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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Vitamins make me sick

    I'm a big baby so I love gummies. . . I get my Vitamins from costco or walmart in adult gummie. I take the following. . . gummie vitamins for adults 2 ; sublingual B12 dots 2 ; gummie Vitamin D3 2 along with a weekly RX vitamin D; Bariatric Advantage lemon chews Calcium 2; and Fiber advantage gummies 2; GNC Omega chews 2; these are pretty good and i treat them more like treats. Now do realize they do have calories and carbs in them. . not much, but they do. . .so just be aware of that. . . also, I am 13 months out so i'm not sure if a newbie can take these. . . best ask the doc ok? Good luck! P.S. The bariatric advantage vitamins are ok. The calcium lemon chews are great, but the calcium isn't (tastes like chalk) the vitamins are ok, but taste like vitamins. . .
  2. thinoneday


    dumb question coming up? How can TMJ be weight related? I'm not much into dentists or teeth things, so I'm kinda dumb when it comes to this. . . please forgive me. . .just wondering
  3. thinoneday

    Bodybuilding after sleeve

    Hey all, just an FYI here regarding this bodybuilding thing. . I have lost 150 lbs . . I used to bodybuild years ago and with the weight loss now I still have definition and tone under that loose skin, (still can puff out the lats pretty good and move the pec's ) actually was approached by a bodybuilding trainer at Golds to work with him to represent Gold's gym. . . wow that was a shocker. . never thought I still had it in me. . . HOWEVER, 5-6 hours a day workout sessions, plus working full time and being a wife (hubbie thinks it would be cool! of course he would ) . . . don't know about that one though. . . was nice to be approached, Good ego booster! but if you have the time, go for it, every bit counts!!! Good luck
  4. thinoneday

    That's IT! I saw myself in full-lenth mirror in the day!!

    Colette, your too cute! We are all going to die! That part is very very predictable, but you know what? Your not going to die because of the sleeve, none of the 2000 people who have had it and are on this forum have died have we???? I've had 18 major (and I mean major) surgeries and girl, I'm not dead yet! One day yes, but not now. . . if you want no complications all you have to do realistically is follow the doctors orders. . . sometimes that doesn't work, but the majority of the time it does. . . Good luck on whatever decision you make but keep in mind your health and well being. . . CHEERS
  5. thinoneday

    I weigh 400 lbs...will this help me?

    GoGiants, what a tremendous thing you have done! Good for you! Keep up the excellent work! Together we will all get there!
  6. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    B - 1 empanada (apple filled) I know, I know!!! coffee with creamer L - 1 portabella mushroom cap filled with red peppers, onion, garlic, and sprinkled with chedder cheese D - probably nothing S - pork rinds - diet dr pepper
  7. thinoneday

    Saying goodbye...

    good luck to you! Congratulations on getting the sleeve, you'll be happy with it. . .
  8. I, at 13 months out, enjoy my rum and cokes every friday and saturday. . .I was given the go ahead at 3 months but with a warning of "do you really want to do that? It does add calories" Hey I'm human, I had this sleeve to loose the weight but not stop living my life. . . I have never really been a wine drinker and definately not a beer drinker, so I can't mention on those. . . but rum and cokes have not been a bother.
  9. thinoneday

    I weigh 400 lbs...will this help me?

    This is excellently said! I could never had said it better and it is SOOOOO true. . .as Jane said "It's going to save your life, but it's going to kill the old one as well. You might as well know that going in" How true it is!
  10. thinoneday

    three's a crowd

    Wow, that is a problem. . and it could potentially cause a problem. Have you both literally sat down and discussed this? I mean the sleeve is a very restrictive tool and if your relationship with your hubbie revolves around food, well . . that may be a stickler. . . HOWEVER! if that is what y'all do, then once you come into eating food again, you don't have to stop all together. . you still can enjoy your Proteins (bbq) you still can enjoy your eating out (not as much mind you, but you can still go) you can rejoice your milestones (yogurt, Jello, popsicles, all sugarfree of course) and you can choose smart choices as well. . . just remember that this is a very restrictive tool and after 2 or 3 bites you'll be done. . . but this is something you and hubbie have to discuss in length. . . whatever you do DONT do it behind his back, have him involved all the way. . . discuss his fear too. . . this is usually why men don't want us to do this, something is scaring them, especially the part of "your going to lose the weight and leave me" They are SOOOOOOO paranoid about that. . . men are incredibly insecure about this when it comes to that. . . so sit down and discuss this. . . definately not worth break up over though. . . just my two cents worth
  11. thinoneday

    6 wks out and i can't loose more lbs.

