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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    my only problem is severe malabsorption of Vitamin D. . . I'm on prescription D along with daily D3 and if this doesn't bring the level up, well to the hospital i go. . . i have an appt with doctor in April to find out my fate. . . will let ya'll know! Cheers PS: And please, it's not as easy as take a vitamin or eat a mushroom or go soak up the sun! It's a real problem.
  2. thinoneday

    Coffee coffee coffee

    I am totally loving my coffee right now and have been ever since i've been 3 months out. . . Good luck! Cheers
  3. thinoneday

    Ok kinda freaking out

    Yup me too 44 is my average heart rate. My blood pressure too is usually lower 107 / 52 But at least it's not high! I'm sorry to hear about your classmate, deaths like that always hit home. But there is a saying that goes like this "If you don't have time for exercise and health now, be prepared to have time for illness later" Take care of your body now and it will take care of you later! Cheers!
  4. thinoneday

    Where are the two years?

    Hi Jane, long time no "hear or see" You look good!
  5. thinoneday

    Itty bitty bites

    you betcha! just wait til your about 6-8 or so months out. . .your going to be feeling so very normal and when your a year plus. . . well other then restriction you won't notice a thing has changed from before. I can take nice normal bites of food without a problem, however, i still chew the heck out of it and wait my 2 minutes between bites, but otherwise it's as normal as ever! Don't worry you'll get there!
  6. thinoneday

    Body chemistry changes with weight loss

    here is what i found: Malabsorption of Vitamins and Minerals One long-term complication of sleeve gastrectomy is difficult or malabsorption of certain vitamins and minerals. This leads to deficiency of those particular vitamins and minerals, which further causes a number of other disorders. Deficiency of Iron results in anemia and insufficient vitamin B12 can cause neurologic disorders. Changes in absorption of Calcium, phosphates and oxalates can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Similarly, deficiency of calcium, phosphates and vitamin D can give rise to various bone diseases. http://www.buzzle.co...plications.html heres the website, hope this helps your confusion!
  7. thinoneday

    Slim in 6

    what is slim in 6? is that a program, or just exercise routine for the next 6 weeks?
  8. thinoneday

    Baked Eggs in Bacon Rings

    has anyone tried these yet? Do they like really stick? I'm wondering if using pam spray wouldn't be better to prevent sticking cause with my luck they would never come out and i'd end up throwing them away. . .
  9. thinoneday

    What I'm going to do

    Well most of everything i wanted to do before i had the surgery i have done except for one . . . horseback riding. . . which is going to happen on June 18th. . . a 2 1/2 hour beach ride . . . can't wait!
  10. thinoneday

    I always hit the odds!

    I'm so happy you recovered! I've never had that happen to me except for pneumonia but it must be pretty bad! Yup the odds at the lottery would be great huh? anyhow keep doing well with your health and the best of luck with your weight loss!
  11. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Thursday

    Ugh, sick today with a head cold or something silly so the appetite is really not there, however I know better, what did our mothers say "feed a fever?" Ugh . . . I don't feel like feeding anything, thank god it's friday though! After work I'm going home, having a hot toddy and off to beddy bye! Have a great day all and even better weekend! B - 1/2 piece of dry toast L - tuna sandwich D - will think about that one (hot toddy will do it) S - Vitamins (these arent' working ugh . . . I know whine, whine, whine, :lol: )
  12. thinoneday

    peanut butter???

    I used to mix 1-2 tblspn of peanut butter in my Protein Shake. . . if it was chocolate Protein powder i would mix the peanut butter in the protein with skim milk and it tasted just like reeses peanut butter cups. . . if it's vanilla, mix it with skim milk add the peanut butter and it's still pretty good. . .but my favorite was the chocolate one. . .
  13. thinoneday

    Take that Psy Lady!

    You'll just be happy with the Ensure when your old! EWWWWWWWWWW ! I can't stand the smell, taste, or look at Ensure, boost, or any of those old people drinks! YUKKKKKK!!! Gotta run to the restroom now (PUKE PUKE) I know drama queen! No really i can't handle those drinks, not even carnation instant Breakfast or carnation milk . . . nope won't do it! UGH . . . . yup i take those Vitamins every day, so i guess the best thing to do is sit and wait til i cross that bridge and see what happens. . . good luck to you!! I'm so glad everything went better this time around! See the difference between the insurance pay and the self pay? Have you decided on if your going to get the surgery or not? Wish you all the best in your decision making! CHEERS
  14. thinoneday

    Body chemistry changes with weight loss

    my only real problem is malabsorption of vitamin D (severe) and certain intolerances for food and drinks. . . however, I'm blessed that i had a hysterectomy at 33 years old (50 now) and that i've not had any real moody issues . . . just been myself like always. . .feel really badly for those who are suffering with all this problems though! I can relate with the period thing that is what got me the hysterectomy in the first place! i still wouldn't change anything regarding my sleeve! Still like it!
  15. thinoneday

    Had to laugh - bypass in a PILL!!??!!?!?!?

