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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Nine month update...

    Doing great! Keep up the awesome work!
  2. thinoneday

    Amazed by Family Response

    and even though you don't know us from Adam, we are here for you as well. . . to support you and to help you get to your goal . . . through thick and thin. . . know we are your other family.!
  3. thinoneday

    Update on Surgery against my Will

    Just another doom sayer y'all. .another lets beat down the sleeve person. . best of luck to you Carrie! Cheers to all of you! (clapping) I love my WLS!!!! I've had nothing but luck with this sleeve thingy! Losing weight and getting happier and happier by the moments!
  4. thinoneday

    Going back to the gym

    You have had a life change here girl! Start off slow, don't expect to be able to handle the gym right off. . . i started off with 10 minutes on the treadmill and 5 to 6 minutes on the ellipitical, slowly increasing the time by 1 minute each week. . . now i'm up to 30 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the ellipitical. . .i've added some weights in there too. . . but i haven't gone in a while, life is too demanding and there are priorities beyone the gym. . . good luck!
  5. thinoneday

    I need a smoke!

    lmao! that cracked me up! Rambo someone! I can just picture that It'll be ok, it's tough, but you can do it. . . my mom (I know here comes another story but. . .) is 80 and has been smoking since she has been 20. . she was a 2 pack per day smoker for ever and about 3 months ago, just quit. . . she was diagnosed with Peripheral Artery Disease and the pain in her legs was really bad, so bad she couldn't even walk. . so she just quit for her own self. . . she uses a inhaler that mimicks cigarettes, she has had to use it only about 3 times so far. . . I'm very proud of her, it must have been hard, but you can do this, it's for your health so you don't have complications during anesthesia. . after that you probably can smoke again. . . come on you can do it!
  6. thinoneday

    looking for a snack

    oh dear! that is harsh. . .well i guess nuts are the way to go then. . do they not have some interesting snack in the MRE's?
  7. thinoneday

    Just Crossed Over

    toyguy, some of us lose really really fast, then we hit plateaus and are right there with y'all. . . for example at my 7 week doctor appt i had lost 53lbs. . . now i've lost 110 lbs and it's REALLY REALLY slow. . . but at least i'm not gaining right?
  8. Wow i'm so sorry your having all this problems. . . hopefully it'll soon settle and you can go on readjusting to your new lifestyle. . . prayers and hugs your way!
  9. this is exactly why i chose to be self pay, no hassels or jumping through hoops. . .i understand some folks can't afford self pay and insurance is the only way to go, but jeez that is sooooooooooo drastically dumb. . .
  10. I agree with everyone here, you'll have your sleeve before you know. . .let you tummy heal and then get it done. . . doctor knows best. . . good luck!
  11. Yup, well balanced and within moderation. . . even throw in a snack or two, healthy of course. . . I eat everything now but in tiny portions, after i have my "meal" I do not eat anymore, if i am strongly needing a snack, I peel a apple or peach (can't do the peel, hurts) and enjoy that! Good luck
  12. I am the same as before! Nothing has changed with me in the TV area, still love to watch the same old things!
  13. thinoneday

    Depressed! Gaining Weight!

    I am sorry this is happening to you, but i understand how you feel. . i had hit a plateau for 3 1/2 months! Horrible, but i didn't let that get me down. however, yes here comes the big however, you have to eat in order to get the metabolism going, or as you know, your metabolism slows down big time and you go into survival mode, not losing, feeling sluggish, tired, etc. . . so try your best to follow doctor advice or go visit the doctor and find out whats going on. . . good luck
  14. thinoneday

    A million last meals

    It's amazing what we have learned to do over the years with this constent dieting. . no wonder it was called yoyo syndrom! Up and down . . . it is also hard to imagine the injury we could be causing the metabolism by doing that. . . amazing!
  15. thinoneday

