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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Now I'm SCARED!!

    You've heard this 100 times i'm sure, but it'll be ok. . .I'm sure you want the surgery more then the fear right now right? This was my 18th major surgery and I have a lot of complications with anesthesia too, i was scared poopless, but see I'm still here writing some encouragment to you. . . they had major problems starting my IV this time too and ended up in the jugular after 8 stabs finally got it. . .but hey I'm here! and you will be too! Good luck and know that nervousness and fear is a normal feeling. . .
  2. Im sorry but that is really funny to me. . . i can just see you with this melonballer measuring out your food. . . but I guess we all did things like this in the beginning. . .Good luck your on your way to a thinner you!
  3. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Tuesday

    B - oatmeal L - sandwich D - lean cuisine S - 1/2 granny smith apple
  4. Wow, scary! Glad your ok though, glad you got follow up care here in the USA
  5. thinoneday

    Total WOW moment

    thanks all. . . yes the feeling was awesome, however, I did have that fleeting moment of "how come you actually "see" me now and talk to me face to face, not like before" It's too bad how fat people are kinda placed on the back burner but they don't realize it until something like this happens huh?????
  6. thinoneday

    Holy Cow!

    yippee! aren't these great!
  7. Well you did what you felt you needed to do. . . however, you knew the rules, I can't really tell you if you were wrong or right, that is for you to decide, however, if you start having problems are you going to explain to the doctor? Sorry if this sounds harsh, but reality isn't fun and neither is the pain associated with a leak.
  8. thinoneday

    today was MY day!

    Yippee for you and cousin Nick! Welcome and you will both do great!
  9. thinoneday

    So, how much can you eat??

    Hey! I'm 1 year 1 month out now and can get down 6 - 8 oz comfortably but forget about trying to get down "just one more bite" then I'm uncomfortable. I time myself to have my meals completed in about 30 minutes and if i'm not done, too bad, out it goes. . .
  10. And how happy you will be ! Just be patient in the beginning and remember it's a re-learning phase ok. . . and yes eat only a couple of bites here and there is normal and so is only being able to sip here and there. . . it's going to feel weird to you and you might have buyers remorse, but it's normal and you'll do fine! Soon you'll be here telling us all about it and then you'll be helping the newbies and giving advise too. . . good luck, you'll be fine and being nervous and "freaked" is very normal. . . but this was my 18th major surgery and i'm still here and yup i was nervous too. . . keep us posted!!! GOOD LUCK
  11. I've had that happen and it's amazing. . . I love it. . . that is why i don't weigh myself all the time and when i do it's usually a nice surprise!
  12. thinoneday

    i'm scared it stretched!

    Hi, i'm 1 + year out now and can finish a hormel compleats for lunch and a lean cuisine for dinner, however I do feel alot of restriction when i have about 1 or 2 spoons left of the meals, so my tummy still holds only 6-8oz since each meal is 9 or 10 oz . . . I have 2 eggs in the mornings and can eat 1/2 peeled apple for snack. I can definately eat slider foods without restrictions so like you i try to stay away from them. . . I did however, eat a whole bag (small) of black licorice the other day. . . it was so good, but it's not like i do it every day so this one time in 1 year i'm not going to beat myself over it. . . i truly enjoyed it. . . i've heard that because it's a muscle (our tummy) it's hard to stretch out. . . but hey you never know. . .
  13. amazing how desperation causes people to do things to themselves isn't it? Reminds me of myself, not the gaining of the weight to get the surgery, but getting the surgery. . . pretty drastic and yes I was desperate. . .i was so sick of my weight and health problems as i'm sure she was. . . oh well, that makes us who we are I guess. . . . humans
  14. thinoneday


    Wow, shear rudeness but then you did say he was a elderly man, some of the elderly are so miserable they want everyone else to be miserable. . just consider the sources, flick it off and you'll feel so much better . . . my mom is elderly and says the most hurtful things at times. . she catches herself after it comes out and then she feels bad. . . I personally would have said "no actually i haven't heard of salad, why don't you explain it to me please sir" . . then just keep staring at him. . . but that is just me. . .
  15. thinoneday

    Wanting to help but how?

