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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Butt pain!

    have you two tried Witch Hazel? I don't know if it'll help, but might be worth a try. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    today is mix up and confuse body day. . . I do this every 2 weeks B - greek yogurt with 1 scoop Protein mix S - cup O noodles L - 2 oz tuna with 1 tbspn mayo and 9 pork rinds S - jalepeno cheese sticks 2 D - portabella mushroom with peppers, onions, and cheese Bedtime snack - sharp chedder cheese chunk
  3. thinoneday

    Why am I so hungry????????????

    I'm sorry this is happening to you, but unfortunately there are some of us (me included) who never lose that part . . . I've learned to "control" it. . . I bet you can't eat as much as before surgery though? Well in that case what you do is eat you 3 meals Protein first (always) then veggies, and then if you have room eat your carbs. . .keep your carbs under 40grams per day and you Proteins 70 - 80grams. . . Don't snack at all, if you "think" you have to divert yourself to do something else for about 10 minutes, if the feeling doesn't go away, then eat a protein like cheese or Jerky. . .but try really hard not to throw in a carb. . . i went off the path since October and gained 21lbs, so now i'm back on track and eating properly and am back to losing, and let me tell you something, it's alot harder the second time around. . so be careful! Good luck!
  4. thinoneday

    I'm having second thoughts...

    Wow, didn't you research the sleeve first or talk to other folks about it? It will change and get better, it's just buyers remorse . . and honey one more thing, its done already and there is no going back, so get a handle on it, pull up your big girl panties and move forward. . . i promise it does get better. . but feeling sorry for yourself won't help the situation . . just learn what you have too. . . good luck and sorry to be so straight forward but that is what i do. . .
  5. thinoneday

    Okay, this is getting ridiculous!

    YOU GO GIRL. . . . always remember protein good, carbs bad! Not really, but don't eat more carbs then proteins! Keep up the great work!
  6. thinoneday

    stomach swelling after 90 days

    Did you maybe eat something that got stuck? I am 14+ months out and the other day i ate coconut and was in pain for 3 days. . . damn thing didn't digest at all . . . it was pretty bad pain. . . i get the same pain from lettuce, so maybe you ate something different. . . if not I don't know. . . hope you feel better soon. . . i'm glad you went to the doctor though, yeah those ER doc's are sorta useless aren't they?
  7. thinoneday

    Why does yogurt make me hungry?

    It's probably the carb content in it. . .i understand that carbs make you more hungry then Proteins do, but we need the yogurt for our milk. . . and the greek one for the Protein. . . add some Protein powder into the yogurt. . . i find it calms the hunger pains a bit because of the protein. . .
  8. thinoneday

    Do Sleevers Smell Bad?

    Interesting, never thought about that. . . I never once had this problem EVER. . . but then no one would say anything now would they?
  9. thinoneday

    Album Making

    Ok guys since they changed this entire site how do you add pictures now? There is no CP link anymore. . .errrrr I hate technology sometimes!
  10. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Monday

    Lets see. . . . B - 2 eggs L - 2 oz salmon with 1 tbspn mayo and 9 pieces of pork rind D - portabella mushroom cap with onion, green peppers, garlic, chickpeas and dahl S - jalapeno string cheese - tea with creamer - diet A&W rootbeer
  11. thinoneday

    I feel like something is wrong

    you should never compare yourself to others . . . we all lose at different rates. . . some of us had much higher Bmi's which will loose faster and some lose slower. . . can you imagine what a world this would be if we were all the same? Your doing very well. . . congratulations! Keep up the great work. . . pat yourself on the back for a fabulous job well done!
  12. thinoneday

    Thin = Ugly

    OHHHH NOOOOOOO!!!! Not me, and i know vanity is one of the seven sins but since I've lost my weight, I look better! No wrinkles here at all. . .one of my daughters friends who has never seen me asked her if I was her sister. . . my daughter is 21! (I am 50 ) What a nice compliment. . .I think I look alot better now then when i was obese. . . have you thought about permanent makeup? I have my eyebrows and eyeliners top and bottom done. . . its really neat not have to worry about putting on "makeup" every day and just wake up and poof there you are all beautiful!
  13. thinoneday

