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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday


    Me too, love chai, I have the original indian version if anyone is interested in the receipe, takes a bit of time, but oh so worth it!!! PM me if you want the receipe. . . . take care
  2. thinoneday

    Naps, and the lack thereof

    Guess what ya'll, i finally am not having cravings for night eating! Took long enough, but we all progress on our own pace! I'm proud of myself. . . even though i had that dreaded night cravings i was blessed and didn't gain at all. . . i count my blessings everyday cause i might run out! so cheer up to those who are struggling it does get better and better as your lifestyle changes. . .
  3. in a few weeks you will have forgotten about this part of your life and will be so happy will your weight loss! Just keep up the excellant work!
  4. thinoneday

    any regrets?

    Hi, firstly i'm from san antonio also! i had my surgery done by Dr. Cavazos from NE baptist. . . fab surgeon . . . check out my ticker on my weight loss progress . . . the cravings are head hunger and that is the part that you'll need to work on. . . it's really hard, but look at it this way, you won't be pigging out like you used to before the surgery. . . you can't its physically impossible. . . you eat so little but you feel so good . . you can actually follow a diet if you wish or not. . . the first few months are a big time learning curve . . and you'll have those "why did i do this" moments. . . but as it gets easier, and you see the pounds fall off (with the occasional stall) you get more and more used to your new lifestyle. . . any questions you have just ask, we are all here for you. . . you'll do great and i'm glad you picked to have the sleeve and not the band . . . i've heard so many negatives about the band. . .
  5. thinoneday

    Stalling so soon????

    I totally agree with wannalise here. . . don't compare yourself to others weight loss. . . my loss may be different then yours, or Tiffy's, or wannalise. . .but then i might be taller (of course which woman is 6 feet tall) have had more of a BMI or even more fat loss then someone else. . .the other thing hon is TOSS THE DAMN SCALE!!!!!!!:thumbup::w00t: you wouldn't know it but that stupid thing sabatoges your progress. . . in the beginning i only weighed myself once per month and then only at the doctors office. . now at 9 months out i weigh myself maybe ever 2 weeks if that. . . i'd drive myself absolutely nuts if i became a slave to that mechanical piece of fecal matter! Good luck!
  6. thinoneday

    My experience

    Good morning! Unfortunately alot of us have this hunger issue still with us. . what has helped alot though was eating more dense protein and waiting 30 - 40 minutes after you eat with drinking anything. keep yourself very occupied helps too. . .you are doing great so far! Wow exercising, water, eating less. . . you are doing fabulous! keep up the good work and look at it this way, your losing, not gaining. . .it may be slow but it's coming off. . . rome wasn't built in one day either! Good luck!!!
  7. thinoneday

    100 lbs in Six Months...almost!

    Anna, how wonderful! Your post is really inspiring! Congratulations you have done very very well. . . keep up the excellent work!
  8. thinoneday

    Mucus at back of nose / throat?

    yup i had that and yup it's gross alright! and of course with it being fall time it could also be allergy season (if you happen to suffer from this) it does eventually pass on its own, but until then it's a royal pain in the gluteus maximus. . . i used mucinex alot during that time. . . good luck!
  9. Hi Emma! Congratulations on your surgery and of course a big welcome!!!! Very very important Emma, walk, walk, walk, and sip, sip, sip. . . your going to do ok, the soreness will be a thing of the past in about 2 weeks or so. . . so hang in there for now. . your going to do fabulous just like the rest of us. . . keep us posted and keep walking!
  10. thinoneday

    How many calories per day?

    Hi Kathy, at 2 months out i was getting about 600 - 800 calories in, now at 9 months I have no idea what i'm getting. . i'm not tracking either, i am having whatever, but being careful of whatever i eat. . .don't over indulge in anything and am still losing. . . slowly, but i'm losing nonetheless. . .
  11. thinoneday

    crockpot chicken

    I made bbq chicken wings in the crockpot. . . really yum very easy, not the most slimming receipe, but hey, you only eat one or two anyhow right? If anyone is interested I'll post the receipe. . . thanks!
  12. thinoneday

    What's the deal with caffeine?

