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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    Hello and welcome. . . well it's sorta like this, I am 1 year and 1 month out now and when I do drink my soda I make very sure its defizzed. . . I hurt like a bugger if i don't defizz it first! I did not start drinking soda until I was about 6 or 7 months out defizzed of course. . .Good luck to you and once again welcome! Ask as many questions as possible to learn about this journey!
  2. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    Freezing here in good old San Antonio! Only 20F . . (yes that is cold for us southerns ) and to top all that off they are doing the rolling power outage 15 minutes at a time all over the state. . . good lord. . .anyhow I hope it doesn't happen when i need to heat up my food. . . B - 2 eggs with curry (140 calories) L - beef pot roast with potatoes and veggies (hormel heatem up thing) (270 calories) D - Lean Spa cuisine Rosemary chicken (230 calories) S - granny smith apple peeled and cored 1 medium ( 70 calories) Motts peach medley apple sauce no sugar added (50 calories) Diet coke Total Calories = 760; Carbs=96; Protein=54; Fats=20;
  3. thinoneday

    I need some help!!!

    I'm really sorry both of you are having such a hard time of it. . . i too tend to slide and fall while i wander my path. . . but here are some words of wisedom from Robert F. Bennett which i find comforting. . . hope it helps a bit. . . " A desire to be in charge of our own lives, a need for control, is born in each of us. It is essential to our mental health, and our success, that we take control" Good luck and all the best while you walk your path. . .
  4. thinoneday

    Me on a Binge

    I just had a really fun vision about something when I read pumpkin's last reply. . . worker ants. . . isn't it neat how when one of us seems to falter we are run out like worker ants and come to the aid of the injured ant? We try to bolster and help the ant and get it back on track so that it can wander it's path with the rest of the ants. . . interesting analogy
  5. thinoneday


    How great is that! Good for you, bet you felt really good! Keep up the fabulous work! Your doing great!
  6. thinoneday

    Funny NSV

    Your hubbie probably got a Freudian thought into his head! Good for you! I have never ever been that flexible! Isn't this weightloss tool great!
  7. thinoneday

    Self Pay question

    Hi there seniorsleever and fellow san antonian! I had my surgery with Dr. Cavazos at NE Baptist (however my hospital was Foundations since I was self pay)
  8. thinoneday

    My Fear...

    Well only you can change your own feelings however, i would like to tell you this . . . this was my 18th major surgery I'm allergic to narcotics and can only take vicodans for pain . . . i have survived all 18 surgeries and can sit here and tell you about it. . . yes each surgery i was freaked out with, normal feelings, but would you really give up the opportunity to finally be thin because of fear? Here are some words of wisdom from Robert F. Bennett. . . "A desire to be in charge of our own lives, a need for control, is born in each of us. It is essential to our mental health, and our success, that we take control" Good luck with whatever decision you make.
  9. thinoneday


    GET THIS YOU GUYS!!!!! Yesterday a patient asked me if i'd give her the injectable she needed now or later, I explained to her that she had a bit of a wait and to go for lunch then come back and just ask for me. . . i gave her my name and she left for her lunch. . . when she came back did she ask for me by name? NOOOOO she asked for 'THE BIG WOMAN WITH THE PONYTAIL" errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr talk about being pissed off . . . lose 150 lbs and your still the BIG WOMAN!!!!! and she herself wasn't thin. . . Here I am thinking at 6' tall and into size 16 I was looking pretty darn good. . . umph. . . . Real moral booster huh! Well back to the drawing board! Yeah I gave her the injectable regardless with loving BIG WOMAN hands. . .
  10. thinoneday

    Just Wondering?

    I'm at a major stall again myself Globetrotter, last time i was stalled for 3 months. . .it was irratating but i managed through it as i (and you) will this time too. . . i try to stay under 1200 calories daily, it's tough but together we can do this. . . are you feeling any better now? Did you get some Vitamins? SAM-e? Good luck! It's scarey but we'll get through it!
  11. thinoneday

    weird question

    Ulcers and need surgery?? I love stacy's idea of hernia repair! i told my work cause they find out anyhow. . .someone always says something. . especially those folks in the time card place or those who deal with the insurances at work, they find out why your out and they tell someone and so on pretty soon everyone knows, supposed to be confidential but yeah right. . . . . so i just told it as it is. . .they eventually stop asking questions and get really jealous . . . it's funny to watch. . . good luck. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Breakfast foods high in protein?

    I used to do the egg thing, then my cholestrol went up. . . ok off the eggs i went and then toast, up went the carbs . . . ok off the toast i went, then i tried just protein shakes, that got really boring fast. . .so off i went. . . then i said "what the heck, whatever! " now i eat whatever strikes me, be it cheese, eggs, or whatever. . . .i'm not gaining and THAT is what matters now. . . PS. I got the cholestrol back to 180 . . .
  13. thinoneday

    Breakfast foods high in protein?