    HI Greg, well being 1 + year out I must say i am one of the unfortunates that never lost the hunger sensations. . . they have been there since day 1. . . this is where we work. . . we must overcome and not let our tummies rule . . . later on, the head hunger will be torture but we must fight. . . it's horrid I know but quite a few of us on this forum have to deal with this issue on a daily basis. . . some are more fortunate then others in that they actually lost the sensation. . .the feeling of exhaustion is normal. . .she just had major surgery and now has to tolerate less calories. . . take the Vitamins as directed and get a bit of exercise daily. . . not to the exhaustion point though, just some. . . walking a bit is good. . .soft almost cooked eggs are good or string cheese is good. . . some refried Beans are good too. . . she needs to remember that this is a learning p;hase, this is where we re-learn how to eat and drink, it'll be ok it really will be as long as the doctor says she's ok, and she's following the instructions that is wonderful. . . give her big hugs and tons of support cause in the early stages we sleevers just want hugs and encouragement
  16. thinoneday

    I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT!!!!!

    A-D-R-I-A-N !!!!!!
  17. thinoneday

    My first NSV

    wow how fantastic is that. . . .keep up the great work. .. i know it's tough but together we'll all get there!
  18. thinoneday

    Final Inches

    Whats Final Inches?
  19. thinoneday

    Made to Crave

    I am so sorry this is happening to you. . .but only you can change how you want things to go. I heard this at one church service. When the passengers of 9/11 were heading to crash into the pentagon one passenger called his wife and stated " We are going to die today, but some of us are going to do something about it" . . . "some of us are doing to do something about it" Only you can "do something about it" Good luck and God bless
  20. thinoneday

    Wanting to help but how?

    :o Oh dear me. . . thank you sooooooo much for correcting me feeyoureye, goodness (darn me) I'm definately not an expert on this subject, just my experiences , please the experts are here, they know better, this was just what i was told in the beginning. . .. . .
  21. thinoneday

    Wanting to help but how?

    Hi Greg, well here is my 2 cents worth. . .I was sleeved a little more then 1 year ago and in the beginning it's really really tough. . . 2 - 4 oz is perfect (according to my doctor) to eat at each meal. . .drinking is really odd, but sip sip sip I have been told 1 oz every hour is good to drink but keep drinking. . . this is a different type of surgery really weird I had the biggest buyers remorse in the beginning for at least 3 months. . .you have to relearn EVERYTHING!!!! but it eventually comes to you. . .she is doing well as I see it (read it) just as long as she follows doctors orders she'll be ok. . . for me at 1+ year out I eat 6 - 8 oz at each meal and feel stuffed. . .I drink more then 64oz of fluids and i feel really good. . .i no longer have regrets that i this done but just remember it's a process of relearning and rethinking how you have to use this tool. . and remember it is only a tool. .. she'll still have to work at it. . . good luck and i hope this helped a bit. . .
  22. thinoneday

    Extreme Pigout

    I know huh? And the thing was back then, we didn't think we ate that much! That is so mind blowing. . . I'm really glad i had this surgery which has shocked me into "normalacy". . .
  23. thinoneday

    Belly Dancing

    i would love to try that, sounds like fun. . I want to do it for the jingly things
  24. thinoneday

    Final Countdown

    Welcome and congratulations on your up coming surgery! Soon you'll be here chatting away about all your experiences and trying to help the newbies. . . it is interesting to say the least but keep posting. . . best of luck to you and your surgery. . . your going to do great! Just remember to walk after surgery, more walking less gas pains, and sip sip sip!!!
  25. thinoneday

    Hospital Bill!!! How freaking insane!!!!!

    hahahahaha that is funny!

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