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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday


    Hi all, well here is my 2 cents worth. . . I'm fixin to celebrate my 1 year out of surgery on the 29th, and in this past year from the beginning to the end I have and still do use a straw. . .the day of surgery I was given a straw. . . I guess everyone is different, but as you can see from me typing away on this forum, it didn't kill me. . . . CHEERS and the best fo luck to you all
  2. thinoneday

    I have a question about alcohol

    I totally LOVE my alcoholic beverages! (ohhhh so precise ) No really, I continue to enjoy my rum and diet cokes every Friday and Saturday. Now with the holidays in full swing I even had 1/2 glass of eggnog with rum. . . ugh that filled me up so quickly I didn't even enjoy that. . . I'll stick to the good stuff!!!! Cheers all and a very Merry Christmas to all and the best of the New Year!
  3. thinoneday

    I seem to have misplaced

    sorry gals, can't relate with you there. . . I have always hated my boobs, so much in fact that in 2000 I had them reduced big time. . they took 14lbs off each one. . . can you believe that! and that left me with a 44D! Now that I've lost 145 lbs I'm a 38D, they just don't seem to want to leave. . . it's my butt that I worry about. . .but at this time it's still rounded and cute. . . thank god for genetics in that area!
  4. I'm so sorry to hear that. How terrible that must have been. . but it's better I guess, there is always a reason as to why things happen the way they do. Get over your cold and you'll have your surgery before you know it. . Congratulations on the significant weight loss! And before surgery! You rock girl!!!!

  5. excellent question. . would i do it agan? In the beginning NO NEVER AGAIN, now 1 year out yes. . I'm even trying to encourage my daughter, but she doesn't want it. . too drastic she says. . .

  6. thinoneday

    The Mental Change

    yup I'm right up there with you ourborous. . .i may have lost 145 lbs, but i still feel FAT FAT FAT. . no differences here. . .Heck I live in San Antonio, Texas, the people are majorily obese here but they are majorily short too. . so stand one next to me and I always look like the giant. Monday I went to donate blood and at the end they always give you a t-shirt, well she automatically gave me a XXL (I wear L) so that didn't make a good statement there. . Yes she changed it upon request. . . Oh well at least i can click the seatbelt in the plane's 17in seat and have about 8 " of belt left over right? Have a Merry Christmas and the best of the New Year to y'all!
  7. thinoneday

    New Years Resolutions!

    Thats a good one too coops. . we must be kind to ourselves, cause if we don't do it, no one else will. . .Cheers!
  8. thinoneday

    New Years Resolutions!

    :lol: i LOVE YOURS! That might be a good one for me to practice at work. As a nursing supervisor I have the wildest staff that has made me nice and gray. . . love them all though, worse then kids!
  9. Hi Renee! No actually now at 1 year out I don't get the foamies with anything. BUT (and there is always a but) I do get the foamies really badly if I eat 1 more morsel then i really should. . so I have to really listen to the full signal or i spit for about 30 minutes. . .thank you. . it's been interesting and i really have to get back to exercising because i lost the whole 145 lbs without it.

  10. thinoneday

    I'm MAJOR P.O'd HERE!!!!

    So I'm going along with life thinking everything is wonderful and grand! Lost alot of weight, look good, feel happy, life is good all around. . . or so I thought. . I should have seen this coming but I'm sooooooooooo incredibly stupid!! Ya'll don't have a clue! 10 1/2 months out of surgery suddenly my gut decides that it needs to catch a "bug". . I can't puke cause I can't so I'm stuck with the worlds worst nausea for the past week. . .ok fine, yes i loose a few pounds, big deal!!! Well as of yesterday I was only have waves of nausea, not too bad, but still didn't eat much. . .i go to shower and as i'm drying off don't i over hear DH telling my daughter the following "Yeah your mom's be consistently sick now. It's that surgery. . I never supported her with this, she went behind my back and got the loan, she could have done this all by herself, dieting isn't hard. . i gained 7 lbs and it was so easy to loose, all she had to do was eat less and exercise. I don't know why she did this, it was so dumb" I was so shocked to overhear that. . I have not confronted him about it cause it was not true, he was the one who came to the seminar and told me he'd only support the sleeve and not the band, he came with me to get the loan, cause we used my daughters' car and he had to sign too, and finally dieting isn't easy when you have close to 200 lbs to loose, 7 lbs is not even a dent into the bucket. . . I am so hurt at this time that he would have said that. . I probably won't tell him i overheard, but be damned if i tell him anything is wrong with me anymore either. . . Thank you for listening, it may just be a petty rant, but i needed to get it off my chest cause it hurts. . . .
  11. thinoneday

    weight at a stand still

    Hi Coops, not wanting to jump into your conversation, but I was at a plateau stand still for 3 1/2 MONTHS. . not weeks but months, . . it was really irratating, but i knew it would eventually budge and it did. . . i didn't do much different other then put away the scale and live my life like normal. . . . good luck, it's going to move eventually!
  12. thinoneday

    Happy Birthday to TIFFYKINS!

