's not just from overweight and lack of exercise. . could have been genetic too. . . but i am so happy i got this WLS done 8 months ago and so happy that i'm exercising again and have energy and such to actually say i'm living life again. . . you will enjoy your WLS as well. .. just hang in there, it'll be there before you know it! Good luck!
  10. thinoneday

    Time Off from Work?

    I took 2 weeks off. . . i could have gone back in one week, but hey, i had 2 weeks coming with pay. . . so i took it and boy am i glad i did!!!
  11. thinoneday

    4 Months Post Op

    keep up the fabulous work! your doing great!
  12. thinoneday

    Reassurance Needed

    I took my loan out with my bank at 3%. .not to shabby if you ask me . . if your credit is good try your bank, it may work better for you! Good luck!
  13. thinoneday

    A little about me

    Welcome and Congratulations! Yes this surgery makes you feel like a new person and very quickly at that! Good luck and keep posting!
  14. thinoneday

    I am hungry! 6 weeks out

    Donna, i don't know if this will help, but i have never lost the hunger thing either. . but you know what i do? i fight the feelings with every ounce of my living Fiber. . . i work too, i get up at 6 am get to work by 7 am leave work at 5 pm meet hubbie at the gym by 6 pm, workout til 7 pm come home, have lean cusinine for dinner. . by 9 pm i'm showering and getting ready for bed, do it all over the next day. . . on the weekends I don't go to the gym, this is when i spend my day cleaning and cooking for the following week so that hubbie has food, go help daughter if she needs groceries, or whatever (college kid, we support her 100%) wash the cars, etc . . . it takes routine, but once you get yourself going and keep going you'll do it. . good luck!
  15. thinoneday

    Going home!!!!

    yippee! you'll be a bit sore, but every day will be better and better, now comes the journey. . one you'll enjoy! good luck!!!
  16. thinoneday

    I'm hungry!

    Unfortunately some of us don't lose our hunger issues. . .I'm one of those people as well. . . for us it's going to be a challenge, we have to really watch what we eat. . . sad but true. . . good luck! I'm right there with you!
  17. thinoneday

    stomach crunches??

    also if you belong to a gym, they have or may have, a crunch machine. I swear by that. . you can adjust the weight as you see fit and crunch against the weight. . .
  18. thinoneday

    NSV: new clothes!

    Congratulations to you! I know your' happy with your results good for you! Yup you are so right on the "are not used to clothes touching our bodies" part. . I went from a 4XL to a small cut XL in nursing uniforms. . I look REALLY good in the Koi cut uniforms, but because they are form fitting I hardly wear them, I perfer to wear my 2XL but those literally hang off me i look like a drowned rat:lol0:. . . very comfortable thought!
  19. thinoneday


    I guess i'm just a bit weird or something but the WLS was my last surgery ever. . i have been blessed with no wrinkles, some loose skin, but heck if it bothers me i'll use duck tape! hehehehe. . . I agree with Jane, be careful when choosing your surgeon on these topics. . . good luck all!
  20. thinoneday

    Finally hit Onderland

    Congratulations to you!!!!! Great job! How exciting that must feel . . . I can't wait to hit 199! that seems like a really far away place for me, I'm losing really slowly, but heck look how much i've already lost in 8 months! Can't beat that so i'm happy. . . it'll eventually get there, like i preach all over this forum, "Rome wasn't built in a day either"!
  21. YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Congratulations! Keep up the fabulous work!
  22. thinoneday

    Will I ever be able to eat pizza again?

    of course you will be able to have your pizza again. . .i'm 8 months out and enjoy EVERYTHING just like before surgery. . the only difference is you can't eat as much as you did before the surgery. . . the only thing i can't eat (cause it hurts) is salad and steaks. . . otherwise i can enjoy whatever i want. . . cheers!!! Hang in there life gets better. . . less but better!:001_smile:
  23. Hi Gracey, thanks for the question. My reason why i would say that there are days why i wouldn't have gotten the sleeve is this (lame as it is) . . .sometimes when i go out to eat with my hubbie and daughter, I would love to sit and eat my $$ worth. . i can't go to buffets because for $10.00 I can literally eat only 4 oz (1 bowl of soup) and nothing more. . . then there are the holidays where i wish i could eat more with my family . . . then there are those days where i could just gulp my liquids but nope i'm restricted to that. . .see it's only stupid things, things that I have taken for granted but can't do it any longer. . . it took me 47 years to get heavy by having bad habits, now along comes surgery and you are expected to change all the habits and customs over night (literally) it is change and people don't like change, it's hard and confusing and at best it's frustrating, there is no reversal surgery, you're stuck with it for life and now you have to adjust your life to suit the surgery. . .but I love the weight loss and how it's making me look in clothing. . so yes, there is buyers remorse at times, but more than not, I'm glad I did it and yes, I would do it again. . . hope this helps a bit. . it's nothing really major, just my own selfishness i suppose. . . thanks again for asking. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Lean Cuisine Anyone?

    I live on these for suppers. . .I eat a very small Breakfast, 2-4 oz of something for lunches, rice cake or something for Snacks, and a lean cusine for dinner. . . love them cause they just right! sometimes i can't finish one, but most times i do and they are great! love em' . . .
  25. You mean you could tolerate the xray swallow without a problem? You can drink 8 oz without a problem, eat more then 2-4 oz? Wow, if that is the case then there may be a big problem. . . do you have hunger pangs?

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