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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Wow Estrellita, (sorry i put littlesteve earlier) your story makes me sad for you. I've heard of people getting the surgery but not being emotionally prepared for it. . I didn't think it was true, but it is. . at least you've lost the 40lbs in 4 months. . that is really good. . .but if you did this drastic surgery you really wanted to loose weight. . so why don't you just eat your food at your meal and then that's it. . you don't have to go back to eat more in 1/2 hour. . that is sabatoge, but you know that. . wow, were you self pay? or were you a lucky one that had insurance or somthing pay for it? Just a question. . . anyhow 40 lbs, like i said is good, try a bit more and don't snack/graze that is not a good thing as you know. . good luck!
  2. I now just have one and that is to be able to actually take a picture beside someone without looking like a stupid giant against everyone. . . that is so irratating. . I've lost 140 lbs and still look HUGE against my tiny little family in laws. . . errrrrrrrrrrrrrr and here i thought i was looking good. . . NOT!!!!!!
  3. thinoneday

    If it's not an NSV, and not an SV, what is it?

    Hey don't feel bad, I've lost 140 lbs and still feel huge! I know in my head i've lost alot of weight, people tell me i look great even men give me nice compliments, but to me, nope I won't take pictures cause i don't feel slim. . .we just came back from a funeral and while i was there we took pictures with family. . I know my family members are really small framed and skinny so beside them, I look enormous! Of course know i feel worse. . I feel like i should lose like another 50 - 60 lbs or more. I know that that is ludicrous and i'll make myself sick but that is just how I see it. . so don't feel bad, your not alone. . .
  4. thinoneday

    2 month stall

    Hi, I don't post often anymore here, but when it seems someone needs some encouragement, I'm here. . . I understand your UGH!!! I had a 3 1/2 month stall and then bam it just fell off. . . what i do is put the scale away and carry on doing what you do everyday without stressing about the weight. . you'd be amazed if you keep busy and keep your Protein and Water up how much you'll lose after a while. . . your body needs time to catch up to what has happened to it. . .so just relax, put away the scale (as hard as it seems) and after about 2 weeks, weigh yourself and see whats happened. . . good luck!
  5. thinoneday

    Ghrelin (hunger hormone)

    As Christie, I too feel hunger. . I've had it ever since surgery. But now at almost 1 year out I have learned that when i start feeling the hunger, I know i can make more sensible choices where food is concerned, unless i don't feel like it, but then the restriction restricts me from pigging out. . .i eat whatever, but in moderation (restriction) I LOVE my pork rinds and enjoy those everyday. . I still get head hunger alot but pork rinds help in that area. . . night eating has been a challenge, but i can overcome that. . .it's more psychological i think. . . but that is my 2 cents worth. . . I'm still really glad i had this done and would probably do it again. . .
  6. Bless your heart Mini. . . thats all i can say to you at this time. . . bless your heart, I'm so sorry you are hurting at this time. . stressing or whatever it is. . .this isn't you, you are a proud person, proud to have lost what you have. . your hurting and taking it out on yourself with the candy. . i'm sorry hope you feel better soon
  7. I don't even know who this person is. . .therefore to me, she and anyone who "follows" her is nothing more than a wart on societies a$$. . . insignificant, none existing, a big plain old nothing. . in my book just a speck of dirt on the ground that needs no regard or attention. . . thanks!
  8. thinoneday

    Halloween NSV

    What a wonderful NSV!!! Congratulations . . . I've had a wonderful journey as well. . . I've lost tons of weight, feel so much better and get A LOT of compliments from folks who haven't seen me in years! It's so great to be able to fit into small spaces, fit comfortably into a plane seat, and walk up a flight of stairs without dying! Once again, congratulations and keep up that fabulous work!!!!
  9. thinoneday

    I weigh 400 lbs...will this help me?

