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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Good Lord NOOOOOO ! This surgery (for me anyhow) was nothing compared to c/sections (I've had 2) nor as bad as my hysterectomy, bilateral breast reduction, tonsilectomy, shunt placement and revision, angiograms, etc (18 major surgeries) I was up and walking well by 6 hours after surgery without difficulities. . . I would say the one thing that bothered me was the drain. . . that was a pain in the gluteous maxamus. . . I am highly allergic to narcotics so the only pain med i can take is tylenol and that did the job just fine for me. . . but we all are different and handle pain differently, if you have a high pain threshold you'll do well if not well i guess you'll hurt. . . good luck
  2. of course they would say that! don't you just love haters! they get their undies in a bundle in the biggest way. . . check out my ticker and I'm out 1 year now. . . i'm still losing i don't think I could regain actually, I've worked too hard and come too far to allow that to ever happen. . . plus I LOVE the new me!
  3. thinoneday

    Extreme Pigout

    hahahaha I just love these haters. . . she realizes I needed a surgeon, but after all I was the one who decided to FIX myself! Yup I'm both a hypocrite (takes one to recognize one huh? ) and I am snotty as well
  4. thinoneday

    Why am I hungry?

    Chilo is right, just concentrate on getting your fluids in. . . I personally have never lost the hunger feelings. . . since surgery i've always been hungry, but look at my ticker. . . you have to learn to control it. . .you have to be in control and not your hunger. . .remember this is only a tool, you are having to learn to use this tool in order for it to work for you. . . it's like a hammer, your given a hammer to drive a nail, the hammer wont drive the nail by itself, but you have to learn the right way to use the hammer in order for it to work or you're going to have a very sore thumb! good luck!
  5. thinoneday

    How is 1200 Calories enough?

    Hi there, well I don't know what who says but i know what i'm comfortable with and at 1 year out i have anywhere from 850 - 1200 daily. . . i feel good at that amount of calories, i work out without any problems, my body functions normally as it should and i'm quite healthy to boot. . it depends on how you want to handle this surgery. . if you feel you want 2000 calories well go for it, especially if your very active. . . but i really think it's a personal choice don't you?
  6. thinoneday

    Naysayers! Blah....

    Yippee for 2/7/2011 and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you for doing it ! Ignore those people for they know not what they say! People are creatures of habits and one of those habits is to make others miserable the same why as they are. . . so just say ya i guess and carry on. . . but just wait til you start losing weight. . . then you'll be able to say "Yeah thanks and see, I'm not even dead yet". . . good luck your going to do fabulous. . .
  7. at 2 weeks out i had lost 22lb at 7 weeks out i had lost 53lb and now at 1 year out 145 lbs!
  8. Wow, i've just read a post of mine on this thread and let me tell you my self image has definately changed. . . i see myself a less fat now, yes i still weigh in the 200's but at 6 feet tall, it looks pretty good. . .i wear size 16/17. .(18 is a bit big) wow. . . I used to wear 28/32!!! I now look at fat people way differently and know that i shouldn't cause i used to be there myself. . . but i look at it this way, we were all given brains to use and make decisions, I made the right decision to have this surgery I just feel quilty that i didn't use my talent before this time. . . oh well at least i used it wisely. . . . good luck to everyone here!
  9. HOW EXCITING IS THAT!!!!!! I'm so proud of you! Can't wait to be there either. . . have to start with my exercise though, have been at a stall for a while, oh well. . . but GOOD FOR YOU!!!
  10. thinoneday

    What to eat before early morning workout???

    I personally can't eat anything before a work out cause it upsets my tummy. . . but like it was suggested, a protein shake would be good but maybe after the workout. . . .good luck!
  11. thinoneday

    Strange question: girlie parts

    Your so cute, I don't think anyone got offended, that is such an innocent question. . .I'm out 1 year now and have lost significantly (145+ Lbs) and had that pouchy thing too. . . now at 1 year it's a deflated a bit and hanging, but not too badly, I spoke to my daughters plastic surgeon last wednesday and he said to lose all the weight i have too, then wait for about 6 - 7 months along with exercise and then he'd look again, but he thinks it could do it's own thing by shrinking back, not as tight as a 25 year old, but shrink to the extent he would not have to do any surgery. He thinks too many people who have bariatrics are too quick to jump to surgery. . .so he's not one to do it for a bit after they lose the weight, Hope this helps. . . P.S. I would take a picture, but that would probably not be accepted too well. . . :lol:
  12. thinoneday

    I've been a bad boy

    Well lets put it this way, when you fall off a bicycle, you pick yourself up and get back on right? Same here, you fell off, well buddy pick yourself up and get back on. . . as far as the "you want the bad stuff now" that is a choice you'll need to make. . did you really go through all this surgery stuff because you want all that junk back? it's tough man, but you had this surgery for a reason and i'm sure it wasn't to go back to eating how you did before. . . good luck, you'll be ok. . . you made a booboo (eating wise) but your the only one who can correct it too. . . holla back
  13. thinoneday

    Has anyone ever...

