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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Depression After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    Wow i was reading some of the posts on this thread and i came across mind from November 2009. . . i can't believe how much i have changed since then. . .i was there carrying on about how i don't miss food and so on blah blah blah. . . well that was written before i was sleeved. . . now at 1 + year later having been sleeved, i must say i battle with head hunger a lot. . . it's the most irratating thing ever. . . i still don't really miss food, but the head hunger is crazy. . . i am one of the unfortunate people who never got rid of the hunger pangs and have had them since day 1 . . tough but i'm losing and that is what matters. . . i find myself slipping into old habits ever now and then but i quickly correct them. . . good luck to all who are struggling. . i guess we will struggle for the rest of our lives skinny or not. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Catholic Sleevers Please!

    on sunday at church our priest discussed the following thing with us. . . on 9/11 when the passengers on the plane heading to crash into the pentagon realized they were going to die that day, one passenger called his wife and said "we are going to die today, but some of us are going to do something about it" . . . meaning we all have the time now to "do something about it" but it's what you do with it is what you get out of it. . . good luck
  3. thinoneday

    Early VSG failure?

    yup Tiff is right about that. . get especially your vitamin D checked. from what i understand obesity and Vitamin D deficiency are linked. I have severe vitamin D deficency and because of that have increased parathryroid hormone which makes you fat. . . soooooo i'm taking hugh amounts of D by prescription to help level it out now. . . we'll see how it works. . . good luck. . . oh and by the way you have come a long way from that 379 lbs, bet you look and feel so much better now huh? congratulations on having done such a great job! I'm in major stuck land now too, but if it's going to move i'll be glad but if not oh well at least i'm not 350 lbs anymore . . .
  4. thinoneday

    Extreme Pigout

    Wow, I always thought England and those European countries took such great care regarding obesity . I never realized England was getting a obesity problem. . huh i guess it's everywhere now. . . too bad. .
  5. 48 here will be 49, had sleeve at 47
  6. Oh my I'm so sorry to hear that. . so sorry in fact I really don't know how to respond to you. . alcholism is terrible and does terrible things to those who are addicted and to their families and friends. . . you've heard this 1000000 times before but a reminder might not hurt. . . "you can turn the cycle around" You don't have to be like her. . . Don't feel lost, we are here for you and yes it does make alot of sense. . . today I wished i had remained on the forum but i decided to allow my addiction to food get the best of me. . . i may not have gone overboard as before the surgery, but i ate a bit of nearly everything in the house. . it was so disqusting I'm so sad i did that, but tomorrow is another day. . . i could make tons of excuses for my behavior today but that would be just that excuses for my behavior. . . in church yesterday the priest talked about (this is not a religious thing but made sense) the events on 911. . he said that when the passengers on the plane that crashed into the pentagon realized things were not looking good for them and they realized they were going to die, one passenger called his wife and said "We are going to die today, but some of us are going to do something about it" . . . so yes, we are ALL going to die, but we can do something about it. . . just like we can all do something about how we react to the future and how we live our lives. . . either to the fullest or just as our mothers. . . good luck and keep posting. . .
  7. that is so exciting! it'll be really nice to meet you finally! Fort Sam? or where would your hubbie be stationed? It would be really cool if it was Randolph AFB cause that is like right across the interstate! Let me know!

  8. thinoneday

    Weight Watchers...HUH??

    hahaha thanks for the support, I am one of those unfortunate folks who never lost the hunger thing. . i don't go hog wild on slider foods and stuff though, i'm more or less doing this for hubbie, he has gained 20 lbs since thanksgiving and is really upset about it. . so to support him i'll start a diet as well . . .poor baby. . .
  9. thinoneday

    Just because

    absolutely lovely girl!
  10. thinoneday

    Hair question

    What can i say except PREPARE for it! Sorry
  11. thinoneday

    Extreme Pigout

    Hi and welcome! yes you are very right, the USA has the biggest obesity problem ever. . probably why we all need sleeves ( the truth always hits home) no offense taken on my part. . where do you live? I live in San Antonio, Texas and we are the 3rd LARGEST in the nation and I mean in obesity I think Chicago wins. . but I'm not sure. . all i know San Antonio's population is very obese. . .if you think the portions of food are large in Florida, you should try in San Antonio! It's enough to blow your mind. . .
  12. thinoneday

    how many times a day do you eat?

    I have the following stuff breakfast 1-2 eggs ( 3 x per week only) other days nothing except coffee) 1 cup coffee lunch 1 hormel compleats (less then 290 calories) dinner 1 lean cusine (less then 300 calories) Snacks consist of one of the following fresh fruit cheese yogurt (dannon light) V8 I drink tons of Water too!
  13. thinoneday

    Weight Watchers...HUH??

    this sounds dumb i know but i'm starting a diet today. . . old habits NEVER die do they??? Thank god for this sleeve and portion control, this shouldn't be too tough ( I hope)
  14. thinoneday

    shoe size?

    ugh not me, still good ole size 10WW! UGH at least they make them this size for sasquach! I need coffee now!
  15. thinoneday

    What I'm going to do

    ME TOO!!!!!!!
  16. thinoneday

    Vitamin D deficiency

    My level is 9. . . quite low. My normal potty routine is only 1 or 2 per week if that. Tell you, I'm just a mess. . .
  17. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Monday

    you don't want to know!
  18. thinoneday

    Vitamin D deficiency

    Thanks everyone ! You all are great. . . and yes, I live in San Antonio Texas and am a sun worshiper, so getting my sunshine is definately NOT a problem over here. . . I'll try vitalady as well, and i do eat alot of cheese already any more and I'll turn into a rat. . Thanks again all, I'll keep you posted!
  19. thinoneday

    WHY ME???

    Gosh your post made me laugh! especially envisioning the restaurant trip with you chewing like a mad woman then regurgitating the piece of bread! that is so funny. . .but seriously honey, be careful with the bread. . the naan will definately kill you honey, it's to dense, i make naan with my chicken curry and still can't do well with it. . but i get a piece down every now and then with some discomfort. . . you'll do fine good luck and all the best to you!
  20. thinoneday

    WHY ME???

    Ok chickie, heres the problem. . bread bad! Protein good! Girl, bread is what probably made you fat in the first place, bread will swell up in your new tummy and make you feel really bad. . i have a problem with bread and i'm over 1 year out. . so you know what SCRATCH out bread for now . . . good luck. . . oh and by the way, spaghetti, white rice, macaroni and such will do the same thing. . .
  21. thinoneday

    Gaining weight???

    Not only water weight, but you just were sleeved on the 28th, your body is still swollen and trying to recover. . this was a major surgery. . . just keep on doing what your doing only do one thing, get rid of that scale. . your getting obsessed. . .if not, then at least weigh only 1 time per week or every other week. . .you don't need to be weighing that often. . . good luck and be patient. . . give yourself time to heal
  22. thinoneday

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    ALRIGHT!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!
  23. thinoneday

    My hair is falling out :(

    sorry i forgot i posted already!
  24. thinoneday

    Day 3 after surgery

    Congratulations to you! That is fabulous! the more you walk the less gas pains or other pains actually. . . good for you! Keep up the great work! Together we'll get through this!
  25. thinoneday

    problems post op

    Yup I was up 25lbs! so don't feel badly, after a while it goes away. . hang in there and whatever you can sip do that. . .1 - 2oz Water or whatever every hour is good. . . good luck!

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