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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    What brand of yogurt

    I'm a good old believer in Dannon light plain yogurt! Love it and always have. . i can add my own stuff if i want like pumkin spice, nutmeg, cinnamon, extracts, etc. . . or just eat it plain. .
  2. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Congratulations! Your doing fabulous! Keep up the great work!!!
  3. thinoneday

    Questioning and Doubting

    are you mentally ready for this surgery? the statement "I just can't imagine not being able to eat with my family and friends" makes me wonder if your life revolves solely around food and if your willing to make this sacrifice or not? You won't have to shun your family and friends or sit in the corner to eat you know. . you'll just have more conversation time and family time available rather then who can eat more food time. . . Have you done enough research? Sorry if i sound harsh but it's a reality. . .good luck
  4. thinoneday

    3 month post op

    Congrats and don't you just love being sleeved? a bit of a pain to have to relearn everything, but isn't it great??? Keep up the great work!
  5. thinoneday

    Just Can't Eat Today

    ha, i had that happen last night too. . .felt like i was starving (ya right!) so ate 3 tablespoons of spaghetti and meat sauce way too fast and get this one! without chewing properly (after 1 year you would think bad habits have changed ! hahahaha) and wow it was like here comes the discomfort, sliming, spitting episodes, and walking around til that feeling went away. . . then your tummy swells and you are not hungry anymore and don't want nothing to eat again. . . what i do is just leave it be and carry on the next day and do better. . . good luck!
  6. thinoneday

    Fresh Fruit

    go to myfitnesspal and type in the fruit your wanting and it'll tell you the values. Thanks
  7. thinoneday

    The scale

    find 1 scale only that is reliable like at the gym or at your doctor and use that one only. . .throw away that scale of yours, doesn't seem to be reliable at all. . . and most important, don't become a slave of the scale! Good luck
  8. thinoneday

    Prayers please

    Sorry to hear that. . depression is a horrible thing. . . have you thought about self pay, after all a small loan to save your life??? well just a thought, and like mini me says we'll pray for you. . . good luck
  9. thinoneday

    "Yellow Cake Batter" Pudding Popsicle

    Wow that sounds good! I'm heading to Walmart to pick up this stuff and will make some! Thanks!
  10. I have this thing that once i hit goal (20 more lbs or so) I'm not going to stop there. . it's going to be a personal challenge on my part to see if i can lose about 20 or 30 more. . . is that a disorder or what? Cause if i do loose that 20 or 30 lbs, what will i do then? Loose another say, 10 or so ?
  11. thinoneday

    Wanting to Better Myself

    Hi there! Welcome and let me say that being 1 year out, I've not had a complication at all! I'm either very healthy or very blessed. . one of the two for sure. . . i've not been sick either, oh well maybe the odd sneeze here and there but that's it. . . no major problems at all. . . check out my ticker to see how i'm doing . . . cheers and welcome again!
  12. thinoneday

    Extreme Pigout

    Thanks for your understanding guys! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. . . I find that I "gently" talk to my daughter to help her not look that way either. . . she is chunky and I don't want her getting morbidly obese. . .poor baby
  13. thinoneday

    Two Months SInce Surgery

    First off CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss and secondly I love your screen name! it's so cute. . . great story and keep up the excellant work!
  14. thinoneday


    No I do not reward myself. . . i will give myself a hug and a pat on the back once i reach goal, other then that, my reward was the surgery to fix myself. . .and the good health that goes with it. . .
  15. Good morning to you! Well what can i say. . I weighed 350 at my highest weight and had thought of WLS many times . . . but like you was skeptical and bought phentermine instead. . sure I lost 90lbs on phentermine, but at $145/month and a good addiction who can afford that! So i dropped the phentermine, gained all the weight back plus more and finally decided on WLS. . .hubbie wasn't supportive at all, so after about 2 1/2 years or so I finally convinced him to come to a meeting with me and he did. . . after listening to the 3 options of WLS, band, sleeve, and RNY, he told me that he would only support me with the sleeve. . .hallalooah! Got that sleeve within a month of the meeting (self pay goes incredibly fast) and hated it in the beginning cause you have to instantly relearn how to eat, drink, and chew all over again, but now after 1 year, I don't regret it at all and would probably do it again if need be. . .I've lost 145 +lbs and feel so good and can do things i never thought possible. . . i can ride horses again without thinking I'll kill them first before they can even take a step forward! I have heard many horror stories about the band, but I can't say anything about it cause I never experienced it, but there are a few on this forum who have and can share their stories with you. . . all i can say is go for the sleeve, I think you'll be very happy with your decision, however, the decision is yours to make. . . Good Luck!
  16. first off, let me say CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to the losers bench!!! That is fabulous. . now comes the fun part ! LOSING A BUNCH OF WEIGHT AND WATCHING THE CLOTHES DROP OFF. . . .
  17. thinoneday

