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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Has anyone ever...

    Ok call me a major weirdo here but I really dislike pizza always have. . my crack food is meat. Stupid huh? I don't really have a "I'll kill for that" food. . . for me it's well whatever, but i'll choose meats over pies, cookies, cakes, etc. . . even as a little kid, my mom tells me i would run over to the cold cuts verus the cookies or candy. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Am I the only KIWI?

    Gosh all i saw was any Kiwis? I was about to start talking about kiwis cause I love those (the fruits i mean! ) See how food minded I still am. . . .goodness! Sorry I just had to post this. .
  3. thinoneday

    Protein shakes

    thats an excellent idea! where were you when I was newly sleeved? great idea cause you don't want those little seeds anywhere near the incision line!
  4. thinoneday


    I was given a straw to use the day of surgery and have been using them ever since and i'm 1 year out. . . if your nut say don't then i guess don't but it has helped me get my fluids in really well cause i love drinking from straws. . . no it won't stretch out the tummy. . .that is dumb I think
  5. thinoneday

    Do u think one 1/2 glass wine

    I was told not to drink alcohol until i was at least 3 months out. . .you being out only at 6 weeks I can't answer that question for you, you must make that decision. . however you could have juice resembling the same color as wine in a wine glass and make the best of it. . . just a thought. . . happy birthday to you though!!!
  6. thinoneday


    good girl! that is the postive that will get you this surgery you want. . . and like you say good things come to those who wait. . . there is your walk of life too, . . maybe now is not the right time for some strange reason or another. . . it's going to happen for you, just wait. . . good luck!
  7. Wow what a bunch of doom sayers huh? Well i'm out 1 + years and haven't gained anything back matter of fact i'm still losing. . .i eat whatever but in moderation of course as you will have to as well. are you willing to eat in moderation? are you willing to work at it cause it does take work on your part, this is just a tool not a solve all. . . you still have to maintain a "diet" . . . hope this helps. . .good luck
  8. thinoneday


    being in a financial hemmorhage really sucks. . .but if it's to be it will happen for you! just hang in there and be patient. . . maybe a second job could help pay for it? just a thought. . .good luck
  9. thinoneday

    kinda gotta lie!?!?!?

    hahaha you sound like me. . . i didn't tell my family at all either, i called my mom and non chalantly told her that i was going on vacation for about 2 weeks and that i would call as soon as i could. . she understood. . .so after i got home from the hospital on day 4 after 1 1/2 weeks i called her and told her all about my "vacation" and what a great time we had. . . then she came to visit me on Thanksgiving and by this time i had lost way over 100 lbs that is when i told her. . . hell what could she say right???? it worked great for me as well. . . families can be such a pain in the gluteous maximus. . . .
  10. thinoneday

    How much was your self pay?

    yes it is and it included 1 year of follow up care as well, included the hospital and the surgeons (you get 2), the anesthesia dude, the 3 days as i said, medication etc. . . i think it's a great deal and the best part, you get USA care
  11. thinoneday

    Feeling Guilty :(

    Sliming is when you eat too fast or too much and suddenly you get like this thick mucus crap crawl up like as if your having sinus problems. . it causes you to spit and spit and spit. . .not fun. . the other thing is your mouth fills up with Water (syliva) and causes you spit and spit and spit . . . if you don't have this bless your lucky stars. . .not fun.
  12. thinoneday

    How much was your self pay?

    $15,500 over here in San Antonio texas but that included beautiful care for 3 days in a private hospital with a huge room that had a place for your guest etc. . . took out a loan at 3% so that is not too bad either. . .yippee almost paid off!
  13. thinoneday

    Just walking for me thanks...

    nice and slow is excellent . . . plus you won't be so quick to hate your routine! good for you! I got these tennis shoes you know with the rocker thing at the bottom what do they call them "shapeups" well lets put it this way . . . can you say PULLED BACK . . . yup it happened to me so be careful if you get those shoes, it may not happen to you though. . . good luck!
  14. thinoneday

    Protein shakes

    I didn't start "adding" stuff to my Protein shakes until i was about 3 months out. . . but that was just me, not the doctor. . next time you go for your checkup ask, or call the office, they should better be able to advise you of that cause they are, after all, the experts. . . good luck
  15. thinoneday

    So What's the Deal with Milk?