    Question about carbonated drinks

    I drink a soda here and there, not much and they have to be diet. . . but i stir the heck out of mine til they are flat and then enjoy it. . . not the same, but does the trick! Good luck
  16. thinoneday


    can't help anyone in the cooking dept. . . i am definately NOT Betty Crocker when it comes to cooking! hehehe. . . good luck.
  17. thinoneday

    looking for a snack

    Bless your heart. yes nuts are loaded with fat, good fat, but fat afterall. . .like Tiffy said earlier, pork rinds are good for you. . i lived off those when i was on the Adkins diet years ago. . .i still go to them every now and again. . . if they only didn't smell so bad! Another good snack is popsicles, sugar free of course, and jerky. . . loves turkey jerky! But of course the best is no snacking at all. . . drink fluids instead, sugarfree koolaid, crystal light, diet soda, etc. . . if i'm starving for a snack and just can't get my head away from it, whatever the craving, i have it and get it over with. . it's not like your doing this everyday! Good luck!
  18. thinoneday

    Just Crossed Over

    how exciting! Congratulations! Doesn't this just make you want to yell it from the roof top! YIPPEEEEEEEE
  19. thinoneday

    Help Stalled

    Don't mean to throw any wrenches into the cog, but i was stalled for 3 1/2 months! Yup sure was! hated it but know what? I put away the scales and did what was expected of me, eat properly as per doctor orders, exercise daily, and drink my fluids 64oz +. . . as soon as i stopped worrying about it, 5 lbs just dropped off. . . I asked my doc about it, and she said that what has to happen is that you need to change things up. . .exercise for 45 minutes instead of 30, don't snack, don't obsess about the weight, just be you. . . good luck!
  20. I was in the hospital for 4 days (I was self pay and 4 days were included so I definately used it, glad i did), went back to the surgeon 2 weeks later and back to work 2 1/2 weeks later (my choice). . .
  21. Bless your heart! I understand, it is a very expensive procedure. I was self pay and am now paying off a hefty loan but at a good rate. I got my loan rate at 3.0% from Randolph brooks. . not to shabby. . . What prereq's do you have to have the surgery? All I had to do was to show up. Different doctors I guess. Do you have lots to loose? I had about 180 lbs to loose, have lost 110 so far. Not too bad, thank god i'm tall! heheheh

  22. Hi Eydiebug! Have you had your surgery yet? Who did it for you? My doc was Sonny Cavazos with NE baptist. . .i was selfpay so was at Foundations Surgical Hospital. . I've had real good luck with this surgery. . I read where folks are having tough times, i'm glad i chose Dr. C. . . would love to keep in touch with you. . . nice to see another San Antonio'er here!

  23. Sorry to hear that your having such problems. . as far as the stuffed feeling, yes that is normal. . . remember your tummy is still swollen and with all the complications, it will really be swollen and sore . . but your doing the right thing, sip, sip, sip. . . i'm 8+ months out and am stuffed full with 1-2 chicken wings and spoonful of rice. . . yup that is right, i can drink things just fine, but food, that is another story. . . but i keep on doing what i'm doing and am losing weight, that is why we got this surgery right. . . i'm not saying it's all roses and cream. . . it's hell at the best of times, i have days where i wish i could just sit down and eat it all! yesterday i was really really hungry (yes I have the hunger pangs, never left) and we went to chinese buffet, guess what i had????? well thinking with my eyes (always bigger then my tummy) I loaded up and only ate 2 pieces of zucchini and a dumpling. . . wow, $5.95 for that! oh well . . . restriction it is and restriction is what i get. . . good luck to you!
  24. I am the exact way. . I've noticed that men are so stupid over thinner women. . it really ticks me off. . and just like your thoughts i too think "was I not good enough before surgery" but now I've noticed that I've become what they like to call us "A B---ch" I flip my nose to them, don't smile when they do, and get really sarcastic if they compliment me. . for example one asked me if I'm married, my response was "aren't you? Aren't most of you?" and walk off. . . I feel that now it's my turn to snob them just like how they snobbed me. . . eye for an eye. . .
  25. thinoneday

    had scary problem today

    Wow what a fright. . sorry that happened to you . . . how come you went home with the drain? I had everything taken out in the hospital and went home only with sore muscles and battle wounds. . . CONGRATULATIONS on the weight lose! How wonderful! Keep up the excellent work!

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