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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Post-Op Diet - Protein shakes???

    I used and still use Bariatric Advantage Protein in Vanilla and Chocolate. . I love adding PB to the chocolate one (makes it taste like a reeses peanutbutter cup) but use the smooth PB if your going to do that. . . I also love to add different flavored extracts to the vanilla one and pumpkin pie spice or nutmeg to it. . . tastes really yum. . . try mixing the vanilla protein powder to a vanilla greek yogurt, that is my favorite thing ever! Good luck!
  2. thinoneday

    When can I have bread?

    it's not going to feel good at all and make you feel bad. If it's not on your list don't have it yet and when you go to the doctor next time ask when you can have bread. . . I still have problems with it and I'm out 14 months
  3. thinoneday

    Post Op Day Five

    Well no one said that a hospital was the Ritz Carlton for a restful sleep huh? It's a good thing they are there monitoring you to make sure your doing ok. . .can you imagine if you really did flat line and no one cared? Glad to hear your doing fine!
  4. thinoneday


    That is so cool! Men can be so dense sometimes! But when they get it, it's really cute! How great for you! Keep up the excellent work "Ms Tammy"
  5. I'm so happy to hear that! It's really depressing but it gets going after a while, ESPECIALLY if your doing every right! Just keep it up! Good for you!
  6. Wow, I would head the other way really fast and find someone else a gasterologist perhaps, because this Dr. coates staff is major unprofessional! And yes, they violated HIPPAA in a big way ! This is so wrong!
  7. From seminar to surgery was 1 1/2 months. . . but then i was self pay. . .amazing how money talks huh?
  8. thinoneday

    Scars after surgery

    mine are 100% gone after 14 months! I'm really excited about that! Mine was a US surgery 5 little pokes which are all gone . . .
  9. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! TGIF

    B - mushrooms 4oz and 2 eggs L - 4 oz tuna with 1 tblspn mayo and 9 pieces of BBQ pork rinds = 1oz D - portabella mushroom cap stuffed with green peppers and onions S - tea with creamer (tea is my self-soothing food, when I drink tea I lose all cravings ) Vits in Working on Water Exercise (I'll eventually get there )
  10. thinoneday

    Bougie Size

    mine was 32 with oversew to 28F . . . but that was mine. . . your doc has reasons for making yours a 44
  11. thinoneday


    hi Barb, please go to the Post Op VSG questions and answers section look under the title of "old habits coming back" and read what my response to the topic starter was please. . hopefully this will help you get back on track. . . .good luck
  12. thinoneday

    Okay, this is getting ridiculous!

    I believe it's supposed to be the other way around. . .40 grams of carbs or less, and 75 - 90 grams of Proteins and 64oz or more of Water. . . at least that is what my nutritionist said. . . follow what your plan has for you . . . but your carb intake sounds too high. . . .
  13. thinoneday

    Harder than I thought

    Hi Cwalker, I have posted a confession which may be able to help you as well. . . it's under the Post Op VSG questions and Answers, titled "Old habits are coming back. . . look for my response to the first person. . . .Good luck! Hope it helps
  14. thinoneday

    Back to square one

    Chilo, hi honey! Please go to Post Op VSG questions and answers, and look for the title called "old habits trying to come back" Please read my confession and hopefully this will help you get back on track. . . it was painful for me to write, but at least i got it out there just like when a drug addict admits they have a problem. . . please go read it. . . thanks
  15. thinoneday

    Woo Hoo!! 50lbs down!!!

    Woohooo!!!!! Doing the happy dance! Good for you Girl!!!! keep up the excellent work and don't slip up!
  16. I can so relate to what your saying and it's not fun. . .unfortunately we are given this sleeve as a tool only, what we do with it is our decision. . . since last october i've fallen off the wagon pretty badly and gained quite a bit of weight (not tons but enough to shock me) and i had to think about what it was that i had been doing wrong. . . i found that i've come under A LOT of stress both at home and at work. . . so being a emotional eater, guess what????? I was eating all the time not realizing what I was doing. . . it didn't seem like much at those times, heck a small bag of pretzels here and small bag of licorice there. . . pork rinds EVERYDAY up to 2 bags of them, lots of alcohol, going out to eat more often. . . you get the picture. . . well i would weigh myself and couldn't understand why the heck was i not moving off the same weight i was on for the past few months so I stopped weighing myself as well. . .(oh and to mention I stopped exercising too) well then here at the end of february I got up onto the scale after not being weighed for a few weeks and oh my god I thought i was going to die, have a stroke, or both but I had gained soooooooooo much weight (25lbs, no the scale was not wrong). . . but how was that possible? Well it is and it will happen to all of us if we don't get a handle onto it. . . the sleeve is only a tool it's not a miracle thing that will make us loose weight we are the ones who have to work with it in order to loose the weight. . . well i got back to basics (and let me tell you it's extremely hard now) but since i have i've lost 4 lbs in 3 days, i will continue to eat Proteins first and ONLY 3 meals a day without Snacks like it was recommended by my nut back in the beginning. . . This is a big set back for me, I was soooooo close to my goal and now have to work 2x as hard to get there but i will get there. . . I didn't spend $15,000.00 of my hard earned money to regain my weight! So I hope that this story helps you out a bit, maybe scares you a bit, but it's true and very real. . I'm living through it now and was really embarrassed to talk about it, but the best therapy is to realize what is happening and get it out into the open . . . so here I am telling you to be really careful. . . don't sabatoge yourself. . it's a lot harder if you do. . . good luck to you and to EVERYONE here. . . .
  17. thinoneday

