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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Do you still get hungry?

    Very normal. . . the majority of us are always hungry! its the minority that is not . . .I've been hungry since day 1 and 13 months later am still hungry!
  2. thinoneday


    oh yes, I remember that when i had the surgery my bottom remained loose for almost 1 month! they told me it could have been the contrast they use in the leak test. . .i figured it was the bowel trying to readjust to what just happened to it. . . don't you worry any, it will pass and you'll be back to normal soon. . . just after that beware of constipation, so keep drinking your fluids ! very important ok! and walk
  3. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    protein ice cream? What is it called? Where do you get that? How many carbs in it? It really sounds good!
  4. thinoneday

    My selfpay experience so far.

    yippee soon you'll be on this side! way to go!!! no psych eval?????? your pretty lucky. . . (feeling jealous even though it was 13 months ago) those are murder!
  5. thinoneday

    Body chemistry changes with weight loss

    to be rightly honest with you, i wish i would have had alot of head ups about many things. . . like the malabsorption problems, the intolerance to certain foods and drinks, etc. . . but of course i'm very glad i got the surgery and would do it again. . . i even "preach" it whenever i can and do enjoy the compliments i get. . . i just wish they would be a bit more open when talking about things in the seminar and not just focus on the selling points. . . . oh well, such is life
  6. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    I am totally LOVIN a bag of BBQ Pork Rinds right now! Calories 70 Carbs <1 Cholestrol 15mg Total Fat 4.5g Ugh but that means a really low calorie dinner tonight. . . . oh well SACRIFICES SACRIFICES!
  7. thinoneday

    Any regrets?

    Just in the beginning for the first 3 months I had buyers remorse really badly. . . but that was because they take your stomach away and overnight you are expected to completely change your lifestyle. . . how you eat, drink, exercise, etc. . . overnight. . .the re-learning phase is crazy as all get out, but now at 13 months out, I'm very glad I got it done. . . no regrets now at all. . .
  8. thinoneday

    scale hasn't moved in a MONTH

    First off, excellant work on the 65 lbs you have lost! Keep that up! I've been on a stall for ever! The first one was 3 months long then it moved and i lost 10 lbs and now am not losing a thing again. . . very very irratating, but be damned if i'm going to let my body win again. . . so i started a 1000 calorie ADA diet along with increased exercise. . . we'll see what happens. . . i'm not weighing for about 3 - 4 weeks and we'll see then . . . if that doesn't work, well i don't know then. . .i'll let y'all know. .
  9. What an interesting post. . . I remember doing something in psychology about the singing woman and Dr. Gould. . .it's been years ago, but I believe too that "head hunger" is just that, a want and not a need. . . i battle it every day, I get to the point of feeling that if I don't get the craving I will really really die. . . for me the craving is black licorice. . . there is a deep wound in my past, but it is my past and we must crawl out of the hole the best we can and live the best way we can as well. . .it hurt us then, but they can't hurt us now. . so i do alot of self talk and ask myself if i really want that candy or do i need it. . . of course my devil side says I NEED IT, but the reality side knows it doesn't need it just want it. . . so i ask myself do i want to go back to those habits that made me weigh 350lbs again? of course the answer is no. . . but i battle that head hunger EVERY DAY. . . i've been given excellent suggestions on helping which I'm trying and seem to work. . . amazing how the brain works. . . but if your strong willed and want something sooooo badly (being thin) it's amazing how you can talk yourself out of things too. . . mind over matter . . . thanks for sharing the post it was very inspirational to me and I will get Dr. Gould's book. . .
  10. thinoneday

    should I go on a diet

    Well and along comes me! I'm out now 13 months and my weight has come to a screeching halt! I on the otherhand have started a diet. . . i am following the 1000 calorie ADA meal plan. . . funny thing is though, this time it's so easy to follow! Yes, i get the head hunger (ALOT) but i'm sure i will over come that with time! I have come too far and spent way too much money to allow this to win. . I MUST win! WIN at all cost no matter what! I've also increased my walking on the treadmill to 45 minutes at level 3 interval hills at 3.1mph . . then i do 15 minutes of the eliptical stepper. . .ugh life is amazing. . . but like one of the quotes says "If you can't find time to exercise and get healthy now, be prepared to have time for illness later" . . .
  11. thinoneday