    Look at my tracker!! hehe

    Congratulations! Isn't it amazing. . .and the funny part of it all is that when we were fat we thought all the attitude from people was normal. . . its so weird. . . Keep up the great work. . .
  14. thinoneday

    Pre-op Diet Day One...Starving!

    this is very correct. . and always remember it's only temporary not a permanent thing!
  15. thinoneday

    First day back to work

    I went through that exact same thing and let me tell you I HATED IT ! So I know how your feeling. . .I'm out now 14months and things have slowed down. . the comments don't come anymore except from those who haven't seen me in a long time, but that is expected. . so it does get better just hang in there. . .
  16. thinoneday

    Protein Bars

    Isn't that an awful lot of carbs? I mean it's almost your whole days allowance . . .
  17. thinoneday

    Broke the stall (slowly)

    I totally understand stalls. . . try 3 and 6 MONTHS at the same weight! Now that sucks!
  18. Congratulations and keep up the excellent work!
  19. thinoneday

    Fill your own goddamn emotional void

    hahahaha. . . that is funny! loved it!
  20. thinoneday


    My dear friend, don't fret . . . I had a really bad 6 months and because of that gained 21 lbs or so, very heartbreaking and very embarrassing to discuss, but in order to help a problem, one must admit to the problem. . . so i just pulled myself together last wednesday and said NO MORE!!!! I was given this thing to HELP me it's not going to do the losing for me. . . so i went back to basics, very high Protein and very low carbs . . . now Breakfast is usually 2 poached eggs; lunch is 2-4 oz of a meat (not processed) but rather tuna, hamburger meat, chicken, turkey (homemade not store bought) ; dinner is more meat and a piece of cheese . . . before bed is cheese ( a good hunk of it) . . . no snacking at all. . . if the head hunger strikes I found my self-soothing food is tea with creamer. . . that is where my carbs come from. . . since wednesday I've lost 5lbs . . . i will keep it up and don't give up. . . i do alot of self talk, if i'm feeling hungry, I ask myself "are you really hungry?" i stop and LISTEN to my tummy, most times it's a big no, then i'll have something to drink or have tea. . . I've stopped drinking alcohol as well as that was getting in the way and as we know alcohol has lots of calories. . . i'll always have issues that will try to sabatoge my work and i'll always have stress at my job, but it's how i handle the situation that will either make me or break me. . . i've come too far to regain my weight, and spent way too much money (I was self pay). . .I hope all goes well for you, make sure the doctor checks your Vitamin D levels, it's amazing how this vitamin affects weight. . . good luck and care about you!!
  21. thinoneday

    Body Issues

    I still see myself as a very hugh person . . . monsterous actually. . .until yesterday. . . daughter came home for the weekend from university and we were just sitting around talking. . i was sitting on a small stool (kindergarten type) and she asked me to try her new hat on. . . she took a picture and what i saw looking back at me shocked me. . . it was a very thin tall woman. . . i couldn't believe that was me. . . on her phone i look very thin, but when i see myself in the mirror i don't see that at all. . . I still want to lose about 30 or 40 lbs. I always used to say that i would be so happy if i was thinner. . . but you know what? My brain hasn't shrunk, I have, I still have a little depression going on and I struggle with many issues every day. . . losing weight didn't make me happier at all, it made me healthier and such, but i have to work on the issues. . .
  22. thinoneday

    Slider foods question

    Slider food is food that goes down so easy without causing too much restriction and you can eat lots of it. . . some examples are cake, ice creams, chips, toast, anything basically that has high carbs in it. . . be really careful around those things
  23. thinoneday

    3.5 Months with Fotos

    Congratulations! You are doing fabulously! Keep up the great work!
  24. thinoneday


    Wow, how excellent! You can sure tell the differences. . . keep up the fabulous work!
  25. thinoneday

    I'm So Excited!!

    How excellent! Doesn't that fall off your body thing feel great! Keep up the great work and you can do this run! Good job!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
