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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Vanity isnt a strong point with me at this time. . I'm not movie star quality anyhow so the loose skin doesn't bother me in the least. . anyhow I'm pretty lucky i guess, I'm 6'0 tall so i don't have that much loose skin, just the pregnancy overlap from years ago, but heck there is always duck tape right????
  2. You have a lot to lose but you know what? YOU CAN DO IT!!! Just like the rest of us, just get down with it and GO!!! You'll get it once you get used to this thingy! It takes a bit to adjust but just like riding a bike, wobbly in the beginning but a true trooper once you get started! Good luck and keep writing and posting here, it helps alot, especially if you feel down or like you can't go on. . . it's helped me alot. . . even the odd disagreement helps!
  3. Well hello there, if you check out the forum you'll see a lot of us have or had over 100 lbs to lose. Check out my ticker and I still have have about 30 or so lbs left! It's been 10 1/2 months now since my surgery. . .i've been doing good up to now, never any complications and the best part i love missing those clothing sizes. . .tried on a mini skirt last night which had been sitting in my closet for over a year cause it never fit ever, still had tags on it and all. . well put it on and it dropped off. . . guess it wasn't meant to be huh??? Ask away!
  4. thinoneday

    I'm MAJOR P.O'd HERE!!!!

    You guys are all the best! Wish I could just give you ALL one big hug ((((()))))). . . your all my cyber family and love each and every one of you. . . your the only ones who really understand and care! Thank you so much for your responses, they made me smile and guess what? I'm having it out with the bumbaclat tonight! :argue: How dare he lie like that! Daughter even called me and asked what was wrong with dad last night. . . if he forgot he had gone with me and it was HIM who called her and explained I was getting the sleeve done. . .errrrrr I'm feelin a bit better but he won't be later on. . . . :boxing:
  5. thinoneday

    I'm MAJOR P.O'd HERE!!!!

    I totally love the mad ninja skills up his butt comment! That made me laugh, no I told my daughter the truth this morning in a text! She knows how he is and probably just was listening going "oh yeah? Really?? Your kidding" . . . bless her heart, but it really bugs me alot to have heard that! it really really did. . . thanks for making me laugh! Your the best!
  6. thinoneday

    Business Dinners

    yeah, like Tiffy says just order a appetizer. Pick, pick, pick. push the food around poke it with the fork and do ALOT of talking, talk like you've never talked before. . go to the ladies room. . . excuse yourself to talk on the cell. . .just seem really busy! This works for me, and most people are very used to me now. . even at home, I sit down with my little bowl, pick a food, chew, swallow and yap my mouth off or get up and go do something else run around picking up stuff, starting a load of laundry, load the dishwasher, get others something to drink, pick up another food, good enough. . . throw it away and carry on. . . but that is just me. . good luck
  7. thinoneday

    Immediate pain when eating?

    Bless your heart, i was just going to tell you to take smaller bites and wait at least 2 minutes between bites. . . I'm 10 1/2 months out and still wait 2 minutes between bites. . . literally I take my baby bowl of food sit down in front of the TV take a bite, chew like a mad woman, swallow, watch the clock thingy on the DVD player 2 minutes are up. . . next bite. . . then I only do this for 20 minutes and if I'm not done my bowl of food, I throw it out and wait for the next meal. . . aaaahhhhhh the life of a sleever good luck!
  8. thinoneday

    One year since VSG

    Congratulations! I'm close on your heels as well. . I'm 10 1/2 months out and am loving my new life. . . Life really does get better at 50!
  9. thinoneday

