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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. hi there, hey don't be discouraged we all lose at our own rate. . .what the surgeon says is just a guideline, it doesn't mean you SHOULD be there. . .your doing really well, so just keep on doing what your doing cause we have the sleeve and there is no way we are going to be the way we were before the surgery. . . no way at all!!!
  2. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, but take heart, it will move! I was in a major stall not so long ago for 3 1/2 MONTHS. . . not weeks, but months! Now if that isn't depressing i don't what is. . .but you know what, i dealt with it and the scale did move finally. . . now it's just clicking away. . . you have to be patient and not get down on yourself like that. . . it didn't take you overnight to get fat, so it won't take you overnight to lose weight either. . . good luck!
  3. thinoneday

    Explain please?????

    i'm so sorry your having this problem. . .insurance companies really suck and because they have you in the palm of their hand, they use all the power and control they have. . . and yes if you lose the weight, they will tell you that you can do it by yourself and if you don't they will say your non compliant. . . that is why i was self pay. . .expensive yes, but once i told the doctor i was self pay I had my appt for surgery within 1 month no questions asked. . i used my credit union to secure the loan with a fabulous 3% only! I was totally excited. . it's like having bought a new car though. . . but i'd rather do it this way then suffer and get frustrated with a insurance company. . . anyhow good luck and keep posting!
  4. thinoneday

    64 oz water, really?

    I'm out 1 year now and in the beginning, yes drinking water or any liquid actually in the amount of 64oz was ludicrous thought for me. . . however, life gets back to normal soon and now i'm drinking more then 64oz for the whole day. . . i've always loved drinking water, diet sodas, and juices (light of course) so that was one thing i thought i'd miss alot, but nope, here i am drinking my favorite things again. . . i don't gulp like before mind you, i can only get down 5 gulps before the discomfort hits, but i get it down!
  5. thinoneday

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    Wow, when I hit goal, I'm going to congratulate myself and then challenge myself to loose a bit more. . . can never be too thin. . . not after being 350 lbs for so long!
  6. thinoneday

    How much weight well i loose?

    hey, like eureka said, everyone looses at a different rate. . .i was a fast loser, the first 7 weeks i lost 53 lbs now in one year I've lost 145 lbs. . . i have a few left. . . which of course is the toughest few lbs ! but i 'll get there, heavens I didn't get fat overnight as i won't lose overnight. . . so far it's taken me 1 year to lose my weight i'm giving myself another 1/2 year to lose the rest, more if i have too. . .but i know i'll never see 350lbs again EVER!! and for that i'm grateful. . . good luck to you!
  7. thinoneday

    Strange Addictions

    the one that mde me laugh was the toilet paper eater and the thumb sucker! Those are so bizzare. . . oh well. . . we used to be addicted to food! Guess that is just as bad too huh?
  8. thinoneday

    How Did Everyone Do?

    Hi group! So I'm just curious. . how did everyone do over Christmas? I did good. . stayed the same weight, didn't gain or lose. I ate whatever, not hugh amounts mind you. . . but at 1 year out I'm used to it. . i did eat fudge and cheesecake though and let me tell you it was yum. . . ginger snaps and some truffles too. . . of course alcoholic beverages and just had a good time. . . Christmas was really fun this year. . . more fun then any other year. . don't know why we did the exact same stuff. . . church for Christmas Eve, celebrating after church, Christmas morning open presents, start cooking for dinner, eat and graze all day long, had guests coming and going . . it was just really nice. . . and NO weight gain. . . loved that part!
  9. thinoneday

    How Did Everyone Do?

    what a fabulous gift you rec'd! You got into onerland and you gave yourself the gift of health. . . how wonderful is that! Congratulations! You keep up the excellant work. . .
  10. I'm 1 year out and this is what i can now do that i couldn't do or hardy manage when I weighed 350 lbs. I can now sit comfortably in a airplane seat with 8 inches of seat belt left over AND the tray comes down with lots of space underneath it. I can now clean myself (TMI) without pulling my back I can now tie my shoes without thinking about it or getting out of breath I can now run to the mailbox and back (mailbox is down a hill about 1/4 mile) and feel good about it I can now climb up the stairs and not even realize it I can fit into size 16/18 from 32/34 or L from 4XL I can squeeze into really tight places to retrieve stuff I can finally enjoy my life and I thank God every day for allowing me to wake up to enjoy yet another
  11. Way to go girl!!!! You have done fabulously! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the great work and know that we are all here for you !!!!
  12. no sweetie you didn't do anything wrong. . .it's normal to be worried about leaks. . . just keep being aware of what your doing. . eat only the amounts your nutritionist tells you eat, or your doctor. . . stick to their instructions and you'll do fine. . .there was another person who had the surgery the same time i did and she started eating mushies the 4th day against doctor orders but she was so very hungry she said she was going to go insane. . the doctor didn't say much about it. . . good luck!
  13. thinoneday

    Hungry Gastric Sleevers!

