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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    The rate of weight loss

    Bless your heart Kathy. . I had a stall that lasted 3 1/2 months. . . but you know what it finally moved and i started losing again. . . it's rather depressing but keep your chin up, at least you've lost the 35 lbs right! Could you have lost that by yourself without the surgery? Don't compare yourself with others thought that will set you up for heartaches too much. . . you are your own person and your body does it's own thing. . . so what if your friend lost so much more, your losing too. . . it'll move for you too, just be patient and keep doing what your doing! by the way, i have a dumb question, what is plication surgery?
  2. :lol: that's a cute story! thanks for sharing!!
  3. thinoneday

    It's been 2 days

    :lol: that is funny! make sure you walk A LOT!!!!! will definately help move that gas!
  4. thinoneday

    saying hello

    Hey there, well of course there will be bashing going on here shortly after I answer your question, but here it goes. . it really doesn't matter Michael. . . my doctor didn't have me quit or do anything before my surgery. . .he said first off that it takes quite some time to "shrink" livers. . he doesn't believe that you should "stop" smoking . . . your just going to start up after anyhow. . he said it's good cause of the anesthesia, but it really didn't matter. . .the alcohol thing, well you really don't want to put something quite as harsh down there right off, I started my rum and cokes up again at 3 months out and let me tell you that was so good! I think in all reality, let yourself heal up really well, and continue to live your life as usual. . . we are given this great gift to help us and help it does! You will loose the weight some of us quicker then other some of us slower, but hey Rome was built in a day either. . . But don't go crazy over everything. . .life is way too short. . . . ok forum lets have it! :lol:
  5. HEY!!! I'm a spring chicken and i'm 50!!!!! I love my silver hairs and as my gracious mom would say "I worked hard for every one of them" My hair started darn right falling out about at 3 months post op and haven't stopped yet. . . it's amazing i have any hair left. . .i could have probably made 3 wigs out of all the hair loss. . . it's terrible, but other then having gotten VERY thin it's not that bad. . . i still have really long hair (refuse to cut it, then i really won't have any left) at least there are no bald spots. . . can't wait til it stops and maybe starts growing back, otherwise I will be a complete match with my husband!!!
  6. thinoneday


    Did they tell you WHY you have to quit coffee? I totally love coffee too, but won't tell you what to do cause it'll be wrong. . .
  7. thinoneday

    Victoria Secrets

    Aww Tiffy, I'm sending big hugs your way! I literally could feel you crying over the internet! I'm so sorry this happened to you. . . but at least you have your $6.00 maidenform push up bra right!!! Naw bitching is good, so go for it! I still love ya!!!!
  8. thinoneday


    how very wonderful! your doing so great! Keep up the positive outlook and the great job! you look very beautiful on your picture! very happy
  9. Well during thanksgiving i had my mom come to San Antonio (she is from Canada) for 1 week. I went to pick her up at the airport. I haven't seen my mom for 3 years. She knew I had the sleeve done, but didn't believe me that it would work. . .sooooooooooo when she got to the airport, she walked right past me. . . I grabbed the coffee i had for her and went galloping after her. . .MOM I yell, well she turns around and after hugs she says "Is this really you?" Really? Please don't lose anymore weight and what happened to your hair? You used to have such thick beautiful hair". . . .well I just brushed the comments away and told her I was so happy to see her. . . that was that . . . the visit went well though and I didn't have thoughts of sending her back via FEDEX this time! :lol:
  10. I don't know if this will help anyone out there but I like to share my story a bit with you. . . on December 29th i will be out 1 year! I've lost a total of 140 + lbs, and can't even imagine how many inches. . . I 've gone from a snug 4XL to a L in uniforms and from 32 W to 14/16W in jeans and dress pants. . . Folks I LOOK GOOD!!!! This was my 18th major surgery and with each surgery I have been nervous and anxious (im highly allergic to ALL narcotics and have to deal with surgical pain in different ways. I use diversion) . . the feelings are normal but you know what? I'm still here! My specialists call me the "hollow one" :lol: Some doctors humor is really different huh? But its funny! So I'm hoping this brings a bit of comfort to those out there who are worriers and to those who are just plain old nervous about it all. . . it's just a few hours long and the next thing you know YOUR LOOKIN MIGHTY FINE!!!!
  11. thinoneday

    8 months out and gaining

    You have such a postive outlook! Your going to do fine! You'll get back on track, I can tell ! You really want this, its tough, but your a woman and you are tough, we are all tough and can fight the evil obese monster! We'll put on our SUPER powers and zap that monster! Together we can do it. . . P.S. I really hate exercise too, my new years resolution is to get back to exercise but only 3 times a week! Not every day. . .that is really way too much and makes it more hateful! Good Luck! You CAN and WILL do it!!!!!
  12. thinoneday

    Are there any SIZE Goal sleevers out there?