    Hey there, Rome wasn't built in one day either. . . and i'm sure you didn't gain all your weight overnight neither. . . it's a process not a race. . . so sit back and enjoy your sleeve, let it help you, don't stress over it. . . gosh haven't we done that enough in our lives already? just follow the doctor's advice and honey. . . GET RID OF THAT STUPID SCALE! only weigh yourself at the doctors office on your appts. . . don't become a slave to that dumb scale. Just a suggestion! Bet you'll be a lot happier!
  12. thinoneday

    I just keep melting away!! :-)

    Yippee!!!! Good for you! Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Keep up the fabulous work!
  13. Don't quite know how to take this one. . so maybe y'all can help me out with it. . . . I was working out at our local Gold's Gym where I always have been working out when out of no where comes this HUGH guy (bodybuilder trainer) and asks me if I would consider bodybuilding. I looked at him and told him I used to do that, he said "yes you can tell, you have the perfect body for it. A definate winner, would you consider doing it? You would represent Golds Gym and could win money to boot" . . . . I told him I'd think about it cause it does take a lot of time and effort and i wouldn't have a life . . . after a while of thinking about it I wondered what was it he really was saying???? I'm not flabby except a little on my pannus (apron) but that is it. . .I'm 50 years old (but look 30) I have lots of definition left over from the previous bodybuilding experience. So was this an insult, compliment or what? What should I do? Having had done this before it does that A LOT of time and everyday for hours at a time. . . .
  14. thinoneday

    Ummm insult or compliment

    Thanks all . . .yes I've done this before and with a full time job now it would be a challenge, so it's something to really think about. . . but a 50 this old body can't do the things it used to at 20 I can still bench press 450 lb with legs, but I don't know. . . yes, the ticker is fine for this . . . i'll let you all know ok! Thanks for the inputs! Trainer would be free, need to find out about the membership since I've been paying into it for the past 6 years. . . . Thanks again all!
  15. thinoneday

    My Butt Hurts!

    Hahahahaha. . . nursing humor!
  16. Good for you! Next let me tell you something young man. . . you are much better lookin then brad pitt. . . to me he does resemble a "pitt" . . I really think Brad is very unattractive! But then that is just me. Keep up the excellant work. . .
  17. thinoneday

    My Butt Hurts!

    I had/have the same problem. Actually the other day i was sitting in a chair and when i got up you could see the bone imprints! Now there was a switch! I pointed it out to hubbie and he got such a kick out of it. . . guess it goes with the territory huh? :lol: Rootman, I must say, working in a STD/HIV dept in a major city, the title of your topic really caught my attention!
  18. thinoneday

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    pumpkin, I totally love your story, especially the shopping "problems" . . . that is hilarious! thanks for sharing! Congratulations on your success. . .the last few pounds are tough, but together we'll get there! CHEERS
  19. thinoneday

    Coffee coffee coffee

    Well I'm totally totally proud of myself as well. . . (this isn't a coffee experience though) the other day i saw a sonic commercial and it hit me. . . I haven't had a hamburger or fries in over 13 months!!!!!! NOT ONE BITE! i know it's stupid, but i'm sooooo proud of myself. . . in my before surgery days I could easily polish off a supersonic burger plus extra large fries and a large drink. . . now that thought nauseates me. . . . all i could say when i realized that was WOW HOW GREAT IS THAT!!
  20. thinoneday

    carbonated beverages

    Hi there, I didn't drink diet carbonated drinks til i was 3 months out and then would defizz them. . I'm out now 13+ months and still drink them slightly defizzed. . . if i don't it hurts just a wee to much. . .
  21. thinoneday

    Weight Loss

    And I have lost 150 lbs. . . i have reached my doctors goal for me, but want to lose about another 20 or 30 lbs for my own liking, maybe more. . .who knows!
  22. thinoneday

    miss my sleeve family

    hey there! this site isn't just for sleevers, it's for all who want to join in and chat and need help! Don't just toss us to the curb cause your not sleeved, your part of us, maybe not physically but mentally! We can still give you ideas and help you along. . . we are here for you if you want us. . .we are your cyber family . . . so keep chattin with us! We would love to have you come back home! Happy Valentines to you as well!!!!1
  23. thinoneday

    Body chemistry changes with weight loss

    Well my darlin, i beg to differ with you in a big way here. . . before the surgery we all had labs etc drawn. . . mine were perfect at that time including my Vitamin D. . . so after the surgery it has become severely low. . . ummmmm surgery????? even my WLSurgeon admits it's from the surgery. . . just my observation. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovely ladies!

    Happy Valentines Day to all of you as well!
  25. thinoneday

    Happy and Tearful!

    Keep up the excellant work! There are many more days like this to come for you! Congratulations

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