    TIFF my friend !!! It's your birthday! Happy b/day to you, Happy b/day to you! Happy Birthday dear Tiffy, happy birthday to you. .. . . and many more!!!! Cheers have a drink or two or threee and then some more for me!
  13. thinoneday

    Hair is seriously shedding!!!

    I can SOOOOO relate to your panic. . . I started losing hair back in March and it's still dropping so severely that I could have literally made 3 or 4 long haired wigs by now. . . it's very long but my braid, which used to be so thick is less then the size of my pinky now. . . it's pretty pathetic, i've tried Biotin vitamins and shampoos, eating more Protein, etc. . .but nothing has worked. . so I'm just going to let what nature wants to do happen. . . it's sad. . . sorry i don't have more advice or words of encouragement. . . sure hope mine will either stop or slow down and new growth start. . . i really don't want to get a wig. . .
  14. thinoneday

    Story of me! long...

    Kelly what a wonderful (and not so wonderful) story! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the excellent work! You can do this, you have shown just how remarkable the sleeve really is! I'm so proud that you have your self confidence up! How great is that! Keep doing what your doing and together we'll all get through this and beat the obesity monster! CONGRATULATIONS!
  15. thinoneday

    So Discouraged

    Wow, 130 lbs, girl you have come so far. . .remember when you weighed 200+? Just look at that journey you have traveled. . check out some back in the day pictures. . . laugh at yourself girl. . panicking over 4 lbs! aren't we funny now? I remember back in the 350 lb days, New Years would come around and I would be like "My new year's resolution is to lose weight" Ahhhh ya right! Now 145lbs lighter my new years resolution is "to get back to the gym and exercise more" !!! I really hate exercise and that has slowed me down BIG TIME!!! But I'm so proud of myself so proud in fact that when I gain a couple of lbs here and there, I just shrug and carry on. . . I know it's water weight or lazy weight, so i just pick up the 5 day pouch test and go on that for 5 days and get back on the wagon. Life is full of falling off the wagon, so just pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and jump back onto that dang wagon!. . . i love my sleeve and wouldn't trade it for nothing! Cheer up Mini you've come a LONG way!
  16. thinoneday

    Is a weight gain normal?

    Hi, I'm out 1 year now and am lucky to eat 1 cup of anything. I can bearly finish a whole sandwich. I can still only swallow 5 gulps of a liquid before it "hurts" . What size bougie did your doctor use? When I was sleeved back in Dec 2009 I woke up HUNGRY! I never lost the hunger thing they are so proud to say you'll lose. . .but i've dealt with mine as you can see from the weight loss. . . I really don't know what to tell you, other then portion control and exercise. . . good luck!
  17. thinoneday

    Need advice

    Hi Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear that. . but if we were perfect we'd walk on water right? We're not perfect it makes us who we are HUMAN. . . here is a little suggestion, if you can't tell her, just print what you've written on this post and give it to her. . . she can read for herself. . . but either way she needs to know. . .the doctors aren't psyhics they need to hear from us our problems. . . just give her the note. . . good luck
  18. thinoneday

    Continuing the cycle

    UGH, your so sensible my darling friend! That is why I love you! Your a fabulous inspiration! I'm so glad your on this forum Tiff! I needed that kick in the butt! Thanks!
  19. Sorry don't really know what to tell you here except maybe rehash as to why you two got married in the first place. What did you love about him, why is it gone now (if it is) I remember the first time ever when i lost 100 lbs on my own . . . I was miserable and bitchy big time. . i wanted to be free and carefree . . i wanted so many things . . . but the reality was that i was a mom, wife, and had to work and help pay bills. . .i NEEDED a break or something I wasn't sure what i wanted. . soooo I did something really stupid, I went to a conference and invited a friend to go along. . he was going through a divorce and liked me. . .but we only liked each other as friends not as lovers. . . so we went. I stayed at one hotel, he stayed at the other, I went to the conference and in the evening he'd pick me up and we'd go for dinner, and long walks or sit in a restuarant for hours just talking about nothing really. . . just friends. . . well the last day of the conference I needed to see if I had any feeling for this guy, I asked him (yes asked him) if I could give him a kiss, sure he says. . .well guess what??? NOTHING, yuk it was kissing my brother! Ewwwwww I nearly died. . . gross. . . .I told him thank you for the nice 3 days and i was glad he was my friend. . . went into my hotel room and asked myself if I had any idea of what i was doing. . . i did a reality check . . . i had a loving hubbie at home who had never cheated on me, i had 2 kids at home who drove me nuts like kids are supposed to do, i had a lovely home, which some don't have and I had a not so bad job and bank account. . . what more did i really want???? Did I really want to start over with relationships? NO, that is too much work. . so I picked up the phone and called hubbie and talked to him for a while. . . when i came home I gave him the biggest hug ever told him and the kids that i loved them and was glad i was home with them. . . after that everything was ok. . . i'm not saying that life has been all sweet and wonderful along the way, but about 10 years ago I had the perfect opportunity to cheat on my hubbie and leave what I then thought was prison. . . thank god that guy was only a good friend and we didn't have any sort of feelings towards each other in that way, but it made me realize what i really had and did i really want to lose that??? So here I am telling you my story, but it's not your story. . . we all have to walk our path in life, and whatever path you chose is the one you must travel. . . but before you travel it, think seriously about it. . . the grass is NOT greener on the other side. . . actually most times its pretty darn brown and burnt. . . Good luck and thanks for listening. . . . I have never told this to anyone. . .thought it was one of those things I'd carry to my grave. . . .
  20. thinoneday

