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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    So....what's it like?

    hi there, 14 months out tomorrow and I eat anything i want. However, in the beginning do as your told by your doctor. . . you have to follow their rules and regulations. . .you don't want to be labeled as non compliant especially if a problem should occur. . . i started eating whatever the heck i wanted at 1 year out. . . i'm a drinker too and enjoy everything, i do have to let my sodas sit for a while so that it doesn't fill me up so quickly . . . yes you can eat ice cream, chips, whatever you want after you are given the green light . . . there is no such thing as "YOU CAN NEVER EAT THAT AGAIN" . . . . this would be really dumb don't you think? As long as it's in moderation and you don't back to old habits you'll be fine. . . as for regrets, sure there were plenty of regrets for about 3-4 months. . .you live your life a certain way for so many years and then overnight it changes, you have to learn to eat different, drink differently, chew differently, etc. . .it's really tough, but you learn and go on with your life and soon it becomes second nature. . . you stall out and sit at the same weight for months but it eventually moves. . . it's really interesting, but i'm glad now that i did it. . . good luck you'll do well. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Sleeve stretch?

    Stretched or not, all i know is that if i eat really dense proteins like eggs, tuna, sausages, chicken, etc. . . i have sooooo much restriction. . . for example today i only had the following, 2 poached eggs for breakfast, 1.5 oz of chedder cheese at about 2:30pm and 1 piece of fish (tail end) for dinner. . .for a snack i had greek yogurt with 1 scoop of protein powder. . . i feel like i'll never need to eat ever again I am soooooooooooo full. . .and with that being said and at 14 months out, i think i'm still doing pretty darn good with restriction. . .
  3. thinoneday

    I need to Vent...

    It's almost over. . . please remember that this is only temporary and then the real stuff happens. . . the getting slim by the minute and all that FUN stuff. . you'll be eating "normal" soon and feel so much better . . . just hang in there . . . you've come this far you can go a bit further. . . good luck!
  4. Good Girl!!!! I'm proud of you! I'm very happy your surgery is still a go . . you are going to be so happy with your decision!
  5. thinoneday


    Welcome and a big congratulations to you! You are a true inspiration . . you are so right about the proteins and water and yup if you do that right there definately is no room for the "other" stuff. . .
  6. The question would be about the after care? Would a US doc be willing to take care of you if you got into some situation after a mexico doc did the surgery? This is what prevented me from going to mexico. . . my self pay was $15,500 in San Antonio TX and that included everything plus 1 year of after care. Not too bad I think
  7. thinoneday

    Baja Bob anyone?

    HI Disney! yup in SAT I am. . . I love Appleton Estate Special Edition Rum dark only. OOOOOH I'm going to try the lime juice in mine tonight! Sounds yummmmmm. I was cleared at 3 months or so . . but double check with your doc.
  8. thinoneday

    Baja Bob anyone?

    I've been doing diet sodas all my life. Can't do the regular stuff, to me it's like thick syrups. . weird how our tastes are so different when you're used to something huh??? My hubbie can't do the diet stuff at all either, so we have a small fridge with diet on the bottom and regular on the top. . . :lol:
  9. thinoneday

    Toast a slider?

    Wow, I just looked at your ticker! You have done so well! You are totally an inspiration! I bet you must feel so much better! Good for you. . .and big cyber hugs for you! (((( ))))
  10. thinoneday

    Swimsuit Season

    Yeah, summer 2012 sounds good to me too! Lets talk then!!!
  11. thinoneday

    Baja Bob anyone?

    hahaha! your too cute! No i don't know what that drink is, but it sure does sound good! Keep us posted. . . I drink good ole rum and diet coke myself ever since i was 3 months out and i'm out 14 months now and love my alcoholic beverages!
  12. thinoneday


    Good for you! How exciting! keep up the excellant work! Your doing fabulously!
  13. thinoneday

    Out of control

    Faithstar is so right here. . . there is a book you can order from Amazon.com called "mindless eating" it's really really boring to read, but it makes so much sense. It talks about being kind to yourself first most and utmost . . and not hurt yourself. . if you make a mistake, you should be able to say "it's ok, we'll try again" be kind to yourself. . . The book follows buddhist beliefs and the way of buddha. . . interesting. . . you'll be ok. . . just think about what your about to do before you do it and maybe ask "do I really want to do this" . . . good luck!
  14. thinoneday

    how much taco bell

    nope, sorry at 14 months out i can't even finish 1/2 of a taco. . .nor can I finish a 6 " subway turkey sandwich, that i have to get them to cut in half to have a 3" . . . my problem is i can eat often! not much, but often and that adds up!
  15. thinoneday

    Toast a slider?

    you betcha! I love toast cause it doesn't cause that tight yuk creeping out of your throat feeling. . .I can easily down 2 slices of toast without a problem, but give me 1 chicken leg, good lord!
  16. thinoneday

    Total NSV and some

    How very fabulous for you! I can sure tell you're major happy! Good for you girl! keep up the excellent work and next thing you know you'll be a iddy bitty little thingy. . . .
  17. thinoneday

    Swimsuit Season

    I think I'm still way too shy for swimsuit season. . . could really be a reason why i shyed away from the bodybuilding offer. . . .
  18. thinoneday

    does it feel different to puke after the sleeve?

    knock on wood, I haven't puked in the past 14 months! so I am interested in this topic too. . .but of course it depends on each of us individually. . .we will all puke differently when we do I guess. . . guess i'll find out whats its like when i do huh????
  19. thinoneday

    Where are the 50s ???