    Hi there, I don't post much anymore, but i read and when something strikes me I like to respond. . I weighed 350 lbs at my highest weight before the sleeve. I too was thinking of all the things i could have. . it was my hubbie who was stopping me with these. . he didn't like the idea of the band (of course), he didn't like the idea of RNY because of all that "reconstruction" and some of the complications that come with it. . . ie: diarrhea each time you eat. . .so we decided on the sleeve and if you look on my ticker you'll see it's working for me. . . but that doesn't mean it's going to work with you. . . you have to research these surgeries and feel really comfortable with your own personal decision. . . no one can make that decision for you. . so talk with your physician, do your homework, and whichever surgery you decide on should give you that comforty fuzzy warm feeling. . .a good feeling. . that is the one to go with. . good luck and best to you! Your going to do this, most of us are doing fabulously!
  10. thinoneday

    Don't sign up with Gold's Gym...

    Wow that is really not good for you. . . I'm a member with Golds Gym and have cancelled my membership 2 times without any problems at all. . .they didn't expect me to write letters, pay extra or anything. . even the re sign up was easy. . . I guess you must have a really bad Golds Gym over there. . . sorry to hear that. . .
  11. thinoneday

    Second week post op - no loss

    Your probably still swollen from the surgery and probably still retaining fluids. Are you trying to get your fluids in? Your doing fantastic with the walking! Thats wonderful! Keep it up. . . give it another couple weeks. Your scale will keep you a slave to it though, hide it or get someone to hide it and only give it to you every 2 weeks or so. . . good luck!
  12. thinoneday


    An egg is good! Yeah! What I was told to do by my nutritionist eat comfortably for only 15-20 minutes and thats it. . .then wait 1/2 hour before drinking any liquids. . then drink liquids until the next meal. . eat comfortably for 15- 20 minutes and so on. . . if it consists of 2 bites then so be it. . . you are only 3 weeks out. . . by the time your out as far as me, it'll be easier. I can eat 1/2 taco for Breakfast (sometimes) 4oz of whatever for lunch and maybe 4 oz of supper. . .for the evening (that used to be my worst eating time) I just drink Water, sf drinks, sf koolaid or Powerade zero. . . good luck! you will do fantastic!
  13. thinoneday

    NSV: underwear!

    GOOD FOR YOU! Next we'll all be singing "pants on the ground"!! Isn't it a great feeling! The only problem is you have to spend all that money on new clothes. . .I didn't shop for a long time, and then had to, I used to hate fitting rooms cause they were so cramped and hot, now it's not a problem. . . i actually enjoyed buying new clothes for the first time in a very, very, long time. . . Congratulations!!!!! Keep up the great work !
  14. thinoneday

    recovery time off work?

    Krista, I took 2 1/2 weeks and let me tell you it was great and i'm sooooo happy i did!
  15. thinoneday


    Most folks don't like my posts because i'm very straight forward and to the point, but it's better then being a hypocrit and whispering behind your back. . . so if i offend you sorry, but its the truth, How badly did you want this surgery anyhow? You know very well the rules of this "game". . you eat within 15 to 20 minutes. . .what you don't finish you toss and wait til the next meal. . you say "Its a bad habit from before srugery" Ok girly, get a grip here, are you giving excuses for grazing? Pull up those big girl panties and get with the program. . ."I feel like I'm not eating enough" Ummmmmm, again, what did you get this surgery for? to eat like there is no tomorrow again? NOOOOOOOO . . . you got this surgery to LOSE WEIGHT remember. . . less eating=weight loss. . .remember????? I am out 9 months and i maintain my calories at 500 - 700 per day no less. . You have to work at this surgery, it's not a magic fix it all. . . good luck~!! and once again sorry if i offended you. . .
  16. thinoneday

    New here and need Help!