    Ugh, I know where your coming from! I'm out 1 year now and still have the hunger thing! It's so irratating. . but the best thing to do (at least this is what I do) is fight it. . i will not let my stomach control me anymore. I am a control freak and I WILL CONTROL WHAT GOES IN. . . I fight it every day. . . if i know i've just eaten, I drink stuff, diet cokes, Water, crystal light, etc. . . it will NOT control me anymore! I will control it! Good luck
  14. Wow he sounds like the jerk of all jerks. . . well honey i don't know your financial situation but this is what i would do . . hire someone to watch the kids, rent a car and get the hell around. He loves it that he has all the power and control and you stay home trapped with the kids ALL day long. . . no way not me. . . I hired a nanny with my kids and went right back to work. . . there was NO way I was going to be at home all the time. . . I joined the gym and did things my way. . what could he do other then go along with it. . . the nanny was great. . . she took them to the doctor and all over the place. . I got to go to work and workout and do what I wanted . . . it didn't hurt them in the least. . . they both grew up just fine. . . that is just my opinion and suggestion. Good luck and no one needs to be a slave of the house
  15. thinoneday

    Cost of vertical sleeve

    hi there, i'm more then happy to tell you the cost i paid, $15,500 in San Antonio, TX. I financed through my credit union at 3% $35, 000 is wayyyy to expensive!
  16. hi how are you? have you been sleeved already? if you have any questions please ask! i'm out now 1 year and am pretty much "normal" . . . chat soon

  17. thinoneday

    a little lovin

    hey sounds like you had a big of a low blood pressure problem. . you'll need to get up slowly, sit for a while, then get up. . . be careful this surgery loves to do weirdness to us. good for you! at least your getting back to normal!!!!
  18. thinoneday

    My hair is falling out :(

    I hate to be a big poop head, but here comes my story. . . hopefully it won't be your story. . . i'm 1 year out and am still losing hair by the brushful i really hate it. . used to have really nice thick hair with a really thick braid, now my braid is thinner then my pinkie. . . i'm lucky that i don't have bald spots yet. . but you can see my scalp through my hair ontop. . .very sad. . biotin never helped for me and neither did any shampoos or oils, or increasing my protein. . sooooo i just do what is left and thank my blessings that at least i am losing weight and don't have all the other health problems that i had before. . . and that i'm able to do things that i couldn't do before and not be so darn embarrassed when i go into public or onto planes and have to ask for extensions etc. . . i guess i've traded one thing for another. . . i'm blessed though
  19. Just a question for those of you who have lost either a lot of weight or at goal, how do you see morbidly obese people now? How do you react in restaurants when you see very obese people eating? How do you look at obese people walking or whatever? Have you noticed it's different, or the same?
  20. thinoneday

    8 months post op

    Congratulations to you! I remember when you used to come over here. . . check out my ticker! It's going to be 1 year on the 29th. . .I've had no issues either. . . I am now playing a game with myself to see how low we can really go. . so if i loose, good for me,, if not, good for me. . .i'm looking good now. . . Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. . . .
  21. thinoneday

    First time eating out

    Yup isn't it interesting how that works now? I actually don't really enjoy food that much anymore either. . when we go out I can't really see myself go to the buffet restaraunts cause that is a total waste of money, we go to the sit down places instead and when i order, i just ask for a take out box at the same time. . . then i chew on the leftovers for a couple of days. . ugh. . it's really not worth it. . .
  22. thinoneday

    What are you enjoying most?

    i totally love your pleasures! The one about strangling your junk is really funny! I can totally relate with the wiping properly had that problem myself back then. . . here are my pleasures wear my wedding and engagement rings walking up the stairs without realizing it sitting in a small 17 inch plane seat, being able to buckle up with 8 inches left over AND be able to put that tray thingy down with space underneath! go through only 1 of the french doors of my bathroom instead of having to open both sides wearing size L instead of 4XL getting compliments from those who haven't seen me in a while. fitting into my daughters clothes which don't fit her anymore
  23. thinoneday

    booze question

    I've been back to my rum and diet cokes since i've been 3 months out, now i'm 1 year out and love life and will continue to live it. . . Cheers
  24. Thank you for the great information. . . however, i had the traditional sleeve done with the little laproscopic incisions and as of today (1 year out) I have NO scars from that surgery. . .actually I have to "hunt" for the possibility of where they may be. . . isn't that incredible! My doctor is amazing! Dr. Ramiro "Sonny" Cavazos in San Antonio! Thanks and Cheers for the New Year!
  25. thinoneday

    Have a very Happy Holidays to ALL!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all no matter what you celebrate ! It's still a peaceful time of year. . .

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