    Frustrated - need some cheerleaders

    bless your heart. . . i understand your sadness, your probably still pretty puffy from the surgery. . (that surgery is a bugger) but take heart it goes away. . don't stress over those pounds girl, can i make a suggestion? when i first got sleeved I vowed never to become a slave to the scale. . the day i came home from the hospital i put that scale into the garage and only got weighed when i went to the doctor. . . and every time i went i was soooo very happy! the results were amazing! i didn't have that stupid scale making me depressed i loved it. . . then after about 6 months i brought the scale back in, set it according to the doctor scale and only weighed myself 1 time per week. . . i hit a major stall for 3 1/2 MONTHS not weeks MONTHS. . .but i knew that it would eventually move, so i mixed up stuff i did. . . one day i would eat more calories, the next not as many, one day exercise, the next nothing. . .and eventually that stall moved. . . i'm on another stall now again, but its the Christmas season and i'm not going to stop living just because of it. . .I'm going to enjoy my Christmas and then for the new year my resolution is to return to the gym 3 x per week and not to stop with the exercise (I really hate exercise) it's funny how before the surgery our new years resolutions were always to lose weight, now it's to exercise! Don't be sad honey, it'll be ok, this surgery also plays with our hormones abit. . . good luck your doing fabulous and will continue to do great. . . just keep posting and enjoy your life. . . enjoy what you have been given , it's not going away, it's with you always and will work with you. . .
  21. thinoneday

    Introducing me...

    Welcome Mona and a big Congratulations on choosing the sleeve! You have picked the right one. . . it's a great tool. . . just be prepared to use it. . in the beginning I really hated it cause the changes are so wild. . . you are so used to eating anything and everything in LARGE amounts and suddenly overnight it's snatched away and your expected, or should i say forced, to change everything about your eating habits. . . it's tough and i had buyers remorse big time. . . but when you start to see the results and consistently, you will be so happy and it's even better when you get to shop for "normal" sizes and smaller things. . . when clothes in your closet fall off you and you actually can fasten your seat belt when your in the car, or plane, and when you can clean yourself without pulling your back out of place! Girl your gona love this, just don't get discouraged in the first few weeks. . . there are stalls you will have to content with, I was on one for 3 1/2 months, but i just sucked it up and dealt with it and it moved eventually. . . remember too that Rome wasn't built in a day either. . . you didn't get fat overnight and you surely won't get thin overnight either. . . hope this helps a bit. . . chat soon again and the best of luck to you!
  22. thinoneday

    Probably just overly emotional

    My experience has been that our skinny friends who are jealous over our surgery is because they are worrying that we are going to better looking then they are. . . and that is true. . . just plain jealousy. . but you know what, once you start losing weight and getting more confident in how your looking, you'll see those friends slow start to disappear. . it's weird but so true. . . skinny people have overweight friends cause they (skinnies) have low self esteems and beside their overweight friend they appear more confident cause the overweight person has a low self esteem already. . . this is just an observation. don't let them upset you, pity them cause of their low esteems. . . poor things. . . you are blessed to be who you are and that your helping yourself. . . keep up the excellent work !
  23. I'm not sure if you could have hurt yourself but I would definately call the doctor especially if they don't stop hurting you. . . or go to the hospital if the pain gets worse.
  24. thinoneday


    Thank you everyone! You folks sure are sweet! I've been on here for a really long time about 1 1/2 years and everyone is always so supportive and sweet! Good luck to each and every one of you and a very Merry Christmas and and all the best in the New Year to all of you! Cheers and enjoy the holidays!
  25. Wow this gets better every day. . . so today at work they announce that all the supervisors will be having their pictures taken. . .but they want everyone to wear green. . . ok I'm wearing blue today, so they give me a ladies shirt. . . yeah as if this will fit. . . but i go to my office pull off my uniform top and PUT ON THE SIZE L LADIES CUT SHIRT!!!!! AND IT FITS PERFECT!!!! Wow did i get some compliments on that! So I asked if I could keep the shirt! the answer was "sure why not, it doesn't fit anyone else around here! " I felt sooooooo good!!! :lol:

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