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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. I don't think she wants a pep talk but tips and suggestions on how to do better and improve weight loss. Ok REALITY then . . .at 2 weeks I had lost 25 lbs at 7 weeks I had lost 53lbs, in 1 year I have lost 145LBs. . .what did i do? I followed the instructions given to me by the physician and did not stray from it. . .I did the best i could getting fluids down, exercising and not thinking that the sleeve is a cure all. .. i knew I had to work to lose this weight. . . . Lolli, i still think your doing good cause everyone loses at different rates. . some lose faster and some lose slower. . .just follow the instructions and the weight will come off. . . look at it this way, your losing right? the sleeve is working. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Thursday

    pattimomo, i am 1 year out now and have just started eating citrus without a problem. . . i could eat bananas at 8 months out and i still have to peel my apples and peaches. . . check out your instructions for 3 months, i think you are allow apple sauces. . . good luck!
  3. thinoneday

    Hospital Bill!!! How freaking insane!!!!!

    Absolutely amazing, now when I had mine done (self pay) I paid $15,500. That included the hospital stay for 3 days, pharmacy, anesthesia, leak test and dye, meals, surgical supplies, EKG's, chest xrays, Iv sol'ns, sterile room, recovery room, etc etc etc, . . it ALSO included 1 year of follow up with the physician, support group at the hospital, all the counsel you needed. Makes you wonder huh??????
  4. thinoneday

    Holy Cow!!

    Good for you!!!! See isn't this tool great! as long as you work it properly, it'll get you to where you want to go! Keep up the great work. . . and good luck!
  5. thinoneday

    Rock and a Hard Place

    Excellent post here! We have to adjust to our new selves, we have not only learned how to deal with new eating habits, we also have to learn to readjust ourselves to our new us. . . as far as dealing with people who are attracted to us and how do we know? Well that is something I can't answer. . . but being the B that I am what i find myself doing is the following. . those men who didn't have the decency to even say hello to me when i was bigger, surely DO NOT get any kind of niceness from me now. . . I actually snob them if they talk to me . . . or laugh at them. . . mean I know but hey "what goes around comes around" I'm very used to major abuse from people so if it comes back to me, oh well what else should i have expected. . . just my thoughts
  6. thinoneday

    No more CPAP!

    Yippee!!!!!! Your too funny about the TMI . . . loved it! Keep up the fabulous work!
  7. thinoneday

    Stall...for how long?

    HONEY I HAD A STALL LAST 3 1/2 MONTHS!!!!!!! So don't worry, it's a normal thing just hang in there your body needs to get used to this drastic thing that has happened to it! Good luck and just keep doing what your doing. . .. only 1 thing, don't weigh yourself so often! you'll stay more sane! good luck
  8. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Thursday

    Hi there, although I live in the deep south (San Antonio) our high is only 43F and the low tonight will be 28F!!!! BURRRRRRRR My menu for the day is : B - 2 scrambled eggs with 1 oz ham 1 c. coffee with creamer L - Hormel Compleats - chicken marina D - Lean cuisine Included in this menu is 2 small tangerines for mid morning and mid afternoon Snacks 2 oz cheese for bedtime snack. . . Also i throw in a couple of diet sodas during the day as well. . . . CHEERS
  9. thinoneday

    Inspiration or Agitation

    Interesting post! I agree, the same thing happened at my work. . . I was the fattest overall person in the entire building at 350 lbs. . . i had the surgery and wham everyone wanted to lose weight too. . .some of course couldn't do it so they accused me of "cheating" and getting the surgery which makes everything so much easier. . . screw them is all i can say. . . at this time at 6' tall and 205 lbs with a body shaped like a body builder, I think i look pretty damn good. . .i'm a lean, mean, fighting machine. . . (with a lot of loose skin to swing around ) but hey I still look darn good in clothes! Just flick it off and consider the sources. . . that should make you feel a whole lot better!
  10. Yeah so what if you didn't lose to HIS expectation. . . everyone loses at different rates at different times. . . just keep on doing what your doing I think your doing great and are on the right track! PS Age has nothing to do with how fast or slow you lose, it's how much you had to lose and your BMI. . . good luck
  11. Unfortunately for some of us our hunger pangs never go away. . . i'm one of those unfortunates but after 1+ year out now i have learned to "deal" with it. . . ours is more of a struggle but we are given this tool, a really powerful tool, but it's what WE choose to do with it that will determine how we succeed. . . good luck
  12. thinoneday


    What channel is it on? TLC , Discovery, or which one? Sounds interesting. . . is it like the biggest loser?
  13. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    for me it's B - 2 scrambled eggs L - Hormel roast turkey with vegatables and white and wild rice D - Lean Cuisine Asian potstickers Snacks : banana with Protein shake before bed.
  14. thinoneday

    Is Palin NUTS????

