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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. You are very right about everyone loses differently, I had much more weight then you to lose (still do) but in 7 weeks i lost 53 lbs. . . i was so happy when that happened! All together in 8 months i've lost 107 - 110 lbs. . .not too shabby, but i've had a stall for 3 1/2 months which drove me crazy! but i never gained any weight at all and that was most important to me! good luck you'll do very well!
  2. Hello, first off everyone is different and lose weight in different amounts, some folks lose more in the first 2 weeks, some lose less. . . you'll see at your first doctors visit. Is it painful? Well again, every body is different. . if you can tolerate pain or not is the question. . .for example I was up and walking those hallways 6 hours after the surgery, yeah i felt like a bus hit me, but i also knew that if i don't get my fat butt out of that bed i'd feel much much worse. . . so walking is very important early in. . .and take your pain meds. . . don't be a hero that way. . . i took it really easy, i don't like my job much , so i took 2 1/2 weeks to recoup. . . it was really really nice to have done that. . . plus by then you've lost some weight and your co workers actually notice! but seriously now, make sure you get up and walk after surgery, helps with gas pains and the healing process. . . also sip sip sip. . . you won't feel like it, but DO IT! you'll feel much better. . . good luck and your going to do great! Your on your way to thinness! YIPPEEEEEEE
  3. thinoneday

    How can you tell the difference?

    Shape Shifters! Remember that movie?????
  4. thinoneday

    Need to vent

    Bless your heart! Don't worry about poor mom. . . she is just worried about you, moms are nutty like that you know. . . but you can use the broth in different ways. . now with your mushie stage you can use the broths as a liquifier. . .when you blend chicken or some sort of meat, you can add some broth to make it moist (and it tastes good too) you can use the broth in many ways, to make sauces, to add to your mom's cooking (she can help use it too) . . . reassure mom that you are NOT doing bad, your doing very well and that she needs to back off a bit, you know what your doing as does the doctor. . . honey your not doing anything wrong. . .it's just our "old ways of guilt" we have to get out of that thinking. . . . good luck and keep posting!
  5. thinoneday

    got the munchies

    MUNCHIES BAD! Water GOOD! Head hunger my friend, just your brain wanting to drive you crazy! Fight it! Fight it, you can do it!!!!!
  6. hehehe, that was not a novel. . . you should read some of mine NOW there is a novel, especially if i get off on a rant! hehehehe . . . anyhow I was told not to lift anything heavier then 10 lbs for about 4 weeks or so . . . but your lucky you have your mom helping. . .your going to have to resist the urge to pick up your kiddo. . .you don't want to hurt yourself, but you can get down onto the floor and play with him, tickle him, and hug him. . . you don't need to carry him around. . .if he asked you can show him you "boo boo" marks (stitches and scars on tummy) and let him know you had a cut and have to be careful not to lift things that are too heavy right now. . .even 3 year olds will understand that. . .your just going to have to remind him every now and again. . . good luck!
  7. thinoneday

    Sleeved in the a.m.!

    Congratulations to you as well Wedding Planner. . . you'll do great and in no time here you'll be chatting and laughing with the newbies! keep us posted and may everything go your way in the most positive way!
  8. thinoneday

    100+ Pound Club

    Hey look at it this way, at least your not gaining! When before surgery were you able to lose the amount you've lost in such a quick time? Don't be discouraged, rome wasn't built in one day either! You didn't gain all your weight in one day, and you sure as heck won't lose it in one day either! Good luck!
  9. thinoneday

    Heavyweight NSV

    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! How exciting! I'm proud of you! It's alot of work, but with each step your going to get there! Keep up the EXCELLANT work!!!! Woot Woot:w00t:
  10. thinoneday

    Is my mom jealous :(

    bless your heart! she is either jealous or super worried about you and the surgery. . . mom's have weird ways of showing things. . i didn't tell my mom right off. . . i had my sleeve for over 1 week and then told her. . . when i was leaving for the surgery (I knew i was going to be there for the next 4 days) I told her that hubbie daughter and myself were going to the coast for a few days for some vacation time and that i would call here once we were back. . . she accepted that lie and i had my sleeve and called her within a few days. . . when i told her she of course went all Drama Queen,but i told her that it was done already and it wouldn't change, so now i would just have to do the best i could with what was done. . . i tell her now how much i've lost and she says stuff like "your starving yourself" "aren't you afraid your going to lose too much" I remind her that i could have died being very heavy just as well as if i'll be too thin. . . that usually shuts her up? Anyhow don't feel guilty as she is trying to make you feel, ask how she would feel if you died from a heart attack or stroke cause your weight interfered with your life?
  11. thinoneday

    My situation

    I am so sorry Carrie, I am not going to sit here and say I understand cause I don't. . . but your going through some really tough Sh__T. . . without taking offense, have you thought of maybe seeing someone professionally? It would be horrible if your marriage dissolved because of this. . . wow, you had surgery without consent? You can sue over that. . . well once again, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Sleeved in the a.m.!

    Your going to do GREAT!!!!! Pretty soon you'll be up here telling newbies not to worry and work hard. . . I'm saying to you, CONGRATULATIONS your going to be THIN!!!!! Keep us posted!
  13. thinoneday

    20 lbs in 2 Weeks!!!

    Isn't WLS GREAT!!!!!!!!! :cursing:
  14. thinoneday


    I have NEVER given up my rum and coke. . . i'll give up food and everything else, but not that! It hasn't hurt me in one way or another. . . doctor actually says it probably helped lower my cholestrol. . . go figure!
  15. thinoneday

    Built like a peasant!

