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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. hehehehe you guys are so funny! Love ya all. . . i love horses too, not edible though, rideable is much more enjoyable!
  2. thinoneday

    Diet Coke

    ozzy, hi and good question! i am 9 months out (Tiffy I'm catching up to you girl!!!) and i have the occasional diet soda. . it's a very very strange feeling though, like it's a big airbubble in there. . . sorta uncomfortable. . i have to de-fizz my soda, pour it into a glass, stir like mad til it goes flat and then drink it. . . yummm. . . if i leave it fizzy, it takes me a VERY long time to drink. . . you'll see, you'll find your own comfort level with soda. . . good luck!
  3. thinoneday

    Had surgery on 9/17

    Gayle! Welcome and what a great post as Tiffy mentioned. . .yes please continue to write and post things. . any questions you have and such, know that we're all here for you. . we might not know all the answers but together we'll getter done! You're doing fantastic, it's definately an interesting journey but you're not alone!
  4. hi Josie! Well the only thing i can tell you really is to google the Vertical Sleeve Gasterectomy and Roux N Y. By doing that, it should give you not only information but links for further your search. . Good luck and Welcome to the forum. . once you make your decision, you'll be happy you did! At first its a bit weird and you might not like your decision cause you have to make real lifestyle changes and relearn a whole new way of eating and living. . but after a while you'll get used to it and love it! keep in touch and ask any questions you have!

  5. thinoneday

    Looking for Texas Sleevers???

    Hi Txgirl! In what way are you feeling bad? In the beginning (I was sleeved Dec 29, 2009) i really really really hated my sleeve! Couldn't get over i had actually done that to myself. . talk about buyers remorse, but i eventually got used to the way i had to eat, drink, and change my lifestyle, now i like it and don't have any problems. . . never had problems except for mental issues, but i dealt with those and carried on. . .
  6. Life for me is the same. . I think it's because i'm tall or have a interesting state of mind. . as a fat person i was respected (or maybe i just thought that cause i didn't care) and as a thin person i'm still respected. . .the only one thing i notice that is different is that men act stupid around me now that i'm thinner. . . but of course I ignore them just like they ignored me when i was fat. . .
  7. thinoneday

    Support from Wife?

    Your going to do fine. . it's not for the wife, it's for your own health so that you can be there for your wife. Its understandable that spouses can be jealous about the surgery. . they feel "comfortable" with you just how you are and could have feelings that they may "lose" you after you lose the weight. . . or they feel that "now that he's losing weight, I am going to have to work at it too" and that could be a struggle right there! This surgery is definately not the easy way out. . you have to watch what your doing all the time. . you can easily put on a pound or two, just like before. . . you still have to exercise and work at it. . . It'll be ok, it's going to be a bit more tougher for you cause your the guy, just show her love and that your not going to change mentally. . just physically. Where you slim when you two met? This could be a issue too. . maybe some counseling would help? But then again, that may not go over well. . . just a good old heart to heart "honey what is really the issue here?" might work . . . good luck on your surgery! Your going to do fantastic. . . keep us posted! We're all here for you any time you "need" us . . .
  8. thinoneday

    Top 10 reasons to have VSG surgery

    being able to clean myself properly being able to get up a flight of stairs without feeling i need extra O2 not sweating profusely when i'm eating actually being able to walk a distance without dreading it fitting on a airplane seat with about 12" left on the seatbelt AFTER buckling it being able to say NO THANK YOU to desserts cause you literally have NO room not being stared at cause you look like a freak blend in with others in a crowd no one cares your there be able to horseback ride again without the fear of killing the horse being able to live life as a healthy active person
  9. thinoneday

    (some pics)proof you have to lift weights!

    excellent job Nikki! You have worked hard and it shows! keep it up
  10. Honey try a 3 1/2 MONTH stall. . . now that is depressing, but know how i deal with it??? as I've written over and over again. . . GET RID OF THE SCALE! THROW THE STUPID THING AWAY! The scale will drive you to drink! and if you can't pull yourself away from the dumb thing, then at least only weigh once a month or so. . . NOT everyday! Try it and see if that doesn't make more sense then killing yourself over no weightloss day after day. . . good luck!!!!
  11. Hi Ann and WELCOME!!!!!! of course your going to be a good member of the forum. Your going to do great right along with us! And before you know it, your going to be giving advice to newbies just like you!!! :biggrin0:
  12. thinoneday

    And the stupid comments begin...

    Totally uneducated about any surgery actually! And a drama queen to boot. . . it's probably best she left. . . did you have a nice time regardless? Good. . . people like her are best left alone and to go fume on their own time. . . keep up the good work!:biggrin0:
  13. thinoneday

    Permanent Makeup

    yes, big time, not the eyebrows so much but the eyeliner was hell! you have to keep the eyes open to do the bottom liner and you can see those 3 little needles jabbing away! they don't put lidocaine cause it's right at the eye. . . yes it does hurt! Could be why i'm not ready for the touch ups. . .:thumbup: Stupid things we do to our bodies huh????? Now i find out that if you have any sort of tatoo, your a potential victim for possible Hep C (yes even if it was clean. . hopefully the ink they used wasn't contaminated). . . ugh life is crazy!
  14. I took 1 1/2 weeks off, don't think i could have handled 6-8 weeks at home! Ugh that would have driven me to drink!:thumbup:
  15. thinoneday

    Despondent over apparent gain, please help

    Don't worry about that. . want to know what my success secret was? THROW AWAY THE DAMN SCALES! When we obsess so much over our weight it's like time. . . it never moves! Get rid of that stupid scale! Don't weigh yourself except for 1 x per month. . . it's tough but damnit be tough! Throw away the scale! Good luck!
  16. thinoneday


    I totally agree with Tiff, Stacy and Chilo, first off who the hell cares what others think, we are not here losing our weight to please other people or care what they think. . . secondly, you have to work with the sleeve, it's not easy! I don't know where people get off saying its the easy way out. . they are just jealous cause they can't do it. . . stupid a$$es. . .sorry that just gets my goat! (I am a Aries after all hehehe)
  17. thinoneday

    Did anyone get their hair back?