    Sleeved Oct 29th

    FINALLY! SOMEONE AFTER MY OWN HEART!!!! Not weighing yourself every second! i used to do that too! Weigh only at the drs office. I had my surgery came home and tossed the scale out into the trash. . it was the best thing i ever did! At my 7th week i went to the doctor and had lost a whooping 53 lbs! I was so proud of myself it made it all worth while. Now at 10 1/2 months out and a loss of 140 lbs I'm really happy with myself. . . . YES pureed chicken and beef is just like paste no matter what you do to it. . .don't get upset with life at thanksgiving, you won't be able to eat much, only a bite here and there and you'll feel sorry for yourself. . . but you know what? It's ok! It's normal. . . we are so used to eating sooo much food all our lives and then suddenly overnight our tummy's are snatched away from us and we are EXPECTED to change our ways. . . It's really hard, but in time you will learn what to do. . I still have some problems at times in that I don't have time to eat properly and eat junk food. . .thank god for pork rinds though! I eat those alot. . . no carbs~!!!!! But you will do fine! Just wrap your head around the new you and take it easy. . .don't beat yourself up and keep on doing what you do! Have a blessed thanksgiving and give blessing to the ones around you and not on what you have lost. Good luck!
  10. thinoneday

    Full of Emotions and Questions

    Hi , I don't post often anymore, but would like to "talk" to you as a "seasoned" sleever. The pain is not horrible at all. .c/sections and hysterectomies hurt alot more then this does. . just make damn sure you do your walking every couple of hours and sipping of liquids. . . when you get home continue to walk and sip. . if not, you'll run into complications with gas pain and so on. . . None of us have died yet being on liquids for the 2 weeks. you will be ok. . you have to think positively about this. . if not, get ready for some problems. I hated my sleeve the first few months, and the reason was because I couldn't eat like the pig i was. . . I wanted to stuff everything into my face and snort and grunt, but I couldn't. . .I could only eat small portions and sip liquids, like a proper lady. . . i really really hated it, but now 10+ months out, I am so proud of myself, I eat like a proper lady and actually watch how the "other side" eats now. . . I would have this surgery again, but be forwarned, you have to prepare yourself for this, both emotionally and physically. . . don't just jump into thinking it'll do all the work for you it doesn't you have to do the work. . . just like a hammer, it's just a tool, you are the one who has to make it work. . .if not and your not ready, don't do the surgery. . I love Downs children, they are all so cute and sweet. . .they give and show love so openly. . you want to be there for them, you will enjoy your trip with them, you will be proud of yourself once you get over the initial hurl, you will have a good time not only with them, but with your new self, and hubbie. . . congratulations on your February date! You are going to do well. . . just be prepared please!
  11. thinoneday


    Nope, quite right, now i get that nice buzz with just 1 or 2 drinks. . that is my limit though, no more than that. . it dissappears as fast as you get it too, so you can reassure the buzz is gone after about 2 hours.
  12. thinoneday


    hahaha. . .I wouldn't want to try a bear either! I am about 10 months out now and seriously enjoy my rum and coke every weekend! Not to the drunk point mind you cause the sleeve won't allow that. But if you allow your coke to defizz a bit (sit around for about 1/2 hour) and then mix your drink, you'll find it works great. I hate beer so i don't drink it, so i couldn't tell you about that but it probably will fill you up really fast cause of all that foam in it!
  13. thinoneday

    1 in 200 die ?

    someone is trying to scare the poopoo out of you. . .honey this surgery was my 18th major surgery. All 17 others have been do or die surgeries as well. . . i'm living proof that i'm still here. . I'm out now almost 11 months, have lost 140 lbs and am living life great! I'll be here to see my daughter graduate college and get married! I can actually do things now that i only used to dream about. . . i'm livin life! Girl get your surgery! Do your thing so you can be there for the kiddos. . .if you don't will you be there for the kiddos? Think about that one. . good luck, dry those eyes and take your naps. . .gosh that is why your crying, hon your tired! btw, my doctor has done over 300 cases and hasn't lost one patient yet! His partner has never lost a patient in the 5 years he's been doing this surgery. .
  14. thinoneday


    how true it is!
  15. thinoneday

    Cold Feet

    Hi there! Well the best thing for cold feet is to put on socks! It's normal to have the jitters. This was my 18th major surgery and i should have been ok with it, but got the jitters anyways. . . It's normal. . but like butterfly said you really should be mentally ready for the surgery, if your even having the slightest doubt you might want to rethink what your doing. . good luck in your decisions.
  16. thinoneday

    MTF anyone?

