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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    7 months, 67 pounds down....what's next?

    Congratulations you look awesome! Doesn't it feel great! Keep up the great work
  2. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! TGIF

    B - bowl of Cereal with 0% fat free milk L - cup o noodles D - going out s - none yet
  3. thinoneday

    Sabatoge : (

    awwww, our families are so well meaning. . . they don't know. . . poor things, they love us and just want to show us love. . . however, it is still up to us to either put the food up or eat it. . .we don't have to eat it we can put it in the freezer for "later" . . . good luck they just mean well.
  4. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Thursday

    B - 2 slices of toast and tea L - simple tuna sandwich D - don't know yet
  5. Hi again! I didn't have to do any pre surgery diet for Dr. Cavazos. . just follow his advice and do what they tell you and you'll do great. . . in the first 2 weeks i lost just over 20 lbs and in 7 weeks i lost 53lbs. . . all together 150 lbs in the first year. . . now i've gained a bit, but at least its not back to 350 lbs !!! Can you imagine! Thanks on the confidence vote! The bit of advice i do have for you is after the surgery, DONT just stay in the bed, get up no matter what pain level your at. . . walk and walk and walk. . . and of course sip sip sip your Water and popsicle they give you. . . (by the way, the water will taste awful so use the crystal lite they leave) Oh are you at Foundations hospital or NE Baptist? Good luck and your going to do fabulous. . . only a few more days!
  6. thinoneday

    Feeling yucky

    From what i heard is that this surgery does play havoc with the hormones and with depression. I never had that problem but others have. . . i'm sorry you feel badly, but it'll get better soon. . . here is a big cyber hug(((()))). . . .
  7. thinoneday

    So Discouraged

    Maybe try upping the calories to 600 or 700 (bodies don't do well on such low calories, go into starvation mode and slow the metabolism right down) and mostly dense proteins like tuna, salmon, eggs, cheese, yogurts, chicken, etc. . . try that and increase on the water. . . don't see where you mentioned you drink at least 8 cups of water. . . good luck!
  8. thinoneday


    Bless your heart, the spit thing is called sliming and that will go away. . the stomach is trying to make digestive juices but it's not working how it used to so unfortunately it comes up making you spit. . .i am 14+ months out and if i eat too much or too fast i still get that. . . the nausea is going to go away eventually, but I would call the doctor to let them know you're having a problem cause if it's recorded that is better then not calling and them wanting to know why you didn't call earlier. . . don't worry it DOES get better. . . right now your in the relearn phase and it really sucks. . . pretty soon it'll be gone and your going to be just fine! Good luck and call the doctor to let them know of your nausea. . .
  9. Thank you for adding me as a friend!

  10. thinoneday

    told my parents

    How great, it's always wonderful when our families are supportive. . . i didn't tell my mom until i was about 2 or 3 months out. . . she is a major drama queen and of course when i told her, she had me in my coffin and buried right away. . . :lol: Now at over 1 year out she thinks i'm going to regain everything back because i gained about 20 lbs over 6 months. . . she is sooo funny. . . but all i can say is be careful after 1 year out. . . what they say about weight gain IS true. . .I'm really watching now that i don't go up anymore and it's been working well. . .I don't think i'll hit my ultimate goal of 180, but that is ok! for now I am grateful I'm not 350 anymore. My hubbie is glad I'm not losing anymore he thought i was going to die too :lol: God bless our families! . . . . good luck!
  11. thinoneday


    Jussstttt waaitttt!
  12. thinoneday

    Why sugar free?