    Body after the Sleeve

    Wow honey, at 24 your body skin and such will just shrink back so tightly your going to be the next model in hollywood! Keep working out though, that helps alot. . .the majority of us are older (40+) and that is when the skin has a bit of a problem jumping back into place, it needs extra help! Good luck! Your going to do great! Hahahahah deformed boobs! Thats a good one! Your pear shape will be deformed, might look more like a banana, but not not your boobs!
  18. thinoneday

    At work today....

    That brought back memories and I feel sorry for you, I remember the pain of wanting to belong but that came with a price and I was the joking part of it. . . being the brunt of jokes and such is not good, outwardly it's fun to laugh and to be "part of the group" however, inwardly it hurts like hell. . . I'm glad your getting your surgery soon and i'm glad your people are "nice" and that humor is great, but soon it will be directed not at you but to something else. . . good luck!
  19. thinoneday

    Drinking Water

    You betcha! After surgery i could literally taste the chemicals in the water and hated it. . .i would add everything and anything into it to make myself drink it. . . it took about 8 months before I actually could tolerate plain water again, now, at 1 year out, i can drink water like a champ again! Don't worry it does get better . . .
  20. thinoneday

    Average Weight???

    Well "normal" is how you see it. . . there is no wrong or right when it comes to "normal" However, if you want statistics then your doctor will be the right one to ask this question to as to what weight he/she would like to see you at. . .I feel good at this weight right now and don't have any problems with it either, however, the doctor would like to see me at 180. . . ok then am i going to get there? maybe, maybe not. . . i feel great now but i'm not stopping the process but i'm not killing myself to get there either. . . does this make sense?
  21. thinoneday

    Eating Only 3 Times a Day and No Snacking...

    I was told to add 2 Snacks in between. . but protein snacks, so even at 1 year out I still have 2 string cheese for my evening snack and 1/2 an apple for midmorning snack. . . Protein shakes are an excellent choice as well. . .
  22. thinoneday

    So cold

    I'm 1 year out and still freeze! Today I'm wearing my uniform, a coverup, a hoodie, my parka, gloves and ear covers, the heat is blasting in my car and i feel just right FOR NOW. . . the temperature outside this morning is 34F. . . . go figure. . . I year ago I would have the A/C going and a fan in my office!
  23. thinoneday

    quick weight loss...

    Total sense in my book. . . as a heavier person you realize your health issue more and your more aware of your weight. . .your not comfortable as a bigger person and you would love to change it, so your more aware. . . once you get to your 199lbs your probably going to be so impressed with yourself that your going to challenge yourself to lose more (that is what I'm doing right now too) and your going to be happier so you'll continue to be more postive at that weight as well. . . good luck and i hope what i said makes sense too cause sometimes i just hear blah blah blah coming out of my head. . . :lol:
  24. thinoneday

    You don't need to lose weight...

    aren't people absolutely amazing! I mean really. . . . i remember last year before my surgery my highest weight was 350lbs I was wearing 4XL uniforms and snuggly 28/32 . . . i couldn't do very much of anything and in the dead of winter was the only dumb a$$ using a fan to keep the sweat from forming from my "little" brow. . . ugh. . . . .after i got the surgery and started losing weight people at my work did this " why did you do it? you didn't look that big" "you didn't look fat too me, your just a big girl" "I would never do that, it's too drastic, you weren't even that big" ERRRRRRR now that really pi$$ed me off in the biggest (excuse the pun) way. . . now that i've lost 145 + lbs those folks who said those things don't even talk to me anymore and it seems to me that they found the 145 + lbs I've lost . . . pretty sad to say. . . overall people irk me too especially THOSE kind of people. . .good luck your going to do great and your going to look and feel great too! Oh and PS I love the color black, that is my favorite color and has nothing to do with my weight, that i'm lazy or anything, has everything to do with what I like as an individual . . . good lord are they trying to take away our autonomy as well ???
  25. thinoneday

    one hour till surgery

    Congratulations! Hope all goes well! Let us know!

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