    Banana Fudge Smoothie

    yummmmmmm that sounds really good!!!!!
  12. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Tuesday

    Today is a new day! B - instant quaker oatmeal L - tuna sandwich D- spa lean cuisine S - granny smith apple - Vitamins (always those vitamins ) - diet mountain dew (defizzed of course)
  13. thinoneday

    Crazy Head Hunger

    YES! I have those (DH is indian) and I'll have some when i get home! I love those! I just never thought of having them to solve a craving. . . hubbie uses them for indigestion and bloating! thanks! EXCELLANT suggestions everyone! Thanks so much! I'm doing better today had the carb withdrawl splitting headache yesterday but it passed and it's ok! Thanks again all!
  14. thinoneday

    Crazy Head Hunger

    Is the anise a powder or does it come in extract as well?
  15. thinoneday

    Crazy Head Hunger

    What a fantastic group of people you all are! Thank you so much! Seniorsleever what an excellant idea! To put anise into greek yoghurt! Splendid suggestion! I'll get some tonight for sure!!!!! coops! your a blast. . . I don't think i could get through the day without you! you make me laugh, thank you! and yes I believe you mentioned it a couple of times!
  16. thinoneday

    Crazy Head Hunger

    thank you for sharing that. . .I know I feel badly for myself sometimes too. . .I'm so close I can taste it (no pun intended) and like you say is it self sabatoge? I guess we have to remember we ARE worthy and we deserve this. . . it's just so dang hard! Those blasted old habits! That dang carb monster. . . . we will overcome!
  17. thinoneday

    Hip bones hip bones, themmm hip bones

    You are definately right there! Sitting is a real pain in the "hip". . . .
  18. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Good for you! What a great NSV! Keep up the excellant work!
  19. thinoneday

    I need to know....

    your throat will be sore like you've been yelling alot, and you MAY feel like your lungs are sore when you take deep breaths, but pain associated with breathing? I never had that, nor did I have trouble with throwing up. I get 50mg Benadryl IV before my surgeries and that takes care of the throwing up stage, you kinda pass over it. . . I don't know if surgeons will give their patients this just because you want it, I get it because I'm allergic to versad and valium so they can't give me the "feel good" medication before surgery, so I get benedryl, works for me! Good luck! you'll be fine!
  20. thinoneday

    Hip bones hip bones, themmm hip bones

    Since I've lost alot of weight i have terrible hip pain especially in the left hip area. Went to get a bone density test and there is some artheritis but not too bad but the wear and tear on it isn't bad either. I don't, and neither does the doctor, know what is going on. She just tells me to take ibuprophen. . . ugh it's age! I did have a bad accident when i was younger however (legs got caught on a hurdle while i was doing track causing the hipbone to pop out of the socket) and so now i'm wondering if this is whats bothering it now. . . did you have any problems when you were younger?
  21. Lackland AFB is hugh! I went over there for bosses day in January and got to fly on a big old plane that houses helicopters and refuels in mid air. . . it was really cool! On the north side of town is nice i think you'll like it there . . . we live on the northeast side by Randolph AFB actually the stripway is across the highway from our addition. . . very noisy when they have the airshow!

  22. Hi, i don't want to talk about this all over the forum so i thought i'd pm you. I am out now about 13 months or so and have started gaining weight. Why I don't know, my calories are under 1000 I don't exercise as i should but do get it in every now and then. I personally don't understand why i'm gaining cause i'm not eating hordes of food as when i weighed 350 lbs....

  23. thinoneday

    Just Wondering?

    I was just wondering if there have been any people who have failed miserably with the sleeve? I mean the whole thing . . . very little weight loss, regaining weight, anything? No leaks or other complications, just that the surgery didn't work at all for them? I realize those people may not be on this forum but I was wondering nevertheless. . . thanks!
  24. thinoneday


    thanks maybe thats what she meant tall being no more then about 5'2 herself (normal height). . . ugh I hate being a sasquatch of a woman (blaming my ancestory )BUT a good looking sasquatch of a female if I do say so myself! i totally understand how you feel sassygirl,
  25. thinoneday

    Me on a Binge

    :lol: LMAO, visioning the ant people! You guys make my day everyday! Love ya all!

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