    Well in my case i really, really dislike the obamas but then like pneal stated "everyone is entitled to their own opinions" But then i don't think any of these last set of folks would have made a good president anyhow. . . just my opinion
  15. Hi there. . my doctor was Ramiro "sonny' Cavazos at NE Baptist Hospital, San Antonio, TX . . . cost was $15,500 which was self pay and included 3 day stay at Foundations Hospital, the anesthesia, and all staff also 1 year of follow up care and support group and all the counsel you need. . . can't get better then that!
  16. thinoneday

    More NSV's!!!

    I am sooooooooooooooo very proud of you. .. your story brought tears to my eyes (doesn't help a sad song about keeping your eyes open to see your goal is playing either) . . .keep up the fabulous work! Your doing absolutely wonderful!!!
  17. Yup Stacy I'm right there you! I would probably do the exact same thing!
  18. thinoneday

    100+ Pound Club

    Hi there, well I've lost 145 lbs so far and have a bit left, but of course after that "little bit" it becomes personal and i'll want to lose just a bit more. . . I am 49 years old and was sleeve last december 29th 2009. .. I have some loose skin, but not much, many my apron is flapping in the breeze, but the plastic surgeon told me to loose all my weight then maintain for another 6 - 8 months if the skin is still in excess then he'll do surgery, but most times, he says, the skin shrinks back significantly so I may not even need surgery. . how exciting is that . . . exercise! did you mention exercise! Gosh I hate that word. .. it's the worst word ever to me. . .but i walk on the treadmill about 45 minutes 3x per week on interval hills. . . it's a good work out. . . but boy oh boy do i hate it!
  19. thinoneday

    i finally understand!!!!!

    It's really tough ESPECIALLY if you hate it! I feel you! I totally understand!
  20. thinoneday

    Always Hungry

    Unfortunately Mikey, there are some of us who never lose the hunger sensations. . I am one of them. . .always hungry . . . i'm out now a little over a year and still am a starvin' marvin' but this is one of those that we have to learn to challenge. . it's really tough and there are definately days that i literally eat a bite of everything in the house. . .and there are days i really mess up and eat bad food . . but at least i'm not 350 lbs anymore. . .and i'll eventually get there. . .i do try really hard to fight the hunger thing by drinking alot and i mean alot of fluids and that has seemed to work. . .eating Protein Snacks like turkey Jerky, pork rinds, and cheeses work too . . swigging back those Protein shakes helps as well. . . i know this hunger thing sucks but hang in there and don't let it rule . .. good luck! You can do it!
  21. thinoneday

    I'm in the CENTURY CLUB!!!

    Wow that is amazing. . . I thought for a minute you were kidding, cause on your profile pictures you look alot thinner! You must be tall. . .it's like me I'm 205 give or take can't get a lb under but do go a couple pounds over ever now and then. . . but even at my weight i wear size 16 from 32 and size L in shirts from 4XL. . . I look thinner then i really am. . . CONGRATULATIONS to you and keep doing what your doing! You look fabulous!!!!
  22. thinoneday

    Appetite Suppressant Pre-Op?

    Quite honestly hon, do you really need a ephedemine to help you out? Phentermine is really addictive and very expensive. . why not just get dextatrim or better yet try it on your own. . . when i was getting sleeved i asked my doctor why he doesn't give a 2 week pre op diet he told me that he didn't see the point because it takes many months to shrink the liver. . .he believes that physicians give the pre-op diet because they want to see if you can actually be on a diet and be disciplined enough to stay on it. . . but this is just my suggestion, you do what you feel you have to. . .good luck!
  23. thinoneday

    Hair question

    my hairloss began last March and has not stopped. . .mind you it's not AS BAD as how it was in March to November (I could have easily made 3 human hair wigs hahaha) now it's not falling as much but it still is falling. . . i'm just really glad i didn't cut it as i wanted to. . .it's very thin on top (can see my scalp) but at least i'm not bald. . . guess i gave up one thing for another. . . UGH oh well. . . vanity has it's price
  24. thinoneday

    i finally understand!!!!!

    ok i just had that same revelation occur to me today. . . i was so bored and miserable today . . . hubbie came home from work and suggested we go to the gym, i of course, wanted to fight him tooth and nail about not going. . . i really hate the gym and exercise, but i put on my shapeups and went, i walked 45 minutes at 3.1 mph on interval hills and after i was done i felt so good! i felt revived and alive . . . i really felt great. . . i always do so i don't know why i alway fight it. . . i really hate exercise but it makes me feel soooooooooo good. . . dumb huh?
  25. for my stress test i just get thalium stress test. . . that is where they put a dye into your veins while you just lay there. . .

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