    First off, congratulations on being strong enough to spit it out and not swallow it. . . that is the right step! you'll do good, we are all human and we make mistakes, but at least you noticed it was a mistake, one that can be corrected but only you can correct the mistake ok. . . if your hubbie wants to be an ass and sabatoge your efforts, let him go right ahead. . . he probably wants to see if you're going to fail. . . show him different. . . hubbies are weird with this surgery, they are insecure and think we are going to leave them. . . but keep on doing what you do and show him you love him but don't eat the junk he brings now . . be really careful ok. . . you didn't do this surgery for nothing. . . good luck
  14. thinoneday

    Extreme Pigout

    Yes, and the other thing i no longer can handle is buffet restaruants. . . to watch how some people consume food is absolutely amazing. . i so much want to go to them and tell them that its not necessary to do that and that there is help out there to fix their problem. . . i know i used to be a person like that, but i fixed myself and call me snotty if you want but big people disqust me now and i don't really hang out with them anymore. . . isn't that sad? it's amazing what can heppen. . . thanks for replying and understanding, just had to get that off my chest. . .
  15. thinoneday

    Trying not to give -up

    good luck in your future. . . hope it all goes well and you get your answers soon! Sorry i can't help just wanted to send cyberluck
  16. Sorry sounds like spam to me. . . sorry to hear if it's not. . but i find this very hard to believe especially the 50lbs in 24 days???????
  17. thinoneday

    Tummy Rumbling

    I'm 1 year out and my tummy still rumbles and growls and makes all sort of noises still. . . doesn't matter what i have either. . . just a yappy little thing i think! Just like the owner
  18. thinoneday

    Started my to do list!

    hey there you're going to do great. . . do you have a plan B in place if your insurance doesn't approve you? Have you thought about self pay? I was self pay and it went alot faster and i got an excellent rate as well. . i got my loan at 3% from the credit union and from the seminar to surgery was about 1 month. . very quickly. . .no it won't take forever to recover, by the time you get home from the hospital you should feel not too badly depending on how your body reacts to the surgery of course. . the pain of course depends on how tolerant you are with pain, so that will be up to your body, I was up and walking the hallways at 6 hours after surgery. . .no problem. . either way, you'll do fine, good luck and keep posting!
  19. thinoneday

    Starting my pre-op today!

    Good luck! You can do this! remember it's only temporary soon you'll be sleeved and sitting on the loser bench with the rest of us!! I'll be rooting for you! Just like Nike states JUST DO IT!!!!!!
  20. thinoneday

    Weird Dreams

    I remember having those! they were totally bizzare. . . i remember one particular dream of this man wanting to steal my curry plate and i took a steel pipe and beat the tar out of him, picked up my curry plate and disappeared down a pipe plate in hand . . . it was bizzare! but it does get better
  21. thinoneday

    100 pounds lost

    Good for you doeboy! You did great this past year! Keep up the great work! Together we'll all get there!
  22. thinoneday

    Serious doubts after visit with surgeon (long)

    Wow, your physician is really unsure of himself huh? I'm glad he won't be doing your surgery cause he himself knows he is incompetent with doing the sleeve. . . find you another surgeon ESPECIALLY since you are fortunate enough to have it covered by insurance. . . you have been given a blessing and "someone" is telling you to NOT take that doctor cause he could screw up big time. . . go elsewhere honey, don't let him be your only choice. . . WW is good but as you say it's your 500th time, so it hasn't worked has it? Good luck and you'll do what you have to in order to help yourself.
  23. thinoneday

    5 Weeks out~Down 30lbs!

    How incredibly wonderful ! I'm proud of you. . .you are definately going to do very well. . . look how well you have already done! this is your year girl and by next year this time just think how good you will look! You can do this and it will work for you and you will look GREAT!!!! Keep up the fabulous work!
  24. Hi everyone. . yes, we all go through these feelings. . this was my 18th MAJOR surgery and I was scared. . it's the anticipation of it I think. . but you know what? I am here today to tell you all about it. . .also I am very allergic to narcotics so I can't take pain medications except for Tylenol. . so I've learned how to divert the pain away. . .depending on your pain tolerance it may or may not be too bad. . . as long as you get up and walk and don't wait cause your too sore, and sip sip sip your water or whatever they'll give you. . . trust me, I got up about 6 hours after surgery and i was walking those halls cause i didn't want the gas pains. . . it works. . . you'll all be ok, and in no time flat you'll be up here helping the newbies too. . . good luck, you all made excellent decisions. . . check out my ticker and i'm 1 year out now. .
  25. thinoneday

    boob job question...

    boob job as in reduction or implants? I can answer your questions if its a reduction

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