    I think I've reached my goal size 14/16 (at 6'0 tall that looks really good!!) but then it becomes a game with me, now i want to see if i can say loose about another 20 lbs, then if i get there, how about another 10 and so on. . . now it's more personal then anything for me. . . size wise?? Well whatever happens huh?
  13. thinoneday

    Body image changes after WLS

    Believe it or not, I actually "LIKE" myself now. . flabby arms, loose skin and all. . .in clothes i look really good and i actually took about 15 years off. . . even my mom and those who haven't seen me in a while state I look A LOT younger. . . I have no wrinkles in my face at all and I'm sooooo very grateful for that. . . i'm 6'0 tall and 205 right now, wear 14/16 (depending on brand) and feel really really good about myself. . . I would love to lose about 30 more pounds, but that can happen after the new year. . .if it happens good, if not then that's good too. . . whatever I'm blessed with is what I'm happy with!
  14. Wow, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. . . i didn't have any complications at all, so I can't share that, but I can share cyber hugs and blessings to you. . . hope you'll be ok. . . keep posting and Gods Speed!
  15. thinoneday

    Sorta NSV or Not

    hahaha! Yeah I found it all together rather odd, but I'll just say she's 80 with poor eye sight! She did mention however I looked 15 years younger! (thanks mom) so said her friend who looked at my obese pictures. . :lol: Thanks to all of you, you made me feel pretty good about all this. . . your all great!
  16. thinoneday


    WOOOHOOOO! Good for you! I know the feeling when those stupid stalls finally break! I was on one for 3 1/2 MONTHS! And once it broke I was in heaven! Good for you and your picture is lovely!
  17. Hi and bless your heart! Those protein shakes can give a person the "shakes" for real at times. . sometimes they are so nauseating it's sickening. . . but here is a suggestion you can try if you'd like. . . I really DONT like the chocolate shakes but had bought a package to try it. . .well it was definately gross. . .so instead of wasting it try this. . . get a cherry, strawberry, and banana extract and add some of the extract to the Protein Shake to give it a different flavor. You can try fresh fruit in it too, or if you like you can add Peanut Butter (1 TBSP) for a reeses peanut butter cup taste. . . good luck and hopefully you can drink it up quickly. . .
  18. thinoneday

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    Honey I lost my mojo years ago. . .I used to be a body builder (can you believe that?? ) and got hurt. After i got better I was really hesitant to return to body building and just stopped. Haven't been the same after that. . . i really hate exercise now and can't get into it. . I think that running around with my job (I'm a RN) is enough for this old lady and then coming home and doing the chores. . . I'm usually pooped out by the end of the day. . . But I will try to get back to the gym in the New Year. . . hahahahaha that is funny. . . every year before the sleeve it was "I'll go on a diet after New Years, now it's I'll start the gym after New Years" Good luck honey together we can get it done!
  19. thinoneday

    8 months out and gaining

    Welcome back and bless your heart. . . you know your own problems honey. . . I think you know what to do. . . but here is something that I do which may help you. . . I'm 11 months out and on the occasion do have a good time too. . .then when i see the scale doing the backwards climb I go on the 5 day pouch test. You can google it just like that and it'll tell you what to do. . i really works for me BUT (yes always a but) you HAVE to have the will to do it! If you do it's a really good tool to get you back on track and lose a lb or two while your at it. . . good luck! And we hope to see you here more often!
  20. thinoneday

    17 weeks and....

    WOOHOOOOO!!!!! Congratulations Girl !!! Keep up the most excellent work! I exactly know the feeling! Its great isn't it? Keep it up!!!! Hey have you "missed" sizes yet? I mean in the beginning there are some clothes that totally don't fit, then you go to try them on again and boom they fall off? You missed the size?? That is awesome!
  21. thinoneday

    None of your business

    Bless your heart. . . well here is what i have been telling people for the past 11 months, that i have just changed my eating habits, i watch how much i eat and exercise. Your not lying cause you WILL be doing that regardless. . . good luck
  22. thinoneday

    Where my girls at???

    Sorry to burst anyone's bubble (no pun intended) but I LOVE my deflated gals! I was a 58FFF (had a reduction 14 lbs off both boobs) and now am a neat and tidy 38D. . . I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!! To me boobs are sicking. . but once again that is only my feelings!!!
  23. thinoneday

    Is Palin NUTS????

    Rhonda, never be sorry for talking your feelings. . it's your human right and i am soooooooooooo with you I do not believe that the government or that obama family should tell anyone what to eat, how to dress, how to pray, where to pray, when or when not to put up a nativity scene, etc. or even this forum asking me why i'm on this forum????? ummmmmmm figure it out???? LMAO once again! . . never apologize for your feelings cause for now we have the freedom of speech until it gets changed. . . cheers!!!!!!!!
  24. thinoneday

    Is Palin NUTS????

    LMAO!!! It's just my observation and once again, freedom of speech while I still can! LMAO!!! :lol: :lol:
  25. thinoneday

    Blarg up 3 lbs?

    You know what? Thanksgiving comes but once a year, for the rest of the year you will watch and exercise. I think you did ok. . .we are human not superhuman, if we were perfect we'd walk on Water. . .i blew my "diet" and I gained weight! Good for me. . .I had fun and enjoyed my company at the same time. . I'm not going to depress myself because of a couple of pounds. . Gosh before all this business I was a big fat oinker who could eat the whole darn turkey by myself. . .and gain at least 25 lbs at the same time. . . I'm a happy camper now and am enjoying life and all that comes with it! cheers and enjoy the holidays !!!!

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