    when does this get better?

    yup everyone is right on the money here. . i'm 14 months out and must say it how it is STOP IT, pull up those big girl panties and go sip water, koolaid, gatoraid, whatever but sip don't gulp and go for a walk even if it's to the mail box. . . your throat hurts from the intubation tube, it will go away. . . feeling sorry for yourself won't heal you . . .sorry to be so on target but that is how it is. . . good luck
  18. thinoneday


    Kinda late, but I never needed that . . . interesting. . . good luck though!
  19. thinoneday

    My new birthday

    Good luck! Your having your surgery on my birthday!
  20. thinoneday

    i wasn't always fat

    I'm glad you are doing ok. . your very luck you know. . . he really loves you for you. . . not too many people can say that, thin or fat. . . after you lose the weight, he'll still be there for you i bet. . did you have your surgery yet or no?
  21. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Thursday

    B - plain greek yogurt with 1 scoop vanilla Protein powder L - 2 oz tuna in Water with 1 tbspn mayo D - 2 poached eggs and steamed mushrooms S - Vitamins - tea with cream and 2 sugar - coffee decaf with creamer still working on the water so far 36 oz down. . . .
  22. thinoneday


    Welcome to buyers remorse! And yes, this too shall pass. . . I had buyers remorse for months (3-4months) after surgery. . . I hated it, i really did . . . but you know what? I hated being fat more. . . even now that i reached the first goal i still struggle with this thingy but i'm glad i have it. .you'll do ok, so pull up those big girl panties and realize why you had this surgery in the first place. . . it wasn't so you could shovel chips into your mouth right? Good luck you'll be ok
  23. First off WELCOME! you're definately in the right place ! We're a pretty cool family. . we even fight and argue! I can relate to your story, I started period at 9 (can you see a 3rd grader doing that! ) it was pretty bad, so I understand. . . only I went the opposite way you did, I shot up to 6'0" tall and 222 at 12 years old! Boobs from hell 42DD at 12 and fatter then a pig. . . I didn't fit in either, but instead of being the funny one I "hid" myself the best I could . . . no friends, didn't care less about anything, very depressed, attempted sucide a few times (as you can see it didn't work ) dieted up and down (did manage to loose very well during a bodybuilding stent for about 2 years but then regained), got married (to a good man by the way) but stayed depressed. . had 2 kids (10 years apart, I'm not a baby person) got fatter by the months, then finally had the damn guts to do this surgery. . . now i've lost 150 lbs been out for about 14 months, come a long way . . . still have issues to work out but it's getting there (for some stupid reason I'm looking for something I can't seem to find go figure) . . . your going to do great! your going to like your sleeve once you get used to it. . . takes a bit to relearn, but after you do that it's not that bad. . . so once again welcome and keep posting.
  24. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    I'm right there with you Pattimomof3! I'm going back to basics as of today. . . the honeymoon phase of this sleeve is over and now the work will begin. . . I'm embarrassed to say, I've slipped big time and the scale has now showed it! I'm not changing my ticker cause I need to get back there. . . . Soooo with that being said, B - tea with 2 cream L - 2.5oz tuna with 1 tbspn mayo D- 2 poached eggs and 1 oz chedder cheese S - tea with creamer Vitamins are in working on the water UGH!!!!!
  25. thinoneday

    Great news from the doctor !!!

    congratulations (I think) The temper tantrum needs to be controlled however. . . but otherwise CONGRATULATIONS! Don't go backwards to your teen years of stamping your foot if it doesn't go your way. . . that would not be a good thing ESPECIALLY for the wifey. . . just a suggestion!

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