    I really don't know Dave, I love my java and have been enjoying it ever since I had my WLS 9 months ago. . . doctor said in moderation is good, but too much could cause an ulcer possibly and we don't have room for another surgery to remove the ulcer?????:scared0: soooooo i drink my 1 cup of coffee in the am and have a monster java in the pm and i'm good to go! Good luck!!!
  13. Pants on the Ground, pants on the ground, lookin all around but my pants are on the ground!!!!!!:lol0: Isn't it a neat feeling to be able to wear grunge????? Makes us feel skinny!
  14. thinoneday

    Help! I need FIBER!

    I was stopped up for 3 weeks!!!!! Talk about uncomfortable! That is when the doctor told me what i talked about above. . .
  15. thinoneday

    Help! I need FIBER!

    i was told to get metamucil wafers or mix benefiber into my water or whatever liquid i enjoy and have it daily along with a colace tab. . .but double check with your doctor. . all doctors are different. . .
  16. thinoneday

    HELP! Opti-Fast makes me sick......

    does have to be opti fast? try something else like clk suggested. I love bariatric advantage protein shakes, vanilla you can throw your own creations into, I take extracts in different flavors and add them to the vanilla shake, or a chocolate shake with cherry, strawberry, or banana extract. . . yummmmyyyyy. . . you can add peanut butter (1 tsp only) into the chocolate shake and have a "peanut butter cup" flavored one. . . anything to make these things taste better. . . i don't know how good adding "stuff" into the optifast would be. . . try one and see. . . good luck
  17. thinoneday

    oh, nuts!

    To tell you all the truth here, i eat all sorts of nuts. . not many mind you, cause you can only eat so much before they get kinda sickening, but i'm into brazil nuts, peanuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, etc. . . i buy the big tub of mixed nuts and have a handful every now and then. . . it's not going to kill anyone, heavens it's not like your eating it every day by the tubful! Moderation is the key here! Enjoy!
  18. thinoneday

    did I make the right decision?

    Hey! I've lost a bunch! Check out the other posters tickers! you'd be surprised. . . i've surpassed my 40-60% about 20 lbs ago. . and you know what ! Once again, it's mind over matter. . . if you want to lose the weight, you WILL lose the weight, statistics or not. . .it's how you work this tool that will chose your success not some stupid statistic! Good luck and yes you've made the right choice, the question is ARE you mentally prepared for the task ahead?????? It does take work, it's not easy peasy. . .
  19. thinoneday

    I know it won't bring world peace but ...

    You go Girl!!!!! That was well said! I agree with you and if you think that is a bad thing to say, wow I want you as my friend! :confused1:
  20. I don't know if i believe that. . .I had the surgery and haven't had one ounce of depression. . . nothing, I'm actually happier and was more depressed before the surgery. . . so i don't know. . . i'm not going to say "psychological" either cause I have suffered from depression big time, but that was again, before the surgery . . . chow!:001_tongue:
  21. thinoneday


    Wow what a fffff ggggg jerk! there are days i really hate people. . hi! I'm so sorry that happened to you, but it's going to happen even after your sleeved so you'll have to keep on recognizing the behavior. . that was excellent! Your on the right track. . . recognition is the first and probably the most important move to recovery! I was hurt big time all the time when i was heavier by men, made to believe i didn't even exist. . now that i've lost a bunch of weight, they try to get my attention, guess what, i do to them what they did to me. . . they are NON EXISTENT! They are nothing but viruses on the butt of life to me now. . the ones who were nice to me i am nice to them. . . but otherwise "what goes around, comes around". . . if your that type of person, just think what fun you'll have when that jerks band fails??? or when he actually sees you and needs your help. . . man, I can just conjure things up right now! PAY BACK TIME!!!!!:001_tongue:
  22. thinoneday

    Support from Wife?

    so roboniko, how'd you do? feeling ok? sipping, walking and then walking some more? Sure hope so. . . . chat soon again!
  23. thinoneday


    nope, no ulcers here, so now that you have had the surgery, what are they doing about it?
  24. Good for YOU!!!!! You are doing fabulous! Keep up the great work. . . and don't worry about your spelling, most of us here can't spell worth a poo either! So being French has nothing to do with it!:confused1:
  25. thinoneday

    65-70 lbs to lose

    The hardest thing i deal with now is finding things to say negatively about the surgery. . there is nothing i could say badly . . . I am so content and happy that it's scarey at times! I love me for the first time in my life. . I can actually do things i couldn't do before and it makes me proud of myself. . good luck:biggrin0:

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