    have you tried that full bar thing? does it work how they claim it does? my daughter wants to try it but is hesitant cause of the price. . .
  16. thinoneday


    :lol: I had those! they were utterly ridiculous! but thank goodness they are ONLY dreams. . and thank goodness you can't taste what your eating at all in those dreams. . . i promise it does go away! Mine lasted about 4 weeks or so . . . you'll be fine, till then just remember its only a dream! at it'll keep you on the straight and narrow! Good luck!
  17. thinoneday


    I don't know if that is normal, but if you can do it then I guess it is! I am out 13 months and can eat a whole lean cuisine spa meal and feel just right. . . my normal day goes like this B - quaker instant oatmeal with Water L - tuna sandwich on WW bread or whatever lean meat there is D - lean cuisine spa meal S - granny smith apples (very small) with the skins - Vitamins - diet soda Now on a not so normal day and i'm feeling blah, then i'll have whats above and enjoy slider foods too like crackers, some candy (especially black licorice) rum and coke (defizzed of course) piece of cake or pie, you get the picture. . . but not often ! Most times I fight the cravings and the boredom head hunger and drink tons of crystal light!
  18. thinoneday

    Take that Psy Lady!

    I know, my fear is what will happen to me when i'm a old lady? the elderly already don't eat much and a frail and feeble and they have stomachs. . .mine is gone now what will happen to me? There is not much research done regarding the sleeve and the long term outcome, but you know what? I would do it again in a heartbeat. . . for me my obesity was killing me anyhow, i lived constently in shame especially if i had to do things in public like get on a plane and ask for an extension for the seatbelt, or ask to sit at a table cause i couldn't fit in a booth, then people would stare at me while i ate cause i was sweating so badly. . . wearing a snug 4XL uniform and patients rolling their eyes when they found out i was their nurse . . . getting into my car and having a really hard time getting back out. . . you see what i'm talking about. . . to me this surgery has given me happiness for probably the first time in my adult life. . .a joy that can only be seen when it happens to you. . . so for me I don't care if i die before 90 80 or even 70 (we all are born to die anyhow and all of us will die this century regardless). . . i have been given the opportunity to live now and finally enjoy my life as a slim person to live a "normal" life . . . and I am so grateful and thankful for that. Good luck in whatever decision you make. . we all walk our path of life for different reasons and those are only within us.
  19. that is wonderful! I'm like fluffy, I really don't have a favorite food, never have had either, i just ate everything in site before. . . Congratulations on your wonderful weight loss! Keep it up and in no time you'll be at goal! Yippee!!
  20. thinoneday

    Food amounts by time

    Well I'm not sure if this will answer your question or not but here it goes. . .I really don't know why it's harder to eat in the mornings, i'm the same way. .. i eat instant quaker oats with water and that 1/2 cup is very very filling, however during the day it's alot easier and i can eat lots of things, for lunch i can eat a whole wheat tuna sandwich and a small apple with the peel. Then I can eat a whole lean cuisine at dinner time without any problem. . other times I can eat 2 eggs with 1 toast, or a whole fried plantain, 2 chicken legs or 3 wings no problem, 2 tblspn of rice or noodles, i snack here and there and of course the slider foods i can manage the WHOLE bag of whatever (I try really hard not to do that) I'm 13 months out and have not gained any weight but i'm not losing either. . . so what i'm trying is a diet. . . 1000 ADA meal plan and increase the exercise. . . will let you know how that goes. . .I usually do only 3 meals and try really really hard not to snack. have to really think hard when that happens . .depending on my mood however, the head hunger will win. . . darn it! does that help a bit?
  21. thinoneday

    Crazy Head Hunger

    by the way group, I tried out seniorsleevers idea of adding a few drops of anaise to greek yoghurt, let me tell you I was in pure heaven! It set me so at ease and the black licorice craving went away. . . i also take the candied fennel seeds with me to work and if a craving hits, i eat i tsp full and it settles it! Thanks again all!
  22. thinoneday

    Crazy Head Hunger

    I also add, 1 tsp of lemon grass paste, 1 tsp of ginger paste, cardamon seeds ( 4 ) whole cloves (6) cinnamon sticks (2) Put it all through a strainer and enjoy
  23. thinoneday

    Zumba anyone?

    :lol: just my experience. . . .i tried zumba and although i love dance, i looked like such a dang fool! it even made me laugh ! should try pole dancing, much slower!
  24. I drink with straws all the time, even the day of surgery! I love straw drinking! And you know i laughed at your post because i'm 13 months out and haven't learned my lesson on drinking either! I drink and if it's good my goodness do i pay for it. . . I would make a real bad psych subject to learn behavior! Can't teach an old dog new tricks! Not this dog anyhow
  25. thinoneday

    Beer and Alcohol post-op

    I started back up with rum and coke (diet and defizzed of course) when i was 3 months out. . now i'm 13 months out and enjoy my drinks every weekend! No beer cause i really hate beer, but whatever you like you should have! Cheers!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