    Well there usually is a reason as to why doctors move without leaving contact information. . .A) they are being sued, or they are being sued. . .doesn't he have a partner or someone else who could perform the surgery. . . I'd drop that Dr. as fast as I could. . .very suspicious if you ask me. . . .
  17. thinoneday

    Top 10 Reasons

    My top 10 are as follows. . . . 1. for people to see me, not the fat girl come waddling in 2. be able to shop in the "normal" section for clothes 3. be able to fit into a plane seat and have seat belt "left over" 4. be able to go to the gym and do a workout without dying 5. not sweat when i eat 6. not eat all the time cause i "think" i'm hungry 7. be able to disappear in a crowd and stick out cause i'm the only hugh one 8. climb up and down the stairs without thinking i'm going to have a stroke I must be meeting all my goals cause i can't think of 10. . .
  18. thinoneday

    Just a little encouragement

    Thanks Tiff, your an inspiration to all. . .have had a bad month so far, not food wise, but death in family wise . . not good. . . but thank goodness i've not gained any weight! That must be my biggest fear! Don't know if I'd handle it well if i started gaining. . .but yup, your so right there are many obstacles in the road, and the best way to get over them is hike up those big girl/boy panties and start a climbin'! No else can do it for you except yourself. . . good luck to all who are struggling or just trying to climb the obstacle! Together we can do this!
  19. thinoneday

    The Husband

    I'm so sorry this is happening to you. . but you know your hubbie is wrong if he thinks this surgery is the "easy way out" . . . it's not, in the beginning its easy, but after a while, you have to diet, you have to watch your calorie intake, your carb intake, you have to exercise and everything just like before surgery. . . yes you can gain weight if your not careful. . .but after spending all that money why would you. . . i am 9 months out now and have lost a bunch of weight, my hubbie now thinks this surgery saved me from a potential heartattack, cancer, etc. . . in the beginning he was SSSSOOOOOOOO against WLS, he wouldn't even come to a seminar with me (initally I wanted a lapband). . .he wouldn't even let me go to one. . . it took 2 1/2 years but finally he came to a seminar. . . after it was over we walked to the car in silence. . i got bold and asked so what did you think? He said "No your not getting the band" I almost started to yell at him in fierce anger, I hated him at that moment, but I held my yap got into the car and asked him WHY? in a very calm manner. . .he said "I will not support you with the band or the RNY but I will support you with the sleeve" . . . I nearly fainted! I couldn't believe it, I just looked at him and said "thanks hon" and we drove home. . 3 months later i had it done and we haven't looked back. . . i think he just wanted to be a part of it. . he wanted a decision in it. . . my hubbie used to tell me "you can do it on your own" but the seminar changed all that. . . take hubbie to a seminar if he'll go, have him talk to the doctors, don't say anything at all even if it's getting you mad, maybe he just wants to have a say in stuff. . .just a suggestion. . . good luck. . .
  20. IV fluids, trauma and swelling from the surgery WILL make you gain weight. . . but honey it's only Water weight! Once life gets back to normal for you, it's going to fall off. . . your DH did the right thing by hiding the scale. . . those evil things can cause us to go into seizures! Just drink your water, watch your carbs and calories and STAY away from the evil scale and your going to be ok. . . Good luck. . . by the way, are you feeling better? Gallbladder surgery can be such a pain!!!
  21. thinoneday


    Hello! Good for you, I think your going to like the journey, there are bumps and obstacles along the way (call carbs) but with a strong will you can over come these obstacles . . . i had a small sleeve too 28 - 32FR . . my journey has been most interesting, hateful at times, but rewarding. . . and it keeps giving me positive results which makes me happy!
  22. dave, best of luck with the band. . I have the same feelings as Tiffy does regarding the band. . . however the decision has been made in your mind. . .did you ever maybe think about self pay? It's not any different then paying for a car monthly. . .I only pay 300 per month. . I got a great rate at my bank 3% and that was the route i took. . . you may want to consider that as well. . in any way, good luck !
  23. I only had one when i went to do the pre op stuff. . . you know the psych, nutritionist, physician, surgeons, etc. . . the psych eval was long though about 2 hours long. . had to fill out this really repetitive quesitonaire . . . very boring and side tracking. . . but got it done and off i went. . .
  24. My prayers and thoughts are with you and jg during this trying time. May the Lord bless you and heal you, may the Lord shine his face upon you both. . . He never gives us more than what we can burden. . .

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