    Ultimately that choice is yours, however like it's been said a hundred time, this surgery is only a tool, it is our responsibility to use the tool to CHANGE our eating habits and make ourselves healthier. . . we think in the early stages that our eating is so little what difference would it make, which we are of course, but just wait until we're over 1 year out. . . if we haven't changed our habits and we still "think" sugary things are ok, we have a big surprise coming. . . good luck!
  13. thinoneday

    Confused newbie

    Ultimately the decision is yours to make, however, I personally would never consider the band with all it's problems and such. . .my friend had the band and is not happy with it at all, has had it for over 3 years and only lost 55 lbs. . . the RNY was not a option for me either, I don't like the idea of being re-routed with my intestine. . . so the sleeve sounded the best and because i was self pay, it was the safest for my money. . . sooooo i took that route. . . lost a bunch of weight too. . .however (yes always a however) you still have to work at your diet and weight loss strategies because this is only a restrictive tool. . . it's not a miracle thing where you don't need to do anything. . . you HAVE to watch your intake and how much of the calories you eat, you have to exercise and you have to drink fluids or else you simply gain weight. . . this will happen with all the surgeries if your not careful. . . soooooooooooo with that being said, the decision is yours. . . Good luck and may the best come to you.
  14. thinoneday

    Bad hair cut

    That is a terrible thing to happen, but thank God hair grows back !
  15. thinoneday

    Unrealistic Expectations

    Nah, don't worry about it. . .i did the same thing and the day I got back to work, this one gal came up to me and said "oh i thought you'd be skinny by now" I was out of surgery 2 weeks. . .go figure. . . she said her sister had the surgery done too. . . I asked her if her sister lost all her weight the day after surgery. . . she said no it took her a while, then i asked why she thinks i would be any different? That shut her up for a bit. . . i'm glad i told people cause now after 15 months people just leave me alone and it's like nothing ever happened. . . And you betcha, people really are idiots especially when they are inwardly jealous or just plain stupid.
  16. Hey, hello! I had Dr. Sonny Cavazos from NE Baptist, but mine was with Foundations hospital. How are you doing?
  17. thinoneday

    Aretha Franklin

    Who is arethea franklin? don't even know her. . .
  18. Hi , I live here in SA. . . had my surgery 2009 December. . . you'll do great! Good luck to you. . .welcome to the forum, . . we're a good cyber family! hear from you soon!
  19. thinoneday

    The Next Phase

    Glad to hear you got back safe and sound. . . heck girl at least you haven't gain 21 lbs like i have since last october! Your doing good. . . Miralax is excellant! Good luck losing those 3 lbs! You'll do good!
  20. How very wonderful! I'm so happy for you. . . it's darn tough but the rewards that come with this surgery is quite rewarding. . . love it! You do look really good and yes, you still have a pretty face!
  21. Yes, you are probably very right Tiff. . . i go back to the doctor on April 6, I'll be on my 3rd round of 13 weeks of Vitamin D 50,000units plus D3 everyday. . . hopefully it'll be up, cause if not then to the hospital I go!
  22. Nope, just a tough as before the sleeve, I lost 6 lbs in about 4 weeks WITH 700 -800 calories and exercise. . . now I'm stalled at the same weight for the past week. . . .oh well, I messed up so it's time to pay the piper I guess. . .
  23. may i add a couple more, . . . embarrassment profuse sweating when its cool outside Wait until you slip up a bit and gain 21 lbs like I did because of stupidity. . then having to lose it. . . want to talk about easy? It's everything but easy! Actually once you gain weight, it's just as hard to lose as if you never had the sleeve if not harder. . . .
  24. you can actually fit into a 17 inch airplane seat, cross your legs, lower the tray and armrest and shut the seatbelt with many inches to spare!
  25. lets put it this way, since October 2010 I fell off the wagon and gained about 21 lbs . . . I quit exercising and watching what i was eating all together. . . so if you think this is a miracle surgery that will take care of all your weight problems without you working with it, well you may as well forget the surgery cause it takes work and alot of it. . . I have pulled up the big girl panties now and am back into the saddle, i watch what i'm eating and how much of it, back to exercising and am back to losing, but the second time around is really tough. . . the sleeve is just a tool, like a hammer, in order to hammer a nail you have to use it to bang the nail in, the hammer isn't going to get up and do it for you . . same with the sleeve, it will work only as hard as you do . . .if you don't well, yes you will gain weight . . . good luck

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