    Ugh what a topic this one is. . . I'm 9 months out (can you believe it!) and STILL losing my hair, not as bad as before but still a lot of hair! I swear I could have made 2-3 wigs out of all the hair i've lost! It's terrible, I'm just glad i have long hair, it's thinned out very much, but i don't have bald areas (thank goodness). . . i'm hoping it will stabilize soon. . .
  18. Bless your heart, these are all normal feelings. You are 5 days out and your body is already dealing with changes, this includes hormonal changes (this goes for the guys as well, they are human too). . your going to be ok, nothing will go wrong with the sleeve as long as you do as the doctor says. . your going to be ok. . you are not lazy or foolish, you made the right choice by having this surgery because you couldn't do it on your own. . if you could have done it on your own you would have right? Well here you are with us, most of us have gone through this, and most of us had buyer's remorse, god knows i sure did, I hated the sleeve! Wished i would have never done this. . . but i think it was more so because i was "mourning" the loss of my friend (food) I couldn't have as much as i wanted and if i had 1 more thing too many I would hurt and feel bad. Who wants that? not me!!!! We have to relearn to cope with our "new" lifestyle and that is hard. . no one likes the word change never mind doing it! You'll be ok my friend, this sleeve thingy is a tool only, like a hammer is a tool to drive a nail, the sleeve is our tool to help us loose weight, we are the ones who need to make it work for us by doing what the doctor says, following our plans of action, exercising and readjusting to our new lifestyle. . yes its hell and yes there is going to be alot of "what have I done" moments, but it is so worth it in the end! Good luck and I hope this helped a bit. . . sometimes I just ramble on. . .
  19. Hey Girl! Today was your day! Happy Sleeve Day to you! Happy Sleeve Day to you! Happpyyyyy Sleeve Day Dear Diva! Happy Sleeve Day to youuuuu!!! You are going to do so well! Just sip, walk, sip, walk and continue. . . your going to be glad you did. . . !
  20. Bless your heart! How i feel your pain. . . but also realistically you do know that your problems won't go away. . . but you can handle them differently to make them feel like they went away. . all my life i too wanted to be thinner cause i felt it would make everything better. . . but i came to learn (as a thinner person now) that your body size doesn't control lifes challenges. . it is how YOU handle these challenges that matter. . . your prince charming is out there for you sweetheart, and those unicorns and rainbows will be there if you want them to be. . . I'm so sorry your relationship didn't work, but am glad you knew to get out of it. . . no, having the WLS will definately not set you up for a huge disappointment, your going to do that for YOU not for anyone else. . . you have to relearn your eating patterns and adjust to them. . it's a bit of work, but you can do it. . . you have a strong mind and are strong enough to do this and accomplish all you want. . . Good Luck my friend, your going to do fantastic!:thumbup:
  21. thinoneday

    Permanent Makeup

    I had my eyebrows and top and bottom eyeliner done. . let me tell you i would do it again! In the beginning, it's not the most beautiful site ever, I was bruised so badly i had to take off a week from work cause it looked like i got into a cat fight. . . but after that disappeared i loved it. . . now it's 10 years later and i am still looking great. . . i may need a touch up on the brows but for now i'm happy happy with it, I remember the bruising and have a second thoughts about touchups :lol0: But i know that i'll have to go eventually. . . glad to hear you like yours! The gym isn't running away, and once your ready to go, I'm sure it'll still be there for you! :thumbup:
  22. Wow Stacy, your post made me tear up. . . i'm soooooooooooooooooo very damn proud of you girl! I know the pain we go through as obese people, the fears, and the snears and jokes told aiming at us. . . then when something like this comes it's so exciting and so heart tugging. . . how i can relate to you! Once again, CONGRATULATIONS my friend! You've done very very very well. . . keep it up! and keep posting
  23. thinoneday

    many AFTER questions

    Hi Kim! Questions are good, that is how we learn right! Well here is how my experiences went. . . I drove about 1 week later, I only took pain meds while in the hospital, I stayed in the hospital for my complete 4 days. I totally love the Bariatric Advantage shakes, I'm 9 months out and still use them. I was swollen for a while (1 - 1 1/2 weeks) I didn't eat from pain, i didn't eat the first week because the doctor said so. . no solids or semi solids for about 2 weeks! Liquids the first week, full liquids the second. then you slowly progress to the mushy stage and finally experiment with what is good and stays with you in the 4th week. . . you'll do ok, your doctor will have a schedule for you. . every doctor, I've learned is very very different. . so listen to yours! Good luck
  24. thinoneday

    Introducing Myself:)

    Welcome! Your going to do fantastic, just like everyone here! And soon before you even know it, you'll be here giving advise and tips to another Newbie! Good luck!:thumbup:
  25. thinoneday

    New Moderator

    Woohoo Diva! You go Girl!!!! Congratulations and you'll do great!

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