    Hi there fellowette San Antonian! Yes it's freezing here especially today!!!!! Burrrr
  14. thinoneday

    Winter makes me hungry!

    I'm always hungry! Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall. . . I'm starvin like Marvin . . . ugh oh well, here is what i've done about it. . . first i stop and listen to my tummy, is it REALLY hungry or is it head hunger (usually head hunger) if it's head hunger well then I'll drink a defizzed diet soda or flavored water, crystal light or something. . . if it's real hunger then have a Protein Shake, or a Protein food, tuna, egg, meat, Jerky, or pork rinds. . . ugh life is nasty to the overweight!
  15. Ok, stop crying it just makes your nose red and your eyes all puffy. . . .here in San Antonio my surgery cost me $15,500.00 (sounds expensive but how much have you already spent trying to lose weight all these years?) that included the hospital, the surgeon, the anesthesia, meds, 3 days stay at the hospital, leak test, 1 year of follow up care, all the consult i needed and the surgery. . . the surgery took place in a very nice private hospital with very nice staff (of course, your self pay!) I got a good loan rate at my bank at 3% so I only pay 256/month . . . not too shabby. . . you may consider trying another state. . . don't just stick to yours it seems out rageous!
  16. thinoneday

    Self Pay question

    yup sure do! in my case it went like this, end of october seminar, november all the doctor/nutritionist/psych evals and december surgery. . . goes really fast! Actually you get to pick when you want it and as long as the medical stuff is done and you pass the psych crap your good to go! I was not required to do a preop diet, even though my BMI was 45 and my overall experience was Totally Excellent ! I even got an excellent loan rate of 3 % . . . couldn't be better!
  17. thinoneday

    Please help I hate my protein

    I absolutely love Bariatric Advantage . . . you can get either chocolate, vanilla, mocha, or strawberry. . . i have chocolate and vanilla. . . you can mix the powder with yogurts, sugar free puddings, jello, or you add sugar free syrups to it along with peanut butter, and different flavored extracts. . . i like peanut butter 1 tsp mixed with chocolate BA protein to make reeses peanut butter cup flavor, or add cherry extract for that chocolate cherry flavor. . . i also mix my protein mixes with skim milk not water! Good luck!
  18. First off let me congratulate you on your upcoming surgery! and secondly WELCOME! I didn't have to have a pre op diet either. . . I was 350 lbs with a BMI of 45 but the day before surgery I had to live on Clear liquids only and 1 bottle of mag citrate . . . guess he wanted those bowels empty huh? I was really glad i didn't have to do that pre op cause it seems really tough!
  19. thinoneday

    Splenda - what do you know?

    I don't think i can really help you with this one cause I've been a splenda, sugar twin, equal, etc person all my life. . . my mom started us out on saccarhine, then as the other fake sugars came along we did those, I don't drink real soda cause it tastes like thick syrup to me and i don't drink whole milk cause it looks like paint and tastes too thick . . . ugh i'm a mess. . . . but i haven't had that problem with the splenda at all however you put real sugar around me (chocolate or breads, etc) and i'll have that problem . . . in my head? maybe or it's the increase in carbs????
  20. thinoneday

    The pre-op diet STINKS.

    Thank goodness it's only temporary huh?
  21. thinoneday

    Wish Me Luck

    HELLO!!!! WELCOME AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Your going to do well. . . soon you'll be over on this side helping out all the newbies! Keep us posted!
  22. thinoneday

    What could have triggered this

    And bet your Vitamin D is very low too! Get some Vitamin D3 and start taking it everyday along with the B12's and SAM-e . . it may help! Good for you going to the gym! That a step in the right direction! (pardon the pun) I don't feel the minute you feel blue and bummed out you should run to the shrink just take some Vitamins and do your activities, however, should it continue then i would suggest going to someone, even if it's your local doctor. . . good luck!
  23. thinoneday

    Me on a Binge

    As a nursing supervisor of the metropolitan health district let me tell you that terminating someone isn't a highlight of my life. . it is really important too, not to attach yourself to your employees. . I always have to remember that they are subordinates to me, you can't be friends with them. . . you can support them and help them, but when it comes to friends, thats a no no. . .after 10 years of doing this job it gets easier. . . Your binge wasn't really a binge, just think how it could have been? a whole bag of M&M's or some bakery goodie, ice creams, etc. . . but it wasn't and that is the good part. . . we're all human we makes ooopppsss along the pathway but we jump up get back onto the path and travel it. . . as long as the ooopppsss aren't everyday. . . you'll be ok! PS. . . at least you won't have to eat anymore today!
  24. Good Luck and you'll do GREAT!!!! cyber hugs ((((())))) See you in a bit!
  25. Unfortunately for a few of us the hunger pangs never go away! Sucks huh? I'm one of those and like fullhandsfullheart I have learned to deal with it. . . and the head hunger is the killer too . . that takes longer to re learn, but together we will get through this. . . hang in there. . .

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