    Globetrotter, your too cute! I love the long word of explaination! How tall are you? this could have lots to do with it. . are you exercising? this could have something to do with it. . at least you have hips, i'm 6'0 tall, weigh 225lbs, wear size 16/18 pants but have the shape of a man. . . good lord! when i was called a 2x4 in elementary school, they weren't kidding huh??? man hips! ugh. . . we seem to all have weirdo problems. . . that is probably why we are not models! hehehehe . . . but at least we're losing weight right!
  16. thinoneday

    Bad Feeling

    I have had 18 major surgeries throughout my lifetime and the WLS was the latest one, with each one i had bad feelings, it's a normal thing. . but i have always put my trust into the physician and his skill and also in the higher power. . if its my time to go, then so be it, but if not, then i'd be back before you know it. . . guess what, i'm here writing this to help you . . . nerves are normal, and could you leave your babies?????? Could you? Could you not go through with the surgery, remain overweight, have a heart attack or stroke and leave your babies????? could you???? it's an interesting concept? But anything can kill us, either today, tomorrow, next year, or 100 years from now. . . we are all born to die, but today and in surgery may not be the time. . . you're going to be ok, we all went through this and we are here writing our stories. . . you'll do great!
  17. I used the bouillon soups, chicken broths from the boxes, cans, and bottles salty yes, but yumm. I had sugar free popsicles, bariatric advantage protein shakes with added extracts or sugarfree syrups, yogurt drinks, crystal light, sugar free koolaid, . . i think the important part right now is getting your liquids and protein in and not worry too much about the other stuff. . i'm not saying pour salt into everything, but why shouldn't your "food" taste good? haven't we endured enough of that before the WLS????? If you suffer from blood pressure problems, then don't add salt this wouldn't be good. . . if you suffer from cholestrol problems then don't add fats, use your common sense. . .but don't deprive yourself at the liquid stage. .hope this helps a bit
  18. Try a stall 3 1/2 months long! Now that is frustrating. . but at least we're not gaining right! Good luck, your doing good and a trick is "don't stress so much over the weight loss" it's coming off slowly but surely. . . Rome wasn't built in one day either. . .
  19. thinoneday

    Awesome site.....

    Welcome! yes, this is a fabulous sight! I come here for encouragement when things don't seem to be going right diet wise, . . lots of nice folks and lots of good information!
  20. TRUST ME you will know. . .you get this weird extremely full (like you ate the whole turkey dinner) feeling after about 4 oz of solid food. . . the bad thing however is that you can wait for about 2 hours and then eat again. . .this can go on forever, this is where you have to relearn your bad habits. . . after you eat your "meal" you have be strong enough to wait until the next meal. . if you feel hungry inbetween meals you need to drink Water, crystal light, diet cokes, or whatever, but don't snack. . . after a while you can throw in a fresh peeled fruit. . . I'm 8 months out and have to so watch what i'm doing. . . it's so easy to go back to bad habits, right now i'm fighting night eating. . its tough, but i'm winning the battle. . . haven't gained anything (thank God) but the weight loss is really slow. . . good luck!
  21. thinoneday

    Dear Protein,

    ugh, i'm a weirdo! I love bariatric advantage protein powders! I'm 8 months out and still drink it! I love to mix it with 0% milk and add extracts to it or peanut butter with flax seeds, or almond butter, or make milkshakes with bananas or strawberries, or add it to plain yogurt. . . . ahhhhh the life of a weirdo! hehehehe . . . PS: the protein hasn't helped my hair from falling out though, that is another story! Nothing has helped in that area, but at least i'm not bald yet! thinned out but not bald!heheh
  22. thinoneday

    Coming out about WLS

    I tell anyone who wants to listen! hehe. . . I think its important to let people know that there is another way to lose the weight, and it's successful. . .I let them know that i do have to work hard at it, that this is just a tool, just like a hammer, you have to be the one to use the hammer in order to get the nail where it should be, the hammer just makes it easier to drive the nail. . with this tool, i do have to exercise and watch what i eat in order to get to my goal, the sleeve just makes it easier to get to my goal. . maybe i can help someone else with their weight struggle by telling my story. . but that is just my thinking. . . as far as your opening sentences. . .thank you for sharing and it's too bad that people think how they do when it comes to those who live alternative lifestyles and love differently. . . the end results still remains you did love and that is all that matters!
  23. thinoneday

    where are the heavyweights?

    Every one is going to do totally great here! Hello to all the newbies and congratulations to those who have already lost! Great job everyone! Keep posting and know we are all in this together and together we shall overcome!
  24. thinoneday

    why am I hungry?

    yup, me too! always hungry. . but i know that my doctor did the surgery the way it was supposed to go. . .unfortunately alot of us also have hungry sensors in the pancreas. . that is the problem right there. . .i'm 8 months out and am loosing really slowly, but i'm loosing and that is the most important thing to me. . .i have come from 4XL clothing down to a 18 pants and shirts. . I'm very proud of this accomplishment. . .as far as the hunger thing, well its there and i'm stuck with it. . so i do the best i can. . i eat Breakfast, lunch and dinner. . . i stick in some healthy type of Snacks like fresh PEELED fruit, drink tons of Water, crystal light, sugarfree koolaid, diet sodas, I am so sure i surpass the 64 oz we are supposed to drink. . .i exercise 4-5 times a week for 1 hour each time. . . so i'm doing my thing, but i do give in to the occasional chocolate craving or pizza craving (not often but i do) . . i do have my rum and cokes on the weekends. . . just hang in there, it'll work for you. . i'm sure your not eating half as much as you did before the surgery. . . my doctor also says to mix it up a bit, don't remain on the same things every day, mix up the routine, either increase the calories and do different exercise routines, or whatever. . just confuse your body a bit. . . good luck!

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