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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    24 hours out now

    Congrats and welcome to the losers bench!
  2. thinoneday


    :lol: I love that sentence "heck go be one of those models" That made my day. . . I have always been really tall (thanks dad . . native american indian at 6'8") and one day (when I was a kid) my mom noticed how depressed I was over it and she took me to the side and shared a cute story which i still laugh at. . . she said that when she lived in Paraquay and Buenos Aires she was always the tallest woman around. . . one day a short man approached her and said to her "in order to get to you one needs a ladder" . . . she just looked at him and said, "well at least up here I get the fresh air, but what you get is what i let out" . . . he just turned around and left her be. . I got and still do get a kick out of that story. . .
  3. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Tuesday

    B - potatoe and egg taco on corn tortilla L - tuna sandwich on wheat D - lean cuisine (don't know what flavor yet) S - granny smith apple small - greek yogurt with Protein powder - couple of diet sodas (defizzed of course)
  4. thinoneday

    I do have one problem!!!

    Yes, I totally agree with Used2b575lbs! Don't buy too many new clothes if you can avoid it. . clothes are very expensive and if you get to the goodwill, salvation army or whatever do that, if you can get hand me downs even better. . . i'm wearing clothes that my daughter can't fit anymore, however only problem with those is that it's her kind of clothes (young teenagers taste) See me running around with a mini skirt and a middrift t shirt that say Hot Topic! Some of her clothes are cute though. . .
  5. Maybe that is a Mexico doctor protocol because I didn't have to have one either. Just my ordinary labs to make sure everything was ok.
  6. Good girl. . .you have to look out for number 1 and that is you. . .I don't think writing nasty letters solves anything especially getting you care. . . I'm glad you're going to a gastroentrologist and finding a new PCP. . . good for you! Now hopefully you'll get the right care you deserve. . .
  7. good luck to you! You'll do well. . . and welcome!
  8. thinoneday

    Weird question

    I sleep on my left side as well and that is where they had put the JP drain, so it was a bit uncomfortable, i managed on my right side and back until i felt i could sleep on the left. . . good luck! You'll do great!
  9. I tend to agree with jerri, what size bougie did your surgeon use? Mine used a 28/32F and at 14 months out I still have lots of restriction. I can eat a whole tuna sandwich for example but it takes me almost 30 minutes. . . or I'm really really full on 6oz of greek yogurt mixed with Protein powder. . .for my dinners I can get down 1 small chicken leg, 1 tbspn of rice and 1 tblspn of eggplant but i rarely can finish all of that . . . I'm wondering if your surgeon didn't leave you with a really large bougie. . . ask on your next visit. . . I understand some doc's do a 40F and larger. . .
  10. thinoneday


    TOTALLY UNDERSTAND! i'm so into night eating and it's the carby foods. During the day at work I've noticed too that I reach for pretzels filled with peanut butter and pork rinds sometimes gummies (stress eating and a bit of depression has creeped in too). . . i really hate my job (can't afford to quit right now though) so I've turned to drinking diet sodas, not many of them about 2 or 3 during the day. . . it's better then gummies and pretzels with peanut butter! But come night time, man there I go. . . so like Tiff, I started to go to bed early. . grab a piece of cheese, go shower by 8:30 and into bed by 9:00, read for a bit and go to sleep by 10 pm. . . ugh life can suck!
  11. I was self pay and from the seminar to the surgery was 2 months. I could have had it earlier but because christmas was around the corner I chose the date to be after christmas.
  12. thinoneday


    I've lost 150lbs and still feel like sasquatch! I'm very big boned and 6'0 tall. . . shoulda been a guy I guess but no i'm not. . . ugh I feel ugly every day i look into the mirror. . . I get compliments and all, but that goes in one ear and out the other. . . i know i don't look anything like i did at 350 lbs, and I've gone from a snug 4XL to L and from 32W to 16W but still I look like a flippin' giant against everyone else!! . . . oh well no one said life was fair right?? At least I don't weigh 350 lbs anymore right?
  13. thinoneday

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Ugh, I'll probably weigh the same as i have been over the last 2 months. . .
  14. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Monday