    SMH!!! LOL!!! BRB, you'll do GRT! Kthnx See i'm not even in the military and can talik jibberish
  17. thinoneday


    I was smiling all the way through your post, not smiling at your post but at your comments. . honey husbands are the most insecure people on the face of this earth. . they rely on wives for everything basically. . they are so happy when everything is going "their" way that when something is going to change. . bam they right away think "WE" are going to leave them. . .my hubbie is stupid this way too. . . only you know what after he saw i didn't change or leave or do anything like what HE thought was going to happen, he calmed down and life carries on. . . men are soooooo foolish and insecure. . .just ignore the comments and if it continues, ask him if maybe that is his plan of action since he is the one bringing it up all the time. . . good luck, it's going to be ok
  18. thinoneday

    Breast changes

    nope nothing like that here, i'm just thankful they are slowly dissappearing!
  19. thinoneday

    totaly frustrating NSV

    hahahaha that is funny! I had that happen, i got rid of those granny panties really fast!
  20. thinoneday

    disappointed and hurt

    so sorry to hear your news. . hopefully one day your "ship" will come in and you'll get your sleeve
  21. thinoneday

    Common or not

    It's not scary its exciting! I lost 53 lbs in 7 weeks when i first had my surgery. . now in 10 1/2 months i've lost 140 lbs! not too shabby! good luck
  22. 16 herbs and spices???? shouldn't this be under the receipe section! hahahahaha. . . sounds like a major scam to me and as y'all, i sure hope everyone is not playing into this person's ludicrous ideations! Good luck to you JPetty. . . hahahahaha 16 herbs in a cloth. . . hahahaha. . .
  23. thinoneday

    To Tell or not to Tell

    Hi there, well just some advice here. . . you could say you have gotten ulcers and need surgery to remove them. . .as far as the non eating part, ulcer surgery does make a person eat slower and less (my step dad had ulcers and about 50% of his tummy cut out so that is how i know about that) so you could tell folks that. . . as far as the kiddos? well if you tell them you have the flu, won't they come a looking for momma to see how she is? good luck you'll do fabulously!
  24. How exciting! I'm very happy for you! I know how happy you are too cause I had the same thing happen to me . . . my first 7 weeks i lost 53 lbs and i couldn't have been happier! Congratulations and keep doing what your doing cause it'll all be well worth it in the end. . .right now at almost 1 year out i live a very very "normal" life. . .i eat whatever (in small amounts of course) I snack and have alcoholic beverages without any quilty feelings. . i drink sodas (defizzed of course) and i'm just enjoying life at this time. . .
  25. thinoneday

    I have at least 145 pounds to lose

    Hello! I've lost 140 lbs thusfar, and I don't exercise everyday. . I do drink sometimes with meals, and i do snack every now and then. . . but then i'm different, just like your different. . I lost 53 lbs in my first 7 weeks and now that i'm almost 1 year out I've lost a lot of weight, but I live life like i like it. . I'll eat whatever, in small amounts of course, I'll have my alcoholic beverages, I'll have my Snacks of whatever. . . not horde amounts though! I don't stress over my weightloss, and i definately don't weigh myself every day. . . I do that only if I think about it. . which usually is about 1 or 2 times a month if that. . . I'm living a "normal" life as per me. . .and its working great. . .I usually judge my weight loss by the clothes i wear. . .if they are too lloose, I go the store fit on something that fits and it usually is a couple sizes smaller then before then I glorify myself that way. . .I get alot of compliments from people, but this usually goes in one ear and out the other, because I know how people are and usually they are not genuine . . . but this is only how i do it, i don't expect anyone else to do it this way. . it works for me only. . . good luck to everyone, you are ALL doing very well and together everyone can get through this!

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