    Dont ya worry none, were right here with ya. . . . I'm 50 and I don't own a wrinkle and I've lost 150 lbs! I guess I'm either damn lucky or my native american indian heritage is playing it's part. . .all i have is a little loose skin where my apron used to be. . . my daughter who is 21 was asked if I'm her sister???? go figure. . . but as long as it continues I'm as happy as a clam!
  20. Just wait til your 1 + years out and actually have to watch what your doing or it starts to creep back up, , , then ask your question of "taking the easy way out" . . . I have to actually diet now and exercise like a bumbaclat all the time just to maintain my weight, no not lose it (that would be great!!!!!) but to actually prevent it from going up. . . it's so easy now on just 1000 - 1200 calories to gain weight. . . .very irratating. . .
  21. thinoneday

    That's IT! I saw myself in full-lenth mirror in the day!!

    :lol: Your funny! Girl you'll be back! don't worry. . . easier said then done right? In all 18 of my surgeries I was worried about the same thing, but you have to put your trust in your belief system and the surgeon. . . you have to believe in order to achieve. . . you are going to be ok! We will definately see you here after March 7th and you'll be telling us all about it and helping out all the newbies too!
  22. It sounds like your more hurt then angry. . I don't blame you. . your hubbie wanted to protect you thats all. He tried to stand up to his parents by telling them what he was going to do with ya'lls money. . . i hate overbearring people like his parents. . . apparently they have been telling him and the other siblings what to do for the whole of their lives. . . your hubbie doesn't like to have waves it seems with them. . . don't be mad with your hubbie, you did chose to tell others and he (being a man) thought that it was ok to tell others too. . . so you just go on now, it's out in the open, so just hug your hubbie (he does love you lots you know ) hold your head up high and carry on. . . you don't have to please the stupid inlaws, just yourself and hubbie. and if you don't get your surgery you are just pleasing them, showing them they won AGAIN, and not yourself or your hubbie (plus your acting stubborn then) . . . you live with him not THOSE other people. . . good luck! I too was self pay and yes, it's an investment like a little car, but hey i'm alive and living life good and healthy now!
  23. thinoneday

    loose skin

    big hugs to you sweetie, I can totally relate to you! I'm 1/2 native american indian and 1/2 german (go figure???) anyhow that makes me a really big boned, tall (6'0") person. . .my dad was 6'8 and weighed nearly 400 lbs and my german mom is 5'8 tall and about 200 lbs. . . at 12 years old i weighed 222 lbs (always the biggest girl anywhere) and at my heaviest i weighed 350 lbs and after i had my surgery and lost 150 lbs i don't have that much loose skin. I actually look 10 - 15 years younger . . . no wrinkles at all (and i'm 50) my daughter's friends asked her if I was her sister????? my daughter is 21. . . what a compliment that was. . . the only really loose skin i have is my apron, ahhhhh but it's nothing that a little duck tape couldn't help out! :lol: . . . you'll be ok hon, don't worry about it now. . just get your exercise in and do what your told to do and you'll be ok. . . the plastic surgeon told me that what is to be expected is to loose all your weight first, then maintain for about 1 year and then think about plastics because the skin usually shrinks back up some and what doesn't is then taken off. . . . good luck! Your going to do just fine!
  24. thinoneday


    I took off 2 1/2 weeks but not cause I needed to but rather cause I wanted to. . . 1 week would have been enough as per doctor, but 2 1/2 was better. . . I returned rested and feeling good. .
  25. thinoneday

    Introducing Me

    Hi and welcome Dottie. . . I had my surgery on Dec 29, 2009. . .just a few days after you. . . I've done excellently too just like you! I'm kicking around with the weight now as well. . . it has slowed down really really badly, but you know what i think? Good for me at least i lost the 150 lbs and am at goal for my WL surgeon. I would love to lose another 20 or 30 lbs. but highly doubt that will happen. . . that is ok for me at least i'm not 350 anymore! I'm living life well, and can actually do things i never could do before. . . I still have to get used to shopping in the mall verus the Roaman's catalogue though. . .can't get a hold of that yet. . . one day. . . I've gone from a snug 4XL to a L now and think that is great. . . anyhow keep posting and together we'll get there. . . PM me if you'd like as well. . . chat soon again!

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