    B - greek yogurt with 1 scoop vanilla Protein powder (my favorite thing ever) L - tuna sandwich on wheat D- 1 chicken leg, 1 tbspn rice, 1 tbspn lentils, and 1 tblspn eggplant S- 1 small granny smith apple - 2 oz pork rinds - diet dr pepper - 1 oz chedder cheese
  15. Wow you've done pretty well so far. . . the sleeve will definately give you that extra boost! You'll love it. . . just hang in there! All I can tell you is be patient and don't weigh yourself all the time. . don't be nutty and stupid with the scale. . . put it away and only weigh at the doctor appt's, you'll be alot more happier if you do that. . . it's tough but so what. . . I actually threw my scale away the day I came home from the hospital . . . it was great when I went to the doctor office and saw how fast the pounds were coming off. . . now i'm 14 months out and yes it's slowed down alot but at least i'm not 350 lbs anymore! Good luck you'll do great!
  16. thinoneday

    Unsupportive Sister and Mother

    Good for you and good for mom! She is supporting you in the most nicest way, she is coming with you to the seminar! So what if she will be mad, she is supporting you! Hugs to mom!!!!
  17. thinoneday

    Sex can't be the solution!

    Men are very insecure about these things. . . they think that the minute we lose our weight we are going to run off with some one else. . . ugh. . . mine wouldn't even come to the seminar for over 2 years, kept telling me NO I DO NOT SUPPORT YOU. . . irk . . . well I continued and finally the dude comes to the seminar. . . .initially I wanted the band, so at the seminar he was asking all these questions, I just sat and listened. . . after the seminar we were walking to the car in silence and I said finally "so what do you think" he said "I don't and won't support you with the band, but I will support you with the sleeve" God I almost fell over, I just looked at him and said really? He said yes the sleeve only. . . OK! well i got a loan and had my surgery about 2 months later. . . I guess all that he wanted was to be involved in the process. . . he did have the odd behavior about me "leaving him" but i explained why would I want to train someone else when he is already so well trained? Ice breaker. . . now things are ok, but I've gotten some severe malabsorption issues happening now and now he's yapping again. . . but hey, it's done, I've lost 150 lbs and haven't died. . . soooo he can keep yapping. . .
  18. thinoneday

    I know stalls are normal....but....

    Hi Dottie, I'm 14 months out too. . . maybe our bodies have said ENOUGH! Lets make those bodies change their minds! :lol: I wonder if when you get to a certain weight it stops no matter what you do????
  19. thinoneday

    Denied UHC!! ***in tears***

    Your lucky the UHC at least looked at it, I have UHC and bariatric surgery of any kind is NOT covered by it on our end. . I was self pay. . . yup took out a loan . . . but hey I really wanted this surgery so I did whatever I had to. . yes I still have a ways to go to repay it but oh well. . . I got to goal before the loan was paid for! Self pay could be another option.
  20. thinoneday

    Need my sugar fix

    sorry to say this, but when i have a craving I fulfill it . . . just have it and get it over with. . .don't feel bad about it at all but don't do it again for a while and just have 1 or 2 of the cookies not the whole box. . . good luck! We are living and deprivation is not living. . .
  21. thinoneday

    the coolest NSV yesterday!

    thats cute! I love that. . . the first time my daughter's b/friend told her "your mom is really hot for her age" I thought this young man has a definate problem. . . I got all embarrassed and red! How dare a hormonal 21 year old say that about a 50 year old (guess if we got it, we got it huh )
  22. thinoneday

    Unsupportive Sister and Mother

    First off, who really cares about them? Really, it's your health that must be taken care of, not them. . . And you are so lucky to have a husband who is supporting you in this. . . it is his support that matters not your family. . . you have to live with your husband not you skinny jealous sister. . . my mom still thinks I'm going to regain all my weight and be 350 lbs again. . . when she sees me eat only 4 - 6 oz at a meal she says I'm faking and just trying to show off. . . in one ear and out of the other, I don't give a flip about what my family says, they are just hurtful anyhow. . . it's me that matters not them. . . cheers and good luck!
  23. Me too, I'm 14 months out today and still have very loud gurgles and noises coming from my tummy. . .I like to hear them cause it lets me know that there are no leaks! The tummy pain I think would be just from the surgery, hang in there it'll be better soon. . . the gurglies, welcome them, they will soon become part of you. . good luck!
  24. thinoneday

    Weight Gain

    And look at this one, at least you don't weigh what you used too right? Get back on that path and walk it . . . you'll do well. . . we all have these problems. . .I'm stalled now for 2 months, my fault cause i've fallen into a bit of a depression and really couldn't care less right now. . .but at least i don't weigh 350lbs right???
  25. thinoneday

    I know stalls are normal....but....

    Irk the dreaded stall. . . totally can related, my first stall lasted 3 months and now i've been the same weight for the past 2 months . . . oh well at least i don't weigh 350 lbs anymore. . .

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