    I, like you, used milk for my protein shakes all the time from day one. . . only difference I used Mootopia instead (high protein low carb milk) it surely didn't hurt me either. . . but i guess like some folks state here, some people get lactose intolerant, but those are the ones to stay away, if it's working for you great. . . like i said, didn't hurt me and i lost 53lbs in the first 7 weeks and a total of 145lb thusfar. . . not too shabby if you ask me. . . good luck!
  16. thinoneday

    Should I tell my dad??

    I agree, it's none of his damn business and you could just tell him "whatever you want to believe dad you go for it, but i'm just losing weight for me and that's it" and leave it at that. . .he doesn't need to know ESPECIALLY since he didn't care to raise you and SUDDENLY he cares? PLEASE. . . (sorry that was mean but true) no you don't owe the fool any explaination whatsoever.
  17. thinoneday


    you'll be fine, this is only temporary and this to shall pass. . . i'm out now a little more then 1 year and had all those feelings you have. . remember the tummy is swollen and will be swollen for a bit. . . just concentrate on getting down the fluids (water is good) you don't have to shove down stuff you don't like. . . you won't die from starvation I promise. . just relax and take one day at a time. . . i major hated my sleeve in the beginning for about 3 months until i got the hang of it. . . it's tough, it's not easy to have to relearn everything. . . so just chill and relax, you'll be just fine. . . good luck
  18. thinoneday

    Can I be completely honest?

    me neither, i wasn't cathed. . .maybe this is something you should discuss with your surgeon like now and on the day of surgery. . .good luck!
  19. thinoneday

    Feeling Guilty :(

    Gosh, all these years we felt guilty, we hated ourselves and now we have this incredible tool to help and when we try to be a bit "normal" hell we feel guilty again. . . you ate only 1 piece! 1 thin crusted pepperoni slice and you feel stuffed to the gills to boot. . . doesn't that feel "normal". . . now then you hate the feeling, what feeling, the stuffed sliming i just ate too fast feeling? that goes away. . . don't feel so bad about the pizza slice, I've eaten all sorts of stuff and don't feel one ounce of guilt. . I'm losing weight and am happy and feel great. . . honey, you need to live your life as a human being and not some sort of odd character killing yourself with quilt. . . sorry if i sound harsh, i don't mean to but that is how i am. .
  20. wow your experience sounds great. . glad to hear all went so well. now you're on your way to success and happiness!
  21. thinoneday

    3week Stall :(

    Hi, I have been at a stall which lasted 3 1/2 months! Not weeks, it was soooo frustrating, so i just put the scale away knowing very well that it would eventually move and sure enough it did. . . so just hang in there, it's bound to move sooner or later . .
  22. woohoo! Good for you! after all these years your finally getting your sleeve! i'm so happy for you, every one deserves a chance and now its your turn! You go Girl!!!!
  23. thinoneday

    How much does the sleeve really stretch??

    hey there! nope i don't think mine has stretched much either. . i get full at about 6 oz of food and really full at about 8 oz. . a lean cusine fills me up just fine with a tinsy bit of discomfort . . . in the beginning of course tummy was swollen and such but i've always done pretty well at 6 oz. . .i'm a little more then 1 year out now and feel great. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Favor for FACEBOOKERS? Ty

    Me too, anything to help!
  25. Hi Lane, I don't think anyone would trash talk you. . that would not be very nice. . however, try the 5 day pouch test. . . you can google it and it will give it to you. . .it's a bit tough, but will help you get over the carb monster thing, will help you "tighten" you tummy a bit and the best part, you'll lose a few pounds too. . .then after the 5 day pouch test you can google the web for bariatric surgery post op diet and they help there too. . . hopefully this will help you. . . you've done well considering! 100 lbs is not an easy task no matter what! You'll get back on track and do well. . . you can do it! It's only 60 more lbs! You can do it!!!!

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